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WWE Network: Am I The Only One Insane Here?


A Fan Of Wrestling Not Backstage BS
As I was browsing the headlines of WrestleZone this weekend, I came across the following link with Mark Madden comparing pay per view events to Monday Night RAW, amusingly labelling them as Sunday Night RAW:

Click here to read the Mark Madden article, if you haven't already.

I do want to discuss matters that have spun off from this discussion, that being in particular the fact that EVERY special event/pay per view is available for viewing. Something that I would say is probably worth the price of admission alone for the minimum six month $9.99/per month agreement.

In my opinion, there have always been hits and misses with pay per view events before there was ever even the conception of a WWE Network. Before WWE under its previous banner of the WWF absorbed all the competition, there have always been some events that across the board don't always measure up to the hype amongst most fans. This isn't news in any way, shape, or form.

While I've heard this will of course impact bonuses for these performers paydays, which I don't really know many details of. And honestly, neither do the fans that are likely to post here. I personally find the Network to be something I will continue to enjoy as a fan and find to be a very awesome alternative to the way WWE has been doing business for so many years before.

Besides, with so many other revenue streams these days for WWE, I can't really speak as to whether or not it's fair that these performers won't be getting their payday bonuses. Again, who knows what the future holds as far as how WWE performers will be compensated for special events?

That's above all our heads and I really don't think us as fans really should speak much on that when we really don't know what goes on behind the scenes and how the legalese breaks down for all those contractual matters.

Anyway here is a quote in its original form from me when it came to commenting on Madden's article:

Oh, let's be honest...many of the PPVs have been glorified RAWs well before there was ever a WWE Network. PUH-LEEZ.

That comment had received much approval, not that I was looking for such, I just wanted to voice an opinion. But it did draw a couple of posters' ire. In response to that statement, I was told that I'm a fan that "can't be made happy". Which I vehemently disagreed and countered those statements to those that stated such. My statement was a broad one, it wasn't specific to any year, era, organization and so forth.

With that said, I wanted to start a thread to get further opinion on this matter. I mean, personally speaking, I really don't think the quality of these events will be any better or worse with the advent of the Network. I really don't. In fact if anything, more people might have some incentive to enjoy them, and granted while the numbers for United States subscribers have been reported to be disappointing in some circles, this thing is going to eventually launch elsewhere in the world. Which of course WWE will then only benefit from.

For me, I love the idea of the WWE Network. I can't begin to explain how often I would chip in the same price I'd pay per month now for the Network, to see these events either as a host or a guest at someone's house. It amuses me that some people are so quick to complain about the quality of WWE's product and blame the Network for it. I know that this isn't the way everyone feels, but some do.

I mean with the Network now available here in the United States, who really wants to potentially spend for ONE event that they could put towards the subscription for the Network? Not to mention what else the service offers with archived material and original programs like WrestleMania Rewind.

Not to sound like a pitchman for WWE, but I mean seriously as someone who's not been as much of a fan as I used to be, I find the Network luring me back in and I find myself having more incentive to want to watch since I don't have to spend hundreds upon hundreds per year to watch the pay per view events. As far as other alternatives go, I'm not here to condemn or commend digital piracy through file sharing sites or torrenting but despite that being an option, I like the ability of watching these events live and also not worry about taking up precious hard drive space on my computer either.

Anyway, I just wanted to get some other perspectives on those when it comes to this viewpoint. Again, I stand by what I said for the cost of what is $120/per year. I'm only paying a fraction of what it would have cost me to buy these events from a cable/satellite service provider and I can always watch these events again at my leisure.

To me, I just think some people want to find excuses to place blame on why an event's quality could suffer, and to me I don't think the Network is going to be the reason why a particular event is going to suck. Again, there have been decades worth of events to prove otherwise.

