WWE Region, Philadelphis Subregion, Second Round: (6) Big Show vs. (11) Stan Hansen

Who wins this match?

  • Big Show

  • Stan Hansen

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a second round match in the WWE Region, Philadelphia Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Assume one week has passed since the first round match.



#6. Big Show



#11. Stan Hansen

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Hansen should win this for a number of reasons:

1) He took out Inoki and Baba for titles. Both very big and influential wrestlers who were legit draws.
2) He had a memorable feud in WWWF against the champ Bruno where he broke his neck.
3) He has physically manhandled Andre the Giant while Andre was in his prime and one of the few to bodyslam Andre and even knock him out of the ring with his Lariat.
4) He could go toe to toe with any big wrestler and would more often than not get the better of them.
5) Hansen himself was arguably a more successful wrestler whether it be in tag teams or singles competition. In short Hansen takes a back seat to very few wrestlers and Big Show ain't one of them.

This maybe in Philly but Hansen did very well for himself in the small amount of time he was there. Sure, it wasn't where he made home base but he certainly has the credentials to beat Big Show. He's powerful enough to where you believe he can beat him, he's beaten on much better than Big Show and even though Big Show has plenty of big wins in his resume his win/loss record isn't that great which is crazy considering how big the guy actually is.

If Hansen can handle Andre he can handle Big show.

Hansen wins.
As I have said before Show's prime was as the Giant in 1996 and 1997. During that period of time he defeated Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage,Lex Luger, Ric Flair and Sting. These were without a doubt the biggest names in WCW at the time and a rookie cam in and destroyed them.

Hansen doesn't compare to The Giant in his prime and won't go over here.

Vote Giant
Hansen has never faced anyone quite like big show. after a hard fought match show hits a WMD and wins

He's fought bigger than The Big Show, better than the Big Show, and more dominant then the Big Show and did absolutely fine in all encounters. As I said before if he can manhandle Andre he can do it to the Big Show.
1) He took out Inoki and Baba for titles. Both very big and influential wrestlers who were legit draws.

Show beat Hogan and Flair for titles, both guys just as influential. Add into that beating Rock and Triple H and Brock Lesnar. I can go on, if you please

2) He had a memorable feud in WWWF against the champ Bruno where he broke his neck.

One of your arguments for Hansen is that he legitimately hurt one of the greatest of all time?

Wrestling is the art of making a match seem real, without hurting your opponent. Something Hansen is notorious for, and shockingly, something Big Show has never done.

He has physically manhandled Andre the Giant while Andre was in his prime and one of the few to bodyslam Andre and even knock him out of the ring with his Lariat.

Big Show has beaten up on JBL, who's probably the closest resemblance to Hansen.

See, I can do that, too. Show was also quicker than Andre was. I doubt he was stronger, but he also worked Andre over in Japan... And this ain't Japan.

4) He could go toe to toe with any big wrestler and would more often than not get the better of them.

Mostly on Japanese soil.

5) Hansen himself was arguably a more successful wrestler whether it be in tag teams or singles competition. In short Hansen takes a back seat to very few wrestlers and Big Show ain't one of them.


Show's the only man to win the WWF, ECW, and WCW world titles. He's won every belt there is to win. Hansen won the Triple Crown belt, but in America, his best accolade is probably the US title.

The art of wrestling is in making it seem like you're hurting your opponent, without actually doing so. Stan Hansen just hurts his opponents, no matter what. The Big Show has consistently been one of the best performers of the last twenty years. And his most dominant of periods eventually make everyone look like baby back bitches.

Show wins
There's a video on the Stan Hansen HQ pages that shows him wrestling Andre the Giant to a no contest, which goes to show you how awesome Hansen was. NOBODY even had a draw on Andre in his prime. It was either a squash or a hard fought win.

Show is dominant, but has also shown signs of clumsiness that Hansen would take full advantage of. Hansen was sound in the ring despite his stiff wrestling style and that would give Show fits.

Don't buy into the 'Showz biggerz and would beat Hanzens' argument. Hansen's fought giants all his career in Japan. And despite that being in a foreign land, it doesn't affect their size... and Giant Baba and Andre were two of the greatest big men that's ever wrestled and Hansen's beaten Baba clean and had a draw with Andre on numerous occasions. Mind you, this is Andre prior to his Wrestlemania 3 match when he was agile and could move as good as Show did in his prime.

Vote Hansen...after Hansen knocks Big Show into an oblivion with the Lariat and gets a count out or 3 count!
There's a video on the Stan Hansen HQ pages that shows him wrestling Andre the Giant to a no contest, which goes to show you how awesome Hansen was. NOBODY even had a draw on Andre in his prime. It was either a squash or a hard fought win.
Actually, everyone had a draw with Andre in his prime. He was booked this way to protect a territories top guy while still making Andre look like a beast. The only matches he ever really won were squahses tag matches and battle royal's so that point is invalid.
Show is dominant, but has also shown signs of clumsiness that Hansen would take full advantage of. Hansen was sound in the ring despite his stiff wrestling style and that would give Show fits.
In Show's prime he was never clumsy. He was actually quite an innovator because no one had ever seen a guy that was 7 feet tall 500 pounds do the things he did in the ring. The Giant may have been one of the smoothest big men of all time

Don't buy into the 'Showz biggerz and would beat Hanzens' argument. Hansen's fought giants all his career in Japan. And despite that being in a foreign land, it doesn't affect their size... and Giant Baba and Andre were two of the greatest big men that's ever wrestled and Hansen's beaten Baba clean and had a draw with Andre on numerous occasions. Mind you, this is Andre prior to his Wrestlemania 3 match when he was agile and could move as good as Show did in his prime.
What? No, Giant Baba was no where as big as show first of all. Second of all the reason that Show wins this match is not because he's bigger its because he's better, whether you want to look at their prime or their entire career Show trumps Hansen in every category

Vote Hansen...after Hansen knocks Big Show into an oblivion with the Lariat and gets a count out or 3 count!
Once again no. Show has beaten every big name their is in this sport. He will have no problem with Hansen.

