WWE Setting Up For Stephanie's Return - Post Rumble?


Dark Match Winner
In the video, it said something about 'she' is responsible for my rebirth. So there's obviously something more to Jericho's return.

Consensus is that Jericho will most definitely be feuding with Punk leading to WM, but of course if he gets directly involved NOW, it takes away all the steam that Ziggler has going into their match at the Rumble.

It wouldn't surprise me if Jericho does the same thing for the next few weeks...comes out smiling and high fives, and leaves...come Rumble time, those actions alone should have garnered him enough heat to completely his status as a heel.

Raw after Rumble, Stephanie is introduced as the mastermind behind his return, as her past encounters with Punk had teased.

That whole segment was kinda pointless. If they want him heel, he could've just come out and called the audience "germ incubators and slovenly tapeworms. And hypocrites, and parasites." Because of what he did he's still not fully heel to WWE fans right now.
Right now it seems to me like if he and punk DO fued, it's going to be tweener vs tweener. That way they can both take some low-blow shots at each other. Let's face it, now not only do you have Team Cenation vs Team Bring it at WM, you'll have team Best in the World, vs The Jerichaholics. That should actually keep the fans guessing as to who'll win more so than face vs heel.
How Steph is gonna be involved, I have no clue, but her pulling the strings from behind seems likely.
I agree with the idea of Stephanie returning. The whole Jericho segment last night was definatley intended to garner heat from the crowd. The pop he got when "Break The Walls Down" hit was huge and that will just add to his point of how he has the WWE universe wrapped around his finger. I think what will happen leading to the Rumble is Jericho will have matches with lower/mid card guys and just own them in matches, then he'll enter the rumble, win it, and announce that he is going after the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 28. Stephanie can return shortly after the rumble and say that she is behind Jericho's return. Triple H can even get involved and come out pissed that his wife is working with Jericho setting up a match between them at Elimination Chamber.
That seems like a very good possibility and like it could actually turn out to be pretty interesting. I've always like all 3. I just hope Ziggler doesn't lose steam. I really like where he is headed.
I think people are still looking way to into this whole female part of it. Really were just going to have to wait and see. And why does everyone think it has to be Stephanie? She's definitely not the only possibility for a evil valet. Could be Trish Stratus.
That whole segment was kinda pointless. If they want him heel, he could've just come out and called the audience "germ incubators and slovenly tapeworms. And hypocrites, and parasites."
And if he did that, the same people who are complaining now would still be complaining, but their complaint would just be that he did the "same old, same old." Why is it that people clamour for change, and when something different happens they shit all over it?

As far as Steph is concerned, I don't know if they need her involved. I'm still not sure if the girl who told Jericho it was time was supposed to be to real or metaphorical. I guess we'll find out over the next month or so.
You know if they're willing to stretch this out long enough (a long shot based on the "creative teams" history over the last few years I know) then I wouldn't mind it being Kharma who is "she". There's something about Jericho's latest videos that remind me a bit of Kharma and, if she's due to drop the sprog at the end of this month then, by my timing, she could at least do the weekly raw shows near to Mania, setting up a nice post-Mania feud with the entire Divas division.

The reason why she'd do this? No fricking idea but, then again, I have no idea about any of the videos as it stands (and I'm willing to bet creative doesn't either).
Stephanie isn't coming back. The girl in the video and reference to her aren't literal. The "girl" could mean Punk, the WWE, or the WWE title. Just like how people refer to objects as females...cars, mother nature, computers, etc. Society says "man, listen to her purr" in reference to a car.

Stop taking the girl in the videos so literal. Stephanie would've remained relevant around the Summerslam and after when she was seen with Punk instead of JL.

Yes I know she has more say than anything, but JL is responsible for TALENT RELATIONS. That means he signs whoever he wants.
Like I said...the only reason I say Stephanie is based on her past run-ins with Punk...Kharma...Trish, etc would not make any sense.
And if he did that, the same people who are complaining now would still be complaining, but their complaint would just be that he did the "same old, same old." Why is it that people clamour for change, and when something different happens they shit all over it?

