WWE PPV Lineup Discussion (Gimmicks, number of shows, etc KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!!)

How many gimmick PPV's should WWE have each year?

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This is just one of the reasons why wrestling was so much better in the 80's. I blame Eric Bischoff. I personally hate the man and blame him for ruining wrestling. I could go on a very long rant but I will stay on topic. Back in the day, the WWF knew how to promote an event and build suspense. By the time the event came around, people couldn't wait to see it. Now the pay per views are no more exciting than Monday Night Raw. Again, this is Bischoff's fault. The wars made ratings more important that PPV buys. All the big matches were given to us for free so there was no reason to look forward to the pay per view. But we all have the idea that the pay per view should be much better than the free show, and rightfully so. But that can't happen. Wrestlemania isn't even special anymore. Can anyone honestly name a match that would be a big draw that doesn't involve bringing someone in from outside the company? The only one I can come up with is John Cena vs The Undertaker.

Saturday morning wrestling was great. You got to see some great wrestlers and we were given some great story lines that had time to develop. Now it's four weeks to develop a story then on to the next story that we have already seen. It makes it hard to turn in every week because nothing new happens. I don't know if cutting down the PPVs will help, because the WWE would just put the matches on TV for free anyway.
Pretty much agree with what has been stated here. back in the day, Summerslam, Survivor Series etc, were "events"....now, other than 'mania, they really have been reduced to just the next ppv....unfortunately, it's a business, not even the wrestling business, but the "entertainment" business...they will never lessen the amount of ppv's...they can continue to shit them out every 4 weeks, sometimes 3 weeks, and still make money....hell, isn't it 7 days to NOC, and you don't even have a full card in place.....crap like this been going on for years...and will continue to do so
This is just one of the reasons why wrestling was so much better in the 80's. I blame Eric Bischoff. I personally hate the man and blame him for ruining wrestling. I could go on a very long rant but I will stay on topic.

While you make some good points, I respectfully disagree on others, while I grew up watching the 80s product, and don't get me wrong, I loved it. The 90s product was very good too. Granted, they did add more superfloulous events to the PPV calendar there is no denying that. However, I am not putting sole blame on Eric Bischoff at all, because it would be silly and completely close-minded to do so. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy the guy ended up phasing out the Clash Of Champions specials, it was very much in the same vein as how Vince jettisoned Saturday Night's Main Event. I was not pleased at all with the elimination of such events, but sadly these things do occur.

Back in the day, the WWF knew how to promote an event and build suspense. By the time the event came around, people couldn't wait to see it. Now the pay per views are no more exciting than Monday Night Raw. Again, this is Bischoff's fault. The wars made ratings more important that PPV buys.

The WWF and JCP/WCW both knew how to hype some events (sure WCW had some clunkers like Robocop, but let's not forget the Gobbledygooker either). Anyway, yes I do agree the WWF knew how to promote events incredibly well, I mean go back to 1991, and although wrestling was not at its best commercially, the way they hyped Hulk Hogan and Sgt Slaughter, well that was a match ahead of its time in terms of production values, in my opinion.


But it takes two to tango, and Vince in order to compete had to up the ante with the pay per view events, I understand that. But after the Monday Night Wars ended, and there was no WCW left, Vince not only continued his exorbitant number of pay per view events, he added to them. I can't and won't blame Eric Bischoff for WWE's continued lack of commitment to quality. Again, I don't like the fact that WCW staples like Clash Of The Champions were eliminated, but the WWF/E has found plenty of ways to disappoint me in their own right, and they continue to do so to this very day, even when we are a decade plus removed from WCW being acquired by the then-WWF.

All the big matches were given to us for free so there was no reason to look forward to the pay per view. But we all have the idea that the pay per view should be much better than the free show, and rightfully so. But that can't happen. Wrestlemania isn't even special anymore. Can anyone honestly name a match that would be a big draw that doesn't involve bringing someone in from outside the company? The only one I can come up with is John Cena vs The Undertaker.