I get voting for a guy because you like him more, but, you have absolutley NO reason why Hansen should go over here. Yes he had an epic time limit draw with Andre (who hasn't) but that doesn't mean he can beat show, at the very best it means he can wrestle him to a draw MAYBE.
Show beat Hogan and Flair for titles, both guys just as influential. Add into that beating Rock and Triple H and Brock Lesnar. I can go on, if you please

Did he actually draw a dime of any of that money or did he just win because he's a big guy?

One of your arguments for Hansen is that he legitimately hurt one of the greatest of all time?

Wrestling is the art of making a match seem real, without hurting your opponent. Something Hansen is notorious for, and shockingly, something Big Show has never done.

Hansen was near blind so he overcompensated by being more stiff than usual. Not to mention in Japan being stiff is actually quite common. My argument is Andre the biggest wrestler in the world both literally and figuratively didn't go over Hansen at a time he lost only a handful of times in his career. He often dominated his opponents but that didn't happen against Hansen. I don't think he really "hurt" Andre, that's quite a feat but he was a big enough name to be able to bodyslam the guy (something only him and I believe Harley Race did up to this point) and not lose. Andre > Big Show in every way.

Big Show has beaten up on JBL, who's probably the closest resemblance to Hansen.

Good for JBL. I don't see your point. Are you really comparing Hansen to JBL because they both had a cowboy hat and used the lariat as their finisher?

See, I can do that, too. Show was also quicker than Andre was. I doubt he was stronger, but he also worked Andre over in Japan... And this ain't Japan.

Well I remember Hansen winning the AWA champ on American soil, I remember him in top feuds like Bruno on American soil. He did very well for himself everywhere not just in Japan.

Show's the only man to win the WWF, ECW, and WCW world titles. He's won every belt there is to win. Hansen won the Triple Crown belt, but in America, his best accolade is probably the US title.

His best accolade is actually the AWA world title. So because he won the top title in WCW with him and the Yeti dry humping Hogan and again against a late 40's Ric Flair is supposed to impress me? Him winning the ECW title because RVD got high is supposed to be impressive? How about winning the WWF title because of his dead dad storyline? Or beating Lesnar after getting man handled? Or beating Henry and losing the title in 3 minutes? Or losing to Del Rio (someone who isn't nearly as over as Hansen was) 3 times in a row, once in a last man standing match?

The art of wrestling is in making it seem like you're hurting your opponent, without actually doing so. Stan Hansen just hurts his opponents, no matter what. The Big Show has consistently been one of the best performers of the last twenty years. And his most dominant of periods eventually make everyone look like baby back bitches.
Show wins

Hansen may have been stiff but once again he had no choice, if your near blind and need to make a living you either go stiff or you look completely fake, its not Hansen's fault he could barely see which say A LOT about how well he did considering. He drew more money than Show and actually was a top draw in places he has been to (something Show has NEVER come remotely close to doing and that includes America). Money comes first, Hansen drew more money EVERYWHERE than Show ever did and in their primes I have no doubt Hansen would win. As a matter of fact Hansen was in the main event in a WWE cross promotion show against (you got it) Hulk Hogan, the biggest star in wrestling.

It doesn't matter if Show was the "better performer". That don't mean shit if you can't draw money and I gotta say that's pretty sad if a guy Show's size can't draw money on his own.
Actually, everyone had a draw with Andre in his prime. He was booked this way to protect a territories top guy while still making Andre look like a beast. The only matches he ever really won were squahses tag matches and battle royal's so that point is invalid.

Not many bodyslammed Andre. Hansen did.

In Show's prime he was never clumsy. He was actually quite an innovator because no one had ever seen a guy that was 7 feet tall 500 pounds do the things he did in the ring. The Giant may have been one of the smoothest big men of all time

In Hansen's prime, he's beaten Sammartino, Bockwinkel, Antonio Inoki, Giant Baba, Terry Funk, Dory Funk, Jr. and that's an abbreviated list. Show had a peak of less than a year as the Giant... Hansen dominated Japan for the better part of 10 years or more. And Show was agile, but that doesn't mean much to Hansen.

What? No, Giant Baba was no where as big as show first of all. Second of all the reason that Show wins this match is not because he's bigger its because he's better, whether you want to look at their prime or their entire career Show trumps Hansen in every category

Never said Baba was as big as Show, but he was a big man and Hansen beat him clean, which no non-Japanese man had ever done. Show was beatable during his time in WCW, too. Show wasn't invincible.

Once again no. Show has beaten every big name their is in this sport. He will have no problem with Hansen.

