WWE Roster Cuts, Should Be Released, and "Future Endeavored" Discussion

Very good that WWE finally released that they are too dumb to use someone correctly.At least now he can go somewhere else RoH or TNA or w/e.I was always impressed by this guy's aggressiveness and in-ring skills.LEts just see where he goes now so i can tune in and see his talent properly utilized.
People here seem to really have no clue how good Burchill really is.HE has a very impressive arsenal and the crowd was always into his matches.He is very athletic for a big guy and hell he would be way OVER WAY WAY over due to his arsenal if he were face.Hurricane did a "WORST-ShiNNNING-WIZZZARD of all time", hurricane PRESS and thats about it.But sure Burchill was bad in the ring I mean hell CENA is better in the ring than him.not.
MAria is nice they fired her since she is totally useless ,as an actress and performer.
Hurricane - his gimmck is totally not over RARELY did i see a nice Hurricane chant or sth like that.
Wrestlers I'm expecting to see be released sometime this year..

Tyler Reks
Aka Ricky Ortiz #2.. Since debuting on ECW nobody at all seemed to show any interested in him.. If it weren't for his theme music playing, you could of probably heard a pin drop during his entrance.. The guy's mic skills were very bland.. and well.. hell I can't even remember if his wrestling was any good, I'm guessing it wasn't.. He's been working as a heel in dark matches but I think he can kiss his WWE career goodbye.. Plus his whole episode on an airplane deal will probably play a part in it too..

Slam Master J
This guy is an exceptional wrestler, but during the Jesse and Festus days was anybody interested in seeing Jesse wrestle? Don't think so.. Plus his awful Gangsta wannabe gimmick is doing him no favours.. They probably thought that it worked so well on Cena that it would for him too.. never recycle gimmicks..

or names for that matter.. can anybody remember a certain wrestler's name that rhymes with Slam Master Jay? He also had the same gimmick in a less gangster way..

Jimmy Wang Yang
It would be a shame since this guy is actually interesting to watch in the ring.. but let's face it, with no Cruiserweight title around anymore, he doesn't really have much of a chance with anything else, unless he finds a good partner to hold the tag titles with.. but hey, if they wanted that to happen they would of never released Shannon Moore..

Mike Knox
If the releases aren't over yet, then expect this guy to be thrown in the pit.. The only thing he had going for him was that interesting "intelligent psycho" gimmick he has.. and of course that awesome beard... but besides that he's easily forgettable.. He used to date Kelly Kelly on ECW, remember that?... I wouldn't of either if wikipedia didn't remind me.

Katie Lea Burchill
Just like Knox, If the releases are still coming, run and hide Katie.. well don't, cause they'll find you.

Jillian Hall
Everyone is over the singing gimmick (wait.. was anybody into that in the first place?) but she can pull of some good moves.. but still, she's too sloppy in the ring.. maybe she should grow that sick blemish on her face?... To her credit I can't unsee that..
Who I think should be released:

-Mark Henry
-Dolph Ziggler (Not an actual release but change his damn name)
-Khali (I guess with his relase Ranjin Singh has to go too)
-Finlay (I really like him and he's a great worker but he shouldn't still be on the roster, he should be an agent)
-R-Truth (He's over with the crowd but I hate his ring work, all he care about is spinning, maybe make him a manager or something)
-Slam Master J (At least repackage him as someone competent)

And about half the divas. We can keep Mickie, Beth, Melina, Maryse, Gail, McCool, Layla and either Kelly or Alicia. The rest may look great, but they need women who can really work and make their in ring stuff look good.

Maybe get rid of Primo too, I'm on the fence about him. I like his energy but I don't know how to really get him over.

UNLESS they brought back the cruiserweight division. Then a lot of guys would have something to do instead of floating in purgatory COUGH*Evan Bourne*COUGH
Well i am not shocked at all. WWE continues to fire people around this time in WWE as it is getting pretty pathetic especially with all the people they are firing. I understand that none of these people are realyl "over" with the crowd but jeez give this guy a chance.