As far as Steph is concerned, I don't know if they need her involved. I'm still not sure if the girl who told Jericho it was time was supposed to be to real or metaphorical. I guess we'll find out over the next month or so.

That's because the IWC doesn't know what it wants. They complain for Rock to come back, then tell him to get off their screen. They want DBD as WHC, then turn around and complain about his booking. It's ridiculous.
If Chris Jericho starts doing that shtick every week, the only type of heat he's going to get is X-PAC.
Vinne, how can you be so sure Stephanie isn't going to show up on TV? Are you a writer for WWE? Do you know some insider info that we don't? Are you close with the McMahon family?

It can be anything. It can be a metaphor, it can mean a literal female, it can be like you said, the WWE, WWE title, etc...

Point is... We don't know for sure what's going to happen. We can speculate and guess, but Vince and the powers that be can change the plan at any time... So, instead of saying, "It is or is not Stephanie, it is or is not Kharma, it is or is not this or that.... Let's all just watch and wait and see. Because that's why we watch pro wrestling, to be entertained for 2 hours to escape our crappy reality and suspend disbelief or logical thinking.

Let's just all watch and see what happens.. Vinnie, you say it's not Stephanie... What happens if it is her.. Then you will feel like a tool and jackass because you said for a fact that it's not her... So instead of acting like you know what's gonna happen, just wait and see what happens..
In the video, it said something about 'she' is responsible for my rebirth. So there's obviously something more to Jericho's return.

Consensus is that Jericho will most definitely be feuding with Punk leading to WM, but of course if he gets directly involved NOW, it takes away all the steam that Ziggler has going into their match at the Rumble.

It wouldn't surprise me if Jericho does the same thing for the next few weeks...comes out smiling and high fives, and leaves...come Rumble time, those actions alone should have garnered him enough heat to completely his status as a heel.

Raw after Rumble, Stephanie is introduced as the mastermind behind his return, as her past encounters with Punk had teased.


My thoughts exactly and WWE has all but confirmed this today by posting articles on Y2J's return specifically mentioning the girl from the promo's and I definitely think it will be Stephanie McMahon. Jericho will reveal that in his absence he found out that Stephanie was the GM all along and she we have the power and control to help Jericho reclaim what is rightfully his by taking down CM Punk.
Vinne, how can you be so sure Stephanie isn't going to show up on TV? Are you a writer for WWE? Do you know some insider info that we don't? Are you close with the McMahon family?

No,but Im smart enough to know that it doesn't make sense. He spent the early part of his WWE career trashing her and feuding with her...why would he work with her now? It'd be like Austin coming back and working directly with Vince McMahon on-screen. IT DOESN"T MAKE SENSE!!!!

Let's just all watch and see what happens.. Vinnie, you say it's not Stephanie... What happens if it is her.. Then you will feel like a tool and jackass because you said for a fact that it's not her... So instead of acting like you know what's gonna happen, just wait and see what happens..

I said it was Jericho and look what happened? Again, Stephanie DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! BTW I never said FACT that it isn't her, I just said it doesn't make sense. If Stephanie was going to go after Punk, why not make her go after him during or AFTER his little feud with Triple H? After the fact that Punk called out her and Triple H on TV.

Yes I dont know what is going to happen, I just look at it logically. I know WWE usually goes against logic to make a storyline work, but c'mon. Jericho working with Stephanie, just to go after Punk?
VinnieSunshine...lets point out a few things...

Orton and Cena were beating the hell out of each other...but when both were faces...they get along just fine.

Jericho and Edge were beating the hell out of each other...even had a grudge match at WM....but when Edge turned heel, they were getting along just fine.

Sheamus + ANY face were beating the hell out of each other...but when Sheamus turned face, he would be inserted into tag matches with anyone, and got along just fine...

See where I'm going with this....its quite obvious that so long as both are heel, their history with each other is irrelevant.
No,but Im smart enough to know that it doesn't make sense. He spent the early part of his WWE career trashing her and feuding with her...why would he work with her now? It'd be like Austin coming back and working directly with Vince McMahon on-screen. IT DOESN"T MAKE SENSE!!!!

