WWE needs some more UK wrestlers

Piss Bucket

Future British World Champ

There's a few on the main roster now, such as Barrett, Paige, and technically Becky Lynch is a UK wrestler even though she's Northern Irish, same as Sheamus, but they're nearly all mid card heels, there's no faces apart from Paige herself, they've tried a heel turn for her but to me she's too nice to be a heel.

Tp me there hasn't been a Brit wrestler go above mid card since Davy Boy Smith, well apart from when they tried to do something with William Regal but it didn't last.

So anyone agree? More UK wrestlers in either NXT or the main roster?
Let them first use the one who are there. Barrett hasn't been used properly post Nexus. Granted, he seems injury prone, but even when he wasn't, he was mostly jobbing, especially as IC champion.

I am a bit more surprised at how they are using Paige. At one point, I thought she'll be the focal point of diva's division. So much for that. I just hope she cuts away from all that Total Divas crap.

As for British faces, don't forget both Neville and Becky lynch (she's Irish, but then you included her) are faces. I have hope for Neville. He is young and has a lot of years ahead of him. Becky Lynch is the top face of diva's division, so that's that.

I'd rather they use the talent they have right than bringing in more.
While I do agree that they need more I can't believe that you think Lynch and Sheamus are from the UK. I'd love to see their reaction to someone saying that because you get your head taken off for it.

Both are from Dublin which is in Ireland, not Northern Ireland. And to say an Irish person is from the UK is the worst insult you can throw at them.
While I do agree that they need more I can't believe that you think Lynch and Sheamus are from the UK. I'd love to see their reaction to someone saying that because you get your head taken off for it.

Both are from Dublin which is in Ireland, not Northern Ireland. And to say an Irish person is from the UK is the worst insult you can throw at them.

Yep, a lot of Scottish folk aren't keen on it either but Southern Irish? Theyre simply Irish.

There's a few on the main roster now, such as Barrett, Paige, and technically Becky Lynch is a UK wrestler even though she's Northern Irish, same as Sheamus, but they're nearly all mid card heels, there's no faces apart from Paige herself, they've tried a heel turn for her but to me she's too nice to be a heel.

Tp me there hasn't been a Brit wrestler go above mid card since Davy Boy Smith, well apart from when they tried to do something with William Regal but it didn't last.

So anyone agree? More UK wrestlers in either NXT or the main roster?

Becky Lynch is a babyface, one that's been getting over quite well over the past month or so, and you forgot to mention Neville. Also, since when did Davey Boy Smith make it above mid-card? The single biggest moment of his career was when he won the Intercontinental Championship at SummerSlam back in 1992.

Paige would have been a great heel if Vince had ultimately allowed her to continue with the "anti-Diva" persona that initially got her noticed down in NXT. Instead, he did much of the same he's done to many heel Divas before by ultimately making her act like some catty, mean bitch that's still in high school.

I'm all for more Brit wrestlers, if they've got the talent. If they have the ability to keep me interested in who they are and what they do inside the ring, I don't care about their country of origin, skin color, religion, etc. but I don't think WWE should have wrestlers from the UK just for the sake of having them on the roster.
I wish there were more Americans playing in the English Premiere League and more winning cups and scoring goals. This is where you would say "But who?"

The WWE roster is only so big, the main event is much smaller. If there are UK wrestlers that exist that can do a better job making the WWE money I'm sure Vince would pay them to do that in a second. Paige, Barrett, and Sheamus have all been given opportunities. Some with more success than others but all feel like they are in the position they belong in.

So WWE doesn't need any more UK wrestlers, they don't need more of any kind of wrestler. If there are UK wrestlers out there that that can do a better job than the ones currently on the roster then Vince should sign them but I don't know of any and I haven't heard any suggested by anyone in this thread.
There are more Brits between NXT and the main roster than ever before... The reality is, until one has the top title its academic... But if you go on percent... The UK is the second best nation... Next up will be Nick Aldis/Magnus...Ireland is different... They had IWW for a lot of these guys to come up via... UK still hasn't really cracked a great fed yet.

There's a few on the main roster now, such as Barrett, Paige, and technically Becky Lynch is a UK wrestler even though she's Northern Irish, same as Sheamus, but they're nearly all mid card heels, there's no faces apart from Paige herself, they've tried a heel turn for her but to me she's too nice to be a heel.

Tp me there hasn't been a Brit wrestler go above mid card since Davy Boy Smith, well apart from when they tried to do something with William Regal but it didn't last.

So anyone agree? More UK wrestlers in either NXT or the main roster?

I really wish to see many of the UK wrestlers to be the part of NXT or WWE. If you follow the New Generation Wrestling (NGW), you probably will see tons of Charismatic Wrestlers waiting for their opportunities to stand up on the big stage. Mind you, NGW is itself a big stage in the context on National Television. Moreover those guys have their own Gimmick and I had seem them work terrifically for that. It's really a shame that WWE doesn't sign a lot of British wrestlers and even if they did show, they hadn't used them quite well.
I think talent is talent no matter where it comes from, that said, if someone has a thick accent that could affect their ability to get over with a promo

U.S fans, do UK/Irish accent bother you at all when listening to them? that's something I would be interested to know

I'm Australian and I've noticed some Australian wrestlers in the U.S tone down their accents quite a bit, everyone is different but if most Americans heard me actually speak for example, they would struggle to make sense of what I was saying.
I think talent is talent no matter where it comes from, that said, if someone has a thick accent that could affect their ability to get over with a promo

U.S fans, do UK/Irish accent bother you at all when listening to them? that's something I would be interested to know

I'm Australian and I've noticed some Australian wrestlers in the U.S tone down their accents quite a bit, everyone is different but if most Americans heard me actually speak for example, they would struggle to make sense of what I was saying.

Indeed, if I want to listen to people with thick Aussie accents, I'll watch Neighbours or Home and Away :D

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