WWE New Era

  • Thread starter Shadowmancer's Bitch's Bitch
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Shadowmancer's Bitch's Bitch

Undertaker def. Batista (New World Heavyweight Champion)
Batista hits a Batista-Bomb, he gos to pin but at 2 Undertaker picks Batista and chokes him.
WWE Champion Shawn Michaels def. John Cena (New WWE Champion)
Cena locks in the STFU and Michaels reverse the STFU into a Sharpshooter but Cena doesnt tap. Michael hits Sweet Chin Music to pin 1-2-3
ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley (Donald Trump) def. Intercontinental Champion Umaga (Mr. McMahon)
As Trump was about to shave McMahons hair McMahon says he will give Trump the WWE in exchange for keeping his hair. Trump exceps and Trump now owns WWE
Matt Hardy wins the Money in the Bank Ladder Match
There was two ladders set up next to each other on the Left Ladder was Edge and Mr.Kennedy on the other ladder was Orton. Edge screamed to Orton to RKO Kennedy. Orton Jumped and hit Edge with the RKO.Wich caused Ortons Ladder on to Kennedys ladder. Kennedy reaches up for the breifcase,Jeff Hardy ran up the ladder knocking Kennedy off. Setting Matt Hardy to climb up and grab the case.
ECW Originals def. New Breed
Trump comes out and says that the match is Extreeme rules
Sandman hits Striker with his cane for the winner
Women's Champion Melina def. Ashley
Milina wins after Johny Nitro comes out and pulles Ashley down.
Kane def. The Great Khali
Kane hits Khali with a choke slam on the announswer table. Kane wins by countout/K.O.
United States Champion Chris Benoit def. MVP
Beniot makes MVP tap by cripplercrossface

Raw 4/2/07 Preveiw:
Now that "The Donald" owns WWE what will he do on monday?
that would have been sick if that truley happened!
First I want to say I hope every show isn't going to be written like this as is basicly just a resault card with slightly change endings. I don't think I like the idea of Trump owning the WWE as he'ot a very entertaining character and seems to "No Sale" just about everything, IMO Vince is a WAY more charismatic character and sets-up storylines alot easier than Trump ever could and also it's hard to believe Vince would Sale a multi-million dollar business to keep his hair. I also wasn't thrilled about most of your other changes, like HBK beating Cena and other little small changes to the out come of matches, I did like Matt Hardy getting to win in MITB but not the fact that Edge and Orton seemed to "Make-up". I also think it's kind of rude to steal the name of another popular BookThis! show as it might confuse some people. I think you have alot of interesting ideas but need to take the time to write them out, I will check out your next show to see your progress. Good Luck!
good ideas man

trump - wwe nice
you dont have to listen to me but i have an idea mabye mcmahon in a few months can come back and with wwe heel wrestlers like umaga, coach, estrada, edge and a few others that trump had not been nice to and make a classic survivour series match laater..........

thats just my 2 cents its ur btb so you can ignore my 2 cents if u want
looks good i like seeing matt hardy win MITB and im curious to see where you go with that I also like to see that HBK won the title which i thought should of happened im really looking forward to it!
Raw 4/2/07
To Be Loved Roars through the arena.

Trumps music hits.

Trump: I am happy to be here in Dayton! Well as you all saw on Wrestlemania Bobby Lashley is an amazing superstar!But I know money and ECW is not money! So ECW is canceled ! Now I have to say ECW had some superstars so we will some new addition to the rosters. But, I need to say the superstars will be to regular so tonight there will be the first 10 picks of the new draft. We will take down the roster barier and will have a new roster. The GMs can pick anyone from Raw,Smack!Down or ECW. Speaking of GMs tonight we need a new one! And that new GM is......
Coachs music hits.
Coach:Johnathan Coachman!
Trump:No Your incorect, Shane McMahon is the New GM and you John, your fired! (Croud Gos wild)
comercial (we see a promo for the cunning edge next)
Edge Head hits
Edge:We'll tonight we have everyone who were the Money In The Bank match yesterday.(We see them all in the ring)
Edge:Randy, You RKOed me off of the ladder yesterday! What were you thinking? And you Kennedy you were this close (Puts his fingers close together) to winning the ladder match but Jeff Hardy knocked you off. And that brings me to you Jeff what were you thinkinking? You helped Matt win the Money In THe Bank match! Why would you help him? That has to-
Jeff:I did that cause my brother diserve the case me and him worked together! Unlike you and Mr.RKO.
Edge gos to slap to slap Jeff but is RKOed by Orton.
Matt: And that concludes this edithion of the Cunning Edge.
Kennedy:No tonight it will be me and Edge vs Jeff and Orton!
JR:We'll that will be later tonight.