To be honest, getting a free match on TV doesn't bother me like it did when I was a kid. Because honestly with the fact that you have all these pay per views on the calendar, I am not that big of a fan like I was once to justify spending $40 plus to watch these events. Sadly though, they are a major money maker for the company, even the ones that underperform and are redundant (i.e. Hell In A Cell, Money In The Bank). But what are you going to do? The market dictates that WWE can do this and stay profitable, so all the power to them. I guess their other revenue sources that they didn't have twenty years ago or just weren't as strong like their WWEShop site, their even bigger video library, and expanded merchandise lines aren't enough for them to justify their financial bottom line.

Saturday morning wrestling was great. You got to see some great wrestlers and we were given some great story lines that had time to develop. Now it's four weeks to develop a story then on to the next story that we have already seen. It makes it hard to turn in every week because nothing new happens. I don't know if cutting down the PPVs will help, because the WWE would just put the matches on TV for free anyway.

I agree on that front as well, the events are hasty and rushed and just rashly put together. I'm not a fan of that format myself. But I mourn with ya for the days of old in wrestling, I don't deny ya that man. But like I said, WWE is just continuing to piggyback off the trend that was started in the 90s and while we can both agree on not finding favor with what Bischoff did, Vince had no issue in following.

Now if/when the WWE Network gets off the ground, in my opinion I feel that the remaining PPVs outside of the big four should be jettisoned and that the Saturday Night's Main Event program be resurrected once again and on those months we'd have a filler PPV like Money In The Bank, put these events on the network. In my opinion, the four PPV format should be resurrected and this is how I'd like to see it happen, the way I'd envision things would be like a sports season.

SummerSlam - This is the payoff basically to storylines that you could develop post-WrestleMania. You can use the first month or two after Mania to try to resolve some storylines that might have a little more left to offer. However, a new focus for the next series of storylines should really get its shot in the arm here.

Survivor Series - This would be like the All-Star game for WWE, I'm not saying that there shouldn't be an important match like a World Title match and whatnot, but this event should go back to its original format and have the four on four (I never cared as much for five on five) team setup. Or if that doesn't work, maybe for a main event bring back War Games to reinvent the concept of the Survivor Series name.

Royal Rumble or Money In The Bank - This right here might sound controversial, but with the fact that Money In The Bank has taken off and done so well, maybe it's time to just forget the Royal Rumble or treat it more as a novelty and put the event on the WWE Network, and let Money In The Bank have its moment to be the penultimate step on the Road To WrestleMania. In fact, I look at this being an event that you can tailor to be the pennant race in WWE. I'd change the aspect of it being where someone can just cash in the title shot at anytime, and make it a title shot only valid at WrestleMania. But I envision this scenario for a WWE where the rosters are completely reunified and there's only one World Title. Because honestly, the two World Titles are redundant as well.

With a tweaking, the Money In The Bank PPV could serve a better purpose. The Royal Rumble is a fun and entertaining match, but we all know that out of 30 men, there's barely a handful that are realistically going to be booked to win it. With MITB there is more suspense and intrigue. Despite my conservative stance on the number of PPV events, I can see where some concepts need to be reinvented and evolved. This is one of those cases where I apply such thinking.

WrestleMania - It goes without saying, this is the World Series, SuperBowl, Stanley Cup, and so on. Everything that happens at the preceding PPVs and other programming in between should all come to have their pay off here. Maybe it's wishful thinking but for years we've had to see this event get stifled as far as its buildup goes with bloated and overdone concepts like the Elimination Chamber (another event that has undermined the Royal Rumble).

While commercially this event (especially this year) was not hurting. Critically, it'd be nice to see there be that old meaning get restored. And there's nothing saying that it can't have that. For years, and this is going back to the 90s and early 2000s, the Royal Rumble winner always got their shot to be in the main event at WrestleMania, whether or not they won is another matter. But the idea of Royal Rumble winners opening the show at WM while people like Snooki wrestle in the second to last match is a storyline farce, and just ridiculous.

