WWE reportedly working on big summmer angle: Book your own!


Pre-Show Stalwart

With that in mind, let's have a little fun. Book your own summer angle.

Who should it involve? Who would benefit from it? What would the fallout be?

You can either go fantasy booking on this, or just even make suggestions as to who you would want involved.

In my opinion, with the surplus of young talent now, it would have been the perfect time to have pulled the Nexus in this day of age. No thanks to that again though.

With that being said, since it appears like they're in a rush to figure this out, I do believe we'll get a stable out of this. Maybe a more concrete one with Johnny Ace? People vs. Power? Help that elevate a young face.

Whatever it is though, I just want it booked COMPLETELY. Know how it's going to start, and commit to how it is going to finish.

Not really sure. I'll try to come up with more ideas as the day goes on. What do you guys think?
As soon as i saw this I thought HHH Vs Lesner. The whole angle is around the lawsuit and Lesner agrees to drop it if HHH mans up and fights him at Summerslam.

HHH Will be reluctant, but details of the lawsuit emerge that will be a huge loss in a cash settlement, maybe a payment for life etc from WWE/Vince to Lesner with a percentage going to Heyman.

HHH finally steps up to defend the WWE.
I think the major summer angle definitely should result in a making of a new young star, since Orton's absence has left a huge hole to fill.

My angle would be the rise of Dolph Ziggler. Firstly what the past 2 summer angles have accomplished that made them so successful was shock factor. In my angle, I first would have Ziggler slowly getting frustrated with Vickie and Swagger, stating that he is better than getting stuck with them. Then Ziggler would turn on Swagger in a brutal way similar to Shawn Michaels barber shop segment to create the shock factor. Next week, Dolph cuts a promo and says that he wants to be the best, and to be the best he needs to be managed by THE best, and introduces Ric Flair as his new manager. Dolph then begins to steal the show every week leading up to summerslam where he will challenge the champion.
I think if they wanted to get more out of Triple H and Lesnar then just a big match for SummerSlam, let these lawsuits lead to Triple H losing control of the WWE and Heyman taking over. Can either be through a settlement or Lesnar defeating Triple H at SummerSlam. Heyman becomes the primary authority figure on RAW, but allows Laurinitis to still control SmackDown. He gives Lesnar every contract addition that Triple H revoked, and makes him the top guy. He finally finds a way to make Lesnar champion again and announces that Lesnar will only show up at Pay-Per-Views, maybe a view "via satellite" on RAW.. but he becomes PPV exclusive. Have it come to a head at Survivor Series when a team formed and led by Triple H defeats a team Paul Heyman and Lesnar have put together to take back full control of WWE. But Lesnar still has the belt, and with Heyman by his side.. fends off every effort The Game makes to dethrone and fire him. Lesnar walks into WrestleMania, after losing the title at Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber, and faces off with an opponent of Triple H's choosing (Undertaker, Stone Cold, or The Rock) and when they defeat Lesnar.. they rid the WWE of him and Heyman forever!
I think if they wanted to get more out of Triple H and Lesnar then just a big match for SummerSlam, let these lawsuits lead to Triple H losing control of the WWE and Heyman taking over. Can either be through a settlement or Lesnar defeating Triple H at SummerSlam. Heyman becomes the primary authority figure on RAW, but allows Laurinitis to still control SmackDown. He gives Lesnar every contract addition that Triple H revoked, and makes him the top guy. He finally finds a way to make Lesnar champion again and announces that Lesnar will only show up at Pay-Per-Views, maybe a view "via satellite" on RAW.. but he becomes PPV exclusive. Have it come to a head at Survivor Series when a team formed and led by Triple H defeats a team Paul Heyman and Lesnar have put together to take back full control of WWE. But Lesnar still has the belt, and with Heyman by his side.. fends off every effort The Game makes to dethrone and fire him. Lesnar walks into WrestleMania, after losing the title at Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber, and faces off with an opponent of Triple H's choosing (Undertaker, Stone Cold, or The Rock) and when they defeat Lesnar.. they rid the WWE of him and Heyman forever!

Pretty good. It would be a wierd few months their with the champ only competing at ppv's but if Hogan could do it in WCW, then Brock can pull it off here.
I think the nexus idea shouldn't be completely abandoned. Perhaps have VKM fire Johnny. Have a few weeks pass and let superstars closely linked to him (Otunga, Show, Rhodes, Ziggler, The Miz ect) show their frustration. Let them complain how it is not fair and that they won't get an opportunity.

Then during a raw there is a match going on, lets say involving punk or cena and incomes a group of these heels with Lesnar. This group of about 10 guys destroy everything and after they are done Johnny appears smugly in the crowd. This leads to a power struggle between Johhny/Heyman and HHH/VKM.

This would be fairly unique and would get people talking. It could also lead to many different exciting matches and sub-plots involving titles. Maybe someone steals the WWE championship from Punk leading to its redesign.
Another thing:

Do keep in mind that a couple weeks ago, Punk and Heyman tweeted about people having "no idea what was coming."

