WWE: New Chairwoman


Renegade at Heart
Hi everyone, for those of you who read my previous booking which took place after Summerslam 2010, I decided to scrap that booking since I had no long term plans for it. This booking will start with the first RAW after WrestleMania XXVII. Below I will post the current roster of stars, the PPV Schedule and the results of WrestleMania itself. PPVs take place once a month, so there will be about 4 RAW and Smackdown shows between each one. I am basing my WrestleMania match lineup on current rumours and speculated rivalries, as well as current ones.

PPV Schedule

Royal Rumble
No Way Out
Extreme Rules
Money in the Bank
Night of Champions
No Mercy
Survivor Series

WWE RAW roster

Alicia Fox
Awesome Kong (Divas Champion)
The Bella Twins
CM Punk (WWE Champion)
Daniel Bryan (US Champion)
David Hart Smith
Evan Bourne
Gail Kim
The Usos
John Cena
John Morrison (Money in the Bank)
Mark Henry
Randy Orton
Santino Marella (WWE Tag Team Champion)
King Sheamus
Ted DiBiase
The Miz
Triple H
Tyson Kidd
Vladmir Kozlov (WWE Tag Team Champion)

WWE Smackdown Roster

Alberto del Rio
Beth Phoenix
Big Show
"Dashing" Cody Rhodes
Dolph Ziggler
Drew McIntyre
Edge (World Heavyweight Champion)
Ezekiel Jackson
Heath Slater
Jack Swagger (Intercontinental Champion)
Justin Gabriel
Kelly Kelly
Kofi Kingston
Michelle McCool
Rey Mysterio
Wade Barrett

WWE Superstars Roster

Chavo Guerrero
Chris Masters
Curt Hawkins
Darren Young
David Otunga
Mason Ryan
Michael McGullicuty
Michael Tarver
Skip Sheffield
Tyler Reks
William Regal
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder​

WWE Superstars will have a separate roster. This will be further explained when I write the first Superstars show.
And now without further ado, here's WrestleMania XXVII!!

Match #1: John Morrison wins the Money in the Bank ladder match
Match #2: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes def. Rey Mysterio
Match #3: Jack Swagger def. Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston (new champion)
Mr. McMahon announces his retirement. Stephanie McMahon is revealed as the anonymous RAW GM and the new Chairwoman of WWE.
Match #4: The Corre def. The New Nexus in a 3 vs. 3 elimination tag match (The New Nexus forced to disband).
Match #5: The Undertaker def. Wade Barrett
Match #6: Cm Punk def. John Cena and WWE Champion the Miz (new champion)
Match #7: Sheamus def. Triple H (Last Man Standing Match)
Match #8: LayCool def. Divas Champion Eve (new champion)
Match #9: World Heavyweight Champion Edge def. Alberto Del Rio
I don't really like Edge retaining the World Heavyweight Championship and I think that Del Rio would have been a great World champion. Vince retiring is interesting as well as Steph getting the power more. Nice card on Mania, I can actually picture it happening in real life too, good luck with this man. But one question, Awesome Kong is listed as Divas champ but LayCool beat Eve to win the title?

A highlight reels shows the greatest moments that took place at last night’s WrestleMania PPV. Once the highlight video ends, the arena is shown and the fireworks go off as the WWE Universe gets ready for RAW. Michael Cole and King present the show.

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night RAW just 24 hours removed from an amazing WrestleMania. I’m Michael Cole alongside WWE Hall of Famer Jerry “The King” Lawler, and King, tonight, the entire landscape of the WWE could change.

The King: For once, I agree 100% Michael. Last night, Vince McMahon announced his retirement as the WWE Chairman. He then revealed that it was Stephanie McMahon behind the laptop all along, before naming her the new Chairwoman of WWE.

Michael Cole: Last night was full of shockers! The New Nexus was forced to disband last night after losing to the Corre but its leader CM Punk, would win the WWE title later in the night, in what I call a travesty of a match!!!! The Miz was treated unfairly by having to defend his title against two former World Champions, and the worst part is that he didn’t even get pinned!!!

The King: Cole, seriously, shut the hell up and rejoice!! The Miz is no longer champion!! That was the best part of the night.


Stephanie McMahon appears on the stage as the crowd erupts for the new boss. She makes her way to the ring, with a mic in hand.

Stephanie: Welcome to Monday Night RAW!!!! Today is the beginning of a new era, not just for this company but for each and every one of you, the fans, who get to see a more diverse product than ever before, as well as for most of the guys in the back. Last night was the last night of the Vincent Kennedy McMahon era. Tonight is the night to start off fresh and take a new road towards success. So as Chairwoman of the WWE, I hereby vacate every championship here in the WWE!!!

Michael Cole: What??!!

The King: Vacate the titles??!!

Stephanie: Yes, you all heard me correctly. I told everyone last night that huge changes would me made around here, and this is the foundation of it. Because of this, we need a new champion and for that mat...

Michael Cole: Uh oh!! Here we go!!

The King: Punk is certainly not happy about this. I wonder how he’s going to react.

CM Punk comes out, with the WWE title in hand. He has an extremely angry look on his face as he makes his way to the ring.

CM Punk: Wait, so let me get this straight. 2 months ago, I endured a gruelling elimination chamber match to actually get to WrestleMania, then I had to actually allow you to put John Cena into the match as well. Then you also banned the New Nexus from ringside. Despite all these obstacles, I still won the championship and now you are stripping me of it? What? Are you disappointed that I pinned the WWE’s golden boy last night? Or are a Miz fan like that tool who sits out at ringside every night? Or do you just want to go ahead and award the title to your hubby because you know full well I can beat him?

Stephanie McMahon: First off Punk, John Cena may have been my father’s golden boy, but he certainly is not mine! Secondly, no one in the world can be a bigger tool than Cole is, and thirdly, I was going to announce the fate of the WWE Title before you interrupted me!