Back on point though, this would be the way to more or less end all the major storylines that started previously and got their momentum from SummerSlam. I don't think it's too much to ask a wrestling audience to become engaged for that amount of time, again I could be wrong, but at this point, I don't know what the company would have to lose if something like this was implemented. However, I do realize that as a fan just ranting there are probably several reasons why this wouldn't work but f'n a, I'd like to see what everyone else here thinks.

Again, this is all just wishful thinking on my part, but you can't blame an old school fan for wanting to see some of the spirit and essence of what he grew up on restored, can ya? :)
I'm completely against gimmick PPVs , HIAC ,TLC, EC etc....they are really bad.

One of the reasons why HIAC matches are the best ever because they used to came out of nowhere only in a very very very hot feud.

Now, the element of surprise is taken away from the match, and you can see a stupid feud ends up being in the cell.

Orton vs Henry wasn't HIAC material.
ADR has never been HIAC material.
Even Cody and Ted competed in a HIAC, this is just Ridiculous.

And when you add the fact that they only make 2 weeks build up for the PPV , you get matches which are insults to the concept of the Classic HIAC match we used to watch years ago.

The only feud that's going on currently that really deserves to be inside the cell is Punk- Cena, the WHC HIAC will most likely be a triple threat or fatal 4 way match I think.
I don't think WWE will ever do that because it will cost them huge revenues. Probably about Billion dollars.

4 PPV's in a year is way less with the current number of roster and main-eventers.

It's not that I totally support having 12-13 PPV's in a year, but an ideal number for me would be 8-10 PPV's per year.

January: Royal Rumble

March: Wrestlemania

May: Extreme Rules (This can have all kinds of gimmick matches, HIAC, EC, TLC etc., continuation of WM feuds, revenge matches)

June: Over The Limit (new feuds, new pushes)

July: King of The Ring (winner chooses which champion to face at Summerslam)

August: Summerslam

October: Survivor Series (WWE gets 2 months to build big Survivor Style matches)

November: No Mercy

December: Armageddon

MITB match usually takes place at Wrestlemania or Extreme Rules.

That makes total of 9 PPV's a year, each PPV getting solid buildups, some major matches may take place on RAW or SD too, thus helping the television section. WWE may even pull in special television shows every month like Gold Rush tournament, Royal Roulette , Night of the Champions and Cyber Monday and promote it as half-PPV type show.
So here's another thread about how the WWE has too many PPVs every year. If (and this a big "if") the WWE were to phase out some of their annual PPVs, it would have to happen gradually IMO. I don't think they could just jump to four (or even six) per year immediately. Like many have already pointed out in this thread, the 12/13 WWE PPVs that are currently broadcast each year make a lot of money for the company.

At the end of the day, the WWE is a business. It doesn't make a lot of sense for a multimillion (billion?) company to lose all that PPV money just for the sake of "better storylines". If they see a way to make more money, they should jump at the chance. Cutting the number of annual PPVs would lose them money each year. If given the choice of more money (12 to 13 PPVs per year) and less quality overall (for the sake of argument) vs. less money (4 to 6 PPVs per year) and more quality overall, the business would choose money over "quality" every time. Wouldn't you?
No, I think WWE needs to focus on on giving people more enjoyable themes. Keep all 12 PPV events. As far as Night of Champions goes, doesn't every title get defended at WM anyway, so why keep it? I say do this:

January: Royal Rumble (Winner faces Champion of their choice at No Way Out)
February: No Way Out (2 Contenders Chosen; One For Each Belt)
March: WrestleMania (All Title Matches)
April: Blacklash (All WM Rematches; Except No Undertaker Rematch)
May: King of the Ring (Tournament To Choose King of the Ring; No Title Holders Allowed to Complete; Winner gets to face either Title Holder in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match in June)
June: Over The Limit (Nothing but specialty matches chosen at random except for Championship match which is 2 out of 3 falls; There will be an Iron Man Match for the non- KOTR contender match, a no DQ match, a strap match, a Mask match, etc.)
July: Great American Bash (Nothing but extreme rules matches)
August: Summerslam (Sumnmer's Wrestlemania)
September: Hell In A Cell (Nothing but Cell matches)
October: Survivor Series (Traditional Survivor Series match with lots of tag team matches)
November: No Mercy (Nothing but No DQ and Anywhere Falls Matches)
December: Money In The Bank (There will be ladder matches to choose contenders for the WWE Title, WHC Title, IC Title, U.S. Title, Tag Title, and Divas Title)
No, I think WWE needs to focus on on giving people more enjoyable themes. Keep all 12 PPV events. As far as Night of Champions goes, doesn't every title get defended at WM anyway, so why keep it? I say do this:

January: Royal Rumble (Winner faces Champion of their choice at No Way Out)
February: No Way Out (2 Contenders Chosen; One For Each Belt)
March: WrestleMania (All Title Matches)
April: Blacklash (All WM Rematches; Except No Undertaker Rematch)
May: King of the Ring (Tournament To Choose King of the Ring; No Title Holders Allowed to Complete; Winner gets to face either Title Holder in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match in June)
June: Over The Limit (Nothing but specialty matches chosen at random except for Championship match which is 2 out of 3 falls; There will be an Iron Man Match for the non- KOTR contender match, a no DQ match, a strap match, a Mask match, etc.)
July: Great American Bash (Nothing but extreme rules matches)
August: Summerslam (Sumnmer's Wrestlemania)
September: Hell In A Cell (Nothing but Cell matches)
October: Survivor Series (Traditional Survivor Series match with lots of tag team matches)
November: No Mercy (Nothing but No DQ and Anywhere Falls Matches)
December: Money In The Bank (There will be ladder matches to choose contenders for the WWE Title, WHC Title, IC Title, U.S. Title, Tag Title, and Divas Title)

I will never support such a schedule, too many hardcore/stipulation matches on your PPV's and too many ladder matches on MITB PPV. Also how come we get MITB and Royal Rumble PPV's together since both of them determine no.1 contenders?
I dont think 13 is needed, but neither is 4. If they went 7-10 that would be fine. You drop HiaC, EC, TLC, NoC and Extream Rules. And change one to King of the Ring in late spring giving the winner a title shot at Summer Slam move MitB to After SS. Maybe bring back some of the old survivor series matches and give the sole survivor a title match so u would have 4 ppv that were billed around the #1 contender and 4 that would be the payoff to those matches
This idea, is so far beyond fucking stupid. Lets just look at it from a basic finical perspective, WWE charges about $40 a PPV, with the exception of WM which is about $50, this means if someone wants to order every PPV it's going to cost them $490 over the course of a year, if WWE were to drop down to only the big 4, then they would have ot raise the cost of the PPV's substantially to make up for all the money they lose by getting rid of 8 PPVs, meaning the average cost of a PPV would be around $130, with WM costing upwards of $155. Since most people are going to have much harder time affording, or even justifying spending that much on a show, WWE will likely lose a large number of PPV buys, meaning the WWE is going to have to try and make that lost income up elsewhere, this means the cost all merch, tickets, etc. will also increase in price. So from a basic finical perspective dropping down to 4 PPVs right now would be crippling to WWE & there fanbase, as nobody would be able to afford to go to shows, buy PPVs, T-Shirts, toys, etc. thus potentially costing the company millions of dollars, but hey at least they'd have a little more time to build a feud... it's too bad nobody would be able to afford the PPV the feud finally culminates at.
State your claim all you want but PPV equal money. The more people order them, the more money WWE makes. I remember when they announced Summer Slam, Survivor Series and Royal Rumbles as PPVs. NWA-WCW aka Jim Crockett Promotion already had Great American Bash and Starrcade. They did this to get money and PPV is where the money is at.
This takes into account the WWE Network and how it would be used.