He'll have HUGE problems with Hansen. JBL beat Big Show by out witting him... which is what Hansen would do. Show uses his power and sometimes, he doesn't realize that his power could be his undoing. He chokeslammed JBL through the ring, only to have JBL crawl through the ring and beat him. The man's also been tied to the bottom ropes, and manages to lose big matches on numerous occasions. Hansen's rarely lost big matches.

I get voting for a guy because you like him more, but, you have absolutley NO reason why Hansen should go over here. Yes he had an epic time limit draw with Andre (who hasn't) but that doesn't mean he can beat show, at the very best it means he can wrestle him to a draw MAYBE.

I have plenty of reasons why. Hansen's beaten opponents similar to Big Show, has a move that can knock Show on his back, is smarter in the ring than Show, and Hansen doesn't lose big matches as often as Big Show.
Never seen a Hansen match. I'm a big Show fan(see what I did?). Yet I'm voting for Hansen. Other than when he was Choke Slamming people and leaving, his purpose in wrestling has been to beat on the Kofi's and Santino's of the world, until someone strong stands up to him and puts him on his place. That's what The Lariat does here. Stan ducks the WMD, counters with a Lariat, and gets a tough victory.
Not many bodyslammed Andre. Hansen did.

In Hansen's prime, he's beaten Sammartino, Bockwinkel, Antonio Inoki, Giant Baba, Terry Funk, Dory Funk, Jr. and that's an abbreviated list. Show had a peak of less than a year as the Giant... Hansen dominated Japan for the better part of 10 years or more. And Show was agile, but that doesn't mean much to Hansen.
Okay, whats your point? Show's beaten Hogan, Flair, Savage, HHH, Sting, Rock, Lesnar, Angle and Cena. That's also an abbreviated list. By the way Hansen never beat Sammartino he broke his neck in a botch because he was an unsafe worker and then failed to get enough heat to sell out MSG with Bruno in the payoff match.

Never said Baba was as big as Show, but he was a big man and Hansen beat him clean, which no non-Japanese man had ever done. Show was beatable during his time in WCW, too. Show wasn't invincible.
Hansen beat Baba almost 10 years after a prime. Thats like saying Shelton Benjamin deserves to go over for beating Ric Flair in 2005. When show first got to WCW he was an unstoppable monster beating everyone that was thrown at him, that would be considered his prime, Unless you want to consider the time when he debuted in WWE his prime when he also won the world title within a year, or you can consider his most recent title run his prime as he was pretty unstoppable here as well,

He'll have HUGE problems with Hansen. JBL beat Big Show by out witting him... which is what Hansen would do. Show uses his power and sometimes, he doesn't realize that his power could be his undoing. He chokeslammed JBL through the ring, only to have JBL crawl through the ring and beat him. The man's also been tied to the bottom ropes, and manages to lose big matches on numerous occasions. Hansen's rarely lost big matches.
But you see Hansen's not smart. His style was to charge at his opponent and that wouldn't work against show as he would either receive a choke slam or a WMD.

I have plenty of reasons why. Hansen's beaten opponents similar to Big Show, has a move that can knock Show on his back, is smarter in the ring than Show, and Hansen doesn't lose big matches as often as Big Show.
Really this is your argument? Big Show has kicked out of damn near any finisher you can name and he's also beaten opponents similar (although slightly better) to Hansen. Hansen's good but he doesn't beat Show here.
Okay, whats your point? Show's beaten Hogan, Flair, Savage, HHH, Sting, Rock, Lesnar, Angle and Cena. That's also an abbreviated list. By the way Hansen never beat Sammartino he broke his neck in a botch because he was an unsafe worker and then failed to get enough heat to sell out MSG with Bruno in the payoff match.

I don't know where those facts came from, but in every big match with a lot on the line, Show doesn't come through as often as Hansen does.

Hansen beat Baba almost 10 years after a prime. Thats like saying Shelton Benjamin deserves to go over for beating Ric Flair in 2005. When show first got to WCW he was an unstoppable monster beating everyone that was thrown at him, that would be considered his prime, Unless you want to consider the time when he debuted in WWE his prime when he also won the world title within a year, or you can consider his most recent title run his prime as he was pretty unstoppable here as well,

Doesn't matter when Show's prime was or is, because during lots of times during Show's career, he's lost matches... and he's lost due to his lack of knowledge and overall dependency on overpowering and being bigger than the opponent. Hansen's slayed giants and has beaten tougher opponents than Show. Also, Baba's prime may have past, but he was still at God-like status in Japan and hadn't lost to a gaijin (non-Japanese opponent) in his career until Hansen beat him.

But you see Hansen's not smart. His style was to charge at his opponent and that wouldn't work against show as he would either receive a choke slam or a WMD.

This is the most absurd argument I've heard so far. Hansen uses controlled chaos, which means he'll get the jump on you, but knows that there's a big punch coming or a chokeslam on the way. He's not a dumb oaf like you're portraying him to be. Big Show on the other hand....

Has been pinned under a table to lose a match, has had his feet tied to the ropes to lose a match, threw Austin out of the cage, costing Mr. McMahon his match, and chokeslammed JBL through the ring, only to realize he crawled under the ring and lost... and tons of other goofy stuff. Hansen isn't goofy. He's all business and could take Big Show in any point of his career.