Charlie Hass was a great in-ring wrestler. and to be honest is one half of one of the best Tag Teams of all time imo. WGTT was amazing, with two awesome wrestlers that could go against anyone and look good.

IMO, this was a stupid turn of events because i think Hass was an amazing wrestler and never got a singles push.

My favorite Hass moment was when him and benjamin became Team Angle

I put it in the Smackdown section because that is the last place i member him wrestling.

What do you think about this release? shocked/not? Favorite Hass moment? Where is he going next?
I am not shocked at all with his release, after haas and shelton got disband, Haas really didnt do nothing after that actually i think that was the last time that i had seen him. I really had high hope for shelton and hass to reunite, they were one of the best tag teams in the WWE. But hey a guess that they really didnt had that plan or any thing plan for him in the near future.

Honestly i really dont think that Haas will go to any company after his 90 are over, he might just work in his own store that he open in Frisco,Texas. I really dont think that he will go to TNA, he might just retired.
I am personally glad to see her gone. The fact she won diva of year in 2009 when for the life of me I cannot remember her doing anything outside of busu-kawaii expressions with Dolph Ziggler. If the fans truly voted this, the fans should not be allowed to vote again.

He was milquetoast at best. Goodbye.

I fail to understand what is exciting about a midget/dwarf who grunts. But seemingly has enough to stopping power to go over Chavo Geurerro with Eddie's frog splash no less.
He should be relocated to meet and greet sessions to entertain children that do not enjoy clowns.

He was on to something with the black reign persona. It was fresh. He seems to be doing or at least pre-nxt was mentoring. Drop the gold spiel and reinvent himself again. Otherwise walking papers should be in order.

Zero appeal. Don't remember her ever speaking anything memorable if at all. Though she has the passion. I'm just unsure if she should be still active. Then again 6-diva tag matches do not help personal advancement.

For a man who immensely talented on the microphone and in the ring. It is preposterous he has been reduced to a city name shouting, goofball smiling, down the ramp skipping, rapping idiot. Then again this incarnation is miles better than K-Kwik. Repackage or serve walking papers.
ok so people that should or could be released in the future are the following:

Jimmy Wang Yang- I love Jimmy, but we all know he doesn't do squat anymore, and he never will. They might as well get rid of him.

Slam master J- He is Rarely used and he will never be ANYTHING in the business.

Goldust- Now before anyone thinks ANYTHING I do respect him alot. I just don't think he should be in WWE anymore. I mean come on, he is a jobber! it makes him look bad!!

Hornswoggle- Please get rid of this little monster!! He isn't funny, he can't wrestle, and he only takes up time!!

Jillian hall- What can i say. She HAD potential, but the WWE destroyed and humilitated her. plus her singing is horrible and not fun to hear....
These people should be gone.

1) Jimmy Wang Yang - I just don't see anything for him, especially since there is no cruiserweight division anymore. Get rid of him so he can go to ROH or someplace where he can shine.
2) Kung Fu Naki - Nothing more than a comedy act. Just like with Yang, there's nothing left for him. Either release him or make him an agent. I wouldn't be surprised if they do release him. After all, if the WWE can fire guys with tenure like Stevie Richards, Val Venis and Scotty 2 Hotty, why not him.
3) The Great Khali - I would like to see him gone but doubt it because of his appeal on the international market.
4) Vladimir Kozlov - There's nothing appealing about this guy for me. Ezekiel Jackson has more potential than this guy does.
5) Slam Master J - Nothing for this guy that I can see. Probably would've been a nice fit in Legacy if he went under his real name.
6) Layla - They release Maria but keep her. I don't get it.
7) Mike Knox - Just an uninteresting oaf who doesn't offer much.
8) Jillian - Although she is hot, I just don't know how her career in the WWE can be salvaged.
9) Hornswoggle - Please, for the love of god, get him off my TV!
10) The Bella Twins - Unless they're acting as escorts for whatever guest host is on RAW, they're doing nothing. But probably won't go since Vince McMahon apparently has a hard-on for them.
Drew Gallows - He didn't work as Festus, he isn't working now. I really don't want to have to see Punk live in midcard hell just to get this generic big guy over, which isn't going to happen.

