WWE should be spending this time to evolve potential Main Eventers


Kensuke "Jinsei" Shinzaki
IMO, the top of the card is getting extremely stale as far as contenders go. Now is the perfect time to get some of these guys into storyboards and/or matches that will evolve the characters and build excitement for the upper mid card. There seems to be alot of talent with this potential. I hate to see talent rushed to the top of the card, it makes it difficult become vested in the outcome. It seems if they start now, we could be in for a hell of a summer next year.
They seem to be bringing up quite a few from NXT, but they also seem so dead set on the top 5 that it just has become a constant rotation.
It really sucks that Sheamus is out on injury because this would be a great time to do a heel run with him. I strongly agree though. This is definitely the time to be pushing some mid-carders to Main Event status.
Let see here, the main story line in WWE has Daniel Bryan facing off against various members of the sheild every week, which includes Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins. Orton and HHH are their as established players to help ease this transition of talent moving into the spot light. You also have Ziggler, and soon Rhodes getting a decent share of the spotlight in alternate forms outside of the main points of the storyline. How is that not elevating young talent?

Then you had CM Punk doing everything he could in a run against Curtis Axle. WWE tried to get Axle over with Heyman and Punk, but he was too overshadowed by the storyline and Punks popularity. Despite all that though, we saw Axle wrestle 2 matches at NOC, and have a steady dose of exposure on the second most important storyline on Raw.

Damien Sandow is lurking in the shadows with the MIB briefcase, and he'll get his chance to shine soon enough. The tag team division is picking up a ton of steam with the USO's, The Real Americans (mainly Cessaro as Swagger has been around quite awhile), soon to be the Matadors, etc..etc.. I'd say they are giving plenty of face time to those guys and they are delivering for the most part.

I'm not a big fan of the RVD/ADR storyline, because a younger guy could fill that role just as easily, but I think what they're doing there is using RVD's history and popularity to try and get ADR over. Personally, I think ADR is a great heal and holds the belt well, but I also understand that I'm in the minority with that thought. Regardless, there's got to be someone else on the roster who they could have put into a story with ADR. Maybe they are, and their just buying their time with the RVD angle.

Honestly, I think by the time Sheamus comes back, people will have realized that he's not all that missed. As a heel or a face. And even though WWE will throw Cena right back into title contention somehow, he's proving himself to be replaceable by DB. (Notice how you hear less kids and women screaming, and more men chanting on Raw?...what's that telling the brass about merchandise and viewership? Hopefully enough to throw Cena on SD).

Being put over now:
-Ziggler (despite all the losses)

Who you're not seeing
-Sheamus/Cena for obvious reasons
-Christian (ever since he lost his last title shot)
-Wade Barrett (Gotta wonder what happened to him)

In conclusion, I think putting over younger talent is exactly what WWE is doing, and doing a good job of it.
I think the current storyline has been pretty awesome. Bryan, Ziggler, and Rhodes are in for huge pushes. Ryback is the newest Paul Heyman guy. I disagree w/your thoughts on Axel. He has been picking up steam lately and the IC title actually seems like a legit title again. Big Show has a compelling storyline at the moment as the reluctant corporate enforcer. RVD is being utlized well. The Shield are getting great exposure every week. The Wyatt's are lurking w/Kane's return imminent. ADR despite his boring personality has had an unbelievable WHC title reign. Sandow is Mr. MITB. The Tagteam division is def picking up some much needed steam. Total Divas has rejuvenated the Divas division. Hell even Kofi & R-Truth are gaining some legitimacy. Now all they need to do is bring back the Cruiserweight Division.
Sheamus will return as a face due to his popularity, but then turn heel. It's only a matter of time before the Celtic Warrior turns his back on the WWE Universe.
JBM said:
Let see here, the main story line in WWE has Daniel Bryan facing off against various members of the sheild every week, which includes Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins. Orton and HHH are their as established players to help ease this transition of talent moving into the spot light. You also have Ziggler, and soon Rhodes getting a decent share of the spotlight in alternate forms outside of the main points of the storyline. How is that not elevating young talent?

