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WWE Survivor Series: World Heavyweight Championship - The Big Show (c) VS Sheamus



This is a rematch from the Hell in a Cell ppv where Sheamus dropped the title to Show in what was a surprisingly great match.

I have a feeling that some sort of stipulation will be added to this match sometime next week. Like a Street Fight or Last Man Standing match or something along those lines.

I'm not really sure how the match ends but I won't be surprised if Sheamus regains the title from Show, especially if it's going to be some sort of gimmick match in which Sheamus can use some equalizers like chairs or kendo sticks.

There's also the question of whether or not Ziggler will attempt to cash in his MITB briefcase.
Well Ziggler didn't cash in at HIAC because he told everyone he was. And now that he's leading the traditional SS match instead of Punk and Ryback, I could see the WHC match coming on after the Foley/Ziggler match. That would definitely hint to me that Ziggler would be cashing in.

The wild card here is how long they want Show to remain champ. He's actually been pretty enjoyable since getting the belt back and his feud with Sheamus has gotten even better. So unless they want his reign to be meaningless, I would say he's going to keep it. But it's not like he hasn't been a transitional champion before... Plus Ziggler won't cash in on a heel. Plain and simple. And I definitely don't see any scenario where Sheamus wins and Zigglerdoesn't cash in.

My prediction: Seems obvious, and I know people have been saying it at EVERY PPV, but I say Sheamus wins and Ziggler finally cashes in. At least I hope so. Not because I like Ziggler. He's ok. But I just want to see if he can make it on his own finally.
I for one am ecstatic that show is the WHC! Also i think Show will retain at Survivor series against sheamus. I am surprised that these two have great chemistry together in the ring i didnt count on that at all. Definitely a surprise that they had a awesome 20 minute match at HIAC and i expect nothing less again from these two stars.

I dont want Show to be just a transitional champ though. That would be utterly pointless on WWEs part. This is the best i have seen show in quite some time. I also dont think that Ziggler will cash in on show at Survivor series. I am predicting and of course my opinion only that Ziggler will cash in at Royal Rumble.
I think Ziggler will for sure cash in the case and win the belt. The question is, who will he cash it in against? Will Sheamus win only to be blindsided by Ziggler or will Big Show retain and have Ziggler cash it in on him. I think in a little bit of a twist, Sheamus wins the belt back only to lose it to Ziggler who cashes in the case.
I would love to see a Last Man Standing match added to this as the stipulation, a stip like that would fit in perfectly at this point in their feud to prove who has the most powerful finisher.

Big Show could come out on Smackdown, acting all cocky, continuing to brag about how he beat Sheamus with the WMD for the 3 count at Hell in a Cell, but at Survivor Series he wants to prove he can beat Sheamus with it for a 10 count now, Sheamus comes out pointing out that it only took 2 WMD's to beat him and that he also nearly beat him with the Brogue Kick, and says that if he had hit him with a second Brogue Kick, he would've won instead but Show got lucky and caught him with the WMD before he could connect with the Brogue Kick and had he had more time than 3 seconds that he could've kicked out of the 2nd WMD, so he accepts his challenge for a LMS match- I dunno, I could see something like that as the setup to add in the LMS stip or they can just go another route and simply have Booker T announce he's adding in the stip at the end of a Smackdown- I don't care how they do it, just so long as they add in that stip I'll be very happy.

Come match time, have them use all the weapons and Brogue Kicks and WMD's all they want but they still get back up, and then at the end have them both knock each other out with the Brogue Kick & WMD at the same time, the ref counts em out for the 10 making this one a Draw, leaving the question of the more powerful finisher still up in the air, and then have Ziggler run out, cash in the MiTB briefcase and pin the knocked out Show to win the World Heavyweight Title. The LMS match would be a perfect opportunity to cash the MiTB briefcase in, it would definitely be better than if he had cashed in at Hell In A Cell or any other PPV before that.
I would personally like it if neither one of these guys (Show or Fella) were in the WHC picture, but I realize that's not going to happen. I will agree that Show seems rejuvanated by the title and may get a little Mark Henry 2011 magic. If they plan to keep the belt on Show for awhile, that would be fine.

If they plan to hotshot it back to Lobsterhead, I'd only be OK with that if after Sheamus wins, Show knocks him out and DZ is your new Champ.

The best thing I've read on this site lately is the news of the DZ/RKO WHC feud upcoming in 2013. That means DZ should be champ before the new year which is long overdue.

