WWE Monday Night Raw!

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WWE Monday Night Raw!!! 8/27

... Raw begins... Pyro goes off... J.R and King are sitting ringside...

J.R. - Hello everybody and welcome to WWE Raw!!!

King - J.R. tell them about our huge Main Event tonight...

J.R - Well King.... Tonight we're going to see a Fatal Four Way #1 Contendors Match for the WWE Title... Involving... John Cena... Shawn Michaels... Triple H.... and Randy Orton...

King - Thats not all J.R. we also have a WWE Womens Championship Match where Mickie James will take on Victoria...

J.R - And as if that wasnt enough... Tonight the undefeated Umaga will be taking on Jeff Hardy!!

- J.R and King get cut off while Vince Mcmahon makes his way down to the ring....

Vince - Ladies and gentleman.... I have a huge announcement... Conserning a new signing to the WWE... This man certainly needs no introduction...

- Before Vince gets to who it is... The Nature Boy Ric Flairs music comes on... He makes his way down to the ring....

Flair - Vince... I'm sick and tired off seeing you come out here night and night out flappin your gums..... And I know I'm not the only one... All I want to know is... Why am I not in the Main Event for the WWE Title shot...

- Before Vince gets to answer his question.... Abyss hits the ring and attacks Flair! Abyss does a number on Flair... Leaving him in a pool of his own blood....

Vince - Ladies and Gentlemen... Abyss!!!

Abyss glares at Flair as he and Vince walk back to the locker room....

Match One
Chris Masters vs Kane

Match starts off with Masters attacking Kane while Kane was doing his pyro.... Masters does a set of moves to Kane including a devastating Full Nelson Slam... Kane comes firing back tho... With shot after shot... Kane then climbs the top turnbuckle and clothelines Masters... Kane covers and gets a 2 count! Masters then comes back with a numerous amount of clothesline of his own... He then hits a big Samoan Drop.. He covers Kane but only gets a 2 count.... After awhile... Kane takes back the advantage.... And Chokeslams Masters.... He gets the 3!

Winner - Kane

- After the match.... Viscera attacks Kane.... He gives him a Bossman Slam... And then not one... not two... But 3 Big Splashs.... Kane is bleeding from his mouth.....

-We go to the back and we see Carlito and Trish... Trish asks Carlito if he's prepared for his #1 Contendors Match against Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin.... He says "Yeah I'm ready... But I want you to come down to ringside and watch the match first hand".... Trish accepts....

- We then go to Vinces office where he's talking things over with Abyss... Viscera comes charging in... He tells Vince hes sick of being held back... At Unforgiven he wants Kane in a Stretcher Match!! (Big Pop)... After Vince says some ****y remarks to Vis about his weight... He grants him the match.... Vis says he's gonna show everyone who the true monster on Raw is...

J.R. - Well King its time for the Womens Championship Match....

King -Puppies.....
Womens Title Match
Match Two
Victoria vs. Micky James

-Before the match begins Victoria and Lillian Garcia exchange a few words... Which gives Micky time to attack.... Micky is taking it to Victoria throwing her outside of the ring... She whips her into the steal steps... After awhile... Victoria takes the advantage.... She gives her the Widows Peak... But Micky kicks out!.... Micky goes for a Powerbomb but out of the audience comes Beth Phoenix who does a number on Micky James.... Phoenix then hits a Modified Version of the Canadian Destroyer on Micky... As Phoenix Victoria goes nuts and does a number on both Micky and Beth.... She then turns her attention at Lillian and starts screaming at her... Lillian looked scared... But as Victoria goes to attack Lillian... Lillian hits her with the Mic!!! (Big Pop)... Micky, Victoria, and Phoenix are all laid out as Lillian looks shocked of what she just did....

Winner - Micky James via DQ

- Edge is shown walking to the ring.... His match with Eugene is next!!!

Backstage.... Umaga and Armendo Alejandro Estrada are shown talking.... Aremendo says tonight is Umagas big shot on becoming the Next Big Thing in the WWE.... Umaga then starts screaming in Samoan....

