WWE Match of the Year Series: 2000

What was the best WWE match in the year 2000?

  • Triple H vs. Cactus Jack in a Street Fight at the Royal Rumble

  • Triple H vs. Cactus Jack, Hell in a Cell at No Way Out

  • The Triangle Ladder Match at WrestleMania 16

  • Triple H vs. The Rock in an Iron Man Match at Judgment Day

  • Triple H vs. Chris Jericho in a Last Man Standing Match at Fully Loaded

  • Tables, Ladders and Chairs at SummerSlam

  • Armageddon Hell in a Cell

  • Other (post your answer)

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This is the first in what will hopefully be a series of threads looking back at some of the greatest matches in WWE history. I've (arbitrarily) chosen the year 2000 as a started and compiled what I feel is a rather comprehensive list of matches. That being said, if you feel I have omitted any Match of the Year contenders feel free to let me know.

Looking back on the year 2000, this is definitely the year Triple H. Triple H hooked up with Stephanie McMahon at the end of 1999, and the McMahon-Helmsley Regime would be a major story point for the better part of 2000. Now in 2015, the ramifications of this angle are still being felt in both kayfabe and in reality. This really was the year that Triple H became a true main event player, and the top heel in the company. He feuded with Mick Foley at the start of the year, went on to battle the Rock, had the love triangle story with Kurt Angle and Stephanie, then eventually faced off against the returning Stone Cold Steve Austin. Triple H headlined the Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series, even retaining his Title in the main event at WrestleMania which was pretty much unheard of for a heel. That's quite a year.

At the same time, this was also the year that the Rock became the number one babyface in the WWE, and the biggest name in the wrestling business. In the wake of Stone Cold's injury, the Rock stepped up into the top spot and took the WWE to even greater heights. This was really the last year that the Rock was an active wrestler for a full-time, before eventually breaking into Hollywood.

But what was the WWE Match of the Year in 2000? My personal choice is Triple H vs. Cactus Jack in a Street Fight at the Royal Rumble. This was the match that set the tone for the year, and established Triple H as the top heel. That night at the Garden, Mick Foley went a long way to help make Triple H into a top guy and I think it was probably the best match of both their careers which says a lot.

So that's my pick, but I'd like to hear what you think.

Just some notes on matches I omitted as contenders...
- The Triple H/Stone Cold No DQ match at Survivor Series was pretty good, but to me the stupid ending where Austin kills Triple H with a forklift kind of tarnishes it.
- I considered Rock/HHH/Angle form SummerSlam, because I was such a fan of that whole story and it was a quality match, but I ultimately decided that, while good, it wouldn't be able to stand-up as a MOTY candidate against the other main events I listed.
All of those matches were great in one way or another. For me though, The Rock vs. Triple H for the title at Backlash 2000 is my MOTY. It can be argued that The Rock was always at his best when he was chasing the championship as a face, this was the culmination of 4 months worth of build from winning the Royal Rumble and being screwed by Vince at Wrestlemania 16. The inclusion of a returning (albeit briefly) Steve Austin also made it that bit more special.
Wow look at the poll right now! I also voted other and like pthbass89 i'm voting HHH Vs The Rock from Backlash2000. This match had everything from the heels all ganging up on the face to Austins return. If you go back and look at the moment when Austin comes out the crowd goes absolutely apeshit.
I very nearly voted for the ironman match but imo it was kinda killed by the stupid ending of 'Taker return and costing The Rock the match by accident. He didn't really have a reason to interfere in that match.
Yeah I really should have put the Backlash match on there, I just figured more people would be a fan of the Iron Man Match. But I agree with you guys, that match was awesome and it probably should have been the main event a month earlier at Wrestlemania. The 4 way was awful and if they would've had that moment where Austin comes out to help the Rock at Mania it would've been one of the all time great Wrestlemania moments.
That would've made for a kickass 'Mania moment! I never thought of it like that. To be fair though there were so many great PPV matches that year that if i opened this thread tomorrow chances are my answer would be completely different. I very nearly went for the triple threat at Summerslam.

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