Perhaps an indication Punk could be tied to Heyman down the line?
I think the major summer angle definitely should result in a making of a new young star, since Orton's absence has left a huge hole to fill.

My angle would be the rise of Dolph Ziggler. Firstly what the past 2 summer angles have accomplished that made them so successful was shock factor. In my angle, I first would have Ziggler slowly getting frustrated with Vickie and Swagger, stating that he is better than getting stuck with them. Then Ziggler would turn on Swagger in a brutal way similar to Shawn Michaels barber shop segment to create the shock factor. Next week, Dolph cuts a promo and says that he wants to be the best, and to be the best he needs to be managed by THE best, and introduces Ric Flair as his new manager. Dolph then begins to steal the show every week leading up to summerslam where he will challenge the champion.

:wtf: This is nothing like Shawn super-kicking Janetty through the barbershop. Swagger would actually have to be relevant.
I think if they wanted to get more out of Triple H and Lesnar then just a big match for SummerSlam, let these lawsuits lead to Triple H losing control of the WWE and Heyman taking over. Can either be through a settlement or Lesnar defeating Triple H at SummerSlam. Heyman becomes the primary authority figure on RAW, but allows Laurinitis to still control SmackDown. He gives Lesnar every contract addition that Triple H revoked, and makes him the top guy. He finally finds a way to make Lesnar champion again and announces that Lesnar will only show up at Pay-Per-Views, maybe a view "via satellite" on RAW.. but he becomes PPV exclusive. Have it come to a head at Survivor Series when a team formed and led by Triple H defeats a team Paul Heyman and Lesnar have put together to take back full control of WWE. But Lesnar still has the belt, and with Heyman by his side.. fends off every effort The Game makes to dethrone and fire him. Lesnar walks into WrestleMania, after losing the title at Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber, and faces off with an opponent of Triple H's choosing (Undertaker, Stone Cold, or The Rock) and when they defeat Lesnar.. they rid the WWE of him and Heyman forever!

I like that idea a lot, although if I were to say one thing, I would refrain from giving Brock Lesnar the belt. I wouldn't object to him being champion but I think the WWE Championship could have its own storyline over the summer based on the rise of a new main eventer. From what I've heard, the 2 MITB winners will be people who haven't won it before. I would have them feud with either Punk and/or Cena by being on Laurinaitis' side, giving this person instant heat. I think the 2 winners are likely to be Ziggler and Rhodes but for this angle I would pick Rhodes. Dolph hasn't really had the chance to break out on his own so there's a bigger risk he flops. Rhodes got the test run with the Intercontinental Championship and did more for it than anyone since Jericho and Mysterio imo, just a shame he got booked badly against Show.
......how about this Monday night, VKM tells Johnny that they have officially began "interviewing" indivduals for the PERMANENT GM job........Big John continues with his "I want to impress VKM, and be fair to all the lockerroom" attitude he had this past monday night and pisses off "friends" in the back. The line between face/heel become blurred, literally, have the FACES going at each other's throats, have the heels going at one another......until finally there is a full scale mutiny within the locker room.

And to piggyback on NIGuy, have Lesnar's name be tossed into the mix as being GM due to his current legal actions. HHH gets a "match" where he has to fight Lesnar at Summerslam for the "GM" Job......John Cena gets "some sense knocked into him" (resulting in him taking some time off to deal with his soon to be ex-wife's shit) by the Big Show at this upcoming PPV. 3-4 weeks prior to SummerSlam, Cena returns as a Big Johnny Lackey, takes out HHH.

Now that the "face" of the company has turned, no one on the roster trusts one another. More "chaos" in the locker room, guys are threatening to follow Lesnar's suit and "quit." Have a "Raw Walkoff" moment similar to when ALL the Superstars turned their back on HHH......except as the first guy (literally anyone) heads up the ramp, Undertaker's music hits.......Taker chockslams him........calls out the ENTIRE roster for thier Bullshit.

SummerSlam card (incomplete)

Kharma returns......beats up "insert diva name here"

Ryback wins a Money in the Bank match

Bryans, Punk, Sheamus and Cena in a fatal four way match to unify the two titles. (Cena wins)

Taker vs Lesnar (HHH special guest referee).....headlining. (Lesnar WINS, then gives Big Johnny the Full time job as GM on the following raw, "writes" himself a 'huge' check, and leaves town........we dont see him again til wrestlemania season, when he comes back for his "job".......Taker vs Lesnar, Streak vs Career at WM
At RAW, after Money in the Bank it is announced that Brock Lesnar will have to be in a 3 Stages of Hell match at Sumerslam first against Cena (a normal match) which Lesnar wins, second a Last Man Standing match for the WWE Championship against CM Punk which Lesnar wins and the third against Triple-H (Hell in a Cell) in which there is a stipulation that if Brock Lesnar wins Paul Heyman will become the GM of RAW, in which Lesnar wins and Paul Heyman becomes the GM of RAW.

