WWE Main Event Scene


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I was reading a report on the main website about John Cena being injured and that got me wondering, who would be able to fill in if he or one of the other main eventers got injured?

At the moment the main event scene consists of Cena,Punk,Sheamus,Del-Rio,Big Show and maybe Orton. I cannot see anyone outside these 6 having a main event feud. That's not saying that no one else is good enough to be up there or that those 6 are the best in the WWE, Its just that these are the only ones defined as main eventers at the moment.

So my question to you is who do you think the WWE would be able to easily slot into the main event scene in the near future?

Note: Didn't include D-Bry or Kane because of the tag titles
Dolph Ziggler is probably the most obvious choice right now as he's got the MITB briefcase. The fact that he has the case is reason enough to insert him into the main event picture.

Ziggler has come very far over the past few years and I think he's ready. If the WWE will solidly get behind him and pull the trigger, then I believe Ziggler can be a solid main eventer.

Aside from Ziggler, Mysterio is someone that can be injected into the main event picture for a while. He tends to shift easily from the mid-card to upper mid-card to the main event scene anyhow, so it's not out of the realm of possibility for him to be there again. I don't think it'll happen anytime soon, but it could if WWE wants it to.

Kofi Kingston is someone that I'd like to see get a shot at it. I'm not sure he could pull it off, but there's not much else left for him to do. He's done well as a mid-carder and tag team wrestler and I think he could POSSIBLY make it as a main eventer with a few tweaks to his character. I saw potential in him back during his feud with Randy Orton several years ago.

If The Miz is able to have a good, strong run as IC champion then I think we could see him back in the main event scene sometime next year. If the WWE ultimately just feeds him to Ryback, then I think it'll be the realm of mid-card for quite a while.

There's Daniel Bryan & Kane but, as the OP mentioned, they're currently doing their own thing in the tag team picture with the tag titles. For the most part, the main event scene is pretty well locked up and I imagine won't change a whole helluva lot between now and WrestleMania. As a result, this is the best use of Kane & Bryan at this point in time. Just them being the tag champs has generated more interest in the WWE's tag team division than anything else has in a very long time.

If Jack Swagger returns and the WWE gives him a strong push as a babyface, then he might possibly make it.

I think Wade Barrett will find his way into the main event picture at some point, maybe in time for WrestleMania or just after WM next year. The WWE seems to be going the route of slowly building him back up as he was out for more than half a year with an elbow injury. Probably the best way to go about things. Had Barrett not gotten hurt, he'd probably have Dolph Ziggler's spot right now or would already be WHC as he was penciled in to win an MITB match at WM 28. His injury caused WWE to scrap the match entirely and stick with the MITB ppv format this year.
I think the problem isn't necessarily Main Event players. The problem is Main Event Faces. Orton and I guess Sheamus (though I consider his WHC run to be disappointing) are the only proven ME faces. Punk is a "heel" now and his storyline would make it very hard to switch him back now. Storylines for Ziggler (WHC Money and the Bank), Bryan and Kane (Team Friendship) and Miz (Ryback's next meal) make it also a tough sell face turns to challenge Punk.

This might be moot because if the recovery time is what they say it is Cena can be back in time for the next PPV. If not. I think the easiest move is to have Orton feud with Punk for a little while. You can have Orton use his status as a multiple time champion and knowing a thing or two about respect and let it build from there. It's only going to be for a month and then Super Cena will be back and they can build something big for Survivor Series.
I was thinking about this lately too, due to Cena's injury (recovery time, etc). The thing the WWE really needs to worry about right now is Main Event faces. At the present time, the only people they've really got are Sheamus, Cena & Orton. They've also got the part-timers, but that really only includes Rock & Undertaker.

Ziggler & Miz are probably the two guys I can think of that are right on the edge of Main Event status (I know Miz already proved himself, and that Ziggler is technically a former WHChamp), but I don't think either one of them should be changed to a good guy. The WWE really needs to think about elevating a new face, especially since the rumor is that Orton wants to be a heel again.

It must be a little bit scary for the WWE at the moment, since the majority of their Main Event level talent are heels. I don't know who should be moved up the card at this time. You could move Mysterio back to the top, but I dunno about that. Some would like it, but others wouldn't be too into it. There's also Ryder and Santino, but they seem more like comedy acts right now. You did mention Kane & Bryan, but aren't they "technically" heels right now? It's a difficult situation for them right now, and I hope the WWE is able to elevate some talent that would be cheered by the crowd. As of right now, I just wouldn't be able to pick anyone on the current roster that seems ready.
Remember that time R-Truth turned his back on the fans and got to try out main eventing at a Pay Per View against John Cena? That's what needs to happen again. Not that exact scenario, but another shake up that results in a midcarder getting a shot. Now some might say R-Truth didn't do much with his shot, but regardless it was an interesting experiment.

