WWE struggling to produce enough main event talent?

The problem, like others have said, isn't lack of potential consistant main eventers. Guys like Morrison, MVP, Kennedy, Shelton. Punk are all, in my eyes, ready for a bump to the top of the card. The problem: the guys at the top don't lose to them on TV. Anyone remember Shelton beating HHH TWICE on Raw? Those were memorable moments. They are just too afraid to give things away on TV, and they also have a problem having built up certain guys TOO strong (Batista and Cena come to mind). These guys just don't lose, ever.

Then you have guys like JBL, who are taking away top spots on PPVs, and 15 minutes every Raw so he can cut a long promo. That time should be going to John Morrison, or CM Punk, or Kofi Kingston, or Priceless (seperate time from Orton). Grow the young guys, don't waste the time on someone who ALWAYS has the worst match at a PPV since he's come back.

The talent is there. The spots just aren't open.
even with Christian ECW is still appalling.

It's time the WWE just abandoned ECW and went back to just two shows.

If they had any sense they'd look back to the time when they were most popular, the attitude era and compare them to now. Then, the superstars appeared on BOTH shows, Raw and Smackdown and there was only one roster. Thats what they need to do.

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