But from what I remember, Vince & Stone Cold did work together on screen. They were both heel, and it was when Stone Cold & Kurt Angle would sort of fight over Vince's attention. Stone Cold wrote him a song or something.

Since when has it mattered that two people who have feuded in the past, team up later on? It happens all the time, as another poster has stated. You can look at it logically all you'd like, but logic has never really been top priority in pro wrestling.
Why have I yet to see a single suggestion of Vickie Guerrero? I mean it's highly unlikely but she is the manager of the wrestler who is challenging CM Punk for the title, it makes a bit of sense if that's the way the E wants to go with it. Then he'd be the leader of a new stable, something he's never done. He constantly makes a point to the fact in interviews asking if he'd ever come back. He always says only if he can figure out something new to do with his character. Everyone wants Jericho to win the Rumble then challenge CM Punk but they don't think of the fact that he doesn't need the rub like half of the roster. He's the king of the world ass clowns! So I personally feel the best way for him to go after Punk, if that is what he is doing, is to show a little collusion with the other blonde heels on Raw.
No,but Im smart enough to know that it doesn't make sense. He spent the early part of his WWE career trashing her and feuding with her...why would he work with her now? It'd be like Austin coming back and working directly with Vince McMahon on-screen. IT DOESN"T MAKE SENSE!!!!

I said it was Jericho and look what happened? Again, Stephanie DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! BTW I never said FACT that it isn't her, I just said it doesn't make sense. If Stephanie was going to go after Punk, why not make her go after him during or AFTER his little feud with Triple H? After the fact that Punk called out her and Triple H on TV.

Yes I dont know what is going to happen, I just look at it logically. I know WWE usually goes against logic to make a storyline work, but c'mon. Jericho working with Stephanie, just to go after Punk?

UMMMM did u miss Wrestlemania 18? Did you miss the aftermath of WM18? The last time there was any feud between Steph and Jericho involved, they were allies, not enemies.

And business is business, McMahon's are notorious on and off screen to let good business overcome personal issues and I would say at this point in time, her issues with Punk would far out weigh her issues with Jericho.

So yea, IT MAKES SENSE, goof
VinnieSunshine...lets point out a few things...

Orton and Cena were beating the hell out of each other...but when both were faces...they get along just fine.

Jericho and Edge were beating the hell out of each other...even had a grudge match at WM....but when Edge turned heel, they were getting along just fine.

Sheamus + ANY face were beating the hell out of each other...but when Sheamus turned face, he would be inserted into tag matches with anyone, and got along just fine...

See where I'm going with this....its quite obvious that so long as both are heel, their history with each other is irrelevant.

And Edge and Christian were brother and Undertaker and Kane are half-brothers. Later on though the WWE slowly moved away from Edge and Christian being brothers, suddenly they were best friends. Kane was burned over 3/4 of his body, then 1/2, then it was all in his head and he was never burned and Paul Bearer saved him from the fire. LOGIC FOR STORYLINE PURPOSES!!!!!

Heels have worked together for a cause...doesn't mean that they dont like each other. Jericho and Stephanie DONT LIKE EACH OTHER. Given that, why would Jericho come back and WORK FOR HER!?

Why would he come back and be her puppet when she has enough power to do something herself? Remember, despite JL being interm GM...she has control. She has more pull than him, so wouldn't they place that in the story? They made Triple H take Vince out of power even though Vince is the only one who could really do that.

But from what I remember, Vince & Stone Cold did work together on screen. They were both heel, and it was when Stone Cold & Kurt Angle would sort of fight over Vince's attention. Stone Cold wrote him a song or something.

Since when has it mattered that two people who have feuded in the past, team up later on? It happens all the time, as another poster has stated. You can look at it logically all you'd like, but logic has never really been top priority in pro wrestling.

Again, that was when WWE broke logic to make a storyline work. Austin was LAME AS HELL during that period.

