WWE No Way Out 2012: Sheamus (c) VS Dolph Ziggler [World Heavyweight Championship]

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

Mexican Aristocrat Alberto Del Rio will vie for SmackDown’s richest prize at No Way Out, when he challenges Sheamus one-on-one for the vaunted World Heavyweight Championship.

After Sheamus impressively retained his title against Del Rio, Randy Orton and Chris Jericho in a hellacious Fatal 4-Way Match at WWE Over the Limit, there was one question that undoubtedly lingered in the minds of every Superstar in the SmackDown locker room: Who would emerge as the next challenger to The Great White’s World Heavyweight Championship? Ultimately, the answer came in the form of a No. 1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match on the May 25 edition of SmackDown. (PHOTOS)

Per John Laurinaitis’ Executive Administrator Eve, the WWE Universe witnessed Orton, Del Rio and the monstrous Kane battle it out to determine who would face Sheamus at No Way Out – the first of such pay-per-view events since 2009. When Daniel Bryan distracted Kane during the bout, the preoccupied Big Red Monster ate an RKO from Orton that seemed to seal a victory for The Viper. However, Del Rio would soon capitalize by breaking up the pinfall and stealing a three-count victory over the prone Kane. The Mexican Aristocrat was quick to gloat about his questionably earned win, but Sheamus cut the celebration short when he ambushed Del Rio from behind on the entrance ramp.

“I can’t wait to kick your head off at No Way Out!” The Great White warned as Del Rio writhed on the steel grating. A clearer statement could not have been made that night.

Over the years, Sheamus has cemented himself as one of the most dominant brawlers in WWE, but he would be wise not to underestimate Del Rio. A former two-time WWE Champion, Del Rio has craftily dispatched the likes of Rey Mysterio, Big Show and John Cena, using his keen intellect, technical proficiency and ruthless demeanor to keep even the most decorated WWE Superstars on notice.

Although sidelined due to injury last December, The Mexican Aristocrat fixed his gaze on the World Heavyweight Championship – and its bearer – immediately upon returning to SmackDown this past April. At No Way Out on Sunday, June 17, live on pay-per-view, Del Rio will finally get the one-on-one World Heavyweight Championship opportunity he has long felt entitled to – and Sheamus will face the level of competition he always craves.

Eh, I haven't been able to get into this feud. Del Rio VS Sheamus is suffering from a lackluster build, and this feud really hasn't done anything for me. Del Rio VS Sheamus feels like a worthy Smackdown main event, but as a pay per view world title match, this match can't bring any feelings of excitement out of me.

I'm picking Sheamus to retain, because he's having a solid run as champion so far. Unless Ricardo is by his side, Del Rio still struggles to receive strong heel reactions from live crowds, and his run as WWE Champion was very forgettable. Although, Sandow is no where near ready, Christian has turned face again, so Del Rio will see more time as a main event heel. Sheamus should pick up the win, and a rematch between these two wouldn't surprise me.

Due to recent events, the match has changed to Sheamus VS Dolph Ziggler. Keep all discussion on said match in here and do not spam.

Thoughts on this match?
I appreciate the effort they've placed into making the feud work, which I'm sure will be enhanced through Monday's three-hour episode of RAW and the following Friday's Smackdown, but much like Mitch, I'm not very invested in the angle and could care less about what either have to say in address to the other. Sheamus has made a good World Heavyweight Champion, but this is just a filler match for him. Coming off the match with Bryan and the Fatal-4-Way he should retain with ease.

Alberto Del Rio was once a pretty interesting character back when he debuted on the scene. But my God does he blow now. Good wrestler, probably one of the best the company has, and despite reports he has a "politician" aura backstage, I can see from the way he presents himself, especially off the Hall of Fame that he respects the business, but when your ring announcer is more intriguing than you are, you've got a problem.
PWinsider is reporting the following:


There is a fear that Alberto Del Rio, who is still recovering from his groin tear and surgery, suffered a concussion last week. As late as yesterday, there was discussion he may need to be pulled from the No Way Out PPV, although PWInsider.com has not confirmed that he was officially pulled. Del Rio is set to challenge Sheamus for the World title at the PPV.
Is there any weight in the concussion rumor?
Who will replace Del Rio in the title match if he has to drop?

Personally I think this is BS, But if Del Rio does have to drop out, I would have Daniel Bryan wrestle both matches for the championships as it Would be extremely beneficial for him. A close second idea would be Dolph Ziggler.
Frankly this match doesn't do anything for me. I could really care less who wins, and frankly I would never pay to see these two go against each other. It seems more like a match I would fast forward through on Smackdown then a match at a PPV.
I might get some heat for saying this but these two guys are the most boring superstars at the main event level. I truly do not understand the appeal of Sheamus. I mean what has he done to entertain you other than exploiting typical stereotypes of the great people of Ireland. I can see why kids like him but that's about it. He should be R-truth's tag team partner not in the main event nor WHC. Del Rio's entertaining solely because of Ricardo. He drives his car into the arena but walks up the ramp when he leaves. Meaning someone in the WWE has to come out and drive it back... What the hell is that all about?
If Del Rio can compete, I'd rather see him win than Sheamus retain. Sheamus has been a terrible champion, and a terrible character period ever since he turned face. Sheamus needs to be a heel to be even slightly interesting.