Really this is your argument? Big Show has kicked out of damn near any finisher you can name and he's also beaten opponents similar (although slightly better) to Hansen. Hansen's good but he doesn't beat Show here.

Big Show is a good wrestler, but he's prone to mistakes... and costly mistakes at that. After seeing some of the things Show's done, I know for a fact that Hansen can beat him. The Andre argument's valid because it shows that Hansen can adapt to any match...
Yes Show beat a well past their prime Flair and Hogan for World titles, but none of his WWE reigns with any of their world titles has been especially impressive, and a large portion of his time has been spent as a comedic midcarder.

Hansen defeated a past their prime Baba and Inoki to match Show's WCW feats, but also won or retained world titles in matches against the likes of Misawa, Tenryu, Vader, and Gordy while all were in or around their primes.

Hansen also was AWA world champion here in the states, making him a world champ on both continents. And say what you want about the AWA title in the mid-80s, but it was a atleast a better accomplishment than being champion of WWECW. And Hansen was never defeated for that title, while Show dropped the WWECW title to Bobby Lashley of all people.

Hansen is definitely the choice to go over here.
I don't know where those facts came from, but in every big match with a lot on the line, Show doesn't come through as often as Hansen does.
Show's a 7 time world chaampion Hansen's a 5 time champion advantage in Big matches goes to Show That's if we're counting Hansens's AWA reign seeing as how that promotion was damn near dead at that point and he was still to selfish and unprofessional to drop the title back to Bockwinkel at that point.

Doesn't matter when Show's prime was or is, because during lots of times during Show's career, he's lost matches... and he's lost due to his lack of knowledge and overall dependency on overpowering and being bigger than the opponent. Hansen's slayed giants and has beaten tougher opponents than Show. Also, Baba's prime may have past, but he was still at God-like status in Japan and hadn't lost to a gaijin (non-Japanese opponent) in his career until Hansen beat him.
Actually it does matter when each man's prime was. That's what we're judging them off of because it was the most flourishing point of their career. Baba lost to Flair before Hansen Beat him, He was the first former NWA champion Flair defeated on the way to his first title reign.

This is the most absurd argument I've heard so far. Hansen uses controlled chaos, which means he'll get the jump on you, but knows that there's a big punch coming or a chokeslam on the way. He's not a dumb oaf like you're portraying him to be. Big Show on the other hand...
I wouldn't say Hansen is dumb just not the sharpest knife in the drawer he's lost many matches due to his wild man style and this would just be another one.

Has been pinned under a table to lose a match, has had his feet tied to the ropes to lose a match, threw Austin out of the cage, costing Mr. McMahon his match, and chokeslammed JBL through the ring, only to realize he crawled under the ring and lost... and tons of other goofy stuff. Hansen isn't goofy. He's all business and could take Big Show in any point of his career.
I'd like to see Hansen get out from under that table. The other two oare just ridiculous as it was only used to further a storyline, I know you know this being one of the smartest most knowledgeable guy on these forums.

Big Show is a good wrestler, but he's prone to mistakes... and costly mistakes at that. After seeing some of the things Show's done, I know for a fact that Hansen can beat him. The Andre argument's valid because it shows that Hansen can adapt to any match...
The Andre argument is not valid because Hansen didn't win that match, when Show is booked right he's an unstoppable monster. I feel if he can put down some of the greatest wrestlers of all time he can stop Hansen in his tracks.
Show's a 7 time world chaampion Hansen's a 5 time champion advantage in Big matches goes to Show That's if we're counting Hansens's AWA reign seeing as how that promotion was damn near dead at that point and he was still to selfish and unprofessional to drop the title back to Bockwinkel at that point.

So we're discrediting Hansen's AWA title reign, but we're not taking anything away from Show's illustrious WWECW title reign?? Because that was a more prestigious title??

And we're shitting on Hansen for not ever actually losing a match for the AWA title, but making no mention that Show's first title win came via a stipulation that won him the match off DQ and he was stripped of the title 8 days later because of it??

How about the fact that the "dominant" Big Show you speak of had his 7 world title reigns last a total of 420 days?? Or that 152 of those days being with the aforementioned WWECW belt??

Or how about that along with the five world title reigns you mentioned for Hansen, you left out that the three titles that were combined to make the AJPW triple crown title were also forms of world championships(atleast as much as the WWECW title was one) and Hansen also had 6 reigns with those titles?? Including 4 with the PWF world title that spanned over 1000 days?? Or the fact that, of the five world titles you are recognizing, Hansen held those for a combined total of 686 days??

Show's resume sure seems to be showing up Hansen's. Good Call ;).
Show definitely has the better resume. Show in his prime was not clumsy, and actually put on decent matches. I get that Hansen beat bigger guys, but Big Show in his prime was a different kind of big guy. He had a lot more going for him when he was lighter and I think he could match Hansen move for move easily. This match would indeed be a war, but I think Show just has the edge and would take this one.
Show definitely has the better resume.

Tell me in what way. Please.

Dependent upon exactly what we're going to classify as a world title, Hansen held more of them than Show.

Hansen beat comparable competiton.

Hansen held his prestigious world titles far longer than Show did.