Just my two cents. I look forward to getting the perspective of others.
I agree. At first, when battleground ended, I admit I was a bit disappointed and the thought of not resubscribing crossed my mind. Then, I stepped back and realized that for the same price of eating at a cheap, unhealthy fast food restaurant, I am literally getting monthly PPV's as well as hours upon hours of content to watch on demand. Admittedly, I don't take much advantage of the other programming (I tend to play some old 97-98 wwf and wcw stuff when I get ready for work or while working out), but the ppv's alone are totally worth it. I really don't get the complaints; are wrestling fans that cheap to not afford it. And, really, at this point, for $10, I'd say we're getting a lot.

To your point about the PPV quality, I agree; it's always been hit or miss. Going back to my earlier statement about watching old PPV's, I challenge the naysayers to go back and look at some wwf stuff from '96 and tell me it's any better than battleground. Honestly.

I'd like to say one thing that embarrassed me, as a wrestling fan. On a recent comic con panel, during fan questioning, a fan actually asked Daniel Bryan about the pay and bonuses, etc. I thought to myself "are you serious, man!?" I was legit embarrassed for the fan and the panel. When I'm watching wrestling (from childhood through the present day), the last thing on my mind is how much $$ the performers are making. Honestly, why would anyone care? I want to be entertained, I pay my $10/ mo, I sit back, and I enjoy. Still, people love to complain, eh?
Once wwe started upping the number of ppvs they do in a year, the value of them went down. Originally they were a place to do the big match but today, you can have ppvs 3 weeks apart so the build isn't there. Plus they give away so much on tv that the ppv matches are rarely important. How many times have you seen a match on a ppv and then the rematch the following Monday or Friday? wwe has stopped building characters which makes it hard to build matches. Look at the current Brock vs Cena promo - list all of Brock's accomplishments yet don't mention that he lost to Cena already since his return, as well as others. Add it all up and a lot of people don't want to watch those ppvs - charging $10 instead of $50 makes no difference if it is something you don't like.

With the older ppvs, they are so-so without the Raw or Nitro to go with them. You will tune in for specific matches but the ppvs by themselves are not a huge draw for a lot of people. Are you itching to rewatch all the No Mercy ppvs?

It all depends on what you want to watch. The crap reality shows don't appeal to me but give me access to the Monday Night Wars and I'd be all over it. The ppvs are a good hook, just not a strong one.
I signed up for the network expecting to see raw/nitros and smackdowns but all i can find are the ppvs, and every now and then theyll run a smackdown or raw from the past. I liked legends house and was disappointed there isnt a second season being shot yet. After legends house im down to watching the network once a month for the ppvs because there is nothing else to it
The wwe network needs more original content. Hell I'm shocked they haven't done deals with distributors and started playing their wwe films. But that's what hurting it. Shows I can't see anywhere else.
Internet gets you same shit but for free

here's main thing I see stopping people form buying it. Everything on the network is out on the web FOR FREE. No need to get your credit card out and add to your list of annoying emails filling your spam folder. Granted Im still living at home so Idk how it would go paying for the internet I use but I imagine one way or another youd be able find or mooch some decent internet and find anything you want, hell the wwe ppvs are all on youtube for christ sake and Ive only gone back a couple times to watch some old ones which brings me to my next point

WWE is meh quality and 10 bucks can be better spent

wwe is just average. You get the odd gem like bryan or that uso tag match at battlegrounds but on the whole wwe is something ill watch enjoyably enough but I wouldn't pay a cent extra coz it just aint that valuable. ICompare it to other tv shows, theres a lot GOT, Dexter, Breaking bad which im not overly find of I still find generally better and for that 10 bucks id put that to something useful like petrol/gaming / gym wwe is well and truly at the bottom
I don't understand who's subscribing to the WWE Network that wouldn't normally get at least Wrestlemania? Even if the network was a blank screen 99% of the time, 6 months of it is the same price you'd pay for Wrestlemania.

I usually get Wrestlemania, because even if it's not great, it is a wrestling spectacle and I enjoy watching. Similar to why some non-football fans was the Super Bowl (though obviously it's not on that level). I also get the Royal Rumble, because I love the battle royal. That's two yearly PPV's. I often toy with getting Summer Slam, but yes, PPV's are generally "Sunday Night RAW" shows, so I usually skip. But, those two PPV's alone make the network worth while.

