WWE Network for Christmas

No Count Pup

Just call on me brother
There are many different ways to market the WWE Network. One way could be to sell a year's worth of programming during the Christmas season. WWE could allow fans to pay a one time discount price of $99.99 for 12 months of access. This way the consumer gets a 20% saving, and WWE gets the opportunity to grow their network.

Let's be honest. In a nuclear household, the best marketers are the kids. If the younger audience can convince their parents to order, they could get a ton more subscribers. What about grandparents? If junior asks grampy for a year of the WWE Network, the grandparents may be happy to oblige. Grandparents usually don't know what to get for their grandkids anyway. The WWE deal would be at a perfect price point for grandparents.

If WWE is smart, they will use the Christmas season to drive network sales. That's my two cents, what are your thoughts? Would a one year subscription card be a good stocking stuffer? Would it spur network growth, or would it devalue WWE's own product?
The WWE doesn't want to collect your money up front. They want you paying a subscription model. Any business sense will tell you that it's MUCH more efficient to create a monthly pay subscription than a lump sum for all access, especially at discount rates.
Sounds like a fairly good idea, but who's honestly willing to pay $100 dollars for the WWE Network? You have to understand, though $9.99 a month eventually adds up to $120 a year, it sounds a lot more expensive than $9.99 a month. Sort of like how $9.99 sounds less expensive than $10. WWE knows this and that's why they have a monthly pay system. I'm not a parent, but if I'm going to shell out $100 for any Christmas gift, it's going to be a bike or something, anything with clear longevity.
Sounds like a fairly good idea, but who's honestly willing to pay $100 dollars for the WWE Network? You have to understand, though $9.99 a month eventually adds up to $120 a year, it sounds a lot more expensive than $9.99 a month. Sort of like how $9.99 sounds less expensive than $10. WWE knows this and that's why they have a monthly pay system. I'm not a parent, but if I'm going to shell out $100 for any Christmas gift, it's going to be a bike or something, anything with clear longevity.

While I definitely agree, the Network you'd have for an entire year? So I mean it has longevity. I know my parents will get my sister just about any expensive gift she asks for if they can. A $100 gift would be on the cheap side and you figure their's so much stuff on the network.
Spot the WWE Marketing Troll... "Would you pay for a year upfront as an Xmas gift?"

Assuming you don't work for Vince, the idea itself isn't horrid but it needs something special, like a special new year/Xmas show that is live...but only network peeps get.. Something to make WWE fans NEED the network on Xmas or Boxing Day or even New Years...

Don't see it being too hard to throw a WWE Network exclusive live show together... just to prove their point... Sure the talent miss a traditional day off but if guys like Rusev are winning the US title or Dean upsets someone, they ain't gonna moan...
I don't think this is a bad idea at all. Getting $100 out of people is better than getting nothing. It would have to be marketed mostly to kids who don't have their own money to blow on the Network. They would have to be willing to sacrifice some other gift from a parent or grandparent but $100 is not much around holiday time for a lot of parents who may be unwilling to purchase the rest of the year. Here are my biggest concerns:

1. A lot of fans may be waiting to purchase at Rumble time would be spending $20 less.
2. Parents and grandparents not being able to figure out how to make the purchase.
3. Parents and grandparents not wanting to make a purchase that doesn't look big under the tree.
4. Ticking off the customers that are already locked in to 6 month agreements that see other less lots viewers get a discount.
5. I've heard that there is cost to WWE for every subscriber. I don't know if the cost is a percentage or flat dollar amount. WWE may have to negotiate a price decrease with their partners which could get ugly.

Again not a bad idea. It is a pretty simple one which I am sure WWE has considered. Right now it seems like anything WWE can do that isn't too expensive to get people to order is a good idea.
Nobody wants to drop $100 at one time for a yearly service. Moreover, nobody cares about saving just $20 over the course of 12 months. If you told me I could pay 10 bucks a month for something or 100 bucks a year, I'll take the monthly every single time. It's easier to budget. I'm spending slightly over $1.50 more a month. I can find that in my couch. Because if $20 a year makes a difference to your wallet, you probably need a better job.
I don't see the problem at all. I don't think people who already bought are gonna be mad. If they seriously marketed it towards kids it would work. I know as a kid I didn't have a credit card...without a credit card you can't sign up for the network now. I don't see the difference personally. If Netflix offered a price for a full year I'd prefer it, no discount is necessary you just don't know for sure if 4 months from now you'll have the $9.99. I know it's a matter of perspective but that's just how I view it. I prefer paying off at once. I know that if they put this on the table I'd be for it.
Nobody wants to drop $100 at one time for a yearly service. Moreover, nobody cares about saving just $20 over the course of 12 months. If you told me I could pay 10 bucks a month for something or 100 bucks a year, I'll take the monthly every single time. It's easier to budget. I'm spending slightly over $1.50 more a month. I can find that in my couch. Because if $20 a year makes a difference to your wallet, you probably need a better job.

1. You aren't everybody
2. And if you're unemployed but still a wrestling fan
3. You're already getting a discount over the ppv's being what $60 a month before
4. If this was targeted towards kids it makes sense. Kids who get money from parents can just ask to get it...or they could put the cards in the stores like Sony and Microsoft do
5. Tax time...if they continued the deal for a month and a half longer you'd have people with tax money, money they won't have later on in the year.

I know personally the one time sum would be better in my head, it doesn't even have to be $20 off. I just don't like having to remember a bunch of bills.
This is the most bizarre thread. I work as community manager for a group of websites (not wrestling related) and this seems like something a link dropper working for WWE would post. Next up, "Hey guys, I heard if you enter code WWEPoster on WWE(dot)com you can save 20% today only!"