CM Punk: Oh really, then enlighten me if you please.
Stephanie McMahon: Tonight we will have five important qualifying matches. The winners of those matches will qualify to face off in 4 weeks at Backlash, in a Championship Scramble match for the WWE Championship. And Punk, you look ready to go already so your match is up next.

CM Punk: Wait, so not only did you strip me of my championship but now I have to qualify to get it back?

Stephanie McMahon: Punk, every other champion is in the same situation right now. So I suggest you stop complaining and prove to me that you deserve to hold the WWE Championship. Now hand it over!

Punk and Stephanie stare each other down before Punk hands out his title, which Stephanie takes. She walks out of the ring and Punk takes off his shirt getting ready for his match.


Ted DiBiase comes out with a focused look in his eyes, as he prepares to face the former WWE Champion. DiBiase knows that this is his chance to shine.

Michael Cole: Well King, big developments here to say the least.

The King: That’s an understatement! Stephanie just sent shockwaves across the entire WWE, and I tell you what, I am loving it right now.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a qualifying match and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Chicago Illinois; CM Punk. And his opponent, from West Palm Beach, Florida, Ted DiBiase!

Michael Cole: Welcome back to Monday Night RAW as CM Punk is set to face Ted DiBiase and the winner will advance to the Championship Scramble match at Backlash!

Match #1: CM Punk vs. Ted DiBiase (Qualifying Match)

Match kicks off and CM Punk takes an early advantage, utilizing his strikes to corner DiBiase in the turnbuckle. Referee pushes Punk away and both men back to the centre of the ring, as Ted tries to take control but again is averted by Punk. Ted suddenly throws a right hand, staggering CM Punk and takes control. Ted immediately hits Punk with a snap suplex and then chains in a headlock to wear Punk down early. Punk is able to get back to his feet but Ted slams Punk headfirst into the mat. He runs into the ropes and then rebounds, leaping into the air and dropping his knee across Punk’s face. Pin cover but Punk kicks out. Ted grabs Punk by the hair, but Punk reacts and kicks Ted in the face. Punk immediately locks in a Double Underhook and hits a bug suplex. Ted is in visible pain and Punk starts throwing away multiple kicks at Ted’s back. Ted staggers to his feet and Punk hits a big kick to the side of the head. Ted is dazed, Punk lifts him on his shoulders and hits the GTS! Pin. 1...2...3!!
Winner: CM Punk (8: 35)

Michael Cole: Wow, I think Punk just proved that he does indeed deserve to hold that WWE Championship.

The King: I have to give props to DiBiase, he put on a great showing in the early stages but one mistake was all that Punk needed to capitalize.

Michael Cole: Well, we now know 1/5 of the equation! CM Punk is now officially in the Championship Scramble match! We have just been informed that our main event tonight will also be a qualifying match.

The King: This is going to be one amazing match. John Cena will be in action against John Morrison and let me tell you, I am certain that this match will blow the roof off this arena!

The camera goes backstage and Todd Grisham is standing by for an interview.

Todd: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here with none other than the former WWE Champion, The Miz!

Boos echo around the arena as Miz appears on the titantron alongside Alex Riley.

Todd: Miz, what is your mindset now that you are no longer the WWE Champion?

Miz: Really Todd? You’re asking that? Really? Really?

Riley: Just get out of here nerd!

Riley shoves Grisham out of the screen as Miz takes the mic and looks into the camera.

Miz: Last night I was cheated out of my WWE Championship! I lost the title without even losing the match. Is it my fault that Cena can’t kick out of a pin? Of course not! Now I have to face four other men to get it back? And to add to the insult, I have to qualify? Apparently, the era has changed but my life hasn’t. I am still being unfairly treated around here! I went from reality TV star to WWE Champion in a matter of years!! And do you know why I was able to do that? Because I’m the Miz and I’m AWESOME!!
Miz throws the mic to the ground and leaves the interview area!

Eve and Natalya are backstage in the locker room talking with the rest of the WWE divas in the background. The door opens and Stephanie McMahon steps inside.

Stephanie: Hello ladies, I’m sure you all heard my announcements earlier tonight. Where are LayCool? They should be here!

Eve: They’re in the shower

Stephanie: Perfect. Ladies, tonight you will all compete in a big over the top rope battle royal and the winner will take the Divas Championship. This is the reason I invited the Smackdown divas here as well. Make sure to inform the former champions.

The camera is now at ringside with Justin Roberts in the ring.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a qualifying match!


Justin Roberts: Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri, Randy Orton!

Randy Orton is out to a huge ovation from the crowd as he makes his way to the ring with a focused look on his face.


Justin Roberts: His opponent, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Tyson Kidd!

Tyson comes out to some boos, mostly thanks to the confident grin on his face.

Michael Cole: It’s safe to say that Tyson may have his work cut out for him tonight King.

The King: This kid is brash and cocky, he’s talented, but I’m not expecting him to get anywhere near Backlash.

Match #2: Randy Orton vs. Tyson Kidd (qualifying match)

Randy and Tyson stare each other down before they start to throw rights at each other. Tyson runs off the ropes but Orton catches him with a scoop slam. Tyson quickly rolls to the outside to gather himself but Orton follows. Orton tries to grab Tyson but is caught, and Tyson throws Orton shoulder first into the steel post. With Orton down, Tyson quickly gets back into the ring and orders the ref to start a count. Orton gets back into the ring at 5 but Tyson quickly goes back on the attack to Orton’s shoulder, hitting various different moves to damage it further. Tyson also goes for numerous covers but Orton keeps showing his resilience. Tyson decides to go high risk off the top with a diving crossbody but Orton moves out of the way, leaving Tyson to crash to the mat. Orton starts building up momentum hitting Tyson with the DDT off the second rope. Orton starts pounding the mat, Tyson slowly gets up, and Orton hits the RKO. Cover. 1...2...3!!