Then you had CM Punk doing everything he could in a run against Curtis Axle. WWE tried to get Axle over with Heyman and Punk, but he was too overshadowed by the storyline and Punks popularity. Despite all that though, we saw Axle wrestle 2 matches at NOC, and have a steady dose of exposure on the second most important storyline on Raw.

Damien Sandow is lurking in the shadows with the MIB briefcase, and he'll get his chance to shine soon enough. The tag team division is picking up a ton of steam with the USO's, The Real Americans (mainly Cessaro as Swagger has been around quite awhile), soon to be the Matadors, etc..etc.. I'd say they are giving plenty of face time to those guys and they are delivering for the most part.

I'm not a big fan of the RVD/ADR storyline, because a younger guy could fill that role just as easily, but I think what they're doing there is using RVD's history and popularity to try and get ADR over. Personally, I think ADR is a great heal and holds the belt well, but I also understand that I'm in the minority with that thought. Regardless, there's got to be someone else on the roster who they could have put into a story with ADR. Maybe they are, and their just buying their time with the RVD angle.

Honestly, I think by the time Sheamus comes back, people will have realized that he's not all that missed. As a heel or a face. And even though WWE will throw Cena right back into title contention somehow, he's proving himself to be replaceable by DB. (Notice how you hear less kids and women screaming, and more men chanting on Raw?...what's that telling the brass about merchandise and viewership? Hopefully enough to throw Cena on SD).

Being put over now:
-Ziggler (despite all the losses)

Who you're not seeing
-Sheamus/Cena for obvious reasons
-Christian (ever since he lost his last title shot)
-Wade Barrett (Gotta wonder what happened to him)

In conclusion, I think putting over younger talent is exactly what WWE is doing, and doing a good job of it.
OK. for clarification...... Ziggler has been really deligated to mid card status. The Shield, minus Ambrose, are not being given the opportunity to showcase their talents. Cessaro initially had a fresh and phenomonal character going and then had his heat killed. Sandow has become a glorified mid card jobber, losing almost every outing. NOT the way to build a reputable contender. Rhodes..... well, I will believe it when I see it. They seem to have a distasteful habit lately of getting the fans vested in a guy and then burying him.

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It's is insane. They are. It's a gradual process. Cody Rhodes is going to be made into a star when he comes back. I'd LOVE to see the WWE give Cody a shot vs HHH in a war. Maybe 3 stages of hell, if he beats HHH, he's back in. Gets his ass handed to him and keeps fighting and beats HHH.

Ziggler, Shield, Daniel Bryan (elevated from main eventer to...I donno, THE guy), Curtis Axle, Ryback, all of those guys are being elevated. You can't rush it. Especially not with all the gold happening in the DB story.
They have always been trying to create new talent and new guys to take the load off others, they would be batchit if they didn't. hell even when it was all Cena as the number 1 guy or Hogan as the number 1 guy and during the downturn between Hulkamania and the Attitude Era they were building new main eventers, some worked alot didn't but not everyone is gonna work out or be able to even handle the pressure.

For me that's the main thing, they push people and the talent either cracks, doesn't do enough to warrant the push, gets injured or does something stupid not everything is "management's" fault.

at the moment they are heading into a completely new generation technically, guys that have been playing second fiddle to Cena and the likes are more prominant and i feel they are trying to give the mid card some more exposure which it sorely needs, all a work in progress as someone else saud
Let see here, the main story line in WWE has Daniel Bryan facing off against various members of the sheild every week, which includes Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins. Orton and HHH are their as established players to help ease this transition of talent moving into the spot light. You also have Ziggler, and soon Rhodes getting a decent share of the spotlight in alternate forms outside of the main points of the storyline. How is that not elevating young talent?
Bingo. Do people not realize that this Rhodes family drama is going to push Cody into the stratusphere? Who else is going to benefit from that storyline? HHH and Orton are well-established, and Dusty nor Goldust is going to get another push at their ages. This is ultimately going to do one thing, and that's give Cody a push.

