Harper VS Rowan or Harper VS Ziggler?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
When Rowan turned face and joined Cena, I was really surprised. At first, I thought it was stupid and made no sense, but now I don't really mind it as it was an unexpected twist...I'd prefer scary, stalker Rowan over anti-comedic Rowan, but...whatever.

But now they're teasing a feud with Harper and this is...a bad idea. For one, I really want to see a true Harper Vs Ziggler match. I think they could put on some great work and their first match was excellent on a storytelling level. Now I want some rematches! If Harper enters a feud with Rowan, we can kiss that good bye. Not good for Ziggler's career as the IC belt is probably the only one he has a chance at getting unless he forms a tag team.

Also, it continues to make Bray look bad. I'm waiting for Ambrose to remind Bray that the last two people he "fixed" are not fighting each-other...Not a family anyone would want to be part of...

Plus, Rowan Vs Harper sounds so boring. Neither talk enough. Both are too big. I'm not seeing any chemistry there. As for what they should do with Rowan, I'm not sure anymore if he's going to be used for amusing spots. I actually think he's kind of creepy, but that won't work as a face. His match with Cesaro didn't go well and fans actually were booing him at a few points so this 'pro-Cena' rub isn't working (so far). He'll probably be jobbing sooner than later, despite being put over Cesaro.

I'd personally feed Rowan to Rusev. Rusev needs to bring down some fresh talent, as his latest victims have been guys who are used primarily to put people over. Rowan would would be a credible victory, if anything.

But what do you guys think? What should be done with Rowan? Would you prefer a Rowan Vs Harper program?
Or Harper vs Barrett?

Bad News Barrett is supposed to be returning to the ring very soon and I'd ASSUME that he would want the title that he never lost back. I don't think we're going to see Harper vs Rowan unless Harper somehow loses the IC belt rather quickly... I definitely don't see them in an IC title feud.

Ziggler is where the problem lies. Ziggler was a good IC champ bordering on great throughout his run so he needs at least a re-match right? Personally I see Ziggler and Harper having a few matches on Raw but I don't think WWE has the time to make this a full-fledged feud, which is what these two deserve. Will

Will Barrett come back as a face? Will he even challenge for the title? Maybe triple threat? Who knows.
Why does it have to be either or?

Just put all 3 and probably Barrett and do some sensible writing and have the IC title in the middle of it all.
This is the perfect chance to feature these Midcard Superstars and all the while, elevate the IC title alongwith it with a feud that isn't the usual generic, "I am better than you" rivalry.

Ziggler vs Harper will have better matches, but Rowan vs Harper will(Should) have a better storyline with a back story to be explored...I guess it will be a matter of different tastes and in which story the IC title will be made to be more of a focus.

Ofc, as mentioned above, some Bad News also awaits for someone as well....
Harper and Rowan are nobodies. Nobody cares about them. The logical thing to do is the night after Survivor Series, do the Harper/Ziggler rematch with no interference. Without an army to back him up, Harper should not be booked as a legitimate threat to Dolph Ziggler. Have Ziggler easily regain the title, then have him feud with the returning Bad News Barrett. THAT is a feud people want to see, not anything involving Luke Harper or Erick Rowan.
Luke Harper is a very interesting and rare character, and I would like to see him remain Intercontinental champion for some more months. As for his opponent, I feel it should be Ziggler because (a) by virtue of Ziggler's pace, they will be able to fight in a couple of more good matches together, while Rowan would be a much slower opponent, and (b) Ziggler can bounce back from a loss faster (he always does), whereas a loss for Rowan at this point will drop him quite a few steps down the ladder. But I guess Rowan's loss is inevitable in the coming months; they will have Harper beat Rowan and continue his campaign as champion, which is not a bad thing because Rowan as face IC champion would be odd.
I don't think a Harper/Rowan feud is being teased at all. Sure, they've had them stare each other down a few times for dramatic effect, but I really don't see any good coming out of a feud between the guys. Harper is clearly the better wrestler. Rowan beating Harper would make no sense and bury a guy that you're trying to push as a top heel. Harper beating Rowan would just make Rowan seem even more irrelevant than he is now. (I know they're pushing Rowan in this SS main event, but let's be honest, very few people will care when Rowan is the first or second member of Team Cena to be eliminated).

A Harper/Rowan feud does not do anything for either guy's future. Harper/Ziggler makes much more sense because Harper can win and push himself up the ladder a little bit, but Ziggler losing doesn't damage his character at all. Ziggler might even be pushed a little higher now that he's not tied down to the IC division.

Harper/Zigger 1,000x over Harper/Rowan. Even Harper/Barrett with a babyface Barrett making his return could be awesome. But not Rowan. He has nowhere to go but down after being mistakenly thrown into this SS main event.
Rowan beating Harper would make no sense and bury a guy that you're trying to push as a top heel.

Did I miss something here? I never saw any sign that Luke Harper was going to be a top heel, he's going to be another Cesaro in a couple months anyway. Midcard belt holder. Good in the ring so he makes his opponents look better.

Future top heels: Rollins, Ambrose and Rusev, maybe. I don't see anyone else even close to future top heel.
Did I miss something here? I never saw any sign that Luke Harper was going to be a top heel, he's going to be another Cesaro in a couple months anyway. Midcard belt holder. Good in the ring so he makes his opponents look better.

Future top heels: Rollins, Ambrose and Rusev, maybe. I don't see anyone else even close to future top heel.

Weren't the Wyatts top heels when they were together, so it would only be right that Harper would still be considered one. I know they were freed by Wyatt and repackaged, well sort of but we knew he'd be back.