NOTE: It's LUKE Gallows. Not Drew.
Well personally i think these 'Superstars?' should go for there own sake...

Carlito - He isn't doing much, apart from being jobbed by Evan Bourne (Why?) and Mentoring the worst Rookie on NXT. Really needs to have stuff going for him.

Hornswoggle - A Midget, Dressed in Lifeguard Attire, Running in slo-mo (I laughed when i saw it), only being used as a guest host novelty...Bye

Jimmy Wang Yang - Who...Oh the really talented Asian Cowboy who can entertain Crowds wherever he goes? yeah him but hasn't been seen since his ECW beatdown at the hands of Sheamus.

Kung-Fu Naki - Where's he gone???

John Cena - Okay, it won't happen but i just wanted to let you know i dont like him!!! :D
The WWE roster needs some serious readjustments. While we have clear cut Superstars that must be kept on board at all costs, there are clearly some athletes that should be let go lest they stick around and be forgotten, or at least so that they may find peace elsewhere. On RAW we have Chavo, Chris Masters, Carlito, Santino, Hornswoggle and Kozlov haven't had any legitimate matches in awhile and the few they had were mediocre at best and easily forgetable. On SmackDown we got less unused talent, but some nonetheless, most notably Goldust, Naki, and Knox. I won't even get into the Divas here because that's just too complicated a topic. But not to speak of talent that must be let go, but rather talent that should have been kept: Jeff Hardy, RVD, and Mr. Kennedy should have been kept on board at all costs. It's sad to see talent such as theirs being reduced to amateurism. Forgive me all TNA fans, but I cannot help but cringe in pain and agony watching TNA. Every match is painfully obviously rehearsed to death as every move seems preordained, having been planned in advance. But I'll give it to TNA that at least there women's talents are actually put to the test rather than just used for worthless segments and nearly ******ed matches put together by "guest hosts." Talent like Hardy and et cetera should be on the WWE roster where they can truly shine. Forgive me my bias, but when the TNA atmosphere ceases giving that amateur feel, I won't cross any lines or boundaries. As for talent that should leave: Chavo and Shelton are pretty much wasted talent on the WWE roster now as they are unused save for house shows. I mean, whatever even happened to Chavo? He just... vanished. If nothing also, at least pair him up with Rey or something. When all is said and done, the combined rosters of both brands need some trimming. If everyone is given a role, no one needs to be let go off. Except maybe for the worthless few but those are probably the most marketable Superstars currently on the roster by which I mean Santino and Hornswoggle. They do nothing to me, but are popular with the kiddies. While I don't hate them, RAW is a wrestling program. Their antics are as anti-wrestling and unfunny as it gets. If they leave, I will not hold my breath.
The one guy that needs to be fired is Khali he has no talent lameass gimmick and hasnt been used in a long ass time
Great Khali - he's just not productive in the ring or over with the fans

Ezekiel Jackson - he isn't bad, but he's injured and will be out 3-6 months, and i cant imagine the WWE having a program for him when he gets back

Hornswoggle - the gimmick has just run its course.