Hansen didn't spend large chunks of his career jobbing in comedy matches to watered down midcarders. Hansen never lost a match to a boxer who he outweighed by nearly 400 pounds. Hansen was the guy who wrestled in Japan, yet Show was the one who lost to a sumo wrestler in front of over 20,000 people.

Again... What in Show's resume makes it "definitely better" than Hansen's?
Sigh, I swear Stan Hansen has the biggest rabble of ********ers in this tournament. He's like Edge, but there's about 5 OneBigWills. And Edge is actually good.

Hansen should win this for a number of reasons:

1) He took out Inoki and Baba for titles. Both very big and influential wrestlers who were legit draws.

In Japan. Philadelphia is not in Japan.

Big Show beat, as stated previously Hulk Hogan, the most famous wrestler of all time, and Ric Flair, the wrestling fan's wrestler.

2) He had a memorable feud in WWWF against the champ Bruno where he broke his neck.

Oh gee, sweet, he put Sammartino out of action for long enough that the company was left unable to finance the Ali vs Inoki telecast. Had it not been for Bruno Sammartino wrestling before he ought to, Hansen would have been partly responsible for the demise of WWF.

3) He has physically manhandled Andre the Giant while Andre was in his prime and one of the few to bodyslam Andre and even knock him out of the ring with his Lariat.

But he didn't beat him. He drew. Lots of people drew with Andre, but few beat him. Hansen did not.

4) He could go toe to toe with any big wrestler and would more often than not get the better of them.

Not really. He wrestled Gorilla Monsoon several times and never beat him, he wrestled Andre, but never beat him, he has a couple of wins against Vader, but after a hell of a lot of tries.

5) Hansen himself was arguably a more successful wrestler whether it be in tag teams or singles competition. In short Hansen takes a back seat to very few wrestlers and Big Show ain't one of them.

Big Show is the only person in history to have won the world championship of both major US companies and the biggest tertiary one, though obviously that was after the change. Hansen won a few triple crowns and the AWA title, but that's it.

Tag team titles are irrelevant, and even so, it's not as if Show is poor at that - he's won 9 world tag titles with 7 different partners.

This maybe in Philly but Hansen did very well for himself in the small amount of time he was there. Sure, it wasn't where he made home base but he certainly has the credentials to beat Big Show. He's powerful enough to where you believe he can beat him, he's beaten on much better than Big Show and even though Big Show has plenty of big wins in his resume his win/loss record isn't that great which is crazy considering how big the guy actually is.

If Hansen can handle Andre he can handle Big show.

Hansen wins.

He fought Andre to two draws, so I think it's fair to say Andre is his limit. Big Show has an extra arsenal that Andre never had though: agility.

It's time for this to make it's annual airing. If you can handle the size, you can't handle how quickly it comes at you.


There's a video on the Stan Hansen HQ pages that shows him wrestling Andre the Giant to a no contest, which goes to show you how awesome Hansen was. NOBODY even had a draw on Andre in his prime. It was either a squash or a hard fought win.

Dick "Adrian Adonis' tag partner" Murdoch had a draw with Andre the Giant.

Show is dominant, but has also shown signs of clumsiness that Hansen would take full advantage of. Hansen was sound in the ring despite his stiff wrestling style and that would give Show fits.

This literally doesn't mean anything. Show has at some point or other in his career absolutely annihilated every type of wrestler there is.

Don't buy into the 'Showz biggerz and would beat Hanzens' argument. Hansen's fought giants all his career in Japan. And despite that being in a foreign land, it doesn't affect their size... and Giant Baba and Andre were two of the greatest big men that's ever wrestled and Hansen's beaten Baba clean and had a draw with Andre on numerous occasions. Mind you, this is Andre prior to his Wrestlemania 3 match when he was agile and could move as good as Show did in his prime.

Show me Andre the Giant doing a drop kick or coming off the top rope, and the last ridiculous point will be justified. As for the rest of it, Baba was 6'10" and 330lbs, much smaller than Show, who is about ten stone heavier and 4 inches taller.

Vote Hansen...after Hansen knocks Big Show into an oblivion with the Lariat and gets a count out or 3 count!

Floyd Mayweather, a world champion boxer, didn't knock Big Show out when he punched him square in the face. I'm pretty sure Show could handle the lariat just fine.

Hansen beat comparable competiton.

Hansen held his prestigious world titles far longer than Show did.

Is that the same prestigious AWA title that he refused to give back? Comparing reign length isn't always fair across eras, but what you can do is look how they compare to their contemporaries, and in both cases they are about par. I don't think this is a point for either wrestler.

Hansen didn't spend large chunks of his career jobbing in comedy matches to watered down midcarders. Hansen never lost a match to a boxer who he outweighed by nearly 400 pounds. Hansen was the guy who wrestled in Japan, yet Show was the one who lost to a sumo wrestler in front of over 20,000 people.

Hansen doesn't get to have cross over matches because he isn't popular enough.

Whatever way you want to look at this, Show would win. He has beaten more of wrestling's top names, he is a bigger name, he is physically more impressive and he is generally better.

There are arguments that can be made for Hansen reflecting his popularity in Japan, and there is some validity to them, but there's an elephant in the room with that. Stan Hansen was hugely popular in one niche of wrestling for about 15 years, from 1980-1995, and had little success outside of that niche.

