WWE reportedly has ended talks with Booker T- no interest on their part

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Well, now Booker T is in a real pickle, so to speak.

This was reported via PWInsider.

Conversations between Booker T and World Wrestling Entertainment have reportedly ended. On Monday, there was talk he would undergo the WWE pre-screening process, but for whatever reason it did not happen. He is not expected to be offered a WWE deal anytime soon.

Part of the reason, I'm sure, Booker acted like he couldn't care less towards the end of his TNA career was that he was likely sure that he would have a job waiting for him in WWE. That doesn't appear to be the case, and I can't necessarily blame WWE on this one.

If I was in WWE and knew how he was acting in TNA during his last run, what's to say he won't act that way when he gets fed up with WWE? Oh, that's right .... he did that, too, already back when he was leaving WWE for TNA.

Sorry, Booker. Looks like you've worn out your welcome and burned to many bridges.

Good idea or bad idea for WWE not to pick Booker up? Also, do you forsee him groveling back to TNA for a job?
Personally I could care less if Booker cameback or not. I used to be a HUGE fan of his. But WWE really killed him for me, the whole King Booker gimmick. I was excited when he came to TNA, figuring I could see Booker T. Instead, TNA gave us Booker WTF! I don't blame him for not really showing any desire towards the end of TNA. They really were not using him like they should, and were giving him shit for gimmicks. If it were not for his sting with the Mafia....I don't think people would have even known he was around.
I take back part of what I said, about Booker in TNA. They did use him like they should have, for the first few months. Then they killed him. I loved his match against Joe. That was one of the best matches that TNA has ever had.
Aside from matches against Benoit and other superior workers, I've never seen what all the fuss is about Booker.

I'm glad he won't be on my TV every week.

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