Then Rock returns and challenges Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at Survivor Series in which Lesnar wins and retains the WWE Championship with the help of Paul Heyman.

At the Royal Rumble The Undertaker returns at No. 30 and wins the Royal Rumble and challenges Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 29 with Stone Cold Steve Austin as the Special Guest Referee.
I think the nexus idea shouldn't be completely abandoned. Perhaps have VKM fire Johnny. Have a few weeks pass and let superstars closely linked to him (Otunga, Show, Rhodes, Ziggler, The Miz ect) show their frustration. Let them complain how it is not fair and that they won't get an opportunity.

Then during a raw there is a match going on, lets say involving punk or cena and incomes a group of these heels with Lesnar. This group of about 10 guys destroy everything and after they are done Johnny appears smugly in the crowd. This leads to a power struggle between Johhny/Heyman and HHH/VKM.

This would be fairly unique and would get people talking. It could also lead to many different exciting matches and sub-plots involving titles. Maybe someone steals the WWE championship from Punk leading to its redesign.

I like that idea with Vince/HHH vs Heyman/Ace fighting for power. It would also be a good way to get Lesnar back on and get him involved going into Summerslam with Triple H.

Maybe have Cena,Punk,Sheamus,Christian,and a few others represent the VKM/HHH side and Lesnar,Rhodes,Ziggler,Big Show,Otunga and few others be on Johnny/Heyman's side.

Im pretty excited about this and hopefully this will lead to some interesting Matches/Feuds over the Summer.
I think the following angle could really heat up the whole WWE throughout the summer, and lead to the fans regaining interest in the product. My proposed feud involves John Cena and an up-and-coming heel, maybe someone like Wade Barrett or a new stable. It begins on a RAW, where Cena has a match and is on his way to victory when the heel runs in and viciously attacks him. This continues over the next few weeks, until Cena finally snaps and catches the heel in the act, attacking them in the lead up to their PPV match. At the PPV, Cena loses due to a controversial/dirty finish. Undeterred, Cena vows to exact revenge on his opponent at the next PPV and give the fans what they all want to see. However, the opponent is also undeterred. He vows to free the WWE Universe from the iron grip of Cena. The heel/stable, along with help from Big Johnny, continue to stack the odds against Cena to the point that Cena is on the verge of not being able to compete at all. Heading into SummerSlam, Cena is bruised, battered and emotionally drained from fighting off all these people for a few months. At Summerslam, after enduring even more punishment, Cena overcomes the odds and pulls out a miracle victory. The crowd goes wild. Cena shakes hands and kisses babies on his way out, showing once and for all that heart and dedication are the most important keys to success.

Timeline: Post the Punk/Kane/Bryan feud where Punk is still holding the title and he's still feuding with Bryan.

Bryan has a promo where he brings up Punk and states how he's not a legitimate WWE title winner. He could say this do to another controversial ending to the three way match that they will have in No Way Out. Then Bryan continues by saying that not only is Punk not a legitimate WWE title winner, but he's not a legitimate WWE title champion.

Bryan explains that since Punk got the belt its never been the main event of a PPV anymore. Bryan then goes on to say that Punk still has a crappy design for a belt and that the wwe public still wants their wwe ice cream. Soon after the promo someone goes to interview Punk who you can tell is visibly upset with what Bryan just said and Punk just leaves the interview.

Next week on Monday Night Raw after Paul Heyman and Triple H finish talking about Brock Lesnar we cut to a CM Punk who has been quiet and visibly upset since the Bryan promo and we see him go somewhere with Heyman to have a meeting in secret. After the meeting we cut back to a CM Punk who is all jolly and the same face we've seen for the last couple of months. At this point CM Punk heads to the ring for the last segment of the night where he reveals to all that his new manager will be Paul Heyman and that he will finally get the treatment he deserves as WWE Champion.

The following week on Raw Triple H goes to the ring starts bad mouthing Heyman and Lesnar and then calls out Punk. Triple H tries to tell Punk that Heyman's a bad apple and that he doesn't look out for anybody but himself. Punk then gets a mic and starts asking Triple H why he's not in the main event. He tells Triple H that although he likes to believe its John Laurinitis that is behind all of this that in reality he truly isn't and he wants to know why he's being kept down. Triple H then starts to turn defensive and thinks Punk is starting to lose it like R Truth and the Miz were last year. Punk brings them up as well. Punk asks about the whereabouts of the Miz and how he went from being champion in Wrestlemania to bottom feed in a year. Punk visibly angry leaves the ring.

Bryan later on in the night challenges Punk to a WWE title match in the next PPV. Its going to be a 60minute iron man match in which Bryan will win and will be the main event of the night. The monday night raw after the PPV will have Bryan debuting the new WWE title. After the debut of the new belt Punk is heard thanking Heyman for being one of the few people to believe in him and that although he lost the night before to Daniel Bryan that at least he finally got his main event moment. Heyman says Punk deserves it, but that Heymans services are not free so he asks Punk for a favor as opposed to compensation.

