WWE: Summerslam to Survivor Series


Occasional Pre-Show
Howdy guys. I'm booking my version of the WWE starting with the Summerslam ppv, and I hope to run through Survivor Series, and possibly longer, should feedback warrant it. I will be using the current roster, with albeit minor changes, though initially they will be the same.


The Miz
David Hart Smith
Tyson Kidd
Chris Jericho
Darren Young
David Otunga
Evan Bourne
Ezekiel Jackson
Heath Slater
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
John Cena
John Morrison
Justin Gabriel
Mark Henry
Michael Tarver
Randy Orton
Ranjin Singh
Santino Marella
The Great Khali
Triple H
Vladimir Koslov
Wade Barret
William Regal
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder
Alicia Fox
Brie Bella
Gail Kim
Nikki Bella


Dolph Ziggler
Big Show
Caylen Croft
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Masters
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Curt Hawkins
Drew McIntyre
Jack Swagger
Joey Mercury
Kofi Kingston
Luke Gallows
Matt Hardy
Rey Mysterio
Trent Barreta
Tyler Reks
Vance Archer
Beth Phoenix
Kelly Kelly
Michelle McCool
Rosa Mendes


Alex Riley w/ The Miz
Eli Cottonwood w/ John Morrison
Husky Harris w/ Cody Rhodes
Kaval w/ LayCool
Lucky Cannon w/ Mark Henry
Michael McGillicutty w/ Kofi Kingston
Percy Watson w/ MVP
Titus O'Neil w/ Zack Ryder

Big Show vs. the Straight Edge Society – 3-on-1 Handicap Match
Layla vs. Kelly Kelly – WWE Women’s Championship
Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston – Intercontinental Championship
Alicia Fox vs. Melina – WWE Diva’s Championship
Kane vs. Rey Mysterio – World Heavyweight Championship
Sheamus vs. Randy Orton – WWE Championship
Team WWE vs. the Nexus – 7-on-7 Elimination Tag Match

Summerslam opens with a video package set to Jet’s “Rip It Up” detailing the events on Smackdown and Raw that have occurred over the summer and led to tonight’s event.

Cole:“Hello, everyone, and welcome to SUMMERSLAM! I’m Michael Cole and here with me are Jerry “The King” Lawler and Matt Stryker. Tonight, Raw’s half of the show promises that will help make this the biggest blockbuster of the summer.”

Lawler: “That’s right, Michael. Tonight, we get to see Melina and Alicia Fox go one on one for the WWE Diva’s Championship.”

Cole: “And let’s not forget that we will see the Nexus face off against John Cena’s army. Will this be the end of the Nexus’ invasion? Also tonight, Randy Orton will face Sheamus for the WWE Championship. Matt?”

Stryker: “Thanks, Michael. Tonight, we’ll see the Big Show face off against the Straight Edge Society in a 3-on-1 Handicap match. Will the Big Show be able to overcome the odds, or will the Straight Edge Society stand tall over the giant? Also, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy this King, we’ll see Kelly Kelly face off against Layla for the WWE Women’s Championship.”

King: “Oh, I love Kelly Kelly!”

Stryker: “We are also proud to present the World Heavyweight Championship match between Kane and Rey Mysterio. All summer, the Big Red Machine has been searching for the man who attacked the Undertaker. Now, he and Rey have been trading accusations back and forth. Will the Devil’s Favorite Demon defeat the Master of the 619? We’ll find out tonight.”

Cole: “It sounds like you’ve had a pretty interesting summer over on Smackdown, Matt.”

Stryker: “That’s right, Michael, but tonight, we get to see competitor’s from both brands compete in a match that was announced earlier today on WWE.com. Tonight, Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer take on the Hart Dynasty. If they win, then they will have earned themselves a shot at the Unified Tag Team Titles at Night of Champions, and that match starts right now.”

Hawkins and Archer enter to loud booing from the crowd. After they enter the ring, they each outline the future gold around their waists. This elicits an even stronger reaction from the crowd, but the team laughs it off.

Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith are escorted to the ring by Natalya and Bret Hart. The Hart Dynasty seems to be doing better after their attack last Monday, but Natalya seems to be concerned about their match so soon after their beat-down at the hands of Barret and his cronies. As Smith and Kidd climb into the ring, Bret comforts his niece, no doubt telling her they will be fine, though we cannot hear exactly what he is saying. He looks confident, though, as do the two younger members of the Dynasty as they await the bell.

Cole: “Tonight, Bret will help John Cena and five other Raw superstars against the Nexus, but it looks like he also wants to show his support for the next generation in prestigious Hart Family, who last Monday were attacked by the Nexus. Bret’s match later tonight will have even more importance following the attack on his family, but right now, the Hart Dynasty looks to show that they are unphased by the Nexus’ assault.”

Hart Dynasty vs. Gate Crashers - Title Shot at Night of Champions on the line

Tyson and Hawkins start out and practice a fast paced style for about five minutes until Hawkins tags Archer in. Archer dominates Tyson for a few minutes until Kidd makes it to Smith, who exchange blows before each gets a power move in. Smith goes for the pin on Archer, but Hawkins breaks it up. Kidd runs in and takes out Hawkins, who ends up on the outside of the ring. This allows for the Hart Attack and the pin on Archer.

Winners: The Hart Dynasty via pinfall

Lawler: “That looks like a point for Raw, Matt.”

Stryker: “No doubt, King, but there are other teams on Smackdown itching for the chance to hold gold. Perhaps we’ll see one of them at Night of Champions.”

Natalya climbs into the ring to celebrate with her Kidd and Smith, while Bret makes his way to the steps. However, as he’s heading over there, he get’s taken out with a chop block by Heath Slater from out of nowhere. The Dynasty notices, but Skip Sheffield, Darren Young, Michael Tarver, and David Otunga are climbing over the barricades on the opposite side of the ring. Smith and Kidd attack as they enter the ring, while Natalya looks on in fear. By this time, Justin Gabriel has joined Slater in the beating on Bret, while Wade Barret calmly climbs over the barricade and walks over to the announce table where he picks up a microphone. Smith and Kidd have succumbed to the beating by the Nexus on the inside of the ring, while the same fate has befallen Bret on the outside.

Barret: “If there’s one thing I will never understand about you ‘superstars’, it is why you leave yourselves open to attack. That is why the Nexus is superior. We have been one hundred percent united from the beginning. Cena, your team has been fighting amongst themselves since you got them together. Tonight, you will fall, one by one, and the Nexus will stand above you, because you’re either Nexus, or you’re against us.”

Barret drops the microphone and climbs into the ring. He lifts Smith up and hits the Wasteland. Gabriel climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and hits the 450 splash on Kidd. The Nexus calmly exits through the crowd as Natalya look undecided on who warrants the most attention at this point.

The announcers are quite as we cut backstage. Cena has been watching the events backstage with a look of regretful acceptance. He bows his head and slowly shakes it, as the camera zooms in. A hand is laid on his shoulder, and the camera zooms out to show a determined looking Evan Bourne. Cena looks a bit more hopeful, despite the odds against him.


Cole: “Well, ladies and gentlemen, I’m sorry you had to see that disturbing attack on the Hart Dynasty and WWE Hall of Famer Bret “The Hitman” Hart. However, we have another match to bring you, as the Big Show will face the Straight Edge Society next.”

We get a video package of the events of the past few weeks, with Big Show unmasking Joey Mercury and CM Punk. We see the SES brutally attacking Show and Punk stepping on his hand as it lies on the steel steps while Gallows and Mercury hold the Big Show still. The final scene as the video fades to black is the Show closing his eyes in agony, Mercury’s arm tight around his neck.

Big Show enters first, smiling and looking confident. He displays his large hands, pantomiming the Chokeslam and the Knockout Punch. The crowd is solidly behind him, and despite the odds against him, Show looks sure that he will emerge victorious.

As the Straight Edge Society comes out, Punk looks angry, while Mercury and Gallows look unsure of themselves, as if they are afraid of disappointing their leader. Serena is behind them, attempting, it seems, to avoid arousing the ire of Punk.