I would move back to the big 5 from 93-03. PPV would only have Royal Rumble (between COnference Championship games and Super Bowl), WrestleMania (first SUnday in April), King of the Ring (last Sunday in June), Summerslam (last Sunday in August) and Survivor Series (either the Sunday before or after Thanksgiving weekend). I would also use the concept used towards the end of KOTR and have the winner get a title shot at SummerSlam and bring back classic Survivor Series matches to that PPV with stipulatons placed on the matches and also a World Title Match. I also believe that having less ppv's will help their buys because there is more hype and intruige around the event and your not paying 50 bucks every month.

With WWE Network, I'm sure it is going to be a channel you have to pay your cable/satelite provider for. It will probably be something like 5-10 dollars a month so a good way to increase the number of buys of the channel will be to add an additional 5 ppv events on the channel. They would be inbetween the major ppv events and have that ppv feel to them. Also, there could be like 5 Saturday Night Main Event's added to WWE Network which would air in the buildup towards the big ppv's to help build those events furthur. This would give the Network 10 live events to air which in addition to weekly shows and classic matches/events would more then justify the 5-10 dollars people would have to pay to have the channel.
I think its surprising that WWE dont e a cyber sunday type PPV considering their so hyped up about social media, people could vote on twitter for matches or what not.
I think HIAC should be replaced as that should be a once a year type match for a huge fued, not 2-3 matches a ppv.
This takes into account the WWE Network and how it would be used.

I would move back to the big 5 from 93-03. PPV would only have Royal Rumble (between COnference Championship games and Super Bowl), WrestleMania (first SUnday in April), King of the Ring (last Sunday in June), Summerslam (last Sunday in August) and Survivor Series (either the Sunday before or after Thanksgiving weekend). I would also use the concept used towards the end of KOTR and have the winner get a title shot at SummerSlam and bring back classic Survivor Series matches to that PPV with stipulatons placed on the matches and also a World Title Match. I also believe that having less ppv's will help their buys because there is more hype and intruige around the event and your not paying 50 bucks every month.

With WWE Network, I'm sure it is going to be a channel you have to pay your cable/satelite provider for. It will probably be something like 5-10 dollars a month so a good way to increase the number of buys of the channel will be to add an additional 5 ppv events on the channel. They would be inbetween the major ppv events and have that ppv feel to them. Also, there could be like 5 Saturday Night Main Event's added to WWE Network which would air in the buildup towards the big ppv's to help build those events furthur. This would give the Network 10 live events to air which in addition to weekly shows and classic matches/events would more then justify the 5-10 dollars people would have to pay to have the channel.

I love most of this. This the answer for the arguement of less ppv buys, make your 5 ppvs must see. I do like the MITB concept and think that could be used on a SNME or even at Summerslam. The only thing I disagree with are the other 5 ppvs on the channel. I think the big5 and 5SNME events would be enough.
I think WWE must drop all of its PPVs except for the big four.

and I think you live on planet neptune.

Know what the WWE is? A business.

Know what the point of a business is? To make money.

Know what those PPVs are? Revenue. LOTS of it.

There is zero chance they will ever reduce them, and honestly, if they continue to sell well, it would be stupid to do so.
Like many other posters here who think too many gimmick PPV's nowdays are too much and lessens the importance of some important gimmick matches like Ladder, HIAC and Elimination Chamber matches.

I am of the opinion that there should be 1 gimmick PPV each year which can feature all kinds of gimmick matches like Cage, Ladder, MITB, HIAC, Elimination Chamber, Tables, TLC and Other No-DQ matches.