Ziggler is the most complete wrestler WWE has right now. Still needs to get just a little better on the mic and get rid of Vickie, but other then that this guy is the cream of the crop.
I could also see a stipulation added to this match such as last man standing. It would definitely fit perfectly. I am not a fan of one ppv title reigns so I am hoping Big Show retains here. He and Sheamus put on a surprising great match at HIAC, and I hope we get it from them again this time. Ziggler cashing in is another possibility, and I could see something where Sheamus wins the title only to lose it to Ziggler. I like that they held Ziggler's cashing in off a bit becasue it has added a lot more intrigue to the WHC matches. Not sure how this one will go, but I am hoping Big Show retains here.
I'm still in awe of their match at HIAC. I expected it to be boring snooze fest, but Sheamus/Show was a fantastic surprise, easily the show-stealing match of the night.

Big Show should retain here, because I see no real reason to put the title back on Sheamus. This should be a physical hard hitting match, but Show should be able to handle anything Sheamus throws at him. Sheamus' reign started out with a nice spark, but he quickly lost a lot of steam as World Heavyweight Champion. He'll probably work his way back into the title picture at some point, but I just can't picture him regaining the strap so soon.

Of course, a Ziggler cash-in is always a realistic possibility. But if it's going to happen, Survivor Series or TLC would be the best options. When Rock returns for his WWE Championship match at the Rumble and Wrestlemania storylines are put into motion shortly afterwards, nobody is going to give a shit about Ziggler winning the WHC. He'll be buried underneath a heap of more prominent storylines, and by this point, a post Wrestlemaina cash-in might be the best option.
I'll echo the sentiments of others when I say their match at Hell in a Cell was terrific. I also expect to see stipulation added to the match and I believe it will be the blowoff match to the feud.

I'd like to see a Last Man Standing or No Holds Barred Match because I think it can let the guys just have a brutal fight to end the feud. Even so, I still can't see Sheamus losing cleanly unless we see a huge spot (i.e. Chokeslam off stage or something a rather) so don't be surprised if there is an interference from Wade Barrett or another heel (Mark Henry maybe :p)

So I'm tipping Big Show to retain and head into TLC as champ. I think Sheamus will move into a feud for TLC with, hopefully, Wade Barrett. Than at TLC, I think Show will face Orton in a Chairs Match and the winner will be cashed in on by Dolph Ziggler.
Their match at HIAC was surprisingly good and very underrated. They made PunkvsRyback look bad.

Sheamus is good brawler, but he failed with his character. He should be more like an Lesnar/Orton type instead of trying to be like Cena. I'd like to see him stay more serious and drop the lame comedy.

I'm still kind of indifferent to Big Show as champ. I was hoping for Orton to do a heel turn on Sheamus to become champ. Maybe, they are saving Orton's heel turn for Wrestlemania...
I think Big Show will retain, if only for the fact that Sheamus has already been champion longer than I ever imagined he'd be. For that matter, I don't read too many folks on this forum clamoring to have him back on top so quickly.

With Big Show, it's always hard to tell. We've never seen him as a long-term solution to the title picture, have we? He's been a transition champ, at best. He's a fine talker for a big man, which is always a good factor toward extending a run at the top, yet he's got so much size that he can never be seen as an underdog, a person who'll be at a disadvantage in a contest, which is a factor that often makes championship matches so exciting. Who roots for Goliath?

Sheamus' run as a face and as a champion has been better than I ever would have imagined. When his heel character was first established, I remember thinking he was a guy who could never be a face......and I was totally wrong.

But even as Big Show is going to be a betting favorite in every match he's in, Sheamus has the size to at least match up well with him. I'm more interested in their feud than I ever figured to be. If it weren't for the fact that Sheamus has already had a long title run.....and that the company has mentioned Show's last 45-second transition run so many times that they might want to keep him on top longer to make it up to him.....I might have chosen Sheamus to win. But those factors do exist, so I'm picking Show.
I think Sheamus will win this match, but not the title. I think Show will get intentionally disqualified or counted out.

The reason I think this is because Big Show is only going to hold the championship till they want Ziggler to win it and I don't expect a cash in at Survivor Series. They can't have him beat Sheamus cleanly again, otherwise he has no-one to feud with at TLC, which I expect Ziggler to cash in then, and I also expect Ziggler to cash in on a face (Sheamus regains title).

