WWE Superstars aftermath and review thread

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
I have been honored with doing the first review of WWE Superstars and I plan to do one for every episode that I am able to watch so here we go.

1. Undertaker vs. Matt Hardy- I thought it was great for Undertaker to start the show as he is considered the "quintessential superstar." Undertaker got his usual offense in and Hardy worked on Taker's neck for a little while but never seemed to get much offense in. Hardy stood outside the ring to get deliberately counted out and J.R. called him a coward. Jeff comes out to beat up on Matt, and Matt gets back into the ring where he receives a chokeslam from Taker.

Grade: B+

2. Christian vs. Finlay- I believe this match could have been better if it was the main-event on ECW next week or given more time tonight. It seemed rushed and felt like more time was saved for Rhodes/McMahon. Back-and forth action throughout the match and Christian hits the Kill Switch for the win and the chance to face Swagger for the ECW Title at Backlash. Finlay shakes his hand afterwards and that's when I thought Finlay would turn heel but there are enough heels on ECW as it is.

Grade: B-

3. Cody Rhodes vs. Shane McMahon- Shane wanted to get retribution on Orton for everything he's done and figures that without Rhodes and DiBiase, Orton wouldn't have been able to do the things he did. Cody is getting better each and every time in the ring and while Shane is not known for his wrestling ability, he did his job well. Rhodes brought a steel chair into the ring and the referree took it away. Shane started getting some punches in and used the steel chair and was disqualified. A few more chair shots and then the customary coast to coast on Rhodes. Rhodes sold it real well as it seemed that only one of Shane's feet connected with the trash can.

Grade: B+

Overall, I give the first episode of Superstars a solid B. I supposed this show will just be for wrestling purposes and not much mic time will be involved. It can be used to further mid-card storylines that RAW or Smackdown don't have the time to cover. I was impressed and I am looking forward to see next week's episode and how they can improve.
I was impressed too. I was thinking this might be like Velocity and Heat. But appearantly they're using it in a more important way. Solid in ring action. And I like good old exhibition matches like Hardy/Taker. Reminds me of early-mid 90s. I thought Finlay/Christian would be the last match though. Seeing as it had the most riding on it.
I was suprised as well that superstars didn't competely suck. In fact it was pretty good. I was really delightfully suprised.:)
Anybody know when these matches were taped, because the crowd seemed completely out of it? I liked that the show focused on ring action and wasn't just a highlight show of recent events. I just hope in the future we get to see wrestlers we don't see on a regular basis like Noble, Ziggler, Kendricks, Hass etc on this show.
Superstars apparently is going to focus on just wrestling. We had a brief promo of the main event at Backlash before Shane vs Cody; we had Undertaker vs Matt Hardy and Finlay vs Christian for the #1 contender for the ECW Title. I don't mind the show, a wrestling show with a focus on wrestling. I think it will last. It will be a show to showcase matches and develop storylines just a little.
Don't they have enough shows? And whatever happened to Saturday Nights Main Event? They should make Superstars their third brand or their "white show". Remember the "red, white and blue" colored ring ropes? RAW is red. Smackdown is blue. Now, they need a "white show". I'm not digging the silver show ECW. Why silver?
I enjoyed it...I thought that the match order should have been different but I enjoyed the entire program. I hope to see more mid card talent on this show and to further a couple story lines like they did with the last two matches...
Well the show was good, I also was thinking about a second version of Heat.

Now if you think about it with all the Changes at MynetworkTV probably they want a good show to have somewhere else to fall on in case the network goes down.

I mean they had a No. 1 Contender's match there and not second rated stars or local jobbers. Actually it was a cool show.
yeh i was realy suprised at how entertaining superstars was, i like taker vs matt hardy and wanted to see that match for some time now finlay vs christian was ok it got the point across, shane vs rhodes was also good aswell tho i did wanna see shane get beeten
It's all well and good having a Matt Hardy vs. Undertaker match this week, but will WWE keep it up? Heat started off with The Rock & Austin on the show. By the end it was Shad vs. Charlie Haas. If it's going to be filmed at the same time as Raw or Smackdown each week then they really need to make sure they have at least on big name each week. I'd also suggest a weekly title match.
Well I didn't see it obviously (don't have the necessary channels to watch most of WWE here in Austria), but from what I read, it looks quite interesting... it might actually be a good idea, from the sound of it, it does remind me a bit of the old "WWF Superstars" they had before RAW went on the air (or did they actually have that afterwards as well, I can't remember?).