With Cena out, we're out a true babyface that the crowd is solidly backing. Who can be the top good guy in the place of Cena? The best guy for the job is CM Punk, and since his character is gray these days they just need to shift towards a cool heel persona and feud him with guys like Del Rio or Big Show who have loads of heat.
You create main eventers by involving main eventers. Massive mistake with letting him announce his surgery. Remember when HBK came out on live TV and lost his smile. The Internet lost its mind and rumors swirled with everything from back stage BS, to a knee injury to him having AIDS. the thing was that no one knew he was going to say it. There was no Twitter BS ahead of time. There was no ' there will be a life changing announcement'. They just did it. Closest thing since was Edge retiring. Bottom line, the E blew a chance to create a star.

They should have had Cena out to give a speech, without warning, stating that, much like Edge, he was going to gave to retire because of all the punishment he's taken. Granted it would be worked, but treated as legit. You have it at the end of a show. When they go off the air, the lockeroom empties and they celebrate Cena. Live fans think its just for them, but the cameras roll. In the end Cena is left in the ring with his biggest rival, arguably, Orton. Out of nowhere, Randy beats the holy hell out of Cena. Randy turns heel. Now, you take the chance to also create a face by having someone like McIntyre come out of nowhere for the save. no one expects it, right. Drew says that he and John have travelled on the road together and he wasn't going to let that happen. Drew beats Randy at a PPV, and becomes a big face, pushed to the top.

You put the beating footage on the website, but tease who makes the save and air that on RAW.
It's pathetic right now!

WWE Championship Contenders:
-CM Punk(Champion)
-John Cena(injured)
-The Big Show
-Kane & Bryan(Tag Champions)
-Rey Mysterio
-The Miz(IC Champion)

So on RAW we have Cena who I'm bored to death of but will be back sooner rather than later, the Big Slow who has been overseas, Mysterio who is now in a team, & Kane & Bryan who are busy w/ the tag division.

World Heavyweight Championship Contenders:
-Alberto Del Rio
-Dolph Ziggler(MitB)
-Randy Orton
-Wade Barrett
-Mark Henry(injured)

On Smackdown there are alot more options. But we are still left with Del Rio who EVERYONE is bored seeing lose to Sheamus, Ziggler who we all know won't face off for the title till he cashes in, as well as Barrett & Orton who have been nowhere near the world title.

I don't think the Main Event picture has been this stale since Cena was facing off against Khali & Umaga and Mr. McMahon was ECW Champion.
Seeing as cena will only be out for 5-6 weeks, its most likely that a last minute rplacement will be put in the wwe title match for hell in a cell. I think that a couple replacements could be either big show, rey mysterio, or dolph ziggler. The most likely of those three is mysterio, because he is one of those guys who is over enough with the crowd that he can switch from main event to midcard whenever they need him to. Big show could be ok, but with talks of him being the next feud for sheamus, i dont think it will be him. Dolph is the most unlikely option because he has the case for smackdown, so it would be weird for him to face the champion on raw. Mysterio and Punk have had good matches in the past, so thats the likely option.
The Miz, I think he could have a good feud with CM Punk in fact. They're both good on the mic and they can use Miz agreeing with Lawler's comments about him turning his back on the WWE Universe on commentary a few weeks ago, as the set up for this feud. Miz could work as a face for the feud too. I think now could be the right time to turn him face anyway, he showed small glimpses of himself as babyface on commentary a few weeks ago when he was putting over the faces & burying Punk for walking out, and he has babyface catchphrases; what I mean by that is he always getting reactions from the crowd on the mic & they chant along with him whenever he's screaming out his catchphrases like "Really?" and "I'm The Miz & I'm Awesome". Hell, if Miz could put as much effort in with "Really" as much as Daniel Bryan has with "Yes", "Really?" could become the new "What?" in time. He has potential as face & in a feud with Punk, WWE need to capitalize on it. Also I don't think a loss to Ryback will drag him down cause Ryback is a future main eventer, at least he'd be losing to a future main eventer, not someone who is gonna go nowhere, like Alex Riley.
Ziggler and Barrett. With Ziggler, it is obvious and rumor was that they were getting ready to give Barrett a good push just before he got injured. one person i would be surprised to see get a push is Ryback. i don't think he is main event talent but i could see it happening.

Sandow is someone who i also think could fit in pretty easily. look at how many times he has been involved with someone at the main event level(Edge this past week, DX before). A few high profile wins and i could easily see him in the main event picture.

biggest problem is though, what happens to the other guys? look at Orton right now- kind of just floating around, not really doing anything. you get too many people in that main event picture and guys like Ziggler, Sandow, etc could easily turn into Jack Swagger. before anyone gets pushed, wwe needs to figure out how to thin out the herd a little and get guys like Orton and Cena off of tv for a while so that these new guys have a place.

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