WWE Money In The Bank: WWE Championship - Jinder Mahal (c) VS Randy Orton


Shane McMahon announced, just before he announced the MITB ladder match competitors, that Randy Orton gets his rematch at the MITB ppv against Jinder Mahal.

It still feels strange actually saying aloud that Jinder Mahal is WWE Champion but, at any rate, I suspect they'll keep the title on him past MITB. Putting the title back on Randy Orton is a waste of time, in my opinion, as a lot of fans just aren't interested in him as champion. When you're someone who's been a 10+ time World Champion, repeated title wins are usually redundant and that's especially true with Orton. Whether you agree with it or not, like it or not, waiting to see how he does, etc. Mahal as champion has generated a ton of buzz, conversation and debate and that's certainly more positive than Orton getting a 14th World Championship run. Whether Jinder leaves the event as WWE Champion, as I'm assuming this match will close the show rather than the MITB ladder match, is up in the air at this point.
Let's see. If Jinder wins, then that means that he will most likely head into the Summer as WWE Champion. His opponent will most likely be John Cena for Summerslam. I have no intention in seeing Jinder beat AJ Styles and Styles should not lose to Jinder by any means. But american here Cena vs world champ Jinder, just works. They also have a tour in India in September. It's safe to say that if Jinder keeps drawing heat until MITB, we could see him as world champion until then.

Then I think that this means that we are possibly sacrificing a world championship feud between Styles and Orton.

But let's be honest, Jinder vs Cena for the WWE Championship, in a situation where you really don't know if Jinder will keep the belt, because he's just a jobber and you also don't know whether Cena's will break Flair's record, can draw so much cash.
There's no point in making Randy Orton win the title again except to increase the number of reigns for him. There are much better options to dethrone Jinder whenever it's the right time.

I don't see Cena getting the record reign by defeating Jinder. Nah, no way. Corbin is a heel. Sami Zayn could but his booking states otherwise. Kevin is another heel. AJ Styles could.

Nonetheless, I see Jinder Mahal defeating Randy Orton and gaining even more heat since he'll defeat Randy in his hometown.
Kind of feel like depending on who wins the MITB briefcase the cash in may happen that night. I'm kind of hoping for a long run with the case though, because it can really add intrigue to both one wrestler and the entire show. With both of those things being said it wouldn't surprise me to see Mahal go over Orton in his hometown with assistance from the brothers. Then turn around exhausted, because no one besides Lesnar will squash Orton and take a shot to the head from the briefcase. I'm just not sure how long they'd want Mahal's reign to go considering how lax Smackdown has been with title changes. Bray managed to be both a transitional tag and world champ relatively fast.

Smackdown is kind of wacky right now. Mahal came back to Smackdown after years of not having a single winning match and was No.1 Contender 1st match. Now he's world champion. Breezango got fan support, and now have proven their worth and even beat both the Uso's relatively easy in singles competition. New day, Rusev, and Lana are yet to return. Nakamura is around and so is Styles. Kind of my same issue last year where they have like 6 guys who could easily be world champion and somehow Orton and Wyatt are fighting eachother at Mania for it, but not the 4 or 5 more entertaining guys. Pretty sure when Styles is back in the title picture and Owens has a legit opponent we'll be back on track to Smackdown being the better show. Hopefully Money in the Bank is a solution for a lot of their issues fans are spotting, and the wrestlers are back in gear and click better.
Six weeks ago, this would have been a bad main event for Smackdown. Now it's just as boring, but for the top prize in the business. Who will be the winner? Not the fans
And I'm just here to say that, Bray Wyatt took the fall for nothing. Orton isn't world champ anymore. Bray was a fresh champion.

He once again became the sacrificial lamp for Vince's plans. Had Bray kept the title, now we could be getting Wyatt vs Styles fighting for the belt...
And I'm just here to say that, Bray Wyatt took the fall for nothing. Orton isn't world champ anymore. Bray was a fresh champion.

He once again became the sacrificial lamp for Vince's plans. Had Bray kept the title, now we could be getting Wyatt vs Styles fighting for the belt...
I think that unfortunately, Bray Wyatt was just a transitional champion to get the title back on Randy Orton. Heck, the feud was more about building back Randy Orton after that loss against Brock Lesnar.

And I fear that he'll remain just a special attraction and not on top of feuds or even titles. His tag team title was also a transitional one. Even John Cena was a transitional champion for just two weeks time.
Sami Zayn will be "injured" from what Corbin did last week and Rusev will take his place in the MITB match (assuming Rusev is healthy by then). Then Rusev will win and cash in MITB on Juicer Mahal at some point (probably not at the actual MITB event).
Since WWE is going to India in September, I'd expect Jinder to keep the belt at least until then. Them getting a strong foothold in India was the whole point of putting the belt on him anyway. So this tour would be the perfect way to see if this was a success or not. Give him a hot feud for the tour (John Cena or AJ Styles) and see if he can DRAW.

I expect Jinder to beat Orton in their rematch at MITB. Not clean obviously, but emphatically. I mean, the damage is already done by putting the belt on a jobber, that's forever in the history books, so why not? Give him more time to see if this was a success or not. But not too long, haha. A new match at Summerslam with whomever he'd presumably feud with on the India tour would work. Then have him drop the belt immediately after. Then, boom, you'll have as big an Indian wrestling star in India as you're gonna get. Which remains to be seen...

P.S. I just can't picture Rusev as champion, at all. Especially when there are plenty of great workers on SD! (Styles, Nakamura, Owens, even Cena). BUT a feud between Mahal and Rusev AFTER Mahal loses the belt is certainly reasonable. Seems like a great fit actually. Jinder will need something hot after he loses the belt to see in he'll be able to maintain his status on the roster and not go back down to jobbersville (et al. Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler after they lost the World Title).
Jinder Mahal defends the WWE Championship against John Cena in a Punjabi Prison match at Summerslam...... There you go! That'll pump all the heat you're gonna get out of Mahal. And if it doesn't work after that (on the India tour), you'll know if putting the belt on him was a success or not...

No joke, bringing The Great Khali back briefly to help Mahal might work too.
Since WWE is going to India in September, I'd expect Jinder to keep the belt at least until then. Them getting a strong foothold in India was the whole point of putting the belt on him anyway. So this tour would be the perfect way to see if this was a success or not. Give him a hot feud for the tour (John Cena or AJ Styles) and see if he can DRAW.

I expect Jinder to beat Orton in their rematch at MITB. Not clean obviously, but emphatically. I mean, the damage is already done by putting the belt on a jobber, that's forever in the history books, so why not? Give him more time to see if this was a success or not. But not too long, haha. A new match at Summerslam with whomever he'd presumably feud with on the India tour would work. Then have him drop the belt immediately after. Then, boom, you'll have as big an Indian wrestling star in India as you're gonna get. Which remains to be seen...

P.S. I just can't picture Rusev as champion, at all. Especially when there are plenty of great workers on SD! (Styles, Nakamura, Owens, even Cena). BUT a feud between Mahal and Rusev AFTER Mahal loses the belt is certainly reasonable. Seems like a great fit actually. Jinder will need something hot after he loses the belt to see in he'll be able to maintain his status on the roster and not go back down to jobbersville (et al. Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler after they lost the World Title).

Supposedly, Rusev was supposed to face Orton for the belt instead of Rusev before Rusev got injured. Not sure if they would have given the belt to Rusev but multiple sources reported that was at least at some point, the plan.
Mahal needs a clean win. Maybe have Orton sell an injury angle but if they want to build him up he needs a clean win for sure.

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