Winner: Randy Orton (10:01)

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, Randy Orton!

The King: Impressive win on the part of Randy Orton!

Michael Cole: Tyson also took the fight to Orton. He is still favouring that injured shoulder. What will his condition be in a couple of weeks?

The King: We’ve also just received word that our next qualifying match will be a WrestleMania rematch between Sheamus and Triple H.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a qualifying match, scheduled for one fall.


Sheamus comes out in his King of the Ring garments, as well as his sceptre. He is greeted with some loud boos throughout the arena.

Justin Roberts: Introducing first, from Dublin, Ireland, King Sheamus!

Sheamus hands his sceptre to the timekeeper and takes a mic.

Sheamus: Last night, I did what most people said I could not do. I beat Triple H in a gruelling match and proved that I am the true King of the WWE. It was a fair one on one match and no one should have any doubts that I conquered the King of Kings. So Triple H, why don’t you come on out here for anotha’ beating.


Michael Cole: I cannot wait for this rematch. Triple H must be steaming to get his hands on Sheamus!

Justin Roberts: His opponent, from Greenwich, Conneticut, he is the Game, Triple H!!

Everyone is eager to see this match but Triple H never shows up. His music eventually stops.

Sheamus: What? Are you scared of me now fella?

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, I have just received word that Triple H is nowhere to be seen. Therefore, here is your winner, by forfeit, King Sheamus!!

Match #3: Sheamus def. Triple H by forfeit (qualifying match)

Sheamus is all smiles after the easy victory. The crowd obviously is not happy and are booing even louder than when Sheamus came out.

Michael Cole: This is unlike Triple H to back down like this.
The camera pans to the back where Miz is walking towards the stage for his match.

Michael Cole: Here comes the greatest superstar of all time!! Come on Miz!!

Stephanie stops Miz.

Stephanie: Miz, since you’re so confident you will regain your WWE Championship, I’m going to ensure that you get what you deserve. Your match is now a triple threat match. Enjoy!

Stephanie walks away as Miz looks back at her flabbergasted.

Michael Cole: Hey that’s not fair!!!


Miz comes down to the ring, accompanied by Alex Riley.

Justin Roberts: The following Triple Threat match is a qualifying match scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring, from Cleveland, Ohio, accompanied by Alex Riley, The Miz!


Justin Roberts: His opponent, from Aberdeen Washington, Daniel Bryan!
Bryan makes his way to the ring to the delight of the WWE fans and the obvious disgust of Cole.


The crowd erupts as Evan Bourne returns for a sidelining injury.
Justin Roberts: Making his return to the ring, from St. Louis, Missouri, Evan Bourne.

Michael Cole: Evan Bourne returns to action here tonight on RAW!

The King: This is a big opportunity not only for Bourne, but also for Bryan! This could elevate them into a main event position here.

Match #4: The Miz w/ Alex Riley vs. Evan Bourne vs. Daniel Bryan (qualifying match)

Both Bourne and Bryan charge the Miz and start beating him down. Riley tries to get involved but quickly gets taken out by a well placed kick from Bryan. Miz tries to fight back but both men have Miz cornered in the turnbuckle. Bourne dropkicks Miz to the outside and Bryan rebounds off the ropes and hits a suicide dive, taking out both Miz and Riley. Bourne starts staring at the WWE Universe, and they cheer him on. He climbs to the tope rope and hits a big moonsault taking out all three men. Evan grabs Miz and throws him into the ring. He goes for a pin and Miz barely kicks out. Bourne continues to hammer away at Miz with some kicks and punches before Bryan gets back into the ring and stares down Bourne. Both men start throwing rights, giving Miz some time to catch his breath. Bryan takes down Bourne and locks in a heel hold and Bourne starts squirming to get to the ropes. Miz breaks it up and goes on the offense on Bryan. He hits a suplex on Bryan before grabbing him again from behind and hitting a backbreaker followed by a neckbreaker. He covers the former US Champion but only gets a 2 count. Miz distracts the referee and this allows Riley to take out Bourne before he could get back into the ring. Miz keeps control over Bryan while Riley tries to keep Bourne out of the ring, behind the ref’s back. Miz makes a mistake and Bryan locks in the Lebell Lock!!! Riley is distracted and this allows Bourne to throw Riley into the steel post head first. Bourne quickly scales the top rope and hits Air Bourne on Bryan and Miz, who are still locked in the submission battle. Bourne pushes Bryan away and covers Miz. 1...2...3!!!
Winner: Evan Bourne (13: 37)

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, Evan Bourne.

Michael Cole: You’ve gotta be kidding me!! This is so wrong! Miz was cheated out of a win tonight by our new boss.

The King: Hey Cole, why don’t you just shut your mouth and give Bourne some props here. He is now in the main event picture and frankly, the kid deserves it.

The titantron now shows the new lineup for the Championship Scramble.
The King: There you have it. Four of the five men have been decided. It will be CM Punk vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Evan Bourne vs. either John Cena or John Morrison. We will find out the final participant later on tonight.

The camera pans to the back. A number of wrestlers are all gathered around Triple H, who is lying unconscious on the parking lot floor. A team of medics arrive and start getting the stretcher ready.

The King: Someone attacked Triple H apparently and I think it’s pretty obvious about who it was.
Michael Cole: Here comes Stephanie now as well.

Stephanie appears and starts helping the medics. Triple H is loaded into an ambulance and Stephanie climbs in with him. The ambulance races off, sirens and all.

Michael Cole: Well, this is certainly a disturbing start to the new era!
The King: Like Vince would have said, the show must go on and up next we have the diva battle royal to crown the new Divas Champion.

RAW is back from the break and the ring is filled up with every WWE diva as we get set to find our new Divas Champion.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is an Over the Top Rope battle royal and it is for the vacant Divas Championship!

