WWE seeing what they have in Luke Harper?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I've noticed over the past several weeks that they've allowed Luke Harper to talk much more than what we are used to seeing. I know Bray can't do all the talking, but he's been good with being the leader and letting Rowan and Harper be the "henchmen."

I looked up Harper's wrestling career and he has been around the scene since 2003, including stints at Chikara, ROH and DGUSA and Dragon Gate.

What do you guys think of Harper, and Rowan for that matter. All the attention has been on Bray, but I think they could have something special in Harper down the road.

I cannot say nothing about either of the two about their mic abilities because none of them talks much.But I can say that unlike Rowan - Harper has a personality and he is a great in - ring wrestler.

Rowan in my opinion would be send back into the development territory after the family will break or he will be a guy like Tensai or Brodus Clay in the undercard.
About Harper.He could be a great mid carder and maybe one day he will get a IC/US title feud and even win the title itself.
Harper is a smart worker, he does a lot of little things in his matches that emphasize his character and he's got good timing and agility. He's gotten a few lines recently and delivered them well, plus his whistling adds a spot of Deliverance to the Wyatt promos.

I do wonder though if WWE will try to repackage him when the Wyatt's disband, as I'm not sure he'll go very far as a singles character with his current gimmick. They could just try to evolve him I suppose in order to avoid smartass fans who'll no doubt make using a totally new gimmick difficult for him. Either way he's a talent with potential to be a player in the mold of Kane going forward IMO.
It wouldn't surprise me that in the future Harper disappeared for a while, and then re-debuted with a new name and a haircut/shave in a repackage like they did with Bray. The in-ring skill is clearly there, but creatively the gimmick is obviously limited.

Rowan is....big, really big. Not much more to say about that. He does show steady improvement with time though so hopefully he can become something worthwhile. I can see him being a bodyguard-type role like Big E used to do for Ziggler, but hard to say what else they can do with him.

As for present day they're in a pretty good position right now, they're getting face-time with a future major star(reigns) and after that they get to be in a feud with the top star Cena, which will naturally lead to matches in main events of Raw/SD. Also in the not so distant future I see them being #1 contenders for the tag titles after NAO retires and they break up some of the other teams.
I don't get it. The Wyatts have been around for less than a year, and people are brainstorming about new gimmicks for Luke Harper?

The answer to your question is NO. I don't think they "have something special in Harper down the road".

I don't know what you've seen that would even cause you to bring this up as a possibility.

I like him in his current role, let it be.
To me they don't look very good in the ring which has been annoying for me as they have done all the wrestling with Bray effectively being their manager for most of their run. I will admit when they face Uso's, Bryan or Punk they look good in the brutal brawler role but when they have faced anyone else they just don't look good they don't look crisp, they don't have good in ring movement and seem sloppy at times. Bray is the only one who will be successful from this group, Harper and Rowen are just generic replaceable brawlers
Luke Harper is something of a surprise in that I think he's ultimately capable of bringing a lot more to the table than most people suspected, including some of WWE management. Harper's shown to be really good inside the ring and he does have some charisma. His facial expressions & body language and that "yeh yeh yeh" thing he does are able to help tell good stories. When you look at Harper, you pretty much see the embodiment of every scary "hillbilly" stereotype: The wild, shaggy beard, the "crazy" look he sometimes gets, the burly build that suggests strength while not looking like a gymrat, the dirty jeans & wifebeater, looking like he hasn't bathed in about a month, etc. If Hillbilly Jim was the incarnation of every character from Hee-Haw, Luke Harper is Hee-Haw's deranged brother that was kept chained up in the root cellar before escaping into the woods.
I like him in his current role, let it be.

I agree. It's too early in the evolution of Wyatt's group to be looking for anyone to be breaking off. As it is, I think adding a new dimension to the act is a good thing; if forced to consider it, I would have believed he and Rowan would be forever mute.

Adding new wrinkles to an act is a positive; Creative seems to be onto the fact that while the situations in which the group is engaged are of paramount importance, it's still possible for an act to go stale. I'll admit I was tiring a bit of watching Bray Wyatt constantly laughing, often at strange times during his rants. Yes, what he says and stands for is supposed to be off-beat; that's a big part of what makes them the Wyatts. Still, it seems unwise to keep everything the same for too long a time, so I think it's great that Harper will get his innings on the mic, too.

Makes me wonder what other changes we might see in the Wyatts' as time passes. It keeps things fresh, and that can only be good.
I've yet to be convinced by the in-ring work of Harper & Rowan, at the minute they remind me of the Harris Bros.
Luke Harper has really impressed thus far. His look, in the ring and his persona is just perfect and, while I doubted him in the first few weeks, he has won me over.

I'm a little sceptical about him getting the chance to speak. I still believe that this stable should be solely about Bray. He is the potential star and it should remain that way. The idea that the Wyatt Family could disband is harrowing. Keep them together and ensure Bray remains the leader of this family.
I've yet to be convinced by the in-ring work of Harper & Rowan, at the minute they remind me of the Harris Bros.

lol they're better than the Harris Bros. Their match with Punk and Bryan at SS trumps anything Harris Bros has done
I personally like both of Harper and Rowan.=, as with the Wyatt Family in general.

Harper obviously has some serious talent. His in ring work is surprisingly good, he's deceptively large, standing next to Rowan he doesn't seem so big, but he's a massive dude that has pulled off top rope sentons and made it look great. He's capable of some massive hits and his Brodie bomb (Sit out powerbomb) puts Batista to shame. Haven't heard much from him on the mic but his in ring talk is pretty good and the way he said, "You three boys picked a beautiful hill to die on," to the Shield in the Smackdown promo was awesome (dat voice break on beautiful).

Rowan is abit of a wildcard. I wish they'd let him actually be dominant and not just the clumsy big fella. Because what we've seen of him he pulls off the monster role better than most and makes people look seriously weak. The dudes huge.

All in all alot of potential but I really don't where they'll end up after the Family.
Lulke Harper can be the next Bam Bam Bigalow in terms of agile big man. This clip shows some of his moves and at 6 foot 5 and god knows how many pounds he can deliver a dropkick, slingshot swanton, and a hurricanrana. Combine his ability to pull off shock moves and in ring character/psychology and he has great potential
Luke Harper has really impressed thus far. His look, in the ring and his persona is just perfect and, while I doubted him in the first few weeks, he has won me over.

I'm a little sceptical about him getting the chance to speak. I still believe that this stable should be solely about Bray. He is the potential star and it should remain that way. The idea that the Wyatt Family could disband is harrowing. Keep them together and ensure Bray remains the leader of this family.


As long as the Wyatts remaining as a family can be booked interestingly, I say leave it as it is.

Only thing can be done, is keep it as a family with Bray being the One constant Head of the family whilst the other guys can be replaced at some point to freshen up things a bit. Maybe add an actual Sister Abigail as some have said before.

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