Match Three
Eugene vs Edge

- Edge attacks Eugene from the get go.... Edge gives Eugene a Complete Shot... And goes for the quick pin... But only gets a 2... Edge then mounts on Eugene and punches away on him... Edge then goes for the spear... But Eugene moves out of the way... Eugene starts Hulking up.... Punching away on Edge... Then hitting him with the Stunner... He then goes for the Peoples Elbow... But Lita trips him... Eugene then asking Lita why she did that... Turns around... And gets a huge Spear from Edge... 1...2....3!!!

Winner - Edge
After the match Edge grabs the mic.....

Edge - You know what... I'm sick and tired of getting screwed... First off I find out I have to defend my belt at Unforgiven (big pop)... Yeah you people like that! This is Bull - (beep) ..... I'm sick and tired of not getting the respect I deserve..... I'm....

- Time to play The Game.....

J.R. - Oh my God King... The Game... The Game is standing at the top of the Ramp!!!

King - What the Hell does he want.... The champ was in the middle of talking....

Triple H - - Edge.... For the past few months I realized something... Your a crying little Bitch!.... As you know... I'm in tonights #1 Contendors Match for that Belt that you have on your shoulder..... (Triple H chuckles a bit).... Thats why your scared Edge... You know in less then 4 weaks time... The King will come back... On his throne....Edge... Your time is running up... So enjoy while you can.....

- Triple H's music hits once again while he leaves Edge in the middle of the ring in shock... Edge doesnt know what to do with himself!!!

- Jeff Hardy is shown making his way to the ring.... Umaga... Hardy.... Is next!!!!

Match Four
Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy

Match begins with Hardy jumping on Umaga and punching him.... Hardy then does a modified version of an Enzuguri to Umaga.... Covers him but only gets a 1..... Umaga then catches Hardy as he runs off the ropes... And gives him a huge Samoan Drop... Umaga then delivers a Complete Shot.... Armando says its Samoan Spike Time... But Hardy Dodges it... And hits a Twist of Fate.... 1....2.... No.... Only a 2.... Hardy then hits a Tornado DDT on Umaga... Umaga then grabs the offence back.... He gives Hardy a Stiff Kick... Umaga climbs the top rope.... But Hardy Franksteiners him off the top Rope!!! He then goes for a Swanton Bomb... And hits it.... He goes for the cover... 1....2.... Armado pulls Hardy out to make the save.... The Ref automatically calls for the bell!.... Hardy hits Armando... But before he trys to attack him again... Umaga knails Hardy with a Samoan Spike... Umaga then clears off the announcers table.... He sets Hardy on top of it.... He then climbs on top of it... And delivers a Rikishi Driver threw the table to Hardy.... Hardy is out cold......

Winner - Jeff Hardy (via dq)

- After the match Umaga stares at Hardy while the paramedics put him on a stretcher.....

J.R. - Wow King.... Can tonight get any crazier then it already has been...

King - I dont know J.R..... But the nights still not over yet....

- Up next is the #1 Contendors Match for the I.C. Title..... Nitro and Melina make there way down to ringside and join King and J.R.....

Match Five
#1 Contendor for I.C. Title
Charlie Haas vs Shelton Benjamin vs Carlito
Match begins with Haas and Benjamin attacking Carlito... Soon after that Benjamin mounts an attack on Haas.... Carlito gets to his feet and starts wailing on Benjamin... He then hits a Springboard Elbow to Haas... Shortly after that... Haas and Benjamin start doing some of the moves they used to do as The Worlds Greatest Tag Team to Carlito... This time Haas hits a big Spinebuster on Benjamin... He gets a two... Carlito slowly goes to Trish... Trish hands him a Fist Pack!.... She distracts the ref... And he knails Haas with it!... Benjamin then gets up.. Goes for a T-Bone Suplex... But Carlito reverses it in mid air.. And hits the Back Cracker on Benjamin....1....2....3....