Match #5: Alicia Fox vs. Brie Bella vs. Nikki Bella vs. Eve vs. Gail Kim vs. Maryse vs. Melina vs. Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Kaitlyn vs Kelly Kelly vs Layla vs Michelle McCool

Match kicks off and its complete pandemonium. All the divas are literally attacking each other at random. The Bellas and LayCool are working together. LayCool immediately dump out Kaitlyn, before doing the same to Alicia Fox. They charge Beth but she destroys them with a double clothesline. The Bellas try to jump Beth but she overpowers them, dumping Nikki over the top rope with Brie hanging on. Michelle goes for a kick on Beth, who moves out of the way. Michelle hits Brie and she is eliminated. Meanwhile Natalya grabs Layla from behind and dumps her out. Melina and Gail are struggling on the other side of the ring. Maryse tries to eliminate Beth but is overpowered as well. Beth hits the Glam Slam on Maryse, then Michelle is able to take advantage and hit the Faithbreaker on Beth. Melina decides to charge Michelle but gets sitestepped and flies over the top rope. Melina is eliminated. Maryse has recovered and is now helping Maryse trying to get Beth over the top rope. Gail comes in from behind and dumps out both Michelle and Maryse. We are down to four divas. Beth Phoenix grabs Kelly Kelly and immediately dumps her off but Eve comes in from behind and dumps the Glamazon out. Eve turns around and finds Gail Kim charging towards her. Gail hits a dropkick and Eve flies over the ropes. Eve hangs on the apron but Gail hits a swift kick to Eve’s head and wins the match!
Winner and new Divas Champion: Gail Kim (6:32)

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner and the new Divas Champion, Gail Kim!

Gail celebrates in the ring with tears in her eyes as the Divas start filing up the ramp.

The King: Gail Kim beat the odds here tonight. I never expected her to win this match!


Michael Cole: What is this?

Awesome Kong comes out to the awe and amazement of the WWE Universe. Gail’s even open wider than ever before as she looks at her TNA rival from the ring. Kong signals around her waist, indicating she wants the belt.

The King: What in the world is that? Is that actually a woman?

Michael Cole: Gail Kim may have her work cut out for her. This giant of a woman just made her debut and we may already be kissing Gail’s title reign goodbye here.

Awesome Kong disappears to the back and Gail Kim clears the ring, as everything is set up for the main event.

The King: That was an intense moment right there. I can’t imagine what someone like that can do.

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, get ready because our main event is up next. Mr. Money in the Bank John Morrison challenges John Cena, who earlier tonight was called the Golden Boy of the WWE by CM Punk. Morrison has an opportunity to knock off one of the top main eventers.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is the final qualifying match!


John Morrison comes out to a big ovation, doing the usual slow motion entrance, while holding his briefcase.

Justin Roberts: Introducing first, from Los Angeles California, John Morrison


Cena comes out to a huge ovation from the crowd.

Justin Roberts: His opponent, from West Newbury, Massachutes, John Cena!

Match #6: John Morrison vs. John Cena (qualifying match)

Cena and Morrison shake hands and this match is underway. Both men lock up in the centre and Cena takes the early control with a hammerlock. Morrison is able to turn it around and perform a quick roll up for a 2 count. Both men get back up and Cena charges Morrison, hitting a slobber knocker of a clothesline. Cena pushes Morrison into the turnbuckle and start punching him in the stomach, before being separated by the ref. Cena is warned not to get too physical with his strikes. Cena goes right after Morrison but Morrison sidesteps and now its Cena against the turnbuckle. Morrison starts chopping away at Cena. Morrison then takes Cena down with a headlock takedown and then hits a big kick to Cena’s back. Morrison springs off the ropes and hits a moonsault on Cena. Cover. 1...2...Kick out! Morrison throws Cena out of the ring, then runs across the ring, bounces off the ropes and flies through the air, hitting Cena with a flying corkscrew. We go to commercial as Morrison is in firm control.
Back from commercials, and Cena is dominating the match now. He has Morrison grounded with a headlock and Morrison is struggling to get back to his feet. Morrison starts elbowing Cena in the stomach but again gets taken down by Cena. Cover by Cena but Morrison kicks out at 1. Cena gets Morrison up but Morrison quickly kicks Cena in the head, knocking him down. Morrison sees the opportunity and goes for Starship Pain. Cena gets up and pushes Morrison off the turnbuckle but the Guru of Greatness somehow lands on top of the barricade and keeps his balance. Cena looks shocked and Morrison gets back into the ring. Morrison goes for another kick but Cena counters and hits a shoulder block. Another shoulder block by Cena before he gets behind Morrison and hits his inverted powerslam. Cena calls for it and hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena now has Morrison up for the Attitude Adjustment but Morrison elbows Cena in the head and gets off. Morrison bounces off the ropes but Cena with a drop toe hold and locks in the STF. Morrison starts clawing towards the ropes and eventually gets there. Cena breaks the hold and pulls Morrison back to the middle. Morrison kicks Cena off and goes for another kick. Cena catches Morrison again for the Attitude Adjustment and throws Morrison over his shoulder. Somehow Morrison lands on the second rope, bounces off and hits Cena with a flash kick. Cena is dazed and Morrison hits the running knee. Morrison sets Cena up and is able to connect with Starship Pain! 1...2...3!!!

Winner: John Morrison (15:54)

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, John Morrison!

The King: What a match to end tonights RAW. This was unbelievable.
Michael Cole: Morrison may have just proven tonight that he can indeed hang with the best in the business.

Cena and Morrison shake hands and Cena raises Morrison’s arm in victory.

Michael Cole: A good show of sportsmanship on the part of Cena. Goodnight everybody from Monday Night RAW!