Finlay - hes getting older and doesnt have as much to do on the show. That being said WWE would likely use him still as a trainer backstage.
I'm just SHOCKED!! I can see why Slam Master J, Jimmy Wang, Katie Lea, and Funaki were sacked. But :wtf: Mickie James and Shelton Bejnamin!! What are they smoking there at WWE?! C'mon now people. Especially Shelton!! That guy is pure money, he's far and away one of their most talented, but under-utilized athletes. He's another Christian if you will. I'd love to see him and Mickie get scooped up by TNA after their 90 day clause. I'm for sure Shelton could be TNA champ over there. This is a sad day. :icon_sad:
Both Mickie and Shelton will be in TNA if they want. I'm sure TNA would be glad to have them. Personally I wouldn't want Mickie there as I'm sure TNA would push her insanely hard which would basically say that their Knockouts can't measure to the Diva's. They already have the best women's division shy of Shimmer.
well Mickie James had an album didn't she so WWE probably weren't pleased with that (similar to Maria going onto that TV show) Shelton has been doing the same thing for years and hasn't moved up. The rest were jobbers and hadn't been seen in months so that's not really suprising.
WOW. Mickie and Shelton have both been released. I'm shocked as I think they might of kept Shelton so that he doesn't go to TNA and put on some good performances in the X Division. Mickie has a few problems with people backstage so I'm not too suprised. They could of used Mickie and her CD to get more viewers in but its not like Mickie was doing well anyway. I wish both of them good luck and I wouldn't be suprised if we see them in TNA after their non compete clause expires.
i don't get the mickie james release at all... Shelton had potential which was never utilized so i'm not that unhappy... but jeez Mickie getting released is pretty big news...
So WWE just released six superstars including: Mickie James, Shelton Benjamin, Slam Master J, Jimmy Wang Yang, Kung Fu Naki and Katie Lea Burchill.

The one that surprised me the most is Mickie James. The women's division is terrible, and they just let go one of the top gals. That made absolutely no sense. Benjamin was one I was not shocked about, they were not doing anything with him and now he finally has the opportunity to be a top star elsewhere, perhaps TNA.
Kinda glad Mickie James is gone, she was a total unprofessional and threw several fits in the middle of the ring. Even more so than Randy Orton.

But Shelton Benjamin, there's a guy I'll never give up hope on. Fantastic worker and should have an incredibly bright future ahead of him.
I really don't find any of these releases to be surprising. Save for Mickie and Shelton, the rest haven't been seen for quite some time. As far as Shelton goes, he wasn't being used for anything important. He could never get over and really was good for ladder matches and that's about it. Yes he is super athletic but what else?

As far as Mickie goes, I liked her. She was obviously one of the best Divas they had. However its not unknown that there were issues between the two, whether it was weight or her singing career. So for me I'm not surprised. Cuts needed to be made and that's what they did.

And please don't start with the whole "they made a mistake, now he/she can go to tna" stuff. I'm pretty sure the "E" doesn't really carfe if any or all of them went there. I'm sure Shelton is not going to make WWE regret letting him go.
It was a shock to hear about Benjamin's release, as he really stepped up his game when he was aiming for the ECW Championship and felt that if he had continued his motivation that he seemed to have during that time, he could have really moved up. If anything, he had potential to be an upper midcarder.

I'm upset about Katie Lea and Mickie James, as I liked them both as eye candy and they were both good wrestlers. TNA will love them. I also must note that WWE Magazine seems to have a penchant to release the wrong posters at the wrong times, as the one in the most recent issue was of Mickie James.

I always liked Funaki and Yang, and felt that they really had potential as a jobbing tag team called Tokyo Beatdown, especially since Cryme Tyme has been split up. The Hart Dynasty needs someone to squash, so why not make a team designed for squashing? Idiotic to release them, I must say.

I never cared much either way about Slam Master J.

It pains me to say this, but I believe Zack Ryder will be next. I don't want it to be so, as he has an awesome character, is good enough in ring and on mic, and is a young face. He would be a great midcard talent, but the fact that he hasn't been seen on TV for a while is a telltale sign that he may be the next one to be Future Endeavoured.
Curt Hawkins has to go before Zack Ryder, but the sad thing is he probably will. Neither of these guys have done much, last I remember Zack Ryder was in a match with Christian early this year.
Curt Hawkins has to go before Zack Ryder, but the sad thing is he probably will. Neither of these guys have done much, last I remember Zack Ryder was in a match with Christian early this year.

Yes...Curt Hawkins. Where has he been? I know Ryder has been in more matches since their tag team as Edge's twins broke up. Plus you don't really see awful much of Rose Mendes, or Alicia Fox lately, either, we did see the Baywatch match but not much since or before. Nor Abraham Washington. I wonder if the leftover of the supplemental draft could be the way to judge who goes where, and if no one takes anyone, then they would go no where. Its very confusing to decide who or how they let someone go over someone who's NEVER been used.

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