WWE Looking to hurt Hulkamania tour?


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I cant find any other threads on this so thought I would start 1. I noticed the story on the main pages that WWE are apparantly looking to hurt Hulk Hogans upcoming tour. So far they have already tried to sign up Ric Flair but he was unable to entertain the idea having already signed up for Hulk. What are everybodys thoughts on wwe's selfish behaviour do they really see Hogans tour as a threat or is it just yet another way for VKM to flex his corporate muscles and shaft Hogan?
In all fairness, it was Hogan who immediately made it clear that he doubted Ric Flair would stay retired just after Mania 24. If anything, it's Hogan trying to take a jab at WWE by undoing one of the most important and memorable angles of all time - Ric Flair's retirement.

"Flair's his own man and should do whatever makes him happy." - that's what all the big names are saying in interviews but you can bet your ass that they're saying something very different behind the scenes. This is a huge, depressing mistake on Flair's part in my opinion. He's sixty. I was never on the "Flair needs to retire already" bandwagon over the last twenty years but I am now for one simple reason: He DID retire.

Everything Hogan knows about business he learned from Vince McMahon. If Vince is trying to ruin Hogan's Australia tour momentum, it's nothing Hogan doesn't expect or wouldn't do in his shoes.
Flair should stay retired and not do this match. There's plenty of opponents for hogan but hogan is doing a couple things here. 1. Rebuild his legacy from the whole divorce thing with linda. 2. Hurt WWE. If he gets Flair in a match then he'll pretty much nullify Flair's retirement ceremony. Flair's better than Hogan. I personally think Flair should stay retired. If Flair goes on with this match he'll think he can still go. He'll turn into another Hogan. Someone who keeps retiring just to keep coming back. Then there's Flair's age. One miscalculated move and Flair's in a wheel chair or worse. I have immense respect for naitch so if I was given the chance I'd beg him not to have the match. Not saying he shouldnt participate in the event, just manage or do a run-in or something.
Vince McMahon is the biggest cockblocker known to mankind so no surprise here that he's trying to sabotage something that isn't wwe created. Competition or no competition, it's what he does. To Vince it's business and sabotaging is part of his business. He tried to sabotage Booker T's charity during Mania weekend, he took top guys from the original ECW when they first got a tv deal, he started to raid ROH when he found out they were on Monday Nights, put a copyright infringement lawsuit on WCW when he claimed Hall & Nash were using there WWF/E personas in WCW, he tries to entice TNA stars whenever there contract is up contracts to bite the bait so he can put them away like he did with Christian, Gail Kim, Braden Walker and Monty Brown. Seriously this is not a shock. This man bought out promotions to put on the shelf. So no surprise here! Vince is a certified cockblocker!
So what if he wants to work a match? It's his life to do with what he wants. If he wants to stay retired he can, if he wants to work a match, he can. If Vince thought he could make a nickel off a Flair return angle he'd do it in a heartbeat and we all know it. Vince wouldn't even think twice about the retirement ceremony.
It's no secret Mcmahon and Hogan have had a shakey relationship through the years. So I wouldn't be surprised if Hogan wanted to keep Flair away from WWE, and have him in a pretty high profiled match. I mean it's Flair and Hogan, two of the biggest names in the business ever. At first it kind of bothered me when I read about rumors of Flair returning to the ring, but if that's what he wants to do, then that's what he's going to do, and I have no problem with it. I kind of wish this match was happening in the WWE at times. It wouldn't be the main event of any ppv, but WWE would make a big deal out of it, and promote the hell out of it.
When i heard that wwe was trying to sign flair away from the tour i thought maybe they are going to try and sign some of the others like umaga or kennedy.
The same morons who say Brett Favre should stay retired are the same morons saying Flair should stay retired. Guess what guys, you only live once and when your dead its over. As long as Flair is capable and it makes him happy he should wrestle no matter what. Not to mention that Flair could evidently really use the money since Highspots is selling his belt. I no he is not letting that thing go willingly. Anyway I think this article was just trying to make a story where their is none. I have heard for months that WWE sponsors wanted him to bring Flair back on t.v. in some capacity. I dont think Vince cares at all about the Hulkamania tour since it is not going to be televised or anything else. If nothing else it helps promote wrestling in Australia more. So my opinion is whoever wrote this article was just looking for attention.
He's 60 years old and he DID retire. He DID have a retirement ceremony and his final match was amazing and shouldn't be diminished. Flair's legacy would be tarnished if he comes back for this. I just don't like the idea of this. I understand why Hogan is doing this tour, but Flair should be doing this.
what a fucking douce bag...........mcasshole needs to concern himself with trying to help wwe's ratings because this shit with celebs hosting raw ain't helping none, instead of worrying about a project that has nothing to do with him nor his stupid, lame ass company......... you all remember that shit last year with wwe threating to sue hulk's celebrity wrestling because of beefcake wanting to use his name, this ain't no different, just mcasshole throwing that huge ASS EGO of his around. SCREW HIM FLAIR HAS EVERY RIGHT TO DO WHATEVER HE WANTS TO DO!! AND THAT INCLUDES HULK TOO!!
WHO gives a rats ass? So vince wants to hurt it? Big deal. It's what he's done all his career, and because of it we got to see some of the most amazing talent around! Who want's to watch old saggy boy in a match with the hulkster anyway? The last good match both men had was against HBK. Coincidence? No. Neither can work a good match anymore so let them go and fail!
who gives a rat's ass? OBVIOUSLY YOUR ASS DID, YOU TOOK THE TIME TO POST DIDN'T YOU.......... and it is a big deal mcasshole is a big ass bully throwing his weight around as usual over something that's NONE OF HIS GOD DAMN BUSINESS, most of the guy's on the tour haven't wrestled for him in years so why should he care, they have to earn a living just like every body else, so unless mcasshole is gonna cough up some of that billion dollars he's sitting his fat ass on and pry them away from hogan's tour then he needs to shut the hell up and don't worry about it, as far as hulk and flair wrestling each other again, i was never a fan of flair's but since he alway's spoke very highly of hulk and his career i have to give him his props, WHO WANTS TO WATCH OLD SAGGY BOY IN A MATCH WITH THE HULKSTER ANY WAY? I'D RATHER WATCH THIS CRIPLE OLD MAN, AND SAGGY BOY WRESTLE ANY DAY, THEN TO WATCH TWO FIFTY YEAR OLD'S POINTING AT THEIR '' HERPES'' INFESTED CROUCHES, AND A FAKE ASS ENIMEM WRESTLE ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!!!!
This is just another clear cut example of what a bitter, selfish, vindictive old man Vince McMahon can be. Here, this tour is absolutely no threat to McMahon whatsoever, but just because Hogan is involved, he has to do his best to sabotage the thing.