Let's then look at the last three Raw main events, shall we? We've had Bryan vs. Rollins, Bryan vs. Ambrose, and Bryan vs. Reigns, in that order. While he made Rollins tap, he beat Ambrose on a roll-up and Reigns by DQ. The Shield is being elevated by wrestling single's matches in the main events, and being protected in doing so. Then Ziggler, while not young, is also involved in the main event storyline, and feuding with Ambrose.

The other thing that's fun to speculate about: We have NO WWE Champion right now. While I'm not comfortable with the idea of the championship being held up, it opens up exciting possibilities. What if they through Bryan through the ringer, and make it an Elimination Chamber match at Battleground, with the other participants being Orton, The Shield members, and Ziggler? Regardless of who would win in that scenario, all of those guys would get a rub by participating. A ladder match isn't out of consideration either.

Curtis Axel holds the IC Title, Ambrose the US, Rollins and Reigns the tag titles, and Del Rio the World Championship. AJ is the Women's champion. 4 of the 6 weren't even on the roster last year. How can it be said that WWE isn't elevating new talent? And again, we have no idea what HHH is going to do with the WWE Title.

Ryback had just debuted about this time last year, and Damien Sandow shortly before him. Now Ryback is a "Paul Heyman guy", and Damien Sandow holds Money In The Bank. I realize neither are young, but they certainly are newer stars not far from their call-ups from NXT. Chalk up two more "newer" Superstars on the rise, although Sandow hasn't won since he won the case.

Honestly, I think by the time Sheamus comes back, people will have realized that he's not all that missed. As a heel or a face.
Sure he is. The problem with Sheamus isn't Sheamus, it's that he hasn't been given a true storyline to work with for some time. He's important, depth-wise, to the roster.

And even though WWE will throw Cena right back into title contention somehow, he's proving himself to be replaceable by DB. (Notice how you hear less kids and women screaming, and more men chanting on Raw?...what's that telling the brass about merchandise and viewership? Hopefully enough to throw Cena on SD).
You can't take 4 weeks and say the man who's been the face of the company for 9 years is simply replaceable by Daniel Bryan. Cena will be out 4-6 months, and that time won't be enough of a sample to tell. So far, Bryan is doing quite well and is being received like a true hero, as evidenced by the locker room hoisting Bryan on their shoulders. He's another guy that's getting over, but they're not going to "throw Cena to Smackdown" when he returns. He's the face of the company, no question, and he'll be in one of the Main Event storylines on Raw. When he returns, he's an instant ratings booster. Why would you want to banish the top guy of the company who draws and sells merchandise far beyond anyone else to the 'B' show is beyond me.

It simply defies logic, my man.

Being put over now:
-Ziggler (despite all the losses)
even Ziggler is being protected in those losses. His losses to Ryback were as a result of distractions and pre-match attacks. And he did beat Ambrose on both Smackdown and Raw, earning himself another title shot.

-Sheamus/Cena for obvious reasons
Both are injured and won't be back until the Rumble.

-Christian (ever since he lost his last title shot)
Nope. He wrestled Orton on Raw and got a concussion. Hence why they ran the angle where he was "attacked backstage" by the Shield, and dragged out in front of Edge.

To be honest, and I don't like saying this because he's my favorite wrestler and a huge draw, but it's a blessing in disguise for WWE that John Cena got hurt. It's forcing their hand to rely on other wrestlers, some who have really taken advantage of their opportunities. That's not saying Night of Champions was good, it was, in fact, not a good PPV.

But WWE is working without Cena, Sheamus, Mark Henry, Rey Mysterio, and Christian right now, and I'm sure others as well that aren't springing to mind. It's allowing guys who might not have a chance otherwise to step up, such as Daniel Bryan, The Shield, and Dolph Ziggler. Will they be reliable, long-term draws?

They've got it right now, so time will tell.
Bryan, Rhodes, Ziggler, Axel, Ryback, The Shield, Sandow are all involved or soon to be involved in the most important storylines going on in the WWE. Yes, we have to factor in that Cena, Sheamus, Henry, Christian and Kane are all absent plus the big four part-timers but it seems they are focusing on those with the most potential.