Winner - Carlito

- After the match Nitro and Melina have a long stare down with Carlito and Trish... Both teams make there way to the back....

J.R. - Well King... Tonight was full of suprises

King - It sure was J.R.... But it isnt over yet....

Backstage... Ric Flair is shown walking out of the building looking hurt and bruised... As he walks out the door... Abyss attacks him once again... He delivers a Chokeslam to Flair on top of a car.... J.R. screams someone needs to stop this man.... Vince then comes outside and says "Dont ever interupt me again".... Camera fades away...

John Cena is shown backstage with Maria....

Maria - John... What are your....

Cena then rips the mic out of Marias hand....

Cena - Get the hell out of here you dumb bitch! (crowd boos)... You know what... Im starting to get sick and tired of coming here night in and night out trying to impress the fans... But you know what I realized... I dont give a damn about the fans... (crowd boos)... Starting tonight... John Cena is only gonna care about one thing.... And thats me!..... Every night... I come out as the good guy.... I whoop the bad guys ass and what do I get.... Boos.... So you know what... I got one thing to say... Screw all of you... And if you dont like that.... Well you can choke on my *beep*......

- Cena walks away as half the crowd is shocked and the other boos......

- Its time for the Main Event of the Evening!!!!

Main Event
#1 Contendors Match for WWE Title....
John Cena vs Randy Orton vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H

Match begins with all four superstars pairing off... Cena and Hbk... And Orton and The Game.... Hbk gets a quick advantage after hitting a couple of Atomic Drops on Cena.... Orton then comes behind Hbk and hits his Back Cracker... Cena slowly gets up... And goes to work on Orton.... Triple H and HBK then starts to clear house.... They both throw out Orton and Cena.... Hbk and HHH have a stare down in the ring... Then they go at it.... Hbk then hits a flying forearm and then knips up!.... Cena gets back in the ring and hits the Throwback on Hbk... 1...2... No Orton breaks it up!.... Orton and Cena then start going back and fourth.... Triple H gets up and hits a Spine Buster on Cena.... Hbk slowly climbs up the top rope and knails Cena with an Elbow Drop.... Orton Clotheslines Hbk outa the ring.... Orton and Triple H start goin at it... Orton hits an RKO on Triple H!... Cena then grabs and F-U's him! 1...2... No Hbk makes the save.... Cena and Hbk get into fist-a-cuffs... Leading to both men fighting on the outside... On the ramp... And then off the stage... Triple H see's his opening.... The Game see's Orton getting up... He then hits the Pedigree!!! 1...2....3!.....

Winner - Triple H


-After the match Triple H is celebrating in the ring as Cena and Hbk continue to brawl all the way to the backstage area......

..... Show goes off with Triple H posing and celebrating his victory.....


Now that took forever..... So everybody please rate on a scale of 1 to 10.... Please add input on the reason also.... Thanks
I'm gonna give yours a 9! I really liked it, especially the match between Mickie and Victoria and how you included Beth into it. Great job.

Flames Out
Id give it an 8. Match length a bit short but I liked how the started-finished. This is better than some shit we get on ehre
Thanks guys... I know the match length was a bit short but believe me... It'll only get better...
guuuud then we are in for a decent book this thread...bout time as well
That would be an awesome show. I'd give it a 9. Only problem is that Lita is the Women's champ and I don't think that Mickie should have the belt back. She's just an annoying dork who should have never won the title in the first place. If you took out that match, I'd give it a 10.
This is just book this man.....The results are the most important thing
Thanks everyone... My ECW should be posted by tommarow night... Unless my PC is dead... So look out for that...
9.5/10 finally Cena goes Heel! lol the matches were really good, and i liked the angle with Abyss and Flair!
8/10, matches were short, but sweet, try and expand them a bit, storylines are decent. Good show.
9.5/10 It was good and you started alot of feuds right out of the gate thats always good aswell. I liked how you made Cena look like a complete acidhole.
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