The match of the night will be John Cena vs Daniel Bryan. John gets on the mic before the match starts to congratulate Bryan and Bryan thanks Cena. As their match proceeds CM Punk heads to the ring gets a steel chair and then hits Bryan with it so Bryan gets the win via disqualification and then Cena who is shocked and upset confronts Punk about it and Punk beats Cena up with the chair. He clearly focuses on Cena. Punk gets the mic and states that it was Cena all along that held him down. That Cena was afraid about how his merchandise and popularity was starting to overshadow Cena. That it was Cena who complained to WWE management that he should be the main event of Wrestlemania, Extreme Rules, Over the limit, and No Way Out. Punk had some respect for Cena, but not anymore. He hits Cena with the chair again and then says thats for his crappy title reign. Hits Cena again and says thats for his unmet promises to the fans. Hits Cena with the chair one more time which draws blood from Cena and says this one is from Brock Lesnar.

My booking eventually leads to Triple H vs Brock at SummerSlam as a no dq match in which halfway through the bout Punk comes out interferes in the match holds down Triple H and Brock pummels Triple H for the win. You then see Heyman Punk and Brock in the ring celebrating Brock's victory.
Vince comes out Monday and kicks Big Johnny back to his coporate office, installs Mick Foley as RAW GM and Williams Regal as Smackdown!GM. Heyman then confronts HHH and Vince about the impending lawsuits and the fact that they need to be dealt with. Paul Heyman has Brock Lesnar help CM Punk win the triple threat match at No Way Out and demonstrates to Punk that Heyman is a CM Punk guy. Heyman continues to threaten HHH and Vince with a lawsuit regarding Brock's contract and HHH getting physical with Heyman. Heyman says that the goal of Brock is to help Heyman gain control of the WWE, not to win the World title, and at SS he proposes a match with Brock/Punk vs HHH and a partner of Vince's choosing. If Heyman's team wins he takes control of WWE, if Vince wins, Heyman and Brock leave forever.

Vince and HHH struggle to find a fitting partner, Heyman crows about it becoming a handicapped match, or suggets that Vince get in the ring and 'get killed trying to save his company' 2 weeks before Summerslam, Punk and Brock are beating down HHH when Randy Orton makes the save and offers to be HHH's partner.

At Summerslam, the match between the teams is even, and at the end, after a ref bump, HHH calls for Orton to get him his sledgehammer under the ring, Orton grabs it and gets in the ring, he goes to hand it to him, when HHH goes to take it away, Orton maintains his grip. Hunter confused asks what is going on. Orton drops the hammer and hits HHH with the RKO. Followed up by the F5 from Lesnar, as Punk takes out Vince on the outside. After the match Orton grabs the sledge and busts HHH and Vince open. Summerslam closes with Punk/Orton/Brock/and Heyman with their hands raised high.

This can be rolled in to various feuds going forward through WrestleMani 29

Austin helping Vince versus Punk or you could use a face Ziggler versus Punk for two fresh faces

But, that would be my Summer angle anyways.
Okay, here's my idea.

It starts with Punk dropping the belt to Bryan at No Way Out.

It's July 23rd, everybody's celebrating the 1000th episode of RAW, it's a PPV caliber show.

The last segment of the show GLASS SHATTERS and out comes Austin, he cuts a promo about RAW hitting the big 1000, he drinks beer etc. y'know, the usual stuff. All the superstars come to the ramp and start clapping blah, blah, blah.

Punk's music hits, he walks down to the ring, pushing everybody out of the way and he confronts Austin and just outright asks him for a match at Summerslam, he'll get his rematch with Bryan some other time. All the Superstars are awaiting Austin's answer.

Austin declines, stating that he is interested in wrestling again, but he doesn't wanna wrestle Punk. Punk, confused, asks why. Austin says that Punk has lost his intensity and his passion.

A pissed off Punk slaps Austin and the two start brawling, all the Superstars run in to break them up. END OF SHOW.

Next week Punk comes out, he tells everyone he never really gave a shit about making the WWE interesting again, he was in it for himself the entire time. Suddenly, Paul Heyman shows up, he says if Punk wants to get a match with Austin he'll need some help, so he offers Punk his services as a manager. Punk accepts.

Austin shows up, saying that Punk has his attention now and accepts his offer for a match and Summerslam.

Then you have the usual build up. Promos between the two, brawls etc.

It could use some work, I know, but it's just a rough idea really. Change stuff or expand on it if you want.
The storyline begins with Big Johnny's job performance appraisal this upcoming week on Raw. Vince decides that Johnny is putting himself before the organization and it has hurt the business. He angrily blames Johnny for record low ratings and calls him a failure for allowing CM Punk to hold the WWE title for so long. Vince orders Johnny to resume his responsibilities as VP of talent relations but effective immediately, Vince McMahon will be the interim GM of both Raw and Smackdown. Vince promises he will install permanent GMs by the time No Way Out happens.