Bryan is obvious but it looks like Rhodes is going to receive a monumental push. We could argue he would still be doing nothing if the aforementioned superstars were still around but he is getting a push and is set to become a top star. This is the time of the year where the WWE can focus on these guys because between January and May/June it completely changes and these guys get put to the back.

There are still some guys, Barrett, Fandango, Swagger, who have great potential but aren't being utilised. Obviously not everyone talent can be used but they are definitely making an effort with some of the guys and will benefit in the long-run.
As others have pointed out, it looks like that's what WWE has been doing.

Guys like Bryan, Cody Rhodes, The Shield, Ryback, Damien Sandow & Curtis Axel are either in the midst of a big push or looks as though they're about to be. You have guys who have potential who MIGHT make it to the upper level like Wade Barrett, Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro, Kofi Kingston & possibly Bray Wyatt. There are wrestlers down in NXT like Kassius Ohno, Sami Zayn & Adrian Neville that have a lot of people excited.

Not everyone's going to make it to the main event, there's just not enough room or time, but the potential is there for a good many. John Cena is gone and the earliest he'll be back wrestling looks to be around the Royal Rumble. Daniel Bryan said in a recent interview that while he's not glad that Cena is injured, him being out of the picture so decisively for such an extended period of time is a great opportunity for people to step up and show what they've got.
There are a few people that have had small pushes, or at least a tryout type feuds.. Swagger had his chances and blew them.. Kofi and Wade Barrett they tryed to push in feuds with Randy Orton but both seemed to now work for whatever reason.. It seems like the WWE wants to push some of the people that have put in the work/time.. Cody Rhodes has been in mid card status for ever.. Bryan has been a major independent for seems like a decade or so.. Now they do have a few people that boogle the mind, IE the Miz.. He was completely over when he was pushed. He held his own against Cena and everyone they threw at him. I have no clue why the Miz is so down on the list..
As others have pointed out, it looks like that's what WWE has been doing.

Guys like Bryan, Cody Rhodes, The Shield, Ryback, Damien Sandow & Curtis Axel are either in the midst of a big push or looks as though they're about to be. You have guys who have potential who MIGHT make it to the upper level like Wade Barrett, Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro, Kofi Kingston & possibly Bray Wyatt. There are wrestlers down in NXT like Kassius Ohno, Sami Zayn & Adrian Neville that have a lot of people excited.

Not everyone's going to make it to the main event, there's just not enough room or time, but the potential is there for a good many. John Cena is gone and the earliest he'll be back wrestling looks to be around the Royal Rumble. Daniel Bryan said in a recent interview that while he's not glad that Cena is injured, him being out of the picture so decisively for such an extended period of time is a great opportunity for people to step up and show what they've got.

That is very true. I highly doubt they are giving this Mcmahon/Orton angle to Daniel Bryan if Cena is healthy. They would never devote this much tv time to a babyface that wasn't Cena. This is a huge opportunity for Daniel Bryan to take his career to another level. In fact, its a great opportunity for all the babyfaces to step up.
Bingo. Do people not realize that this Rhodes family drama is going to push Cody into the stratusphere? Who else is going to benefit from that storyline? HHH and Orton are well-established, and Dusty nor Goldust is going to get another push at their ages. This is ultimately going to do one thing, and that's give Cody a push.

Let's then look at the last three Raw main events, shall we? We've had Bryan vs. Rollins, Bryan vs. Ambrose, and Bryan vs. Reigns, in that order. While he made Rollins tap, he beat Ambrose on a roll-up and Reigns by DQ. The Shield is being elevated by wrestling single's matches in the main events, and being protected in doing so. Then Ziggler, while not young, is also involved in the main event storyline, and feuding with Ambrose.

The other thing that's fun to speculate about: We have NO WWE Champion right now. While I'm not comfortable with the idea of the championship being held up, it opens up exciting possibilities. What if they through Bryan through the ringer, and make it an Elimination Chamber match at Battleground, with the other participants being Orton, The Shield members, and Ziggler? Regardless of who would win in that scenario, all of those guys would get a rub by participating. A ladder match isn't out of consideration either.