Big Show vs. SES – 3-on-1 Handicap Match

While they may have looked weak during their entrance, once the bell rings, the three male Society members are all business, looking determined as they circle show. The two on his sides distract him while a third will attempt to take him out from behind. Show predicts their attacks well though, and on the second charge by Mercury, Show delivers a mighty blow to the Straight Edge disciple. He rolls out of the ring and Gallows and Punk are left alone with Show.

Punk and Gallows are on opposite sides of the Big Show. Punk is backing away when Gallows runs at Show, who catches him in a black hole slam. Show starts to move toward Punk now, who looks worried. Serena quickly enters the ring and throws himself in front of her savior. Show's only reaction is to grab her by the throat and lift her into the air. He holds her high as Punk looks on, knowing that his last safeguard is gone. Suddenly, Serena falls to the ground, as Mercury low blows Big Show from behind. Show falls to his knees first before completely hitting the mat. Serena quickly exits the ring, shocked at what could have just occurred to her.

With Show on the mat, stomps rain in, several making contact with his injured hand. As Cole and Stryker remind us that by its very nature the handicap match is no-disqualification, Serena climbs into the ring with a chair and hands it to Punk, who smacks Big Show’s back with it. He takes the chair and sandwiches it around Show’s arm before stepping on it violently. He walks to the turnbuckle as Mercury and Gallows trade stomps on the chair. Show is crying out in pain as Punk walks back over and removes the chair. Raising it high over his head he slams it down on Show who is attempting to crawl away now, despite kicks from Gallows and Mercury. A second slam to Shows skull and Big Show is now lying motionless. Punk sends Mercury to fetch him a microphone as Gallows rolls Show onto his back so Punk can get the pin. 1…2…3!

Winners: The Straight Edge Society via pinfall

Show is still unconscious as Punk takes the microphone from Mercury.

Punk: "You people, no, you…addicts…have been so sedated by your medications, your needles, that you have failed to give us the respect that we deserve. I could almost understand that though. To be fair, my followers have been lax in their performances. Listen to me as I tell you that your savior is coming. Right now…you drift through your pathetic lives, inebriated, sedated, medicated by doctors and dealers. But, I tell you now, look through the haze of your cigarettes and pipes, and you will see a new Society. We've been lax in our efforts, I have been lax in my efforts, but you I will not fail you people. As of now, the Straight Edge Society is going to reform Smackdown. Serena! Lead my people in their pledge."

Serena raises her hand and recites the original pledge they took when they joined the Straight Edge Society, looking at Punk with adoration. Gallows and Mercury, on their knees, hands raised, recite after her. Punk listens with eyes closed, a look of satisfied tranquility on his face.

Stryker: “Two matches in and two very disturbing endings, Michael Cole. Let’s hope that this streak ends in our next match.”

Cole: “I second that, Matt. Two proud, dominant Divas are up next as they fight for the WWE Diva’s Championship. Alicia Fox has been on a role lately, looking to prove that her win at Fatal 4-Way was more than a fluke. However, Melina has made a dominant return in the past two weeks, coming back from injury after relinquishing the title in January due to injury. Alicia’s luck may not hold up here at Summerslam. Your thoughts, King?”

King: “Michael, regardless of the outcome of this match, we all win when the Divas have a match. Melina’s definitely made an impact since she returned, and it looks like tonight may be her night.”


Video package of Melina’s return and subsequent win over Fox this past week.

When we return to the ring, Melina is already in the ring, looking confident.

Alicia Fox comes out, holding the title tight to her and looking smugly at Melina.

Alicia Fox vs Melina – WWE Diva’s Championship

Standard Diva’s match, though Melina and Fox are given more time than usual and Melina is able to carry Fox to a passable match. Fox is allowed to get in a surprising amount of offense, but it is clear that Melina is just toying with her. After Fox attempts to go for the Scissors Kick, Melina kicks it into high gear and wins in short order.

Winner and NEW WWE Women’s Champion: Melina via pinfall

Melina celebrates in the ring, now. The crowd gives her the appreciation she deserves after coming back from injury to regain the championship she never lost.


Backstage, the Miz walks up the Cena, looking smug. Bourne, who is standing next to Cena, looks annoyed, while Cena looks merely unimpressed.

