WWE needs to recreate The Outsiders, on Smackdown

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King Douche

Pre-Show Stalwart
I think WWE should recreate the Outsiders. Now I know what you thinking they have this already in DX. Well no, DX is not the rebellious group no more. Anyways this would be a way to have young guys get put over into main even status. Have the group be 2-3 guys only. Thats all you need. Have them what DX use to do back in the late 90s. Rebel against the WWe. Show them beating down random superstars, workers backstage, interrupting matches, even diva matches to announce things. Go on and commentate on Smackdown every now and then so they can voice how they feel about the match they are seeing.

Basically they would be cocky, arrogant, rebellious assholes, who motives is doing their own thing, get paid, win championships and screw women( wwe divas). You can even show one of the divas backstage fooling around with a member( even though WWE is PG they can still show some stuff).

I think the superstars in the group should be John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, R Truth and Ezekial Jackson. This if done right would be an awesome group and push these young superstars to the moon. What do some of you think about this?
This would be a great idea, but unfortunately some people would hate WWE for trying to recreate the Outsiders. If it were to happen, I think it should be done using the new tag team on ECW: Trent Baretta and Caylen Croft. They already have some great theme music and are friends and young, they could really become the rebellious type characters. It would go well with their look, in my opinion, and with the personalities the commentators have been saying they have.
The Outsiders was more about workers from the competition being rebellious. The only way I could see this happening is if WWE brought in some top TNA talent or have Danielson and Kaval come in at the same time. The third guy could be Punk or another former ROH employee. I would love to see this but with the supposed plans they have for them I can't see this folding out.
What you're proposing is a new generation D/X or onscreen Clique, I know you adressed that in your post, but it wasn't really what The Outsiders we're about, I mean eventually they we're but at their core it wasn't.

Anywho, w/e the influence if they we're to create that stable/team I think Croft and Baretta would eventually make for a good foundation for that type of team, Carlito could probably do it, I think Ziggler would be a good fit, The Miz would probably be a good candidate for the Leadership/Main-Eventer role.

Thinking about The Ousider thing though, I think that(invading superstars from another company(sans nWo since that will never hapen again))the only real problem is I think it would take Main-Eventers to pull that type of angle off, and unfortunately TNA has not managed to create their own stars, hence any returning Main-Eventers would either not fit that cool young heel role/be ex-WWE guys. If the Motor City Machine Guns could immediately be taken as a serious threat I would say they'd be prime candidates. Matt Morgan(I know he was in WWE, but he was nowhere near the Main-Event or even an important part of the roster for more than 6 months)could eventually do it, although I don't really see him having the cool guy persona, cockiness that would be neccesary. Beer Money might also eventually be able to do it, but I think TNA would need to elevate them as well.

If it we're me, I'd do the angle with Robert Roode and Matt Morgan(assuming atleast one of them could consistently Main-Event TNA by that time)and just let them Robert Roode be the mouthpiece, saying that the WWE refused to give them contracts because they're from the competition so they're going to have to get them by force. Let them sit in the crowd and attack superstars like The Outsiders until the authority figure eventually gave them a matches, and let them dominate immediately.
Well I was thinking upper midcarders could be the new outsiders since it would be a way for them to get into the mainevent status. I also thought to have the group on Smackdown since thats the show were young talent for the most part get made and pushed. I mean ECW would not be a bad place for the group. You could have Brian Danielson and Low Ki be the new Outsiders, along with that new ECW tag team since they came from different companies and all. Danielson and Low Ki for sure would be awesme to see do stuff like take out random superstars.
That is actually true, if WWE wanted to make ECW seem more important they could actually try some innovative storylines out there instead of letting their new young guys(would be jobbers) squash your life-time jobbers. Seriously, they can't think of anything better than running two squash matches a night? Sometimes I wonder about the WWE, its easy to say it from the outside but I honestly feel like I could pull ECW off better than whoever they have running it now.

