WWE Star Wins Multiple PWI Awards


Generally around the first few weeks of the new year, Pro Wrestling Illustrated announces its winners for various achievement awards for the previous year. Whether anyone agrees or disagrees with whomever wins an award, they're usually interesting topics to talk about or debate over. It was announced several weeks back that TNA wrestler Magnus took the PWI Award for Most Improve Wrestler of the Year and it was revealed in an article at westlinginc.com earlier tis evening the winner of several other awards.

According to the article, Daniel Bryan has been won four award including:

PWI Wrestler of the Year
PWI Most Popular Wrestler of the Year
PWI Match of the Year - vs. John Cena at SummerSlam
PWI Feud of the Year - vs. The Authority

I'd have been surprised if Bryan hadn't on the Wrestler & Most Popular Wrestler of the Year awards. He's had a very strong year and his popularity is second to none right now.

His match against Cena was great and probably what wound up giving it the win here was the surprisingly clean ending. Otherwise, I'd say Punk vs. Lesnar would've taken it.

Bryan's feud with Randy Orton & The Authority might not have had the ending many people wanted, but it definitely kept people interested. For the first time in quite a while, there was no real consensus on who people thought would come out on top. Even though Bryan didn't win, he was protected in a way that didn't decrease his popularity and left the door open for this feud to, possibly, resume later on.
Well deserved for Daniel Bryan.
I might not as big a fan of his as many guys on here. He isn't my favourite,but I can't say I am anywhere close to hating him.

These awards should prove to people that Daniel Bryan won't just be dropped to Mid-Card for no reason. He is currently so over, that the Current Face of the Company is hyping his name on almost every show whilst in the Main Event scene.
As the underdog, he will be backed, and I trust that WWE will milk that backing and then give him his moment in the Sun with a good meaningful WWE World title reign, possibly and Hopefully, at Wrestlemania 30.
So let's see here....Daniel Bryan is over with every demographic including kids and women. He's on a reality show on the E network where he's portrayed as a great guy, he wins five Slammy Awards including Superstar of the Year beating out golden boy John Cena. People buy his shirts like crazy, and now he wins four different PWI Awards including Wrestler of the Year....and yet he isn't the new face of the WWE? please tell me how this makes sense? He's seriously like the most popular wrestler alive right now and is the best wrestler in the company. How is he not representing the company? Are the McMahons high?
I doubt Bryan gives a damn about these awards. He knows he was the best wrestler of the year, he doesn't need some irrelevant PWI award to tell him that.

So let's see here....Daniel Bryan is over with every demographic including kids and women. He's on a reality show on the E network where he's portrayed as a great guy, he wins five Slammy Awards including Superstar of the Year beating out golden boy John Cena. People buy his shirts like crazy, and now he wins four different PWI Awards including Wrestler of the Year....and yet he isn't the new face of the WWE? please tell me how this makes sense? He's seriously like the most popular wrestler alive right now and is the best wrestler in the company. How is he not representing the company? Are the McMahons high?

Explain how it makes sense? WWE is not going to choose the face of the company by some awards he wins. They're going to choose the absolute best person for that spot, the total package. Daniel Bryan is NOT the total package. Orton is, he has the look, ring skills, ring psychology,mic skills, he has it all. Daniel Bryan doesn't have the look WWE wants and that's huge in WWE... It's not complicated people.
Explain how it makes sense? WWE is not going to choose the face of the company by some awards he wins. They're going to choose the absolute best person for that spot, the total package. Daniel Bryan is NOT the total package. Orton is, he has the look, ring skills, ring psychology,mic skills, he has it all. Daniel Bryan doesn't have the look WWE wants and that's huge in WWE... It's not complicated people.

I wouldn't say Orton is the total package. His in ring skills are above average and his mic skills are monotone for the most part. He's a very good talent but, as I mentioned a few years ago, most of his early top feuds were with established legends like Foley, Taker, Flair, etc. but when put with guys on his level or lower (i.e. Batista, Edge, The Miz) most of the feuds turn out decent but usually underwhelming.

Besides a more chiseled physique there is nothing that Orton has that Bryan has. Charisma, Bryan is super over. Mic Skills, see my comment on the Bryan Mic Skills Thread. In Ring Skills speaks for itself.

As I said it before and I say it again. The only thing holding Bryan back is that his success was mostly his own doing. WWE has a history of hypocrisy where if you create your own success and got over the creative backstage will hold that with resentment (see Christian in 2005, and Zack Ryder). Bryan was never meant to get this over (WM28 comes into mind where he was more over than Sheamus despite getting buried) but he did so the WWE ran with it but it seems through the last few months that the WWE is finding ways to cool off his popularity so they can go back what was according to plan.
I dont think bryan has it to be the face of wwe. However he should be up there with cena and orton. The next face of wwe will be?

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