If Del Rio can't compete, I'd like to see some sort of Battle Royal to determine a new #1 Contender. Have Dolph Ziggler win it, and then go on to beat Sheamus for the title. It's a perfect opportunity to get the title off Sheamus, and put Ziggler back in the main event scene and back on SmackDown.
Personally, I just see this match as being less than nothing special, to the point of even a "crap" match would be a pleasant surprise. I just feel it's disappointing, but who knows? Maybe they can surprise and work well with each other, but I just have my early doubts about this match. Because I don't see that surprise coming up, filler like some other people are saying is all this even remotely is.
Assuming Del Rio will be cleared to compete, I really don't see this match being anything better than... okay. I really am not a big fan of Del Rio. The guy just sucks the life out of matches for me. I'm mixed on Sheamus. I don't hate the guy but I'm not a very huge fan of him either. That said, I'm personally pulling for Sheamus to win simply because I see him as the lesser of two evils. Del Rio had a WWE title run that can only be described as mediocre at best. Seeing him go over here does not interest me. It seems that WWE is heavily invested in Sheamus so I think it's more realistic that he goes over anyway. It feels too early for him to drop the belt. But hey, I've been wrong many times about it being too early to drop the belt before.
While having someone like Ziggler take the title from Sheamus is appealing it will never happen. I know most of you agree that Sheamus is a total crap champion as well as character but let's not forget what the WWE invested into this guy. A Royal Rumble victory, an 18 second WM victory, and a successful title defense against three quality opponents. To throw all that away to Ziggler just isn't realistic.

Someone has to replace Del Rio if he can't go but who? I know WWE has liked the shock value of having fill-ins win some matches but who does it benefit here? Someone mentioned Daniel Bryan wrestling both which isn't bad but it takes away from his well built CM Punk feud.

Tensai, Miz, or Ziggler is all I could come up with to fill in. None of them will win the title.
I felt so glad it came down to christian and ziggler cause they are both in my current Fav 5 so im ecstatic to see Dolph Ziggler vs Sheamus this sunday....

Im sure sheamus retains here but come one this is huge for Ziggler, I knew the suspensions and injuries from Jericho, Orton and Del Rio were a blessing in disguise for this man.

He steped up so quickly and is now main eventing a ppv with the title on the line....

Thoughts? Discuss.....
its good to see ziggler won rather than christian. Ziggler doesnt need to and shouldnt win at the ppv. Him winning the title out of nowhere is pointless and he will become like jack swagger, i guarrantee it. This is a critical time for the guy to perform at the high level like never before, otherwise he will drop down facing brodus clay in meaningless feud. Im not talking about his in ring work. Im talking about how he needs to improve on the mic, connect to crowd better and bring the charisma out. This is his time and if he doesnt make those improvement he will flop eventually.
Another Title shot for Dolph Ziggler in which he is just gonna lose. Sheamus will retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

Its funny how many chances Dolph Ziggler gets to become something big but he just can't.
I see Sheamus winning in a pretty solid match. Maybe a Ziggler face turn by getting screwed by Swagger/Vicky?

On a side not, Ziggler NEEDS to just change his name to "The Show Off". Drop "Dolph Ziggler", and just call him The Show Off. It just sounds better. The greatest wrestlers have names like that.
He's not main eventing a ppv. The world title hasn't been a main event title in quite some time. With that said this is Dolph Ziggler filling his usual role, the only difference is it's not january this time. Always the bride's maid never the bride.
Another Title shot for Dolph Ziggler in which he is just gonna lose. Sheamus will retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

Its funny how many chances Dolph Ziggler gets to become something big but he just can't.

How's this a chance to become something big, he's replacing Del Rio in a match and he's almost certainly gonna lose because he's not even supposed to be there yet. He's there to make Sheamus look good (again) and that's it.
Didn't Ziggler lose to Sheamus on Smackdown only last week? Yeh, this is really going to increase PPV buys! At least Del Rio is a credible challenger, Ziggler is fast becoming a jobbing joke. Dont understand all the love for him at all.

I understand they are thin on the ground in terms of challengers, a 3-way would be more interesting.
Since Ziggler won, it shows how weak the Smackdown roster currently is. This is another reason Orton won't be fired. Thank GOD there's no way in hell of Ziggler winning. I predict Swagger will cost him the belt in some way and it will lead to a battle of the jobbing mid-carders at Summerslam.

How much time until Wade Barrett gets back???? lol If I was Christian I would be pissed. I did TNA's PPV for you after not wanting to do it, now you put that glorified jobber in the match! I keep hoping this is Ziggler's last chance but I guess it took 3 years before they finally gave up on Drew.
Its funny how many chances Dolph Ziggler gets to become something big but he just can't.