Show Closes​

Quick Results:

CM Punk def. Ted DiBiase
Randy Orton def. Tyson Kidd
Sheamus def. Triple H (forfeit)
Evan Bourne def. The Miz and Daniel Bryan
Gail Kim wins a Divas Battle Royal for the Divas Championship
John Morrison def. John Cena
Right Gansher, I’m a reviewing machine at the moment! Your turn! I’m writing this whilst I’m reading the show ‘live’ ...


Stephanie McMahon: she had to be first out after becoming owner last night. Wonder how long before we see the husband?!! Oho, all titles stripped. Wow! What a way to kick Punk in the teeth! And here he is ... he has got a point, really! Qualifying matches heading to Backlash, good idea. Punk vs. DiBiase. Got to be Punk surely?

Punk vs. DiBiase: I like how you are including the YouTube video in spoilers. Anyway, on with the match, gotta be Punk for me. GTS, Punk wins it. Good call.

Cena vs. Morrison for the main event. Hmmm. Not a fan of those two really. Two faces ... or will they be? Maybe a turn for one of them? We’ll see.

Miz still teaming with Riley, gotta be good! Miz is annoyed, good. Promo a little short though? Would have liked to see Miz getting a little longer on the mike.

Diva Battle Royale ... meh.

Orton vs. Kidd: quick squash? Yeah it was. Orton with the RKO and a solid win. 10 minutes? You might wanna think about your times, Gansher!

Sheamus and HHH: fully expecting Sheamus to crow about his ‘Mania win and he doesn’t disappoint. Also expect HHH to get revenge tonight and qualify for the title match at Backlash. Hang on, Triple H not showing up? Forfeit? Interesting. Is there a connection with Steph being in charge? Hmm.

Miz in Triple Threat now! Poor Miz. Hope he’s gonna come through, I like Miz! Again, a little short. Maybe more reaction from Miz could have made that segment a little better?

Miz, Bryan and Bourne: IMO, got to be Miz but I’m worried about the returning Bourne. I think that would be a seriously good match to watch so hoping you do well with it. And I was right to be worried, Evan Bourne wins it. Hmmm. Not sure about that decision, mate. I can’t take Evan seriously but it looks like he is going to get a push. Will see what you do with him.

Triple H attacked. The plot thickens. You’ve got a bit of a mystery here. And now Steph has left.

Gail Kim as Divas Champion. Meh. Awesome Kong ... what a brute she is. Be scared Gail!

Morrison and Cena: Longer main event = good, like that. Good match, well written and a bit of an upset. You’re clearly high on Jo Mo and giving him a push. I like that you’ve been a little different with Bourne and Morrison joining the establishment ... wonder how Cena will react to this? Sporting at the end but Cena is out of the main event at Backlash. How are you going to use him instead?

Overall, I liked your first show mate. One complaint would be that you could put more sections together and post it over two posts rather than four. Good to see a longer main event match written and I hope you write like that in the PPV too. You’ve got a good title picture developing there and a couple of surprises in it as well as Miz and Cena spare and the Triple H mystery. Good start. Looking forward to Smackdown next.

I am extremely grateful for your detailed review Chip :) Yes, I am very high on Morrison but I've got a lot of things I need to get through over the next couple of shows. I will be writing Superstars next just to explain how it will work. However if I get some responses that the idea is stupid I will simply scrap the whole thing. Again thanks for the review. I am looking forward to your upcoming Cyber Sunday PPV!
Quick Note: I won't be doing Superstars since I feel the idea will simply not work. I will try to integrate some of the guys in that roster into RAW or Smackdown when I feel they are needed. Some I will simply release if I find no use for them.


Fireworks go off, the cameras spin around the audience and it is time for WWE Smackdown! We are taken to the announce desk with Josh Matthews and Matt Striker.

Josh: Welcome one and all to WWE Smackdown! I am Josh Matthews; he is Matt Striker and we are all set for what promises to be a very interesting night!
Striker: That’s right Josh. Tonight our General Manager Theodore Long is set to make an announcement on how he will deal with the recent changes made by our new Chairwoman; Stephanie McMahon.


The crowd explodes as Edge appears from the smoke on the entrance way.

Striker: Well, I guess Edge wants to make an announcement of his own here tonight.
Josh: After years of work, Edge finally won a WrestleMania main event, only to have his glory taken away from him by Stephanie McMahon. How is Edge going to react to this?

Edge: Let’s just get down to business right from the start! My original plan was to come on out here, World Heavyweight Championship over my shoulder, and brag about how I defeated Alberto del Rio at WrestleMania and finally won a WrestleMania main event. Now a couple of days ago, our new boss decided to make to just go ahead and strip everyone of their championships. Now I don’t really care about what happened to the other champions but I won at WrestleMania and I WANT MY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP BACK! So I am officially going on strike right now and I’m going to sit down in this ring until Stephanie McMahon comes out here and hands me back my title.

Edge goes down to ringside and grabs a chair. He sets it up in the middle of the ring and casually takes a seat, waiting for the boss.


Ricardo Rodriguez: Señoras y señores, haciendo su camino hacia el anillo, la esencia de la excelencia, el destronado campeón del mundo! ALLLLLLLLBEEEERRRTTTTTTOOOOOOO DELLLL RIIIOOOOOO!!!! (OOC: This is probably a bad translation. I used Google Translate!)

Alberto comes out on the stage with a big smile on his face as the crowd erupt in a chorus of boos. Alberto stays on the stage with mic in hand.

Alberto: My name....my name is Alberto del Rio!!!! But you...you already know that! At WrestleMania, the man sitting in that ring ROBBED me of my World Title!! As my personal ring announcer stated, I am the uncrowned World Champion! I applaud Mrs. McMahon for stripping him of the World Title. You see Edge, you never deserved to be champion. Now me on the other hand, it is my destiny to win the World Title and I will not lose another opportunity!