On Smackdown that week, Triple H opens the show with a promo about how Johnny failed as GM and promises the WWE Universe that he will stand up for the fans. Vickie Guerrero comes out to shout "Excuse Me!" and tells Triple H he should worry about corporate affairs because she will be the next GM of both Raw and Smackdown. Triple H begins to ridicule her when Michael Cole stands up from the announcer's table to shout that he is the most qualified to fill Big Johnny's shoes. Then out comes Paul Heyman to declare that he is lobbying hard to become the GM of Raw, Smackdown, or both so Brock Lesnar can return to WWE and do things his way. Triple H tells them all that he will do everything in his power to make sure that none of them become GMs of any brand.

At No Way Out: Early in the show Triple H is seen backstage discussing the GM situation with Vince. Triple H says that Heyman, Guerrero and Cole are too biased and inexperienced to run the shows right now. Vince says the board of directors agrees and suggested Triple H for GM of Smackdown. Triple H asks if he could also take over the GM spot on Raw, but Vince says that someone else just as qualified as him took the position and they will be revealed tomorrow on Raw.

Punk retains the WWE championship thanks to AJ distracting Bryan and Kane, Punk lifts AJ on his shoulder in the ring to celebrate. Big Show defeats Cena who is taken away on a stretcher after 3 consecutive WMD strikes. Alberto Del Rio defeats Sheamus with assistance from RR to become World Heavyweight Champion, and Sheamus Brogue Kicks him angrily and storms off.

The next night on Raw, the "Anonymous General Manager" podium makes it return, and Cole angrily stands at it to read the messages, complaining about how he should be the GM. The anon GM announces a WWE Title #1 contender match for the MiTB ppv later in the night.
Triple H finds Vickie backstage and asks her if she's the new GM, and Vickie tells him she has no clue who the new GM of Raw is. Later he finds Heyman and asks the same thing, gets the same answer, and has no idea who to trust.
We get a Fatal 4-Way for the #1 contender spot with Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger and Big Show. CM Punk and AJ are on commentary, AJ flirts with Cole and Punk gets annoyed. Big Show wins it quickly, wreaking havoc on the other Superstars. Show takes a mic and cuts a promo on Punk, saying the new GM set him up so nicely that he'd personally like to thank "her." Swagger and Ziggler look confused, wondering if he's referring to Vickie. Familiar music hits, and out comes Stephanie McMahon, the new GM of Raw. Triple H watches on a screen backstage in disbelief.

Leading up to MITB, Stephanie favors heels on Raw and Triple H books Smackdown as fairly as he can. Sheamus gets his rematch at MitB against Del Rio, Big Show dominates all and looks to take the championship from Punk. Stephanie develops an entourage that consists of Big Show, Kane, and Paul Heyman. When Cena makes his return to Raw, he is bruised and beaten still from fighting Big Show at NWO. He cuts a promo on Stephanie's corrupt managing and says if she weren't a woman he'd beat her down like he did Johnny Ace. Stephanie comes out to address the matter, when Kane and Show sneak attack Cena and put him out for a little bit longer.

MitB: Wade Barrett returns, wins the MitB briefcase for Smackdown. Chris Jericho returns, wins the MitB briefcase for Raw. Sheamus beats Del Rio and wins back the WHC. Punk beats Big Show with an assist from AJ who distracts Show with her "look." Big Show lays out Punk after losing, prompting Jericho and Stephanie McMahon to run down to the ring and cash in the MITB briefcase on Punk. Jericho raises the WWE title, and kisses Stephanie on the lips to close out the show.

Following night on Raw: WWE Champion Jericho, Stephanie McMahon, Show, Kane, and Heyman stand in the ring. Jericho says its great to be back and working under such great management. He says Stephanie and him have always been close, maybe closer than Triple H is to his own wife. Triple H comes out to the ring and stands nose to nose with WWE champion Chris Jericho. Fuming mad, Triple H demands an explanation from his wife and him. Stephanie claims it's just business and she was caught up in the moment because Jericho is such a proven star for the company. Jericho claims he did it just to make Triple H mad, and smirks. Triple H goes to pummel Jericho but Kane and Show beat down Triple H instead. CM Punk runs out next, to assist Triple H, followed by Ryback. Punk and Ryback clear the ring while Show and Kane run up the ramp with Stephanie and Jericho. Later in the night Kane and Show receive a tag title match against Kofi and R-Truth, who win the tag titles with a little distraction help from their manager Heyman.