I guess it really depends now in how far they can keep up the level of star power, just as Jake has pointed out... I mean, we probably don't need to see HHH, Batista, Cena and Orton taking up all the time on Superstars as well, since they own RAW anyway, but they should at least have one high-profile confrontation on each show. At the very least, they could definitely go with more US or IC title defenses (also a very good idea), since maybe that could get people involved into the mid-card scene as well... plus, it might be possible to provide some much-needed credibility and spotlight-time again for the midcard titles.
Ok, I haven't seen the show living in the UK so I don't know if I can get it...might just have to youtube it! But from what I've heard they put 'Taker and Hardy on first which was a great idea imo as it allowed someone like Cody Rhodes to be in the main event. Now I haven't seen the match with Rhodes v Shane but I hear it was decent and so if 'Superstars' means guys like Cody will get in a match or two rather than being stuck to Orton's side all the time then I am for it. This could be another ECW-type show to build people up. Plus, if WWE stick to the formula of having some big names on the show then this one hour program could be a legit success while putting new people over at the same time. I hope the UK does get this show because I like the spontaneity of it....
I'd be surprised if you see those talents on this show again, especially, taker, and shane. I think this was the kick off show and showed more of the upper card while normally i think your going to see the kendricks, zigglers, and mid cards of the company
The last two matches, Finlay vs Christian and Shane vs Cody, were taped between ECW and Smackdown April 14 in Knoxville. The crowd was pretty excited going into the thing, but I think after seeing the Triple Threat match between Finlay, Christian, and Dreamer, the crowd had gotten their ECW fix. I understand why they taped this match out of sequence (Shane and Cody had just finished up), but some good mic work could have brought the crowd back into the angle. Also, it was weird watching the matches without hearing the commentary, as this was my first live event. The Christian/Finlay match was pretty good, some reworking of the Triple Threat in terms of their move sets, but still helped to put Christian in the spot he needs to be in. The Shane/Cody match was entertaining; I didn't expect the DQ for Shane-O-Mac, but the beat down afterwards was great. The drunk 50 year old lady in front of me kept shouting his name, and it was hilarious! All in all a good show. It felt nice to be attending a first in the WWE.
i personally think, based on this show, Superstars is going to be used primarily for matches and feuds they don't have time for on their main shows. After all, not everybody gets WGN (i get it at home but not at college). Think about it. Undertaker v. Matt Hardy.....a good match but not much for storyline purposes. Christian v. Finley......perhaps they need more time to get to the primary feud on ECW. Cody Rhodes v. Shane McMahon.......fine for a B show, but did anybody wanna see this main event Raw? No.
SMFH at WWE saying the first ever episode of Superstars! lol wow Vince must think the fans are stupid or have amnesia!:weird:
This show should help promote more IC, and US title defenses. Maybe even add the tag team titles in the mix. You shouldn't expect to see these top stars too often. Guys like Morrison, Christian, Mysterio, Punk, Matt Hardy, Helms etc.. should be who we see most often.
WWE Superstars Review- April 23, 2009

1. Kane & Big Show defeats C.M. Punk and Rey Mysterio- This was you standard David vs. Goliath match times two. Show and Kane dominate with their power and Mysterio makes the hot tag to Punk. Punk gets a few moves in on Kane and is distracted by Big Show while going to the top rope and that allows Kane to hit the chokeslam for the pin.

Grade: C- It was an okay match. It was what it was supposed to be for an opening match.

2. Finlay and Hornswoggle defeats Tyson Kidd and Natalya
- It seemed this match was made as a result of Hornswoggle defeating Natalya on ECW Tuesday night. The match seemed like it was two minutes long. I don't recall any offense Kidd got in and Finlay used his shilleagh while the referee was distracted and Hornswoggle pins Kidd with the Tadpole Splash. Afterwards, Finlay sings "Irish Eyes Are Smiling" as a farewell to Hornswoggle since he is moving to RAW.

Grade: D- Natalya looking fine as usual was the only reason that I don't give this a F. Looks like ECW has gotten the short end of the Superstars stick for the first two weeks.

3. Edge defeats Kofi Kingston
- This main-event was better than last week's as Edge makes Kofi look good like Cena did Swagger last week. Edge goes for the spear and misses and Kofi hits Trouble In Paradise but Edge rolls out of the ring. A Sharpshooter is attempted but unsucessful. Close pinfalls throughout the match and Kofi gets caught with a spear and Edge picks up the win.

Grade: A- Both guys looked good in this match. Kofi wasn't made to look considerably weaker than Edge and it made Edge look strong going into his Last Man Standing Match against Cena.

Overall Grade: B- This episode was a little weaker than last week's and Cena's promo was great and really displayed what his rivalry with Edge was all about. I don't see the point with all six announcers being on Superstars but that's something that I will have to deal with.
This weeks Main Event may not have had a main event superstar competing, but Ted versus Carlito was pretty good. This show is a good idea as it gives people like Legacy the chance to establish themselves as singles stars in decent length matches without taking up time on RAW.