THTROBTaylor hit the nail on the head...
I don't see the problem at all. I don't think people who already bought are gonna be mad. If they seriously marketed it towards kids it would work. I know as a kid I didn't have a credit card...without a credit card you can't sign up for the network now. I don't see the difference personally. If Netflix offered a price for a full year I'd prefer it, no discount is necessary you just don't know for sure if 4 months from now you'll have the $9.99. I know it's a matter of perspective but that's just how I view it. I prefer paying off at once. I know that if they put this on the table I'd be for it.

That's the worst reason in the world to prefer to pay for a year's worth of service all at once. "I don't know if I'll have 10 bucks in 4 months?" Then you probably shouldn't be buying the WWE Network period if you don't know if you'll have 10 bucks to spare. You should get your priorities straight if 10 bucks is going to make a difference to your wallet in the course of a month. More people are going to have 10 bucks a month to spare than 100 bucks a year at one time to spare.

Companies would rather have the steady stream of revenue on a month to month basis rather than the peaks and valleys of these "cards" or whatever. They can budget better on their end. How would you like your job if you made 50k a year and made 25k of it the first 3 months of the year and then only 25k for the next 9? Budgeting would be awful. It's just... blah. It's not a bad idea. But it's not good either. It's just another option than to the normal consumer, appears like it costs more money.
100 dollars a year upfront for The network does indeed save you money.. The idea isnt a bad one at all.. Considering an avg PPV used to cost 45 and WM was 55 in standard definition,those two PPVs alone would cover the cost.. Im sure WWE will consider this if they haven't already.. A show like legends house maybe bring back tough enough on the network companied with that 100 dollar idea would be a good way to bring in subscribers..

Maybe the winner of Tough Enough can get a dream shot.. A shot at the title against whoever the champion is at that time only on the WWE network!
This is the most bizarre thread. I work as community manager for a group of websites (not wrestling related) and this seems like something a link dropper working for WWE would post. Next up, "Hey guys, I heard if you enter code WWEPoster on WWE(dot)com you can save 20% today only!"

THTROBTaylor hit the nail on the head...

So you're saying this poster has had an account on this website for the past seven years and has been posting on an array of topics for the soul purpose of marketing a product that anyone on this forum is well aware of? On top of that you are saying this marketing guru chose to post this offer that no one has ever heard of on a Sunday night, an offer that isn't meant to entice fans to get it for themselves now but to wait until Xmas and have someone get it for them?

Do I understand what you are saying?

Companies would rather have the steady stream of revenue on a month to month basis rather than the peaks and valleys of these "cards" or whatever. They can budget better on their end.

Companies would rather have $100 than a steady predictable stream of $0 a month. That is the difference here.

How would you like your job if you made 50k a year and made 25k of it the first 3 months of the year and then only 25k for the next 9?

Actually if you have some type of risk free savings option like a treasury bond you could keep what you need and invest the rest and pay the rest to yourself with interest making more than $75k per year in the end. Not easy for an individual with impulse control but a multi billion dollar corporation with well educated finance people would much rather have your money in your pocket today against having to count on you on a monthly basis.

Budgeting would be awful. It's just... blah. It's not a bad idea. But it's not good either. It's just another option than to the normal consumer, appears like it costs more money.

Except this isn't for a normal consumer. This is a Xmas offer meaning that it is meant to be purchased as a gift. If WWE markets it correctly they can make it seem like they are the ones giving the gift.
They simply need to run better advertising for the network outside of Monday Night Raw. They were successfully selling their PPVs at near $50 a pop before and now are only asking for $10 and that gets the PPV plus every show from forever before that. If anything they could probably ask $20-$30 a month without losing many subscribers because it is honestly still a great value. They just need to better educate the audience that it is an on demand app that shows every show ever, and not some lousy cable network. I was at SummerSlam this past week and was watching the Rusev-Swagger match on my phone while waiting in line to get a beer and everyone seemed amazed at how I could do this so easily and how the quality didn't look like a pirated video on YouTube. All I had to say was "and it's only $9.99!"
I'm not sure which is funnier...the people who think this guy works for WWE, I mean, one look at his profile and I have no idea how that thought would even cross your mind let alone get typed out...or the guy who said he would rather pay $100 up front because he doesn't know if he'll have $10 in a few months. Like, seriously, if you have that little self control when it comes to money, you probably shouldn't be in charge of your finances.

As for the OP's proposal, I'm actually kind of surprised WWE doesn't already offer a slightly lower rate for 1 year commitments. I would certainly sign up for that. I would still stick with the monthly price rather than an up front payment, which I think would definitely sell better, but you could cover the Christmas idea by allowing gift cards for subscriptions.

But if you're going to offer a discounted one year price once a year, I think WrestleMania would be the time to do it. If you sign up on the day of WrestleMania, a one year subscription would cover you until the day after the next year's WrestleMania. Advertise that, the fact that one subscription gets you two WrestleManias, and it would probably sell very well.
This is the most bizarre thread. I work as community manager for a group of websites (not wrestling related) and this seems like something a link dropper working for WWE would post. Next up, "Hey guys, I heard if you enter code WWEPoster on WWE(dot)com you can save 20% today only!"

So if anybody on here would have mastery over such incendiary tactics, it would be you.

I've been posting on this forum for seven years. You've been on this forum since June. I should take the things you say with a grain of salt. I think I'll heed my own advice.
I've been discovered!

You are right - seven years would be a long time to lie in wait for that perfect moment to score an affiliate payout, though on our sites I've seen it happen after ten years. I just thought it was a bizarre thing to post about, but then again, who am I to judge what a bizarre thread is or not right? My bad!

I'll crawl back in my dark corner and fantasize about Cena turning heel some more.
WZ is reporting that there is a holiday offer of 12 months of WWE Network plus a Roku stick for $120. Not exactly what the OP suggested but not far off either.

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