CM PUNK: Matt, I chanllange you to a match right now!
Match 1:CM Punk vs Matt Hardy
THe finish:
CM Punk atacks Matt Hardy and locks in the Andaconda Vice.


When we get back we see Shane and Tedddy Long in the ring.
Lillian Garcia:Ladies and Genalmen it is now time for the first pick five picks for the draft.
Shane: I will now flip a coin call it in the air.
Shane flips the coin
Teddy:Tails never fails playa.
The coin lands on tails
Teddy:Told ya tails never fails. My first pick is the World Heavy Weight Champion The Undertaker.
Shane:Quite and intresting pick but my first pick is the Hardy Boys.
teddy:Yes that is a great pick but I choose non-other than the man who lost to bobby lashley, Umaga.
Shane:Since you chose The Undertaker I chose the Heartbreak Kid Shaun Michaels!
Teddy:I pick a very nice man that you saw get RKOed not just today but yesterday at Wrestlemania, Edge.
Shane:I pick a injured superstar know as Hunter Helmsley, HHH.
Teddy:My next pick is none other that the man who beat Kane! That would be the great Khali.
Shane:I pick Mr.Kennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnedy yes I picked Mr-
Kenedy comes on screen
Teddy:I have the honor of pickin' a fellow rapper K-Fed
Shane well since you have a rapper I will pick a rapper to, John Cena.

Trump: We need new Tag champions so tonight it will be a multi brand tag title match and the last two teams in the ring get the titles. There will be three teams in the ring at a time. Every time one team is elimanated antoher will enter. There will be 10 teams
First 3 teams: MnM, RVD and Sandman, Cade and Murdock
elimanated RVD and Sandman
entered: Helms and Miz
elimanted: MnM
entered:Batista and Flair
elimanatedCade and Murdock
entered:Regal and Taylor
elimanated:Helms and Miz
entered:Finlay and Hornswoggle
Elimanted: Finlay and Hornswoggle
Entered:London and Kendrick
Elimated:Batista and Flair
Entered:nWo-Xpac and Nash
elimanted:Reagal and Taylor
Winners:nWo and London and Kendrick


Match 3 Tag match Edge and Kennedy vs Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton
Match starts with Kennedy andOrton in the ring.
Orton and Kennedy walk up and have a stare donw in the middle of the ring. Kennedy slaps Orton and Orton pushes Kennedy on his ass. Orton tags in Jeff. Jeff runs and hits a cross body on Kennedy.Jeff throghs Kennedy into the ropes he runs up to hit the Wisper in the wind but Edge pulls the rope down and he lands right on his head. The refferee says something to Edge. Edge gets taged in and hits a spear and Kennedy hits orton and knocks him off the ring. Edge hits pins him 1-2-3
Show goes off the air.


showtyme27 that was just the quick result for Wrestlemania
Ok dude, I know it was ur first effort... but it wasnt overly good...

I wasnt sure about you making Trump have a 50% stake in the WWE, but I did like the way that Trump decide to end ECW...

Cutting Edge segment was a bit weird to me, nobody seemed in character.

The segment with Teddy and Shane picking the stars was ok, but could of been drawn ou a lot more than it was... why would Teddy pick KFed?? Really...

And ur matches... well could u really call them matches??? None had any length at all and were just basically results, which makes it very hard to get the readers attention and get them into ur show.

As well as working on the matches I think u also need to look at spelling and gramma which both made it ver hard to read and also the layout of the show.

Seems you have some ideas and Id like to see how they progress... as I have said to a few guys on here, check out some of Showtymes or Echelons work and also have a look at some of the old ACW and Fusion stuff , you may be able to pick a few things up. But keep at it
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