Triple H opens Smackdown that week, saying he has had enough of the GM garbage. He can't stand by seeing what his wife is doing on Raw so he will make a deal. At Summerslam, there will be a WWE title rematch between Chris Jericho and CM Punk. Jericho can have whoever he wants in his corner, and Triple H will be in Punk's corner. If Punk loses then Stephanie will be the GM of both brands, and if Punk wins Triple H will take over both brands. Stephanie walks out onto the entrance ramp clapping. She loves the idea, but thinks it's a little boring. She proposes a winner-takes-all match featuring the WWE Champion and the Tag Team champions in a 3 on 3 match. Stephanie boasts that she has all the valuable stars on her team, so it's a guaranteed win.

At Summerslam, the 3 on 3 winner-takes-all match for the WWE Title, Tag Titles and GM position on both brands will be:

Chris Jericho (WWE Champion), Big Show and Kane (Tag Team Champions) with Stephanie McMahon


CM Punk, Ryback and (mystery opponent) with Triple H

When the match starts, everyone makes their entrance except for the mystery opponent on Punk and Ryback's team. The lights go out and we hear the familiar "bell" of the UNDERTAKER!
If WWE invest their 'big summer angle' around any IWC wet dream like Rhodes or Ziggler then watch the ratings fall.

In short, have Vince join forces with John Laurinaitis and form a super stable making life hell for John Cena and CM Punk. Big Show, David Otunga and a returning Randy Orton could provide the opposition.

Maybe throw in Triple H to the mix after his fued with Brock is over. No doubt he would want to stick his big nose in like he did the Punk/Nash/Laurinaitis stuff last year.

Start this at the end of the 1000th episode of Raw.
My idea would have to be, Brock Lesnar winning the WWE Championship. Think about it! He takes the championship from Punk at MITB (not winning the briefcase btw) and he disappears from the company. And HHH steps up for the WWE challenging Brock Lesnar for the title at Summerslam. Yes, it would be somewhat similar to what happened to Punk last year. But, this time Lesnar's contract isn't running out, and he isn't ditching. The plot to set it up would be that Lesnar won his case in court. And he signed a revised contract appearing when he wants to, challenging who he wants to whenever he wants. Lesnar's first appearance? The original match at MITB was scheduled to be Kane vs CM Punk. Then Kane got taken out by somebody and can't compete. Then CM Punk is out there, cuts a promo calling out the mystery attacker when Brock Lesnar's music hits, he attacks from behind. Cashes in on one of the perks on his contract. Punk and Lesnar have their match and Lesnar wins in dominating fashion. Then over the next couple of months, you have company guys step up trying to regain the Championship for the WWE. HHH, Punk, Miz, and of course Kane getting his revenge. Nobody is successful. And then you have the rematch. Brock Lesnar vs John Cena for the championship in another extreme match setting. John Cena wins the rematch regaining the championship. It would throw Cena back into the championship mix. And it would make sense that Lesnar only has 24 dates left on his contract so he only appears AT the PPV, and maybe a couple of RAW shows as apart of his contract. Then maybe you have Cena win it at Survivor Series, then Brock Lesnar doesn't show up again until the Royal Rumble match or the weeks leading up to WrestleMania. But this is just what I would do for that summer angle.
He finally finds a way to make Lesnar champion again and announces that Lesnar will only show up at Pay-Per-Views, maybe a view "via satellite" on RAW.. but he becomes PPV exclusive.

I wouldn't want it to be Lesnar because he's not a great speaker, but I've wanted them to put the title on a super-arrogant heel and have him do this exact thing. Like, part of his character is that he just flat out refuses to show up at Raw or Smackdown or, maybe even better, play his arrogance up to the point where he regularly rolls into work late and says he's there to compete for the live crowd, but if you want to see him then you'll need to order the event. That way he can wrestle dark matches without anyone bitching that "he was at the arena!" So as the show is about to go off the air, his music hits and he walks out and the commentators whine and complain that he's shown up so late, etc. If you have a heel general manager (I'm against general managers in general, but for this purpose it'd work) then you could also have the dynamic from the face wrestlers of "how can he get away with all of this without penalty?!"

Of course, I don't know how long it'd last and how well it'd go over. I couldn't imagine a year-long title reign for a guy who [kayfabe] refuses to show his face on cable and, on the flip side, if the reign was too short, it would take away most of his heat.
I sat here & thought, okay, WWE is just blowing smoke, nothing big is going to happen, especially nothing the way of a major return (ie. Kurt Angle) or huge debut (ie Sting, etc etc). But then I thought about it and it can go this way: So starting next week Vince McMahon is supposed to be returning. Have him do the whole job evaluation over Big Johnny and fire him. Then, have Brock Lesner return and just completely beat down McMahon. I mean, really have it as a damn near shoot fight. Now, we've taken Vince off TV for the time being.