I would just have one gimmick PPV each year named "Extreme Rules", "Extreme Redemption" or "Hardcore Redemption" 2 months after Wrestlemania or 2 months after Summerslam with all gimmick matches.

However that does not mean gimmick matches cannot take place at other PPV's.

MITB can be featured at this PPV or Wrestlemania like before.
I personally liked it better when certain matches like: Steel Cage, Hell In A Cell, Elimination Chamber and TLC matches were rare and were once a year or less. These kind of matches are only good to settle an intense feud. Back in the day, that is what the Steel Cage was for. Now with every match having it's own PPV, it kind of dilutes the attraction of the match.

I like it when HIAC was memorable. The first HIAC was a classic! Taker and Hbk tore it up plus it was the debut of Kane. The 98' KOTR HIAC was another classic with Foley's "glorified stuntman" antics... I can't even tell you what happened in the very last HIAC match. They happen too often now and twice a year!

So, to answer your question, I think "gimmick" matches should just be used to settle intense rivalries. The matches lose value with every passing year...
The answer is THREE.

The Royal Rumble is a "gimmick" PPV, and the Survivor Series (in its true form) is one as well, with the 8 (or 10) man tag elimination matches. There's two already.

As for the 3rd PPV, I think if they're going to keep MITB separate from Wrestlemania, then I think it should take place in June (like King of the Ring did) and use the MITB winner as the guy who gets a title shot at SummerSlam (again, like they used to do with King of the Ring). That means you have two months to build-up the main event and it also means SummerSlam gets back some of its prestige.

Since there are two MITB matches on that PPV, maybe one of them gets a shot at SummerSlam, then the other winner is that "can cash it in at any time for a year" person.

There you go, three PPVs. The rest of the "gimmick" matches should simply take place during regularly scheduled PPVs throughout the calendar year.
Even HHH/HBK and HHH/Batista HIAC matches are also quite memorable both featuring intense rivalries and the matches delivering as solid main-events and it would be safe to say that entire PPV was focused on that certain HIAC match, now having the entire PPV to this gimmick match does not even increase the importance of the HIAC matches on that PPV.

Taker/Edge HIAC was also good but didn't have much importance due to many HIAC's taking place at that point like Taker/Batista, Taker/Orton and DX/Bigshow-Mcmahons.

If Taker vs Kane HIAC or Orton vs Cena HIAC took place on a normal PPV like Summerslam or Wrestlemania, the matches would have had a lot of value, interest and importance.

Just out of the box, WWE should try experimenting with a gimmick PPV focused on ladder matches. They can have TLC, regular Ladder Matches and MITB match/es on that PPV and name it 'Ladder-Fest'.
The answer is THREE.

The Royal Rumble is a "gimmick" PPV, and the Survivor Series (in its true form) is one as well, with the 8 (or 10) man tag elimination matches. There's two already.

As for the 3rd PPV, I think if they're going to keep MITB separate from Wrestlemania, then I think it should take place in June (like King of the Ring did) and use the MITB winner as the guy who gets a title shot at SummerSlam (again, like they used to do with King of the Ring). That means you have two months to build-up the main event and it also means SummerSlam gets back some of its prestige.

Since there are two MITB matches on that PPV, maybe one of them gets a shot at SummerSlam, then the other winner is that "can cash it in at any time for a year" person.

There you go, three PPVs. The rest of the "gimmick" matches should simply take place during regularly scheduled PPVs throughout the calendar year.