Edge: Alberto, do you have a hearing problem? I said I wanted the boss out and not some Mexican big shot, who can’t even get a single cheer from the fans. Now if you want to tell me something, why don’t you come down to this ring and say it to my face?!

The crowd start to cheer as Alberto starts moving towards the ring, but then laughs and backs up again!


Teddy comes out next to del Rio to the cheers of the fans!

Teddy: Hold on one minute playas! Edge, I understand your frustrations and I personally was not happy when I heard Stephanie’s announcement! I can’t reverse that decision playa but I was instructed to hold a tournament to determine who will have an opportunity to win that title at our next PPV, Backlash! So here’s what’s going to happen! Tonight we will have four tournament matches and the winners will face off next week in a Fatal Four Way Elimination match. The winner of that match will face the winner of tonight’s main event; Edge vs Alberto Del Rio!! Holla Holla Holla!!!!

Teddy makes his way to the back as Alberto stares down Edge and we go to commercials!


Striker: Welcome back to Friday Night Smackdown and tonight, we will have a WrestleMania rematch tonight as Edge takes on Alberto Del Rio, with the winner moving on to Backlash for a World Title match!

Josh: And that isn’t our only WrestleMania rematch tonight because we will see Jack Swagger take on Kofi Kingston! Swagger won the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania from Kofi. Can he take down the high flyer again or will Kofi be on his way to the Fatal Four Way match next week?


Dolph Ziggler makes his way to the ring, alongside Vickie Guerrero to immense heat.

Tony Chimel: The following contest is a tournament match, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Hollywood California, being accompanied by Vickie Guerrero, Dolph Ziggler!


Rey Mysterio makes his way out to an amazing pop from the crowd.

Tony Chimel: And his opponent, from San Diego California, Rey Mysterio!

Match #1: Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero (Tournament Match)

The bell rings and we’re off. Dolph and Rey stare each other down before Ziggler lands a huge haymaker which staggers Rey into the corner. Dolph starts kicking away at Rey’s stomach before pandering to the crowd and charges Rey. Rey hits Dolph in the head with an elbow, hops onto the second rope and leaps off, wrapping his legs around Dolph’s head and hitting a head scissors! Dolph rolls to the outside and Vickie helps him up. Vickie tries to move Dolph away but Rey charges towards the rope for an outside dive. Dolph suddenly pulls Vickie in front of him and Rey stops right at the ropes. Vickie starts screaming at Dolph and pushes him away, before walking off up the ramp. Dolph starts staring in disbelief as Vickie walks off, allowing Rey to take advantage and take out Dolph with a baseball slide. Rey then kicks Dolph in the head and throws him back into the ring! Rey runs up to the turnbuckle but Dolph quickly recuperates and meets Rey on the top rope. Dolph starts hammering away at Rey and tries to hit a superplex. Rey punches Dolph in the stomach and Dolph loses his grasp. Rey headbutts Dolph and he is staggering now! Rey suddenly leaps onto the adjacent top rope, springs off it, wraps his legs around the back of Dolph’s head and hits a big head scissors off the top rope. Rey covers Dolph! 1...2....kick out! Rey grabs Dolph and kicks him in the side a few times before Dolph suddenly gets behind Rey and locks in the Sleeper hold! Rey starts struggling in it and counters it into a jawbreaker. Dolph charges Rey but Rey trips him up into a perfect position. Rey runs off the ropes and hits a 619!! Rey springs off the top rope with a big splash and covers Dolph! 1...2....3!!!!
Winner: Rey Mysterio

Tony Chimel: Here is your winner...Rey Mysterio!!!

Josh: An incredible match between these two!! Rey with a big win tonight!!

Striker: I still can’t believe Vickie walked out on Dolph! What does this mean for their relationship?

The camera pans to the back where Todd Grisham is standing by with the members of the Corre, minus Wade Barrett!

Todd Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen, my guests at this time, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and Ezekiel Jackson! Gentlemen, can you comment about your victory against the Nexus at WrestleMania and Wade Barrett’s loss to the Undertaker?

Jackson: On Sunday, we proved to the world that we are the dominant faction here in the WWE, and if there is someone in the world who knows about being dominant it’s me! Now tonight, I have a challenge in front of me in the Big Show! Many people call me the underdog; well I want you all to know that Big Show will be the underdog tonight.

Slater: Now on the subject of Barrett, the guy had the toughest match on the entire night. It’s ironic really. The Nexus lost but their leader won the WWE title. We won but our other member lost. We have yet to actually hear from Wade and honestly, I hope he’s ok!

Gabriel: On another note however, we will be on RAW next Monday because we will have a WWE Tag Team Championship Match as a result of our Mania win! By Backlash, the Corre will hold both the Tag Team and World Titles!

The Corre walk off as the segment ends and the camera goes back to the ring for the next match!


Tony Chimel: The following contest is a tournament match. Introducing first, standing at 7 feet tall, the Big Show!!

Big Show makes his way down the ramp with a smile on his face, high-fiving the kids at ringside.


Tony Chimel: His opponent, from Guyana South America, representing the Corre, Ezekiel Jackson!

Jackson is accompanied by Slater and Gabriel and he enters the ring to face Big Show while they surround ringside.

Match #2: Ezekiel Jackson w/ the Corre vs Big Show (tournament match)
Show immediately charges Jackson, who moves away and start chopping away at Show. Show pushes Jackson away and hits him with a clothesline before quickly mounting him and locking in an armlock. Jackson demonstrates great strength and is able to get back to his feet before grabbing Big Show and hitting a big body slam. Jackson goes for the cover. 1...2.. kick out! Jackson argues with the referee before going to the corner and waiting on Big Show to get up. Jackson charges Show but gets caught and Show hits a chokeslam. Cover. 1...2...kick out!! Now its Big Show arguing with the ref. Jackson slowly makes his way to his feet and Show signals for the knockout blow. Slater jumps on to the apron and distracts the ref. Gabriel quickly ascends the turnbuckle and hits Big Show with a missile dropkick unbeknownst to the ref. Big Show is groggy but still on his feet. Jackson takes advantage and hits the Book of Ezekiel on Big Show. Cover. 1...2...3!!!
Winner: Ezekiel Jackson

Tony Chimel: Here is your winner, Ezekiel Jackson!