Miz: “Well, John, what can I say? You need me. RAW needs me. The Nexus is one enemy that even the mighty John Cena can’t handle. Besides, if you’re resorting to asking Evan Bourne for help, then it’s obvious you need my help, and let’s face it, you do need my help…Because I’m the MIZ…and I’m-”

Cena: “Not needed anymore. I understand you’re only coming here because you feel needed, Miz, but it’s alright. We’ve found someone better. And he didn’t need me to ask him for help. The only incentive he needed to join us was match against you tomorrow night, for the United States Title.”

Cena and Bourne walk off, leaving the Miz looking speechless a moment, before whispering to himself:

Miz: “Awesome…”


Cole: “Looks like we have a United States title match to look forward to tomorrow night, King.”

King: “It sure does, Michael, and the Miz always gives us an exciting match, so I can’t wait.”

Stryker: “Well, I’ll definitely be tuning in tomorrow night. However, tonight we have an Intercontinental Title match between Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston. Ziggler relieved Kofi of the title just a few weeks ago, but a new, more intense Kofi Kingston has emerged since then. Will Kofi reclaim his title, or will Dolph be able to maintain his reign?”

Kofi storms to the ring, embodying his new intense character. He seems frantic as he keeps looking toward the stage, motioning for Dolph to come out and meet him. The crowd is fervently behind Kofi, seeming to appreciate the new intensity that he carries himself with.

Dolph Ziggler enters the arena, escorted by his girlfriend, Vickie Guerrero. They stop at the top of the ramp, though, instead of making their way to the ring, and it seems Vickie has a microphone. Dolph looks pleased as he anticipates her announcement.

Vickie: “Excuse me! I said EXCUSE ME!” The crowd only heats up more, but Vickie makes herself heard. “As the official consultant for the Smackdown brand, I have spoken with the WWE Board of Directors, and they have agreed that after Kofi Kingston’s despicable attacks on Dolph Ziggler over the past few weeks, tonight’s match will be no-disqualification.”

Dolph nods agreeably, as does Kofi. He beckons for Dolph, who renews his walk to the ring as he and Vickie are showered in hate.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston – Intercontinental Championship Match

Kofi starts off with a clothesline to Ziggler, who rolls out of the ring. Kofi is having none of that and vaults over the ropes, delivering a crossbody to Ziggler. Vickie rushes over and begins hitting Kofi, but one glare from Kofi and she backs off quickly. However, Ziggler has retrieved a chair from under the ring and as Kofi turns to face Dolph, Ziggler swings the chair. Kofi ducks and as Dolph is carried past him by the momentum of the swing, Kofi dropkicks him into the steel steps. Kofi walks toward Dolph, but he is ambush by Chavo Guerrero. Chavo has a chair, but Kofi slides into the ring, retaking the high ground. Chavo looks unsure whether to follow, but at Vickie’s urging, he cautiously mounts the steps. As he enters the ring, Kofi charges and begins pummeling the Mexican warrior. An Irish whip sends him into the turnbuckle. Full body splash from Kofi sandwiches Chavo between the ring post and Kingston. Chavo hits the mat as Kofi backs off. Chavo is now looking up at the lights. Kofi climbs the turnbuckle and begins his wiggling around. Boom Drop from the third rope and Chavo is out. Kofi stands up, acknowledging the applause from the crowd. Surprise Zig-Zag from Dolph. Dolph wastes no time trying for the pin, but instead locks in the sleeper hold. Kofi fights valiantly, but Dolph is stronger and Kofi begins to fade. Kofi refuses to tap out though, but the referee calls the match after it is clear that Kofi can no longer respond to the ref’s questions.

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Dolph Ziggler, via sleeper hold

Dolph and Vickie celebrate before helping a groggy Chavo to his feet. As the three head up the ramp, Chavo is clearly in pain, but Vickie and Dolph seem quite pleased with themselves. As they near the top of the ramp, two refs are now checking on Kofi, who is now starting to wake up.

Cole: “If there’s one thing I’m glad I don’t have to deal with on Raw, it is most definitely the power plays of Vickie Guerrero, Matt.”