Stephanie doesn't need to be an on-air character. They dont need her to come in again. They dont need Jericho to have a valet or have someone "in charge" of him. Jericho is more than capable of fighting his own battles. Jericho is coming after Punk on his own accord.
last night was too funny it seemed great to start but when he kepted high fiving and getting the crowd to chant he obviously was doing everything sarcastically to garner the heel when he eventually talks.
UMMMM did u miss Wrestlemania 18? Did you miss the aftermath of WM18? The last time there was any feud between Steph and Jericho involved, they were allies, not enemies.

And business is business, McMahon's are notorious on and off screen to let good business overcome personal issues and I would say at this point in time, her issues with Punk would far out weigh her issues with Jericho.

So yea, IT MAKES SENSE, goof

Yeah I was unaware I had to watch every minute of wrestling. Anything between WrestleMania 17 and 19 is a blur. I was busy having a life, enjoying my senior year of high school, and graduating. I was also working 2 jobs and every Monday night.

So yeah, I forgot about WrestleMania 18. Just because they worked together back then still doesn't mean that they have to now. Again, Stephanie doesn't need to be an on-screen character. Jericho also doesn't have to work for or WITH her. He can fight his own battles against Punk.

Again, if Stephanie wanted to go after Punk, why didn't she just do it when he was feuding with Triple H? Why have Punk feud with JL? Dont you think that if Stephanie was going to be an on-screen character it would've been HER that brought Nash in?
When I think about it Stephanie returning with Jericho would somewhat make sense becuz if anyone remembers back when Punk was fueding with HHH he had alot of things to say like refering to her as HHH's "Bubbleheaded wife" plus Punk made Vince look like a fool for a major part of the summer so it would make sense that she would want revenge for her family but my problem with this it kinda makes HHH look weak. I mean if she wanted someone to defend her and her family's name why nt use her husband? Why would she have to go out and recuit someone who hasnt wrestled in a few yrs to handle something that her husband is more that capable of handling himself? Hopefully WWE catches this in time before they break the cred of HHH.
I said it was Jericho and look what happened?

So, you said Jericho, then all the wrestling sites and dirt shirts went with your guess...? I thought maybe wrestlezone and other sites reported the rumor of it being Jericho first, then the people who read it also believe it's that person...

TheAngryInsectEvilDoer said:
Why have I yet to see a single suggestion of Vickie Guerrero?

Now, that's a good suggestion of who "she" can be!
She could be the Queen, as in God Save the Queen, his old protege Wade Barrett and the Barrett Barrage held the key to Jericho's return. Totally possible... or not. Either way, it's a new suggestion.
So, you said Jericho, then all the wrestling sites and dirt shirts went with your guess...? I thought maybe wrestlezone and other sites reported the rumor of it being Jericho first, then the people who read it also believe it's that person...

Listen here junior...even after the dirtsheets spoiled it there were MULTIPLE people on here in a different thread going

"nope its not Jericho"
"its Shane and Stephanie it makes sense"
"its not Jericho he has a tour during WrestleMania"
"its not Jericho he said he wasn't returning and didn't know about the promos" "it cant be Jericho he said he would never wrestle for WWE again"

Point is, some people on here couldn't see the writing on the wall even when their face is pressed up against it! I sat there and said YES ITS IS JERICHO ITS BEEN PROVEN AND ITS WORKS! Yet STILL dumb people talked out of their ass.

So no, not just because I say, even after all the clues were on the table, even after the dirtsheets spoiled it, even after it was announced that he was going to be in the area, EVEN AFTER THE REPORTS AND THE PICTURE OF HIM AT THE AIRPORT...

people still said it wasn't him, that the promos were not for him.
Im pretty sure that Jericho is gonna promo about the royal rumble first then win go after Punk. However im not sure if Stephanie will come back. I like the observation of "she is responsible for my rebirth" i didnt even think of that. It makes sense but i dont know why she would other then to brag about how she is the mastermind of Y2J's return and maybe turn Jericho heel or tweener but that is pretty uneeded.

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