The Corre celebrate in the ring and Jackson puts his foot on Big Show’s chest with his arms raised.

Striker: A dominant performance from Ezekiel! This guy is a beast!
Josh: He still needed the help of the Corre but a win is a win and Jackson joins Mysterio in next week’s number one contender match!

Ziggler is shown backstage with an angry Vickie Guerrero.

Ziggler: What the hell was that? Why did you leave me out there to fend for myself? You cost me the match!!

Guerrero: Dolph, I am the Assistant General Manager of Smackdown! You really think you can just throw me in the way just for the sake of a match? No way!!

Ziggler: You really think he was going to dive off with you in the way? Of course not! That was the whole plan!!! This was my chance to shine in a new era!!!!

Guerrero: Just shut up Dolph!!

Ziggler: Oh you want me to shut up! Fine!! I’ll shut up...oh and while I’m at it...WE’RE THROUGH!!!!

Ziggler walks away as Vickie looks stunned!

Striker: Guess my earlier question just got answered and Vickie is single again!

Josh: Trust me, I wouldn’t get involved if I were you.

Striker: Anyway, last Monday night on RAW, Stephanie McMahon held qualifying matches to determine who will be going to Backlash and in the main event, we had one of the biggest upsets of the year.

A video shows, highlighting the Morrison/Cena match ending with Morrison hitting Starship Pain for the big win!

Josh: On another note, Triple H was attacked last week by an unknown attacker! We have yet to learn any details about his injuries but Mrs. McMahon has informed us that she knows who it is and will face the consequences next week on RAW!


Tony Chimel: The following contest is a qualifying match, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Ghana West Africa, Kofi Kingston!!!
Kingston comes out to a huge pop, audible even through the fireworks.


Tony Chimel: His opponent, from Perry, Oklahoma, “The All American American” Jack Swagger!!!

Match #3: Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston (tournament match)
Bell rings and Swagger immediately rolls to the outside, enticing the crowd! Kofi quickly follows only for Swagger to smash Kofi into the steel post. Swagger then grabs Kofi and rams him into the barricade before doing some pushups next to Kofi with a smile. He throws Kofi back into the ring before entering himself and locks Kofi into a body scissors. The crowd start cheering for Kofi as he starts struggling in the submission. Kofi elbows Swagger in the jaw, allowing him to escape. Kofi rolls to the ropes and uses them to stand up. Swagger goes for a German but Kofi holds on to the ropes. Swagger tries to pry Kofi off the ropes but Kofi is able to jump over Swagger and roll him up. 1...2...kick out! Swagger immediately gets back up and clotheslines Kofi, turning him inside out. Swagger grabs Kofi’s ankle and starts stomping away on it and punching it. Kofi tries to crawl away but Swagger pulls him back and positions him under the turnbuckle. Swagger rolls outside and smashes Kofi’s leg against the post. He does it four more times before going back in, dragging Kofi to the middle and covers him. 1...2.....kick out! Swagger grabs Kofi and throws him into the rope but Kofi’s ankle gives out and he collapses. Swagger has a big smile on his face and positions Kofi for a gutwrench. Kofi fights to stay on the ground, turns it around and hits the SOS!! Cover. 1....2...kick out! Kofi is limping but is able to get back to his feet. Kofi goes for Trouble in Paradise, Swagger dodges and locks in the ankle lock!! Kofi taps out!!!
Winner: Jack Swagger

Tony Chimel: Here is your winner, “The All American American” Jack Swagger!
Josh: Swagger with yet another victory over the African high flyer!
Striker: He now joins Rey Mysterio and Ezekiel Jackson in next week’s Fatal Four Way bout but the questions is, who will join these 3 men as the final entrant? We’ll find out next!

The camera pans to the back with Drew McIntyre in Teddy Long’s office!

Drew: Teddy, I know you and I haven’t always seen eye to eye but why are you excluding me from a chance to become World Champion tonight?
Teddy: Look Drew, my hands are tied and I simply can’t give everyone an opportunity. I’m simply following Mrs. McMahon’s orders!
Drew: Then add me to tonight’s main event? Alberto already had his opportunity anyway!
Teddy: Sorry playa, I just can’t do that! I’ll try to find something for you next week though so hang tight and I’ll let you know!
Drew rolls his eyes and walks out of the office.


Tony Chimel: The following contest is tonight’s final tournament match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Marietta Georgia, “Dashing” Cody Rhodes.

Rhodes starts posing for the crowd with a mic in hand and a smile on his face. He gets into the ring!

Rhodes: Now seriously. On Sunday, I beat Rey Mysterio after he cost me a chance to win the Royal Rumble when he broke my nose. Do I really need to prove myself again? I just beat a two time World Champion without breaking a sweat so why don’t we just forget about the whole match and just allow me to get my opportunity next week. Besides, the match needs someone “dashing” to give it the exposure it needs!

The crowd start booing Rhodes as tells the ref to start counting his opponent out. The ref refuses and tells him that this match is going to happen.


The crowd explodes as Christian appears on the stage, looking better than ever. After months of being injured after the attacks by Alberto Del Rio!

Tony Chimel: His opponent, making his return, from Toronto Ontario, Canada, Christian!!

Cody Rhodes looks in shock as Christian enters the ring and stares him down!