Stryker: “How can you say that, Michael? She’s not abusing her power; she’s merely looking out for her man. This is love, Michael Cole. Vickie is a beautiful, intelligent woman who protects her loved ones. Besides, how can you question her authority?”

Cole: “Well, for one, she’s only the Consultant for Smackdown, not the General Manager. Second, this is clear nepotism if ever I saw it. Let’s move onto the next match, shall we?”

Stryker: “Tonight we decide the fate of the World Heavyweight Championship. As we told you at the top of the show, the Big Red Monster and the Ultimate Underdog are set face each other. These two have been trading accusations for a couple weeks now, and maybe tonight we will find out the truth of the matter.”


We see a video package of Kane’s reign of terror on Smackdown as he searches for his brother’s assailant. The video then shows the progression from the Money in the Bank pay-per-view as Kane cashes in on Rey Mysterio and later accuses him of attacking the Undertaker, only to be counter-accused by Rey.

We come back to see Rey already making his entrance. They crowd, as always, are solidly behind him. Rey makes the sign of the cross, but he doesn’t look scared.

Kane enters looking angry and determined. He wheels a black casket down the ramp. As it comes to rest next to the ring, Kane kneels before it, clearly dedicating this match to his brother, the Undertaker. Rey looks on, both disgusted and disturbed by what he is seeing. As Kane gets to his feet, he unbuckles the World Heavyweight Champions ship and lays the big gold belt on top of the casket.

Kane vs. Rey Mysterio – World Heavyweight Championship Match

Rey starts off moving fast, attempting to tire Kane out before launching into a full-on offense. Kane refuses to be led, however, and settles for attempting to catch Rey as he passes by him. Rey eludes most the captures and even makes it to the top of the turnbuckle before bailing as Kane comes after him. After getting back to the mat, Rey begins to target Kane’s legs. After a few minutes, Rey finally hits an attack that knocks Kane to one knee. Rey comes in for the Shining Wizard, but Kane grabs him by the neck and stands, getting ready to deliver the chokeslam, a menacing gleam in his eyes. However, Rey squirms free makes it to the ropes. Using the middle rope as a springboard, he jumps as if to hit Kane with a missile dropkick but instead hits him with a hurricanrana that lays him across the ropes in position for the 619. He runs back across the ring to use the ropes as a slingshot.

DONG! The arena goes dark and as the lights come back on, we see Rey in the clutches of the Undertaker. Kane rolls out of the ring and backs up to the casket. Chokeslam to Rey! Kane retrieves the title as the bell rings. He climbs back into the ring and kneels, offering up the World Heavyweight Championship to his older brother. The Undertaker has produced a microphone, and he puts a gloved hand on his younger brother’s shoulder.

Undertaker: “You’ve done well in my absence, little brother, but now… it is time for us to talk.”

Kane buries his head against his brother, arms around him. He looks overcome with emotion that his brother is back, and tears of joy are visible on his face. The World Heavyweight Championship lies next to him on the ground, forgotten. The arena goes black again, and once they are turned back on, the only remnant of the Brothers of Destruction is the microphone laying in the ring next to Rey Mysterio, who is still motionless.

Winner: Rey Mysterio via DQ, Undertaker’s return

Stryker: “Have you ever seen such an emotional family reunion, Michael?”

Cole: “I’ve seen some dysfunctional families, Matt, but the Undertaker and Kane have always been at the top of that pile. Smackdown on Friday will be interesting, that’s for sure.”


Video Package for Sheamus/Orton, including the takedown of the NXT2 rookies on Monday Night Raw.

Orton comes out first to a massive pop. His snakelike movements are more emphasized tonight, as is the disturbing calm that he possesses.

Sheamus comes out next, looking extra pasty and pissed. He slides into the ring. He stomps back and forth waiting for the bell, yelling at Orton, but his taunts elicit no response from the Viper.