Royal Rumble and Survivor Series do not count as gimmick PPV's for me and I was not counting them as gimmick PPV's at the start of this thread.
I think Wwe should just get rid of all the Gimmick Pay Per Views and go back to where Stipulation Matches would be used once or twice a year, Because it is not a surprise anymore.
I am also of another opinion that no doubt MITB is an interesting PPV with 2 MITB matches which anyone can win from many number of men (some new pushes and surprise winners). Top of that multi-men ladder matches are 90% of the times entertaining. While the MITB matches stay, but what about the other regular WWE, WHC and other grudge matches on the card? Does the name MITB or this gimmick PPV devalue those other matches? Excellent matches likeCena vs Punk, Bryan vs Punk and Orton vs Christian at MITB PPV's would have been more memorable had they taken place at normal PPV's like Summerslam or Wrestlemania.
They should go back to The Big Four for 2 Reasons

1. 13 Pay Per Views a year is too much like you said and as the past 2/3 Years have shown you cant build a good feud in the amount of time that they are allocated.

2. Pay Per Views are to dear because at 15 pound a go and 13 a year you are spending 180 Pound a year just on Pay Per Views and that is too much.


They wont change them back to the Big Four because they are making a hell of a lot more money off of 13 a Year than they were making off of 4 a year.
Besides the Rumble and Survivor Series, there are a few other gimmick ppv's I would like to see during the year.

First off, bring back The King of the Ring ppv. Have it around June and have the winner get a shot at the WWEC. or the WHC. at Summer Slam, according to what brand he is on.

I would like to see T.L.C. and MITB ppv's combined into one great ppv to be held in December. This way the 2 MITB matches can be TLC matches. And, with 2 briefcases given out in mid December, it makes it more possible for one winner to hold on to his briefcase til Mania to cash in which would be great to see.

I think WWE should have The Elimination Chamber ppv kept where it is. As the Rumble winner faces one champ at Mania, the EC ppv should gives us the other #1co. for the other world title.

I don't like Night of Champions. I think every ppv,most if not all titles should be defended and not overlooked plus a few extra matches.

I think, for the rest of the gimmicks they can happen in regular ppv's when needed. I would probably keep Extreme Rules as a ppv with anything goes rules, but no cage or hell in a cell unless necessary for a particular match.

I would like to see, as well, the return of Cyber Sunday where the fans can make the matches and choose the opponents during the ppv.

So, that's a total of 5 Gimmick ppv's plus The Rumble and Survivor Series which comes to 7. If there are going to be 12 ppv's a year then there is still 5 ppv's without gimmicks each year. So this seems pretty even and fair to people who like and don't like gimmick ppv's.
Where's the option for none?

I guess if I have to pick one, it would be bringing back the King of the Ring. Make it a tournament where the winner wrestles atleast twice in one night, and the winner receives a title shot at SummerSlam. The KOTR would take place in June again, giving some time to build a program between the winner and whichever champ he's going to face(just like they do between the Rumble and WM).

I would love to see the MITB go back on the WM card and just have ONE MITB briefcase winner who gets to choose which main event title he wants to cash in on. That made it much less predictable, and now that the brand split is pretty much done, it would make it even more interesting.

As for matches like cage, HIAC, TLC etc. Those shouldn't have designated PPVs. The way HHH and Taker used Hell in a Cell at WM to "end an era" is the only way a match of that magnitude should be used. I mean here you have Sheamus and Big Show going into HIAC and they've never really fought each other at all. There's no fued there, no build, nothing. 5 weeks is not enough time to build a fued that is fitting of a Hell in a Cell match, but that's all they have to make us interested. The only interesting thing to me is whether or not Ziggy cashes in.

Elimination Chamber is fun to watch for sure, but when Bischoff first introduced it, they booked it for Survivor Series which fit perfectly. This type of match should be once a year or less and there should only be one EC match on the card, not two.

Point is, less is more. Use this analogy, the WWE has basically banned blood from their matches. This is done for the safety of the Superstars and I for one applaud the move. However, on the rare occasion that we see someone get busted open, the "awe" factor is turned up. Well the same can be said for these "gimmick" matches. Even if WWE uses it once per year, it would go a long way if they only featured ONE of these matches instead of two. Both the WHC and WWE championships don't necessarily have to be featured in the same gimmick match.

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