I definitely don't watch it often, but I certainly tune in for some things. Legends House is amusing enough when I catch it. I'd probably watch Tough Enough, and watch NXT every now and then. I also enjoy the panels.

If you're going to get Wrestlemania and another PPV, the Network is a no brainer. Is everyone who's complaining here just not watching any PPVs?
The Network has gotten me more involved as a fan than I've been for a long time. Because paying my cable company for each PPV seemed like too much a chunk of money at any one time, I consistently bought only Wrestlemania and Royal Rumble, with an occasional purchase of something else if there was a compelling storyline I wanted to follow.

Now, for $10/month, I've been watching every PPV. If I'm not available on the Sunday it airs, I can see it any time afterwards. I've found it's increased my following of the storylines that culminate at the PPV, naturally leading me to become more of an "insane" fan than I've been for years.

So far, I haven't been delving into the library as much as I want, but that's all out there, too. It ain't going anyplace.... as long as my keyboard continues to function.

The deal WWE offers is staggering; I couldn't resist.
I'm not sure I agree with you SirJose. In an time of budget cuts, I can absolutely see Vince cutting back on lesser PPV production costs. I can also see him to more likely saving certain matches and storyline culmination to take place at bigger events or even on Raw.

But what I really see being more likely is WWE cutting away with a PPV or two or three, maybe even four. I see this happening for all the reasons you mentioned. It is still a great value even if you are only getting eight or nine special events.
As of right now, the WWE's ppvs are easily the bread and butter of the network. I agree that more original content and shows should be added but, at the same time, it's not as if they can just snap their fingers and produce said content within the span of a couple of days, have it ready and upload it. WWE's sort of in uncharted territory right now and, as a result, there are going to be some bumps in the road because mistakes will be made and opportunities will probably be missed.

The problem with Battleground was, while it was a solid wrestling show, it felt like the first genuine placeholder ppv I've seen since subscribing to the network. As a result, yeah, the show was on the underwhelming side. In my opinion, however, the price, video library content, ppvs, NXT, etc. VASTLY makes up for the minor disappointment that was Battleground. WrestleMania, Extreme Rules, Payback and Money in the Bank ranged from very good to epic shows, so one dud isn't gonna turn my stomach. A show turning out to be a dud is something that could potentially happen at any ppv from any company, so I'd rather pay $10 than $45-$50 even if the show is an A+. I haven't had any real connection problems with the network and the few that I've had have been the result of minor problems with my internet provider rather than anything to do with the network itself.

So, all in all, I can't say I've had anything to complain about.
I personally enjoy the WWE Network. I don't have time to watch it all the time because of work and school, but when I get a minute, I'll just find a random PPV or a Raw and go from there. This is every wrestling fan's dream. You get all the PPV's, Raw, SmackDown, ECW, original content (I'll get to that in a minute). You get WrestleMania for $9.99! Not sure how you could beat something like that.

As far as content, it's a slow progression. Most people are complaining because there's not enough original content on there. The network just launched in February, and if they posted EVERYTHING that night, their subscribers would get bored because they had watched everything and what would happen then? Fans wouldn't be subscribing anymore and the WWE sure would be disappointed. So, be patient. It'll be worth it, I promise.

Now to the pay-per-views. They haven't changed. They're going to be the same as they always have been. The fact that they want to stack the deck for Night of Champions (Triple H vs. Roman Reigns and possibly a Cena/Lesnar rematch) is a really smart move. If they did that for SummerSlam and just made Night of Champions okay, it would really hurt them because subscription renewals are around Night of Champions time and advertising matches that I just mentioned gets the fans excited and are on the ball to get that subscription renewed. Other than that, the PPVs will be the same as they always have been, even though I didn't think Battleground was THAT bad. Yes, it was predictable, but predictable doesn't always mean bad. It sure was better than last year's event...

All-in-all, the network is a really awesome deal. With all the content you get, as a wrestling fan, you would be insane to not subscribe.