Big Show started in 1995, when wrestling was still cartoony, wrestled throughout the nWo angle, through the Attitude Era (having been introduced into the Austin McMahon feud, this made him the only person with a central role in both of the 90's defining angles), and then on to the present day and remained popular throughout. How many wrestlers win world titles over a span of 17 years? Very few.
In Japan. Philadelphia is not in Japan.

He did just fine in America and did something Big Show never did, he actually DREW money.

Big Show beat, as stated previously Hulk Hogan, the most famous wrestler of all time, and Ric Flair, the wrestling fan's wrestler.

Yeah I'm glad Big Show beat Hogan by DQ and later raped him with a mummy, I'm very impressed. Almost as impressive as beating a guy in his mid 40's and a guy Bischoff felt was shit at the time and was often treated as such. So he beat a guy by DQ and another guy who the booker didn't think highly of.

Oh gee, sweet, he put Sammartino out of action for long enough that the company was left unable to finance the Ali vs Inoki telecast. Had it not been for Bruno Sammartino wrestling before he ought to, Hansen would have been partly responsible for the demise of WWF.

What does this have to do with anything? So because he injured a guy he automatically loses? Austin once compressed Chono's spine, so?

But he didn't beat him. He drew. Lots of people drew with Andre, but few beat him. Hansen did not.

Yeah but most of those people who drew would eventually lost to Andre. Hansen did not from what I've seen and heard. Hogan often drew against Andre when he was heel but Andre would always at the end of the day whip Hogan, he didn't do that with Hansen. Andre drew a lot but he almost always ended up on top, he didn't with Hansen.

Not really. He wrestled Gorilla Monsoon several times and never beat him, he wrestled Andre, but never beat him, he has a couple of wins against Vader, but after a hell of a lot of tries.

I'm not sure about his feud with Gorilla so I won't comment on that. I will say Vader is a bigger deal in wrestling than the Big Show (both in the US and Japan), Jumbo Tsuruta is a bigger deal in wrestling than the Big Show, Hansen beat a lot of guys that are a much bigger deal than the Big Show.

Big Show is the only person in history to have won the world championship of both major US companies and the biggest tertiary one, though obviously that was after the change. Hansen won a few triple crowns and the AWA title, but that's it.

Tag team titles are irrelevant, and even so, it's not as if Show is poor at that - he's won 9 world tag titles with 7 different partners.

Yeah and every time he did it was in a down point of the company. The best his company was doing when he was champ was he was champ at the very beginning of the nWo storyline and he lost that title to Hogan never again to win it back.

Outside of his last WHC reign there were always other factors to him being champion in WWE. Once because Austin got hurt and they needed another body in the main event scene and he was basically the only one left. Once because he injured Lesnar (so much for him being so safe), once for 5 seconds and once because RVD got high. The only guy he actually beat that weren't because of other factors in the WWE was Sheamus and he ended up dropping that title rather quickly to Del Rio who beat him 3 times in different matches often by outsmarting Big Show.

Honestly who DIDN'T the Big Show lose to? A 500lb giant actually lost to a 175lb kid with ONE leg, yeah very impressive!

He fought Andre to two draws, so I think it's fair to say Andre is his limit. Big Show has an extra arsenal that Andre never had though: agility.

It's time for this to make it's annual airing. If you can handle the size, you can't handle how quickly it comes at you.


You do know Andre has in fact pulled off a dropkick right? Also that's not a good argument. So because a giant acts like a giant means he's not agile? He played to his strengths, that's not because he's physically capable but when you're a giant you don't need to be agile. Andre's moveset took him a lot further than Big Shows ever did. Andre is much better than Big Show, had more charisma, drew money and was someone that will never be forgotten in wrestling. But that doesn't matter as its a match between Hansen and Big Show.

At the end of the day whether it was in the US or Japan Stan Hansen has a much better win/loss record than the Big Show, drew more money in BOTH places and can easily win this match. It's not impressive Big Show won titles especially since everyone has beaten the Big Show. A draw over Andre is a lot more impressive than a win over Big Show.
The Hansen supporters can nitpick too...
Big Show beat, as stated previously Hulk Hogan

He beat Hogan for the title by DQ, and had to forfeit the title 8 days later.

Floyd Mayweather, a world champion boxer, didn't knock Big Show out when he punched him square in the face. I'm pretty sure Show could handle the lariat just fine.

You're comparing the punch of a 146 pound man to the clothesline of a 320 pound man? That is obsurd. I know for sure that no 146 pound man could knock me out with one punch, and I don't know anything about you, but I'm guessing that there isn't a 146 pound guy that can knock you out with one punch either. Also I've seen the majority of Floyd's fights and I've never seen him knock anyone out with punch when fighting guys in his own weight class. And its also something you almost never see in a featherweight MMA fight, and they're wearing smaller gloves that allow for more powerful punches. Just because a guy is a boxer for a living, it doesn't change physics.

Comparing reign length isn't always fair across eras, but what you can do is look how they compare to their contemporaries, and in both cases they are about par. I don't think this is a point for either wrestler.

If this is true... Take the WWECW title out of the mix(since the title was created out of thin air, had existed less than a month, and only came off RVD because of the arrest), and let's look at Show's six WWE/World/WCW world title reigns. Those six reigns totaled 268 days. Find me ONE of his "contemporaries" that has a comparable number of titles with such a short average reign length. Hell, even Booker's reigns with those belts total over 100 days longer than Show's. Please give me just one to validate that point.
The Hansen supporters can nitpick too...