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton – WWE Championship Match

Orton maintains an early offense, much to the delight of the crowd, but Sheamus keeps an intense focus through the early part of the match. At five minutes in, Orton whips Sheamus into the ropes for the powerslam, but Sheamus comes back with a Big Boot. Sheamus lays in his own stomps and hauls Orton up and send him shoulder first into the ring post, targeting Orton's ever vulnerable shoulder. Orton staggers up only to get caught with the Irish Curse. As Orton lies there, Sheamus screams at him to get up, taunting him, asking if he thought he could beat Sheamus. Orton staggers to his feet as Sheamus readies for the Brogue Kick. Orton moves to the side. MISS! Orton spins Sheamus around. RKO! 1…2…Sheamus rolls the shoulder. Orton backs up for the punt, Sheamus sees it coming and rolls out of the ring. Sheamus and Orton glare at each other for a moment, and Orton tells Sheamus to get back in the ring. Sheamus starts to climb up, but Orton grabs him and goes for the Hangman DDT. 1…2…Sheamus make a weak kick out at the last moment, but it's just barely enough. Orton argues with the ref, as Sheamus gets to his knees. Orton realizes his back is turned and turns around to feel the Brogue Kick. Sheamus starts to hit the pin, but stops before the ref even gets to two. He hauls Orton to his feet. Razor's Edge! 1…2…3!

Winner and still WWE Champion: Sheamus via pinfall

After the match, Sheamus yells at Orton's unmoving body, before walking to the back, displaying the belt proudly. Orton slowly makes his way to his feet and is cheered as he heads to the back.

Cole: “Dominant as ever, the first Irish-born WWE Champion has solidified his reign. No doubt we will hear all about this tomorrow night on Raw.”

Stryker: “And why shouldn’t he tell us all about it, Cole? A win over the Viper is nothing to smirk at.”

Cole: “Very true, Matt. And Smackdown may have a new Champion on Friday, depending on the outcome of our next match.”

King: “It’s time for more Diva action, Michael. Kelly Kelly, Layla. Oh, the things we miss over on Monday Night Raw; it’s not fair, Michael.”

Lawler continues to drool over Kelly Kelly and Layla as they make their respective entrances.

Layla vs. Kelly Kelly – WWE Women’s Championship

Uneventful match. Layla and Kelly take just letting the audience settle down before the main event. Cole and Stryker keep us reminded that we still don’t know who the final member of Team WWE is, while Lawler fawns over the Divas. Towards the end of the match, Kelly Kelly makes a few offensive mistakes, allowing Layla to hit the Lay-Out neckbreaker. 1…2…3!

Winner: Layla via pinfall

Cole: “And now we come to the main event of the night. John Cena and his team of WWE Superstars will face the dastardly rookies who have assaulted Raw Superstars in guerilla-esque fashion throughout the summer. Will Cena and his companions defeat Barret and his associates, or will the Nexus dominate the match as they have dominated Raw in the past months?”

Stryker: “That’s the million-dollar question, Michael. My bet is that the WWE veterans stand tall at the end of the night.


A well-produced, five-minute video shows the tribulations of John Cena and the other Raw superstars over the past couple months at the hands of Wade Barret and the other Rookies. As the video fades to black, we hear Cena’s music.

My Time Is Now! Cena stands at the top of the ramp, looking somber and determined. He salutes the WWE Universe as his music ends, and the next begins. Born To Win! Break The Walls Down! What’s Up! Ain’t No Make Believe! You Think You Know Me!

As each superstar comes out, they stand next to Cena. The crowd is roaring by the time Edge comes out. Cena raises his hands for silence now. He has a microphone.

Cena: “It’s been a long summer for me, guys. I’ve been beaten. I’ve been stressed. In the past two months, I have been fighting a war that I cannot win alone. I’ve recruited my army, and I’ve seen some of them cut down before me. Tonight, we haven’t announced our last member because we knew we were all in danger. If I was smart, I never would’ve put the Great Khali, or Bret Hart, or any of the other superstars standing next to me in danger by announcing them as my teammates. Believe me; I don’t take their help lightly. The Nexus is a beast like I have never had to face before. The superstars standing next to me, we’ve had our differences. With some of these guys, more often than not I was fighting against them not with them. Tonight, though, we are on the same page, because we know there is no other choice. Our mystery member, the last time I was in the ring with him, we were on opposite sides. But he’s agreed that the Nexus must be put down. Without further ado…”

It’s The Final Countdown!