I am also a fan of the idea mentioned earlier to have a weekly title match. I remember watching Sunday night heat when I was young, and Dean Malenko used to defend his lightweight title on that show quite a lot, the tag titles were sometimes defended and occasionally the European one. It would allow the mid carders to flourish more without taking time away from the Main eventers.

I am fully expecting Legacy to become a weekly fixture on this show, as either a tag team or singles matches, and would also like to see people like R-Truth given a 10 minute match to see how he does.

As for this week, Ted impressed me a lot and is showing he can work a good match if given the chance to. Him going cleanly over other midcarders makes it more believable that he can be in the ring with Batista and HHH.
Superstars not getting a lot of love then? No reviews in a while and the ratings are going down. I'm still a fan of this show, granted I watch it on dailymotion when I feel like it instead of watching in the proper time slot. Last weeks was another good effort. It gets wrestling matches on tv so I don't see the problem with it.

Cena against Ted was a good match up that again had Ted having a decent showing with the main event talent but coming up short. Ted gave Cena enough problems to be credible and Cena got the victory that was needed, as well as using submission to finish the match in preparation for Extreme Rules.

We got the tag champs in tag team action, which is a nice change, against WGTT, a good addition to the tag division. It was a solid match, and has opened a Cryme Tyme/WGTT feud, which could be good. And we had Swagger warm up for the triple threat match with a win over Finlay making him look a threat before his inevitable defeat. Not a bad show.
Superstars has completely died in popularity hasn't it? Ah well. This week's main event was a great match. Jericho is making everyone on Smackdown look top class. Morrison has reason to be in the main event now, he took what Jericho had and gave it back some before being screwed. Once the Rey feud is over and done with, this is a logical choice for a Jericho feud. Morrison as an IC champ would be good somewhere down the line.

Evan bourne and Zach Ryder had a decent match. Bourne is much better off feuding with people similar build to him than Henry. The Henry one is doing nothing for either of them. I'm still liking superstars though. Seeing these long matches on three shows is a great thing.
Lol, this thread could seriously use a little love. So here comes.

Morrison and Jericho was frickin awesome, both these incredible athletes and great wrestlers showing just how good they. Just loved the Lionsault being countered with the chuck kick: also loved the ending: Jericho winning with a holding-the-tights rollup: looking strong and evil while at the same time putting Morrison over as a legit threat after a back-and-forth match. Just what the show is for, and hats off to creative, who seem to have re-discovered how to push midcarders properly after a disaster with Punk last year. JoMo, in the words of JR, is a main event waiting to happen, particularly now since the crowd are WELL into his face turn. Particularly the chicks.

Bourne and Ryder was almost as good. Ok, not sure about Ryder's look. It's a little too obviously playing off the success of the Miz and his ******** character. Hope he cuts some "my Woo is better than Ric Flair's Woo" promos soon, that could be great. That said, I always thought the Edgeheads had talent, and Ryder showcased it here. That was a SWEET flipping suplex, and a couple of other moves looked highly impactful - not to mention innovative. The match worked well with great psychology from Ryder working over Bourne's ribs, who in his turn was his usual brilliant self, selling well. It's amazing how tricky the stuff this kid does is, and what's more, does he ever botch? The crowd are thoroughly behind him even though he's not been pushed for the ECW championship recently.

Here's to hoping Ryder gets some wins soon. His in-ring work was enormously impressive, and the character is getting some heat. Time for him to start going over people like Finlay, methinks.
I aggree with the the mix of lower card and a high profile match mix superstars is providing as being the best format for the show.

I honestly like ECW and Superstars right now better then Raw and Smackdown at times.

Even though ECW has some promos, they have to be kept somewhat shorter, because they only have an hour to work in.

Heck, Jericho and Edge have both cut in ring promos before their matches the last few weeks, and it certianly isn't hurting the show.

I honestly like ECW and Superstars right now better then Raw and Smackdown at times.


I agree.

Superstars is a great show. It gives guys like Zack Ryder and Santino a televised match a week to keep them meaningful.

In the past a guy like Zack Ryder, who WWE is trying to build up, might have made a tv appearance once maybe twice a month on his brand. Now not only does it make it harder for him to get over with limited tv time a month, but some fans forget about him due to never seeing him. After a while he becomes meaningless even when he does make an appearance. Now with Superstars he'll make one or two more appearances a month,he stays in the public eye and it gives him a better chance to get over.

Superstars is also cool because top guys like Edge and Punk are fighting on it so it's not just a pure nobody show like WWF Metal was back in the day.

I'm at the point right now where I look forward to ECW and Superstars a lot more than Raw. Maybe it's because it's not the same old stuff over and over. Maybe it's because both Superstars and ECW are 1 hr shows which means less filler in between matches. Whatever the reason, that's how I feel. Raw's at the bottom of the pile for me at the moment.

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