He beat Hogan for the title by DQ, and had to forfeit the title 8 days later.

That's still a win though, not a draw.

You're comparing the punch of a 146 pound man to the clothesline of a 320 pound man? That is obsurd. I know for sure that no 146 pound man could knock me out with one punch, and I don't know anything about you, but I'm guessing that there isn't a 146 pound guy that can knock you out with one punch either.

This guy actually thinks he wouldn't get knocked out by Sugar Ray Robinson. That's how deluded Hansen supporters are.

Also I've seen the majority of Floyd's fights and I've never seen him knock anyone out with punch when fighting guys in his own weight class. And its also something you almost never see in a featherweight MMA fight, and they're wearing smaller gloves that allow for more powerful punches. Just because a guy is a boxer for a living, it doesn't change physics.

1) Boxers are supposed to harden their chin to punches, that's why most fights don't last 2 seconds.
Literally two fights ago,

If this is true... Take the WWECW title out of the mix(since the title was created out of thin air, had existed less than a month, and only came off RVD because of the arrest), and let's look at Show's six WWE/World/WCW world title reigns. Those six reigns totaled 268 days. Find me ONE of his "contemporaries" that has a comparable number of titles with such a short average reign length. Hell, even Booker's reigns with those belts total over 100 days longer than Show's. Please give me just one to validate that point.

Yes, if you ignore his longest reign, then the figures look worse for him. Anyway, using your 6 titles:

Big Show - 6 titles - average reign = 45 days
The Rock - 8 titles - average reign = 43 days
Edge - 11 titles - average reign = 49 days
Chris Jericho - 4 titles- average reign = 51 days
Sid Vicious - 4 titles - average reign = 44 days
Mick Foley - 4 titles - average reign = 28 days

All of whom won those titles whilst show was wrestling.
A couple "arguments" I want to dispel:

1. It doesn't matter that Stan broke Bruno's neck

Sure it does; why shouldn't it? Professional wrestling, as I've stated before, is all about one thing;

making it look like your opponent, without hurting your opponent, and making money off it.

It's a work. And Stan Hansen, at his core, fails that integral aspect of professional wrestling, because he hurts his opponents so much.

2. Stan Hansen won the AWA Title, so he accomplished something in Ameeica

See this grave?


That's what the AWA was lying in by the time Hansen won the AWA world title. By then, they had to rely on the outcasts that the NWA and WCW hadn't snatched up, and some young talent with potential. Hansen was a big enough name, but didn't do much to help the AWA, and then refused to drop it, because it's still real to him, dammit

3. Hansen was stiff because he was blind/worked in Japan

So? Should that make me feel bad for him? Honor him with some medal, for his bravery in wrestling near blind? I won't, I tell you that much; Hansen chose this line of work, knowing that it took a lot of eye hand coordination. It was his choice, and it can't change his shortcomings.

Also, Jericho and Guerrero worked Japan. And no one's ever bitched about them being stiff.

4. Show beat past their primes wrestlers

You wouldn't know it by the way Hogan was booked; it was actually Hogan's
First loss, in his WCW career. You can say he was older, but he was still booked as the world beater we know him as.

Flair was booked just as normal, as well. And he could still go in the ring.

Oh, and Giant also beat Sting, Lugee, and Savage, too. And he beat The Rock and Brock Lesnar, both in their primes.

You were saying?
A couple "arguments" I want to dispel:

This should be interesting.

1. It doesn't matter that Stan broke Bruno's neck

Sure it does; why shouldn't it? Professional wrestling, as I've stated before, is all about one thing;

making it look like your opponent, without hurting your opponent, and making money off it.

It's a work. And Stan Hansen, at his core, fails that integral aspect of professional wrestling, because he hurts his opponents so much.

TWO occasions where he hurt his opponents... two. No one has complained about him being stiff... cite some wrestlers that complained about his stiffness. Most state he was stiff, but lots of workers were stiff back in those days, and the strong style of Japan was all stiff workers. You're statement has no merit here.

2. Stan Hansen won the AWA Title, so he accomplished something in Ameeica

See this grave?


That's what the AWA was lying in by the time Hansen won the AWA world title. By then, they had to rely on the outcasts that the NWA and WCW hadn't snatched up, and some young talent with potential. Hansen was a big enough name, but didn't do much to help the AWA, and then refused to drop it, because it's still real to him, dammit

He was given a major title in the AWA and in exchange, Verne Gagne wanted Hansen to be in the AWA full time and forego Japan. Hansen was loyal to Giant Baba and Japan and didn't want to break his word. Gagne said that was fine, then while Hansen was on his way to Japan, changed his mind and wanted Hansen to drop the belt back to Nick Bockwinkel. Hansen was frustrated and sent the belt back to Gagne with tire tracks on it. Hansen did nothing wrong except be a man of his word. And if Gagne wanted Hansen to stay in the AWA full time, that meant a long run as AWA champion was in his grasp.

3. Hansen was stiff because he was blind/worked in Japan

So? Should that make me feel bad for him? Honor him with some medal, for his bravery in wrestling near blind? I won't, I tell you that much; Hansen chose this line of work, knowing that it took a lot of eye hand coordination. It was his choice, and it can't change his shortcomings.