Bryan Danielson enters to cheers from the crowd and shakes John Cena’s hand. The American Dragon and the Chain Gang Commander lead the rest of the superstars to the ring.

We Are One. The camera sweeps the arena and finds the Nexus standing high in the crowd. They make their way down the steps. Barret has eyes only for the superstars in the ring. The rest of the Nexus insult the crowd as they make follow Barret. They climb over the barricades as one, and now all of them have turned their focus to Cena and Danielson. Danielson says something to Cena, and Cena nods. He gathers the rest of the superstars and they head to the apron, leaving Danielson alone in the ring as the Nexus climb to the apron. Barret looks at his team confidently before entering the ring.

John Cena, Edge, Chris Jericho, Evan Bourne, John Morrison, R-Truth, and Bryan Danielson
Wade Barret, Justin Gabriel, Skip Sheffield, Michael Tarver, Darren Young, David Otunga, and Heath Slater
7-on-7 Elimination match

Barret and Danielson start off, and Barret is making his feelings over Danielson’s betrayal evident as he attacks the smaller superstar. Bryan counters well, but Barret’s size and determination are making this a tough match. After several tense minutes, Danielson is able to knock Barret off his feet. As Wade gets to his knees, Danielson tags out and R-Truth enters, only to have Wade tag in Otunga. Truth and his former rookie charge each other, and Truth is floored by a clothesline. As he’s on the ground, Otunga rolls him over and locks in a headlock. Truth maneuvers free and shoves Otunga away. He bounces off the ropes and runs straight into the ura-nage from Otunga. The rookie hauls Truth to his feet and delivers the Verdict. 1…2…3. Truth is out, and Otunga walks confidently over to Sheffield and tags him.

Cena is conferring with the rest of Team WWE; the decision is made to let Morrison Edge in. Edge wastes no time in attempting a spear, but Skip is able to counter with a clothesline. Edge gets to his feet groggily, and walks into a suplex. Skip leaves Edge laying where he is and tags in Heath Slater. Slater is confident, but Edge is playing possum. As Heath nears Edge, he is caught in a roll-up. 1…2…Heath narrowly avoids the three, but his confidence is shaken. Edge has regained some of his strength, but Slater is angry now. The two brawl for a few moments until Slater sends Edge into the turnbuckle where the Nexus is waiting. Blows rain down on Edge, who crumples. Slater nails a dropkick which slams Edge into the ring post. The Nexus grab Edge’s arms and lift him up and face him towards the ring post. Jumping Russian Legsweep from Slater has Edge down. 1…2…3! Edge is rolled out of the ring and Barret congratulates Slater, who has regained his confidence. He tags in Tarver, and the Nexus waits for the next member of Team WWE.

Tarver looks confident as John Morrison enters the ring. Morrison performs well, countering most of Tarver’s offense. Tarver starts to gain some offense though. Eventually, Morrison hits the ropes and goes for the flying chuck, but Tarver catches him instead and reverses it into Tarver’s Lightning. 1…2…3. Tarver drops to one knee as Morrison starts to move and looks at Team WWE. Kill Shot! He rolls the motionless Morrison out of the ring as Team WWE looks on in disbelief. Tarver stands and tags in Justin Gabriel as Cena gives Bourne the go ahead.

Bourne and Gabriel waste no time and begin a fast-paced back and forth that the crowd gets into quick. Cole and Stryker hype that it is now 7-on-4. Bourne continually targets Gabriel’s legs, knowing that if he can’t support his own weight acceptably, then the 450 splash is eliminated. Finally, a kick to the legs knocks Gabriel to one knee. Bourne delivers a shining wizard and then climbs to the top of Team WWE’s turnbuckle. Bourne flies through the air to deliver the Shooting Star Press, but Gabriel raises his knees. Bourne bounces off violently. He lands on the spasming, and Gabriel grabs him and pulls him closer to the Nexus’ turnbuckle. He delivers a few stomps and slowly climbs to the top of the turnbuckle. His leg is noticeably bothering him, but he refuses to give up. He focuses on the task on hand and jumps. 450 splash. Bourne is not moving. 1…2…3! Gabriel tags Skip back into the match. Skip grabs Bourne and tosses him outside the ring. He lands in front of the announce table as the announcers hype the violent 450 from Gabriel.