You've got that right. Even understanding that WWE builds their stars of the future by force-feeding them to us, I've never been able to see why they've shoved Dolph down our throats as they have, featuring him on both shows for many months. Don't get me wrong, I like watching him in the ring and enjoy his look.....yet I could never see him as being the top-liner for which the company seemed to be grooming him.

Then, they apparently decided he wasn't going to make it big, and put him on a huge losing streak. Now, he surprises by winning a match against Christian that I was sure he was slated to lose......so, now what? Does he serve as a sacrifice to Sheamus? Or do the powers-that-be actually have him win the championship, thereby ending his losing ways and quickly vaulting him to the top? That Dolph suddenly split from Jack Swagger seemed ominous and I kind of hope he doesn't immediately erase the losing streak with a major championship win. It doesn't feel right.

I'm picking Sheamus to retain.......but this could be one of those instances in which WWE pulls an unexpected move on us.
I don't think Ziggler has a chance in hell of getting the title, but it ought to be a great match.

In a perfect world Ziggler wouldn't be jobbing constantly, he'd be used asa top level heel. He's one of the very best wrestlers on the roster, he's got a great look, he's strong on the mic, and he plays his character very well with lots of little nuances.
Didn't Ziggler lose to Sheamus on Smackdown only last week? Yeh, this is really going to increase PPV buys! At least Del Rio is a credible challenger, Ziggler is fast becoming a jobbing joke. Dont understand all the love for him at all.

I understand they are thin on the ground in terms of challengers, a 3-way would be more interesting.

The love for him is because maybe "scripted wins and losses" are not the way to judge wrestlers as performers? He performs up to 11 every night, no matter what, and is the hardest working young guy in WWE. The level of improvement over the years is staggering. That's why he's so well loved.
I don't think Ziggler has a chance in hell of getting the title, but it ought to be a great match.

In a perfect world Ziggler wouldn't be jobbing constantly, he'd be used asa top level heel. He's one of the very best wrestlers on the roster, he's got a great look, he's strong on the mic, and he plays his character very well with lots of little nuances.

In a perfect world people on the internet would wake up and realize what the live fans realize, Ziggler isn't that special. Strong on the mic????? What show do you watch? Vickie is the mic worker and get's the little reaction he gets FOR HIM! He's an AMAZING worker with a great physique and that's where it ends. There's a million of those who are booked to job.

He will do what he's paid to do, put over others with his skills.
In a perfect world people on the internet would wake up and realize what the live fans realize, Ziggler isn't that special. Strong on the mic????? What show do you watch? Vickie is the mic worker and get's the little reaction he gets FOR HIM! He's an AMAZING worker with a great physique and that's where it ends. There's a million of those who are booked to job.

He will do what he's paid to do, put over others with his skills.

I watch the show where Ziggler doesn't GET any mic time. Hard to judge him when you don't see it.

While it's his online promos I've seen most, his promo before the Royal Rumble on Mick Foley should dissuade any notions he isn't good on the mic.

He needs to drop Vickie, she's served her purpose but he does not need her.

I might add, you're talking about that "little reaction" (as though the live crowds are some great measure of quality), even though he had a strong crowd reaction last night in favour of him, with Ziggler chants and a strong pop when he won?
I'd love for Ziggler to win here, but if he did, it would probably mean dropping it back to Sheamus soon after. I want his next world title reign to mean something, which is why I'm really pulling for him as a possible Money in the Bank winner.

As for the match, should be tons of fun. Ziggler is the perfect guy to sell for Sheamus' power offense. And they did have a very good match on SmackDown a couple weeks ago.
I'd love for Ziggler to win here, but if he did, it would probably mean dropping it back to Sheamus soon after. I want his next world title reign to mean something, which is why I'm really pulling for him as a possible Money in the Bank winner.

As for the match, should be tons of fun. Ziggler is the perfect guy to sell for Sheamus' power offense. And they did have a very good match on SmackDown a couple weeks ago.

Ziggler and Barrett would be the ideal MITB winners this year (as far as I know MITB was kept off Wrestlemania because Barrett was injured and had been planned as the winner). They might both be heels but they need it the most.
I watch the show where Ziggler doesn't GET any mic time. Hard to judge him when you don't see it.

While it's his online promos I've seen most, his promo before the Royal Rumble on Mick Foley should dissuade any notions he isn't good on the mic.

He needs to drop Vickie, she's served her purpose but he does not need her.

I might add, you're talking about that "little reaction" (as though the live crowds are some great measure of quality), even though he had a strong crowd reaction last night in favour of him, with Ziggler chants and a strong pop when he won?

One time doesn't mean a thing. And come on they've let him speak before and he blows. He's 6'0" and if anything he's a IC or Crusierweight. Rey is the rare exception of being small and in the next level.

He's a good worker and you can't take that away from the guy. But he's really nothing special and really doesn't have "it"

It's always funny on how EVERYONE always says get him away from Vickie. You all seem to forget MOST OF HIS CAREER he was away from her and got ZERO reaction. They were put together so he got heat. Fine take her away and he'll be on Superstars or in ROH within a year.

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