Also, Jericho and Guerrero worked Japan. And no one's ever bitched about them being stiff.

Where is this bitching about Hansen being stiff coming from? I've read a few biographies and shoot interviews and no one's said Hansen was 'too' stiff or 'he hurt people'. Basically, he was great to work with, and he was stiff, but professional. He was extra stiff to make sure his work in the ring didn't suffer. Would you rather him miss a clothesline entirely and look stupid, or connect flush on the chest and make it look good. Austin was one of the stiffest competitors in WWE history. It says that in his DVD... so your argument, once again... is moot.

4. Show beat past their primes wrestlers

You wouldn't know it by the way Hogan was booked; it was actually Hogan's
First loss, in his WCW career. You can say he was older, but he was still booked as the world beater we know him as.

Flair was booked just as normal, as well. And he could still go in the ring.

Oh, and Giant also beat Sting, Lugee, and Savage, too. And he beat The Rock and Brock Lesnar, both in their primes.

You were saying?

Show went over Hogan by DQ... as already mentioned. And Show's wins are impressive, but Hansen's beaten the likes of Terry Funk, Ric Flair, Giant Baba, Antonio Inoki, had numerous draws with Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, and was a Triple Crown champion in Japan when the Triple Crown had wrestlers from around the globe competing for it. Misawa fell to Hansen, and he's regarded as one of the toughest wrestlers that's ever lived.

Show's not the Giant he was billed to be. He's never been unstoppable or dominant for a long period of time. He's proven himself to be clumsy and cost himself matches by making stupid mistakes. Hansen doesn't make clumsy moves or make mistakes in the ring, despite being nearsighted. So all these smoke and mirrors for Show aren't cutting it. Hansen's the better wrestler, and should win this match. Whether it's in Philly, Japan, Mars, or Parts Unknown.
I like Stan Hansen here. I think his style is perfect to be able to take down Big Show. Despite the size advantage Big Show would not be able to physically dominate Hansen. I don’t want to be hard on Big Show but for being as big as he is he really hasn’t been as consistently successfully as he should be. He often goes in long stretches where he is pushed to the background and lost in the mid card. Every couple years he’s pushed as the monster giant but it never lasts. After a couple months he’s back to a secondary comedy character or struggling in matches against people that shouldn’t even give him a challenge such as Jeff Hardy, Booker T, and Carlito. Hansen going over Inoki and Baba in Japan is pretty impressive. I don’t know why people want to dismiss his accomplishments just because they took place in Japan. If success in Japan is meaningless then guys like Inoki, Rikidozan, and Misawa among others shouldn’t be in this tournament. This would be a close match but I prefer Hansen here. Besides, No Holds Barred > Knucklehead.
Against The Big Show when voting in kayfabe you can instantly put big question marks against a number of people, ones that would struggle to handle his size and strength. Hansen is not one of those, in fact he's exactly the type that would do well against Show.

I agree so much with The Brain here it's unreal. Whyyy does Hansen's Japan credentials get dismissed while natives can be used? If his style suited that promotion, it's absolutely the right idea for him to have put no effort in cracking North America when he could maximise his potential to a far higher level in Japan.

Big Show is great. For most of his career he's been booked as a threat, albeit a transitional champion more times than not. He's selfless though, can always step in, always willing to work face or heel for what is needed and a guarenteed credible threat/worthy champion whenever he is needed. That's not quite enough to convince me he'd beat the most successful gaijan in the history of Japan.

So for me to take Big Show, he has his initial WCW run to beat Hansen. He's remembered for beating Hogan for the title on his debut, but this was via DQ and he was stripped of the belt the next week. He was unsuccessful in World War 3 1995 the next PPV, wasn't booked for Starrcade and lost to Hogan at Superbrawl 1995 inside a cage. After this he beat Giant Haystacks for a title shot, beat Flair for it inside a cage, retained Vs Sting at Slamboree, retained against Luger at GAB, won a tag match with Kevin Sullivan against Benoit/Anderson at BatB, before dropping the title to Hogan at Road Wild. He beat Savage at the next PPV, Jarrett at the subsequent, before winning the World War 3 60 man battle royale for another title shot. He then lost to Luger, fought Hogan for the belt to a no-contest before achieving little else in singles in WCW.

I mean, this is a great run. A great, great run. A ton of these matches had dusty finishes, but for a two year stretch that's a pretty impressive list.

I have a problem here. I had convinced myself to vote for Hansen. The match is clear in my head - but it's definitely WWE Big Show Vs Hansen and that's not the case prime vs prime. I'm just unsure if WCW Show would of gone day the same way I see WWE Show jobbing.

I think I'm sticking with Hansen. I'm less sure than I was though. I stick by that Hansen is the perfect type to beat Show/Giant within kayfabe - Giant is flattered by his title win against Hogan, when in reality he was dominated in the feud by Hogan. His most notable wins past that are Flair and Sting, where the size difference is so extreme compared to here - both Flair and Sting have been known to have troubles with larger, top class opponents too. I just think even vs Big Show at his most dominant, Hansen is hard hitting enough to get past him and into the gimmicks.

As I say, vote either way is fine. I'm completelyyy cool with Show getting through here, he's had the better career. I just think Hansen would win this kayfabe match.

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