Jericho is in, now. He and Skip hook up, but Jericho ends up in a bear hug. Jericho looks to be fading at one point, but Skip is enjoying himself too much. As Jericho gets to his feet, he grabs Skip’s legs and attempts the Walls of Jericho, but Skip is able to get out by sheer power. As he stands, Jericho goes for the Code Breaker, but Sheffield slams him to the ground. He picks Jericho up by the hair and them slams his head into the mat. After Skip repeats this a couple of times, Jericho doesn’t know where he is. Skip lifts Jericho onto his back. Over The Shoulder Boulder Holder. 1…2…3. Skip lifts Jericho up and deposits him next to Bourne, before tagging in Darren Young. Danielson looks at Cena for a moment before climbing into the ring as well.

Young and Danielson each attempt to make the other submit several times. Young is being cheered on by the Nexus, while John Cena looks on grimly. Eventually, Young is a turnbuckle that neither team claims. Running Big Boot. Young falls forward and Danielson looks at Cena. Cena appears to be a little more hopeful. Danielson drops to the mat, attempting to hook Young into the Cattle Mutilation, but Young is resisting fervently. Young eventually powers his way to his feet, much to Danielson’s dismay. Danielson is whipped into the ropes. Young sidesteps and ends up behind him, locking in the fuel nelson. Partylight connects! 1…2…3!

Young looks at Cena and heads over to the ropes to let Barret take over. Cena’s temporary hope seems to have gone as he enters the ring. At the two meet in the middle of the ring, the Nexus cheer their leader on. Barret lifts Cena in to the air and delivers a suplex. Cena gets back on both feet only to be kicked in the gut. The announcers wonder how Cena could possibly defy the odds against him as Barret powerbombs Cena. Cena doggedly makes his way to his feet but Barret Irish whips him into the ropes. Big boot to Cena. He’s staying down for longer now. Barret stomps Cena’s back and delivers several kicks to the ribs. Cena refuses to give up and crawls to the ropes, using them to lift himself up, though only barely able to do it. Barret whips Cena across the ring to the Nexus side of the ropes and Tarver clocks Cena in the jaw. The ref looks as if he is about to disqualify the Nexus, but one look at Barret kills that decision. Cena is now lying on the mat. Barret picks him up and lifts him onto his shoulders. Wasteland! 1…2…3! The camera zooms to Cena, who seems to be in a massive amount of pain.

Winners: The Nexus via pinfall, all members surviving

Barret demands a microphone, which is retrieved for him by Slater.

Barrett: “We gave you a chance, Cena. We offered you a spot in the Nexus and you rejected us. We’ve said before that our plans are much bigger than you. We have a high purpose, but you have seen fit to assemble a team.” He motions to the 7 superstars scattered around the ring. “Well, look how well that worked out for you, John. We would’ve let you join us, and everything would’ve been fine for, but no, you declared war on the Nexus. Well, I think you’ve not only lost the battle, John, but the war as well. If you’re smart, you’ll stay away from Raw tomorrow. You were given a chance, and you spurned us. There will be no more chances, because you’re either Nexus, or you’re against us.”​

The camera shows us the state of each of the fallen WWE superstars now as several referees and medical personnel enter the arena. The Nexus watches calmly as we fade to black.
This was a good start Demon but the matches were either too short (The Harts Tag Team Match) or too jumbled (7 on 7). Although you do have a lot of potential, you just need to proofread and add a little more deatil into those smaller matches. BTW did you finish this before or after the actual Summerslam event? Because there are a lot of similarities.
I posted this around 5:15PM central time, so about two hours before the ppv started. I apologize for the matches being short. First time I've ever written them, and I gotta say, it's definitely harder than I would've thought. Scripting a full match is a pain.
Yes it sure is a pain, but I just stick to it. It's good to know that you did this before the Summerslam event as you came up with some good ideas.

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