Again, the emphasis should be that this tour in Australia is absolutely no competition to Vince in any way, yet still he has to go to these lengths like a spoiled brat who doesn't get his way.

Maybe Stephanie will wise up and take lessons from her mother and her brother, and let Vince do it all on his own, so that way he can handle every single thing himself, since obviously in his mind everyone else not named Vince McMahon is clearly incompetent.

Concentrate on your own product Vince, instead of worrying about your personal grudges. Believe me, it needs some attention these days.
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I find it funny, Hogan announces an Aussie Tour, TNA announces an Aussie Tour so now the WWE has announced an Aussie Tour. Not gona go to the Hogan tour, might go to the TNA one early next year... The Smackdown/ECW one is meh until seeing who is on the roster around that time next year. For McMahon trying to take Flair away, why bother. Let a few thousand Aussies see Hogan and Flair wrestle live. It won't hurt your business at all since there tour is next month or something, TNA in Jan/FEb 2010 and SD/ECW like July 2010.
I wasn't surprised when I read this, it's what McMahon has always done.

It's just McMahon thinking he is entitled to have control of everything.

I'm really looking forward to the Hulkamania tour.

I won't be able to attend of course, but I wish I was there!

I hope it's a huge success.

McMahon should really concern himself with improving his own rather poor product rather than worrying about anybody else.
Mcmahon is a self righteous arrogant butthead lol. Honestly...For me I always love him when I see that ridiculous walk and cant help but to smile but he could use a reality check and be humble once. I dont give a fresh dog turd about this Hulkamania Tour, but yeah Ive lost respect for Flair but in the same sense finally learned Wrestler's never really retire. I dont care what ANYBODY says but he damn well took Bryan Danielson and Nigel from ROH to tell ROH "Dont fu** with us" even though I doubt they even get so much as a .2 in the ratings being on DirecTV HDnet. Mcmahon wants to keep his lil Wrestling Monopoly which is good but he freaks out over no big deal situations they wont do The E any harm.
I don’t care what Vince tries to pull off here. I don’t think he can hurt a tour that features the Icon of the WWF and the Icon of WCW as the Main Event. Looking at the rest of the card, there are some Superstars on there that fans still want to see. If anything, Vince might be able to pull in some income by having a show of their own, but I’m sure it won’t make Hogan cancel his. The name value alone is too big for Vince to hurt. The Hulkamania Tour could be just Hogan vs. Flair and it would sell like crazy.
I am at a complete loss that whenever a former WWE superstar is wished the best in future endeavors by WWE that WWE then tries to screw up those future endeavors. The fact is that many of these guys only know pro wrestling. Guys like Booker T and Hulk Hogan who are trying to start up various shows or promotions are trying to get on with their lives and doing what they do and know best and that's working in the wrestling business. This Hulkamania tour will not hurt Vince McMahon in the least. Vince is vindictive. Screw up a relationship with him and he'll do everything in his power to make your life miserable. The bottom line is this: Hulk Hogan is not employed by WWE and he has not made any offers to current superstars to join his tour. With nobody in WWE affected, let him be.

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