I know from here it'll get pretty typical because the fans will KNOW that HHH is going to come to the rescue of his father-in-law Vince McMahon. But here's where it can heat up. So the "board of directors" (whom by the way, we've never really seen) will blame HHH basically saying he's egg'd Lesner on and it's cost the company its leader. HHH then states that he's just trying to do what's right for business, but nobody will hear of it. There's a mystery person on the board whom says that Lesner is rehired but that HHH is fired...Under one condition, he takes on a match at Summerslam against Lesner. If HHH wins, he'll be reinstated at the same position he was before. If Lesner wins, he gets any match of his choosing at next year's WrestleMania (this will help at least ensure to the fans that Lesner will stay till Mania and maybe set up a possible Lesner/Undertaker match). However, the mystery person isn't revealed. It's just via letter.

Heyman arrives a week or so later saying he has a big announcement on who actually rehired Brock Lesner and who suggested that not only Lesner beat down Vince but also is offering advice for the law suit. This person also is the one who fired HHH. The next week HHH, Lesner & Heyman meet to sign for the match at Summerslam. Stephanine McMahon also comes to aid in her husband's defense, stating that he's been doing a tremendous job all this time.

Last segment of that Raw features the contract signing. And then right before the contract is to be signed, Stephaine reveals she's the one who rehired Lesner, ordered him to beat down her father and fired her husband. She states that HHH wants to take control of a company that's never going to be his. His blood is NOT a McMahon, never was, never will be. She'd rather die than to see her husband take her father's place. And so, she fired her husband yet placed him in a match that she knows he can't win. And she hopes he never wins. All those Hell in a Cell and WrestleMania matches didn't mean crap because at the end of the day, he's staring at an unstoppable force. Oh and by the way, since Vince fired Big Johnny, the new GM of both Raw and Smackdown is none other than Paul Heyman. Heyman and Steph embrace with a hug, HHH tries to stop it, Lesner beats the crap outta HHH and now everything is officially set for Summerslam, which of course HHH loses, he's "fired", Steph gets HHH's job for the time being and Heyman runs both Raw & Smackdown with Lesner running rough shot for a few months until The Undertake arrives around November/December and announces he wants Lesner...at WrestleMania...There we go! Your summer!!!
CM Punk and Sheamus both defend their titles at No Way Out. Ziggler finally breaks away from Vicki and Swagger at No Way Out and turns face. CM Punk defeats Kane at MITB, while Sheamus defeats Daniel Bryan; both retain the titles. Dolph Ziggler (face) and Wade Barrett (heel) win the briefcases at MITB as faces. On to SummerSlam.

At the conclusion of the Triple H vs Brock Lesnar match (we'll say Triple H wins), Lesnar pummels Triple H after the fact. This brings out Sheamus. Sheamus and Lesnar fight with Lesnar gaining the upper hand, and out comes Punk. Punk runs down and helps attack Sheamus. Lesnar and Punk beat down Triple H and Sheamus. The locker room empties, and the 3 heels flee through the crowd.

On RAW, we find out Cena was locked inside a room from the outside. Punk, Lesnar, and Heyman were found to be innocent. Who locked Cena in the room? Cena spends the month finding various clues as to who locked him in the room. These clues seem to lead to Laurinitis and Big Show. On to Night of Champions.

Ziggler cashes in and wins the United States Championship from Santino, saying this is what he needed to complete his the plan, and he is seen talking to Cody Rhodes in a later segment about something. CM Punk defends against Bryan. Sheamus defends against Randy Orton. Afterwards, Lesnar, Punk, and Heyman come down and beat down Sheamus until Triple H and Cena make the save. Wade Barrett comes down and cashes in, and wins the World Heavyweight Championship.

On RAW, you find out it was Barrett that locked Cena inside the room and that he is apart of "Legitimacy." This leads to Cena vs Barrett at Hell in a Cell.

At Hell in a Cell, Rhodes defeats Christian for the Intercontinental Title after Ziggler interferes. Cena faces Barrett for the World Title. Barrett picks up the win. Punk runs down after and attacks Cena with Barrett. Heyman is shown backstage lowering the cell again, and Lesnar, Ziggler, and Rhodes runs in from the crowd and beat up Cena. The show ends with no outside help from the locker room. Cena is beaten badly.

On RAW, "Legitimacy" takes the rings and delivers a promo insulting WWE and the fans. Heyman states that he should be running the company as Vince took his ideas to begin with. Triple H comes out and challenges them to a match at Survivor Series. If team WWE loses, Heyman takes over as COO, GM, and Talent relations. If Legitimacy loses, Heyman and Lesnar are suspended indefinitely, and Punk, Rhodes, and Ziggler must defend their titles against members from team WWE at TLC. Heyman agrees, but points out that everybody is scared of them. The proof is that nobody ran out to protect the WWE golden boy, John Cena. Triple H says he will have a team by Survivor Series.

Triple H rounds up John Cena, and Sheamus as those who will fight for team WWE. On the final RAW, you see Triple H and Cena having a heated argument. Cena finally backs down and agrees with Triple H. They shake hands. Going into Survivor Series, the match is listed as 5 on 3 unless Triple H can find two other partners.