Curtis Axel holds the IC Title, Ambrose the US, Rollins and Reigns the tag titles, and Del Rio the World Championship. AJ is the Women's champion. 4 of the 6 weren't even on the roster last year. How can it be said that WWE isn't elevating new talent? And again, we have no idea what HHH is going to do with the WWE Title.

Ryback had just debuted about this time last year, and Damien Sandow shortly before him. Now Ryback is a "Paul Heyman guy", and Damien Sandow holds Money In The Bank. I realize neither are young, but they certainly are newer stars not far from their call-ups from NXT. Chalk up two more "newer" Superstars on the rise, although Sandow hasn't won since he won the case.

Sure he is. The problem with Sheamus isn't Sheamus, it's that he hasn't been given a true storyline to work with for some time. He's important, depth-wise, to the roster.

You can't take 4 weeks and say the man who's been the face of the company for 9 years is simply replaceable by Daniel Bryan. Cena will be out 4-6 months, and that time won't be enough of a sample to tell. So far, Bryan is doing quite well and is being received like a true hero, as evidenced by the locker room hoisting Bryan on their shoulders. He's another guy that's getting over, but they're not going to "throw Cena to Smackdown" when he returns. He's the face of the company, no question, and he'll be in one of the Main Event storylines on Raw. When he returns, he's an instant ratings booster. Why would you want to banish the top guy of the company who draws and sells merchandise far beyond anyone else to the 'B' show is beyond me.

It simply defies logic, my man.

even Ziggler is being protected in those losses. His losses to Ryback were as a result of distractions and pre-match attacks. And he did beat Ambrose on both Smackdown and Raw, earning himself another title shot.

Both are injured and won't be back until the Rumble.

Nope. He wrestled Orton on Raw and got a concussion. Hence why they ran the angle where he was "attacked backstage" by the Shield, and dragged out in front of Edge.

To be honest, and I don't like saying this because he's my favorite wrestler and a huge draw, but it's a blessing in disguise for WWE that John Cena got hurt. It's forcing their hand to rely on other wrestlers, some who have really taken advantage of their opportunities. That's not saying Night of Champions was good, it was, in fact, not a good PPV.

But WWE is working without Cena, Sheamus, Mark Henry, Rey Mysterio, and Christian right now, and I'm sure others as well that aren't springing to mind. It's allowing guys who might not have a chance otherwise to step up, such as Daniel Bryan, The Shield, and Dolph Ziggler. Will they be reliable, long-term draws?

They've got it right now, so time will tell.

First off...I gotta say...Raylan Givens is the man!! Awesome show..can't wait for the new season.

My thoughts on Cena are that with him being gone and WWE having their hand forced, I think they along with a lot of fans are opening their eyes to the fact that he's not the only guy who can entertain. I don't follow Raw's ratings, but I'd be willing to bet that they dropped a little immediately after his injury, but are slowly rising as people are catching on to the storylines going on and the new talent being showcased at a high level.

Sure, when he comes back he'll get a HUGE pop. I'll even bet the IWC haters will welcome him back for 10-15 minutes. He's in legendary status now, and there's no need for him to make a title run anymore, because by the time he comes back there will be a whole new crop of main eventers that he won't need to put anyone over like he has (or hasn't depending on your viewpoint) in the past. Maybe down the road he gets one final run with the strap. But in the meantime, I personally think that what's best for business (see what I did there?) is to have the first couple months of Cena's return on Raw, then ease him over to Smackdown.

Moving him to SD serves 2 purposes, he can draw ratings to the Friday night show where kiddos and their Mom's are home enough to watch it. He can challenge the likes of ADR, a heel Sheamus, Damien Sandow, etc., while also putting lesser known names in big matches. He would legitimize the WHC belt, the Smackdown brand again, and a whole crop of younger guys that can't make it on Raw at the moment.

Raw won't miss him I don't believe. Because during his absense, there is a fresh new look developing on Raw that doesn't need him to survive. And by the time he comes back, WWE will/should realize that along with all the fans.

Just my theory though man....but been wrong before.
Actually, instead of creating new main eventers, WWE should learn how to book the roster from top to bottom instead of trying to shove every reasonably over talent into the "main event".

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