Match #4: Christian vs. “Dashing” Cody Rhodes (tournament match)
Cody Rhodes charges Christian, who kicks him right in the face. Rhodes can’t believe he just got his face kicked and Christian takes advantage, hitting the KillSwitch! Cover. 1...2...3!!
Winner: Christian

Tony Chimel: Here is your winner, Christian!
Josh: Wow! Christian just completely dominated Cody Rhodes!
Striker: This is unbelievable. I’m sure Cody was not expecting to face Christian tonight! I can’t believe he’s back!
Josh: Christian now has an opportunity to go to Backlash and face for the World Title, a title that many believe belongs around Christian’s waist. Can he win next week?
Striker: If anybody can do it, it’s Christian but it surely won’t be easy.

Christian makes his way to the back, where he meets Edge on the stage. The two embrace and Edge raises Christian’s hand in victory.


Edge and Christian are backstage talking!

Christian: Good luck tonight man! Make sure you win! I’ll win next week and then we can finally give the fans what they want to see!!
Edge: Trust me, I am not losing to Alberto Del Rio tonight! I can take him out with my eyes closed.

Teddy comes into the locker room!

Teddy: Edge, I just made you match a no-DQ match playa. I want a clear winner tonight!
Edge: Tonight’s going to be fun!!

Tony Chimel: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Alberto del Rio’s personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez.


Ricardo: Señoras y señores, haciendo su camino hacia el anillo, el destronado campeón del mundo, el orgullo de México, la esencia de la excelencia, ALLLLBERRRTTTOOOO DELL RIOO!!!!!!

Alberto comes out in a Rolls Royce and does his usual entrance as the crowd boo him to death!


Tony Chimel: His opponent, from Toronto, Canada, The Rated R Superstar Edge!!!!!!

Edge gets a much better reception and has a confident look on his face!

Match #5: No DQ Match: Edge vs. Alberto del Rio
Alberto starts walking towards Edge and winks at him. Edge immediately punches Alberto in the face and starts hammering away at Rio. Edge throws Alberto into the ropes and hits a flapjack on the rebound. Edge goes to the outside and grabs a chair. Edge swings at Alberto, who ducks underneath and kicks the chair, hurting Edge’s arm! Alberto kicks Edge in the arm again, then grabs the chair and smashes it against Edge’s elbow. Alberto continues to hammer away at Edge until he tries to lock in the Cross Armbreaker. Edge is able to keep Rio away and rolls to the outside. Rio follows him and goes to swing again, but Edge sidesteps and the chair hits the steel steps. Edge smashes Rio head first into the steel post. Rio staggers and Edge continues the assault, smashing Rio into the announce table. Rodriguez tries to get involved but Edge quickly grabs him and throws him into the barricade. The distraction allows Rio to grab the ring bell and smash Edge in the head. Rio tears apart the announcer table and tries to get Edge on it. Edge is able to turn things around and drop Rio head first on the concrete with an inverted DDT! Edge throws Rio back into the ring and goes for a pin. 1...2...kick out! Edge throws Rio into the turnbuckle and charges Rio. Rio moves, and Edge eats the turnbuckle padding. Rio ties up Edge’s arm in the ropes and starts torturing it. Edge is screaming in pain. Rio whips Edge into the ropes and clotheslines Edge over the top rope. Rio climbs to the top and goes for a cross body. Edge rolls out of the way and stalks Rio. Rio recovers and Edge hits a Spear!!!!


Back from commercial and Rio has Edge’s arm trapped in a chair. Rio goes to stomp the chair but Edge is able to free his arm and kick Rio in the head. Edge grabs del Rio and hits the Impaler DDT. The arena comes alive as Edge goes into the corner and starts stalking Rio again. Suddenly Heath Slater hits the ring and ends up getting Speared. Jackson comes in from behind and hits Edge with a decapitating lariat. Gabriel quickly climbs to the top rope and hits a 450 splash on Edge. Christian runs down the ramp with a chair in hand and runs off the Corre. Rio sneaks up behind Christian and hits him with a low blow! Rio quickly covers Edge! 1....2....3!!
Winner: Alberto Del Rio

Ricardo Rodriguez: Señoras y señores, aquí está tu ganador y el próximo Campeón Mundial Peso Pesado, el héroe de México, el mayor luchador del mundo, Albertoooooo Delllll RIIIIIOOOOO!!!!!

Ricardo jumps into the ring and continues praising del Rio as Rio basks in victory!

Striker: Alberto del Rio has defeated Edge and is going to Backlash!

Josh: What an ugly and cowardly victory. Del Rio needed the help of 3 men to get the job done. How will Edge react? Thank you for joining us on Friday night Smackdown!! Goodnight!

Quick Results

Rey Mysterio def. Dolph Ziggler
Ezekiel Jackson def. Big Show
Jack Swagger def. Kofi Kingston
Christian def. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes
Alberto del Rio def. Edge
Quick comments this time mate, can't review them all ...

First off, well done for condensing it into two posts. Much better than in four. I don't know why I like it better - I just do!

Like the idea for determining the World Title match; however, no Edge? Wow. I'll see what you do with it but I'd have thought Edge would be locked in! So it will be Del Rio and Rey/Jackson/Swagger/Christian for the title. I predict Christian ... Barrett going missing for the night is intriguing and I beg you to do something with Drew McIntyre. I think he can go far if booked right IRL and in BT.

Good show, would only criticise that maybe the show was too focused on the WOrld Title and you've only really got one match coming so far. Obviously others will spring up but I guess I'm being picky ... Well played mate!
Thank you for your continued support Chip Butty! You'll have to bear with me right now because I am still trying to establish who's going to take the mid-card titles by Backlash! I already have quite a few storylines I would like to do and I can promise you that Drew will in fact play quite a role in the coming weeks. I simply like the guy and can in fact go very far in the business in reality. As for Edge, I do have something planned for him! I've also noticed that Smackdown has a very small number of faces so you can expect a turn or 2 soon...just have to decide who will get what! Can't wait for Cyber Sunday to get going :)

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