One more thing. When it comes to PPV bonuses, it's really no one's business except for the people working for the company. Quit being nosy.
Personally I have loved WWE Network so far and for the PPVs alone its a great deal. Granted at times I do miss ordering them but at the same time its a money saver. I also love watching NXT and seeing the next crop of Superstars rising through the ranks. I love being able to pull up WCW & ECW stuff along with the occasional WWE Show as well. I know more TV stuff is coming when the Monday Night War series debuts. Im glad the SNMEs are being uploaded as some I have never seen before. So I can't complain too much and I plan on renewing when the time comes.
I used to stream pay per views. At least when I stopped going to my friend's parents house to watch them.

I was one of the "If the pay per views were cheaper I'd order them" people. The Network came around and I was skeptical and wanted to see what people were saying about it first. Then I did the free trial no credit card deal.

What I pretty much decided was there was a lot of content I wasn't going to watch but for the pay per views alone it was worth it.

There's some stuff I've been watching like some of the documentaries and some older pay per views.

I like that I don't have to watch things at a certain time if I want to do something else or watch something else.

I don't have DVR so that's a big thing to me.

Honestly while there may be some stuff I wish they had on there that they don't (Coliseum Video releases mainly) there's enough stuff worth paying the 10 bucks for.
Flat out needs more original content, every long time WWE fan has seen the PPVs already, most who didn't see them back in the VHS era, have since either downloaded, traded, bought, or watched the PPVs on youtube already. And those at least had original music, at this point only reason to see a PPV is because of its quality.

Hell they could at least do some gimmick of "remastered ppv's" remaster Wrestlemania 3 in HD uncut, remaster Royal Rumble 92 in HD uncut ect.. people would actually like to see those then.

But I think we can all see why no one picked up the WWE Network, its cause all WWE had was Legends House for original content, rest was a bunch of old events that every fan already seen.

Need more Legends House, some Tough Enough type of show, more originals like Bryan's road to Wrestlemania. WWE has so dropped the ball on this. Not to mention poor quality during live PPV events.

And as I said in another thread, if NXT is working, why not bring back a new ECW, WCW ect.. or partner with some indy wrestling promotions or internation ones like Mexican promotions, All Japan ect.. and use them for content. Make the WWE Network the hub for wrestling all over the world.
There isn't enough there to interest the UK fans long term for example, they would need to buy the World of Sport archive for example or perhaps do a deal with ICW in Scotland who have had some exposure from the BBC documentary... but it's not PG content.

The issue the network has isn't so much that everything isn't available on demand as it should be but that people will want to watch specific things rather than a whole 2 hour RAW from 1998-99. So youtube etc wins that battle. When compared against Netflix and the like they are not offering great value right now... Sure the PPV's are there but if you're a casual that's 3 hours viewing of the network a month... with Netflix there is a variety of stuff, so if you want comedy you can see the League or a Will Ferrall flick, if you want Marvel it's there etc... WWE can't and isn't offering that... if TNA IS in trouble buying their library may help in the short term... but Vince would be better buying and runnng the company on the Network... keep as may of the guys as possible and do as he should have done in 2001... hell rename it WCW.

THEN the Network has value.
I'd love if they did more behind the scenes stuff. Like do a show about a famous episode of raw or nitro and have they key figures of that show talk about it.
I'm torn when it comes to criticizing the WWE for launching the Network. Every point I manage to make for myself that recognizes it as a flawed idea ends up concluding in a way that benefits me as a consumer.

I had WWE 24/7 for the longest time, and I was able to get caught up on my wrestling history pretty quickly thanks to that. For me, the Network is just an amped version of the 24/7 service. I say amped for lack of a better term, the Network giving you PPVs as they happen is pretty amazing given the price.

I like that I can just turn it on and tune into whatever they feel like showing me, it helps make zoning out after work pretty damn easy. The only thing is the lack of Monday Night Raws and Smackdowns as they happen, in making that complaint I also recognize that I rarely manage to stay awake through an episode of either show.

I'm only paying ten bucks a PPV, plus I get a pretty huge chunk of their library. I'm 100% satisfied that I renewed.

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