Rowan is the one who has turned face and quite honestly I think that's what he needed. He was very forgettable as part of their group, and now he has a chance to make something more of himself.

I can see the two of them feuding, they have a history there like the Shield had, only we don't know much about it. Maybe if they do feud, we'll find out more.

I don't understand why they haven't given then new ring attire though, they both still look like they're part of the Wyatt family. At least Ambrose and Rollins changed theirs somewhat.
Harper Vs Rowan should be a WM match up

What a waste of a WrestleMania match that would be. Hopefully WWE will be smart enough to not waste a WrestleMania slot on two complete nobodies. Harper vs. Rowan is barely worthy of Superstars, let alone WrestleMania.
Ehh if they would use Rowan vs rusev he would job to rusev though I love there is so much going on kinda wanna see what's gonna happen next but I think they would let Ziggler do a rematch then lose thus having to do a 1# contender match while Rowan and Harper feud but that's a lucky guess a shot in the dark if you ask me
Personally I think it won't matter too much as I think Rowan will (attempt to) screw Team Cena at Survivor Series. It makes NO sense him becoming a fully-fledged face right away.

Harper will feud with Ziggler at least until TLC.

And for those who call Luke Harper a 'nothing', a 'nobody' - take your head out of the sand. Over the summer months Harper got done of the biggest reactions on ppv and Raw. He's nowhere near established at the top yet, but he's far from a nobody that people don't care about.
Is it just me or does it look strange to anyone else to see Harper holding the Intercontinental Championship? I just imagine him handing it back to the WWE at the end of the night and it's covered in the sweat that normally lines his vest top. Ew!

Seriously though, thank God that the WWE is finally letting Rowan and Harper have personalities. For too long they were just big guys who helped put over someone that the WWE was high on. I am really excited to see how they handle both guys because they could potentially be people who can go a long way within the business.

In terms who should be their next matches, I am not fussed. I'd like to see Dolph Ziggler move back towards the top of the business and this is the perfect opportunity to make that happen. He is in Team Cena for the main event of a big PPV. So let's keep him away from the IC strap for a while - he doesn't need it and he's held it long enough. Harper vs Rowan for the IC belt seems like the most likely and it would be interesting to see how both of those guys approach it. Could be interesting.
I'd personally feed Rowan to Rusev.

Your ideas are interesting, but so much depends on what the company truly intends to do with Harper and Rowan. Since Bray and his country cousins were introduced, folks on this forum have been talking about how terrific Harper and/or Rowan would be as singles. Personally, I always wondered why they thought that; especially with little or no talking, how high could either of them reach? Yes, we know Vince McMahon loves the big bodies, and these two sure fit the bill, yet even as we knew they would eventually split from Bray, I didn't see either rising any higher than lower midcard.

But feeding Rowan to Rusev would really be cutting him off at the knees. It would put Rowan in the same position as Zack Ryder, another stiff placed in front of Rusev several times, strictly for the purpose of elevating Rusev. What's in it for Rowan?

Then again, if the only reason for the apparent pushes of Harper and Rowan is to have them face each other in a series.....well, that's something, I suppose. It's what might be planned for them afterwards that I wonder about.

It was interesting to see Harper beat Dolph Ziggler cleanly. Just when I thought the company might be ready to give Dolph still another push, he loses to a guy whom I figure is going nowhere. I sometimes wonder about the private thoughts of Nick Nemeth......as in, what does he think of his career path?

To answer the OP question, I would rather see Harper fight his old swamp rat buddy than to watch him tangle repeatedly with Dolph Ziggler. Harper-Rowan might not be as good an in-ring contest to watch, but it's more stimulating a storyline because of the history between the two big guys.
I'm all for Ziggler and Harper having a few matches. There is chemistry there and I can't wait to see what they can do. Moreover, Ziggler will have to be the one to carry the feud in terms of promos while Harper is the complete opposite of the bold, arrogant show-off; it's a nice combination.

Harper/Rowan can wait. Vince Russo ain't around so we don't need to see them have a big match tomorrow on Raw. Let it build and see if there is interest. It was pretty cool seeing Rowan walk down the ring to face up to Harper and the crowd reacted well. If they can build that than I reckon there can be something big between these two monsters.
Weren't the Wyatts top heels when they were together, so it would only be right that Harper would still be considered one. I know they were freed by Wyatt and repackaged, well sort of but we knew he'd be back.

So lets look at what has made Harper a debate for "next top heel"...he let Seth Rollins hit Dolph Ziggler with a briefcase, took advantage. And since July I think he hasn't even jumped anybody at all. Last time I can remember him jumping someone was Jericho back at the beginning of the Bray/Jericho feud?

He's shown next to no promo skill, not knocking him or saying he doesn't have them, but all he said was "I'm a team player." I don't want people to get mixed up here, I'm not against him at all. Quite frankly I loved that he just reiterated his dialogue from last week! I literally laughed out loud to it. But we have no idea what he's like on the mic.

I didn't really consider them heel at points, they got cheers and since have been over as faces for the most part.

Not that it's a bad thing, I just don't see how Luke Harper is a possible next top heel. You have a crowded NXT class, the Shield remnants who play good heels(Seth is doing great and I'd imagine Dean would too), Rusev(but who knows how over he'll be when the streak/Lana is gone, he barely gets any reaction now).

Maybe the confusion is the word top: for me I only consider a select group of guys as top. Luke Harper hasn't shown me any signs of being a top heel, I'll be glad to be proven wrong though! I hope that makes more sense :P

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