My opinion is WWE want to wait the whole year so to speak, they're continually bringing up The Big Show 45 second title reign (usually referenced by Sheamus), so at the year anniversary of this at TLC, Big Show will face Sheamus in a chairs match or something, Sheamus will win, Big Show instantly knocks him out, and Ziggler cashes in, Sheamus has a shorter reign than 45 seconds and it will be used to fuel more of a rivalry between Sheamus and Big Show as I see them feuding until about Wrestlemania.
So is it just me or does anyone see a heel turn from William Regal coming in this match? By inserting Regal into the feud, I thought the WWE would turn the match at Survivor Series into a Triple Threat for the World Title, but since nothing of the sort has happened and he's just been Show's whipping boy for the last week, I'm now convinced that they've put him in there to turn heel on Sheamus in the match and help Show retain the belt. I dunno what his reason behind it could be, maybe it could be that he now finds Big Show as a better champion than Sheamus and he wants it to stay that way, or maybe Regal and Show were in cahoots all along. I might be wrong, but I certainly wouldn't mind seeing Regal turn heel and start up a feud with Sheamus, with them facing off at TLC, even though it would be predictable that Sheamus would beat Regal, but Regal vs. Sheamus would be a good physical match and it would still be worth seeing whether it's predictable or not. If not at TLC, then they could face off on Smackdown instead, and Sheamus could face Show once again at TLC in a Chairs match or Tables match.
I see this going one of two ways: Either Show wins, and it's done; or Show wins, and Ziggles finally cashes in and wins it. I don't want to see Sheamus win it back, regardless of whether or not Dolph cashes in, simply because his character is a massive shitbomb. I would like to see Show hold it a bit longer, but I wouldn't be upset if Ziggles finally wins the big one.
Another brawling match that I guess I am okay with. Nothing to fancy. I have to agree that a stimulation needs to be added. None better than a Last Man Standing match for this match up. Sheamus had a nice run, and I don't think he is getting it back just yet. Show can continue his reign for all I care. I lost most interest in SD anyways.

IHW's Prediction-
Big Show retains.
Can't say I really care about this match at all. Sheamus winning back the belt already would be really pointless but Show is only the champ as a "thanks for years of being a joke and for being okay with the 45 second run last year." so do they give him the win here to keep it going or does Sheamus win? If Sheamus wins I see Ziggler cashing in after Show knocks out Sheamus, I'll guess Show wins.
I'm not interested in this match. I wasn't looking forward to their last match, which was better than I thought it would be, and highly doubt they will be able to top it this time around. Big Show sucks as champion. He's boring to begin with and him trying to act all serious just makes it even worse. I have not enjoyed his character at all since he turned heel this summer in the first place. I'd rather he have stayed face, honestly. The bigger question is if Ziggler will cash in his Money In the Bank. I don't see that happening just yet. Show retains and moves on to his next challenger. Sheamus moves on to new feuds after putting up a strong fight here, but I think he will end up losing. I'd not be against a Sheamus win as I would much rather he have remained World Heavyweight Champion, it's just that I don't think it will happen. They gave Big Show the belt so they might as well let him have a decent run with it. This will likely go on toward the end of the evening but not last.

Big Show retains the World Heavyweight Championship.
Ziggler does not cash-in.
I have been wanting this feud for a long time and finally got it. However, I give WWE, Sheamus, and Big Show props for overcoming the odds of it being stale or boring because they have built it up in a great way. I think it will be another excellent match and I am stuck on who is going to win.

I could see Sheamus winning and Ziggler not cashing in. Big Show had his World Title reign that lasted longer than forty-five seconds.

I could see Big Show winning and Ziggler not cashing in. This is the best option to go for right. The feud could continue with Big Show saying, Sheamus will never beat him. This gets to Sheamus as he even starts to doubt himself later on. Sheamus loses to Big Show in a tables match at TLC. The Rumble comes around and they could go with the Last Man Standing Match to blow the feud off. If Sheamus loses, he doesn't get another shot until Big Show drops the title. Sheamus picks up the win, feud is over. Sheamus finally wins his title back but then Ziggler cashes in at the Rumble, after a grueling Last Man Standing Match!

I could see Sheamus getting the win and Ziggler cashing in. Sure, it's a big possibility, but I don't want it to happen. I love Ziggler, and would love a World Title on him. However, this is not the time. If Sheamus wins and Ziggler cashes in, sure there will be a Sheamus/Ziggler feud, but Big Show is left out of the World Title picture after being built up as a dominant Champion. The Sheamus/Show feud needs to continue and a triple threat match with Ziggler wouldn't be much of a World Title match.

So why doesn't WWE go with option two? Continue the Sheamus/Show feud, ending in a Last Man Standing Match at the Royal Rumble. Sheamus finally regains his title and everyone is so happy.... UNTIL Ziggler cashes in and takes the belt away!

As for who wins the match at Survivor Series, I see the perfect feud built up, like I explained, but I am unsure what WWE will do with this sitiuation.

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