Anyway you could pull The Ousiders off with guys like Low-Ki or the MCMG off in ECW and they wouldn't have to be established as Main-Eventers. It would solve a few problems. Even so, I think eventually if TNA ever gets its shit right the angle could be pulled off on SD as well.
I think with something like this, it should go to upper midcarders about to get into the main event spot. Now I agree the gimmicks should go to guys who just came to the WWE from another rpmotion. So Brian Danielson and Low Ki can be one of the 2 members, and maybe add 2-3 more guys in the group. WWE needs more stables and this can be one of them. Maybe get Teddy Long to manage them since he needs to do something new instead of borign everybody on television as general manager. That gimmick of his is so old and out of time. I rather he go back to the referee gimmick he had going on.
I don't really think it would be a good idea because there would be no real point to it. first of all, who would be in the group and what would their connection to each other be. second, who exactly would they feud with and what would the eventual payoff be. finally, why would there be a need for this. Raw is more about the storytelling where it seems that, for the most part, Smackdown is about the old-school wrestling and good vs evil and I, for one, would like to keep it simple that way.
I don't really think it would be a good idea because there would be no real point to it. first of all, who would be in the group and what would their connection to each other be. second, who exactly would they feud with and what would the eventual payoff be. finally, why would there be a need for this. Raw is more about the storytelling where it seems that, for the most part, Smackdown is about the old-school wrestling and good vs evil and I, for one, would like to keep it simple that way.

To answer your question my good man here it is.

1). Brian Danielson and Low Ki would be the 2 guys in the group and their connection from the indy scene.

2). Point is to get them over as main eventers, I said this earlier up in the thread.

3). They would feud with tag teams on smackdown like Cryme Tyme for example.

4). There would be a need for this cause WWE needs more stables.

5). Also Smackdown does not have old skool style wrestling. SD wrestling is overrated and not any different from RAW, except SD's matches last longer. SD's matches are decent/pretty good.

6). Also have the stable on SD, cause they would get buried on RAW. RAW barely push superstars were SD do.
This will never work. The reason it worked the first time was due to the fact that we didn't have widespread internet coverage when Hall and Nash joined WCW. We really thought we were seeing an invasion. They never mentioned them being signed by WCW. The WCW just went along with what people were thinking. The Outsiders gimmick worked because of the shock value. Hall was wrestling in the WWE just a short time before his debut in WCW. Nash is the same. Despite their 'Kliq' sendoff at the Garden, many fans didn't know Hall and Nash were WCW now.

So the concept is good, but it would never go over as much as it did the first time. The shock value wouldn't be there and to be honest, there's no big names out there to make this work.
I don't really think it was about shock value past the initial stages of the invasion but after about a month I didn't believe they we're actually with the competition, I mean it would just be a good way to debut new talent and get them over real quick. Besides that, being in the internet age, what has any real shock value these days? I don't like the Superstar Initiative because it is SOOO boring. Everyone gets introduced the same way, none of them have any character, anything is better than that. Guys just don't debut with any hype anymore.

To Redleg, to say whats the point to this, is like saying whats the point in trying something different. Why not just keep running the same stuff over and over? They wouldn't need to be trying to takeover, they could just be fighting for contracts.
This will never work. The reason it worked the first time was due to the fact that we didn't have widespread internet coverage when Hall and Nash joined WCW. We really thought we were seeing an invasion. They never mentioned them being signed by WCW. The WCW just went along with what people were thinking. The Outsiders gimmick worked because of the shock value. Hall was wrestling in the WWE just a short time before his debut in WCW. Nash is the same. Despite their 'Kliq' sendoff at the Garden, many fans didn't know Hall and Nash were WCW now.

So the concept is good, but it would never go over as much as it did the first time. The shock value wouldn't be there and to be honest, there's no big names out there to make this work.

Just because it does not have shock value does not mean it will not be any good. If pulled off right by the writers it can be good way to put young talent over. Also stars do not have to be well known but liked by the fans, I think that will be good enough. They do not have to be called the outsiders, they will have another name, but just do stuff the outsiders did.
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