At Survivor Series, you see Legitimacy show up after the first match. After the 2nd match, you see a Limo pull up with Cena, Sheamus, and Triple H emerging. They stand around talking while the door remains open. Suddenly, The Rock emerges from the Limo. They walk to their locker room. Ziggler, Rhodes, Punk, Barrett, Lesnar and Heyman hit the ring and wait for Team WWE to emerge. Sheamus, John Cena, Triple H, and the Rock enter and the match is set to begin. Sheamus and Barrett are set to begin and the bell rings, when suddenly the lights go out... GONG... GONG... Undertaker's theme hits and he makes his way to the ring.

Team WWE gets the win after Undertaker eliminates Punk, and then Lesnar. After the win, Lesnar gathers himself and hits Taker with an F5 before leaving. Thus setting up the storyline for their Wrestlemania match.
:wtf: This is nothing like Shawn super-kicking Janetty through the barbershop. Swagger would actually have to be relevant.

Which is why I used the word brutal, the attack could be brutal that the audience begin to wonder is that allowed and provide the shock value.

If WWE invest their 'big summer angle' around any IWC wet dream like Rhodes or Ziggler then watch the ratings fall.

In short, have Vince join forces with John Laurinaitis and form a super stable making life hell for John Cena and CM Punk. Big Show, David Otunga and a returning Randy Orton could provide the opposition.

Maybe throw in Triple H to the mix after his fued with Brock is over. No doubt he would want to stick his big nose in like he did the Punk/Nash/Laurinaitis stuff last year.

Start this at the end of the 1000th episode of Raw.

Because a bunch of rookies and CM Punk were such huge draws in the past? These summer angles create stars not using those old recycled "big names"
I think the major summer angle definitely should result in a making of a new young star, since Orton's absence has left a huge hole to fill.

My angle would be the rise of Dolph Ziggler. Firstly what the past 2 summer angles have accomplished that made them so successful was shock factor. In my angle, I first would have Ziggler slowly getting frustrated with Vickie and Swagger, stating that he is better than getting stuck with them. Then Ziggler would turn on Swagger in a brutal way similar to Shawn Michaels barber shop segment to create the shock factor. Next week, Dolph cuts a promo and says that he wants to be the best, and to be the best he needs to be managed by THE best, and introduces Ric Flair as his new manager. Dolph then begins to steal the show every week leading up to summerslam where he will challenge the champion.

While I don't see this as being a big angle of the summer, I do think this is where they're going with Ziggler, at least for the most part. I see him embarking on a losing streak compounding the frustration he feels in which he, eventually, severs his relationship with Vickie & Swagger forcefully.

As for what I'd do, and sorry if I'm ripping somebody off as I haven't read all the responses, is go with Cena vs. Punk II. I could see Cena moving on from Big Show after No Way Out and ultimately setting his sights back on the WWE Championship. With The Rock & WM 28 in his rear view mirror and having gotten monkeys like Tensai & Big Show off his back, I can honestly see WWE booking Cena to where he's "getting back on track" and looking to take his place back at the top of the mountain with the WWE Championship. I know that both Cena & Punk are faces at the moment but Cena is such a polarizing character. Both he & Punk garner strong responses and, just like last year, I think fans would be highly interested in this. Big Johnny could even be in the mix, a little, in the hopes that Punk & Cena will basically destroy each other, thus ridding him of the two biggest & most disrespectful thorns in his side.

In some ways, I guess it could be built in a way of seeing who the "face" of WWE really is. While Cena is still THE guy, Punk has had a dominant run with the WWE Championship and his popularity rivals Cena's. Cena is the "franchise player" while CM Punk is "the best wrestler in the world". It'd be easy for them to have heated promo segments & matches in which their own personal egos sort of get out of control and it becomes as much a matter of pride as it is aboutthe WWE Championship. What I'd do is I'd let the match build over the summer while, simultaneously, having each of them feuding with others. I like the idea of keeping Cena & Punk out of the ring together for as long as possible in order to build it up to where it'll feel like an epic clash when they do finally meet. As the feud could ultimately revolve around which one is "the best" as well as the title, these other feuds they'd have going could be a means of each of them sort of saying "look at me and how good I am" while keeping the hostility between right on the surface. I know that it might result in these other feuds feeling "secondary" or like filler, but I think the payoff could be worth it in the long run.

On the 1,000th episode of Raw, I'd have the two of them meet live on Raw in a match for the title in a long, epic sort of clash that ultimately ends in a massive brawl that breaks down between the two, forcing the locker room to come out and separate them multiple times. You know, their tempers flare and the match just gets out of hand. Big Johnny comes out and announces that the main event for SummerSlam will be CM Punk vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship in an Iron Man Match.

Throughout the build up during the feud, I'd put together video packages, including sit-down interviews, featuring both men and putting over their respective histories as well as what being WWE Champion means to them.

I have a feeling that this feud has a realistic shot of happening, probably won't go exactly as I envisioned but that's cool as I wouldn't expect it to.

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