WWE Logo

Slam Master

Pre-Show Stalwart
Does anyone else really hate the WWE logo? I hate that stupid grafitti look it's had since the attitude era. I think they should change it to look like the old gold WWF logo, but without the F part, obviously. Anyone agree? Stupid thread, I know, but I had to get it off my chest.
I think it needs an update because I associate the "scratch" logo with the Attitude Era. I wouldn't go for the "classic" look, they just need to do an all new logo all together.
I think they need to concentrate on making the show as good as it was when the current logo was first revealed than mess around changing things. At the moment, that symbol means something to fans and also to former, attitude era fans. It might sound stupid but that logo can still make them take notice of ads or products. The logo changes and those old fans don't recognise what they're seeing. It's just like if McDonald's stopped using the golden arches. they'd lose money because of it.
I guess I hadn't actually given it much thought personally. I see your point though that it's a little outdated on the premise that it was brought in for the Attitude Era. This is a different era all together so they should remodel. I suspect they just aren't that concerned with people's reactions to the logo as it is really is just a minority of fans that really would pay attention to the style of the logo. But yeah. I could understand a revamp. But I will say I'd also rather they not go back to the old school lettering. Something new and cool.
i always thought that they should've just add an extra "line" to the WWF logo, to make it read WWE, because when you look at the logo, it basically just says WW :)

but it should be updated anyway for the new "era"
Right now it would not benefit the WWE. changing the logo. It is recognizable to even the casual fan at this point.

Branding is very hard in the entertainment industry and when you have something that works you need to stick with it. Especially when your product isn't that over mainstream wise.

McDonald's has tweaked the spelling of the word several times, but the arches are iconic. Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC...it took awhile for it to catch but it is so widespread society just accepts it.

Pepsi just changed and was hit with backlash because it looked too different than what people where use to. It also looked like the Barack Obama campaign logo a bit which hinted at cheesy/bandwagon-y and didn't sit well with folks. But now months later...no one cares.

WWE will not be recognized as easily if they changed in my opinion. They need to be accepted back into society's fold before it happens. The last change came when the industry was at it's hottest. They need that wave to crest again.
The logo worked best when it still had the F attached to it, I think, because you could look at it next to the old WWF logo and see the resemblance and how it was basically a radical redisign of the old logo. Obviously, they had to drop the F, which sort of messed things up. Still, I think it looks good - it's very, very recognizable. I think it's come to be the mainstay look of WWE nowadays, it's on the WWE Championship belt, and it's a solid logo for the company. It's a bit outdated, perhaps, but it represents the WWE well. A logo change is usually a bit of a rough thing to pull off, and now, when wrestling is suffering, there's no beneficial reason to change it. It's working just fine, I think, so I say just let it be.
i like the current logo. im 20 now and have been watchin for like 13 years. i guess it grew on me lol. also i like the tna logo for some reason.

kinda wondering why smackdown lost its !
and also annoyed at some of my old dvds from the vault that have the wwf logo blurred out
Absolutely it should change to reflect the new era of wrestling. I like the idea of a retro style logo, i was hoping a little while back that JBL would win the WWE belt and change that dumb ass spinner belt back lol, but yeah as for the company logo with no doubt time for a change.
It would be good for an update but NO dont go back to the old school gold thing. That would look shit now, it need's to be fresh.

The current one does make you think attitude era as soon as you see it though so yes i would like a change.
I don't mind them still using the old "scratch" logo. I've always thought it looked good and I think it's gotten to the point where it can work for just about an era. It's damn near timeless.

However, as trashboy mentioned, I've never understood why they didn't just add an "E". From a marketing standpoint, it makes no sense to have an acronym logo of the company name that's clearly missing a letter. It really does look like "WW". It seems like they were too lazy to incorporate an "E" into the design, probably because it'd require a new logo all together. They told us to get the "F" out, but they can't get the "E" in. Nice.
all it would of took is to add and extra line to the wwf logo and on homevidz too instead of blurring. i agree. KUDOS
I do agree that it needs an upgrade but there are only so many good ways to make 3 letters seem interesting.
I think they should wait until they make the full-on transition to the next era. Essentially, that will be within the next 5 years, when all of your veterans are retiring. Undertaker, HBK, Kane, HHH, Mysterio...these guys will be gone. Your new veterans will be Edge, Orton, Cena...these guys. Then, I think they should look into replacing the scratch logo with something a bit more universal. And, of course, something that actually has an E in it.
I think the scratch logo is dated, but I agree with NoFate. It will be around for a while yet, as there are more retirements from the biz. I personally liked the old school logo, but Cena uses it for his merch, so don't expect that back anytime soon.

Look for something fresh. The WWE always seems to amaze us with how they can change formats and do all the things necessary to keep their product fresh. A new logo would be nice, but it's not happening anytime soon.
for those of you that think the logo represents the attitude era, you gotta think, a lot of the younger audience has no knowledge of said era. you know we pick at a lot of stuff on here, the writing sucks, the program is stale, blah blah. but when we start bitchin about things about championship designs and logos, aren't we just splitting hairs? seriously, take a step back and realize that were bitchin about a logo! just sayin.
The classic look WWE logo is horrible, I think if they changed it back I wouldn't be buying anymore WWE merchandise. It's definately the worst of the lot. I have no problem with the current logo, it doesn't look bad. Why would they spend millions changing it on everything, when the result would be that some wouldn't know it was the WWE's new logo - at the moment the current one is recognised by most people in the world, fan or not.
The logo changes and those old fans don't recognise what they're seeing. It's just like if McDonald's stopped using the golden arches. they'd lose money because of it.

It is really funny to me to think that the WWE would lose money if they changed their logo. The WWE changes stuff all the time - surely a logo change would barely be known. It is surprising to me that they don't change it more often. Compared to most things in the WWE - the logo has changed the least.
As Owen Hart once said, "Enough is enough and it's time for a change!!!"

A new logo has to be made at some point. We're in the middle of a new era in WWE.

I have always imagined some sort of hybrid between the classic logo and the current logo seeing as how right now they're melding things from the Rock n Wrestling Era and the Attitude Era.

WWE can take all the time they need to make one, but it's gotta happen sooner or later.
I think where a change would be welcomed, the true matter is, what to?

The problem is, we're so use to the WWE logo that where the scratch look was that of the attitude era, when the logo changed to WWE, it represented an era change entirely, now it's overly used that changing it would be pointless, does McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Burger King, etc change their logo? More that they kept and fine tuned it because that's how recognition of a company comes, through the logo.

I think if they changed the logo to read WWE, it would look shit! The WWF logo was just right, nicely done, the WW that WWE use for the current logo is a much tidier version of that logo. It won't really go, I can't see why they would given the whole WWF lawsuit with the pandas, the effort to change the logo again? Give another 10 years maybe, but not now.
I'm almost 18, and I liked the late pre-attitude years a lot better than the attitude era. I couldn't stand all of the crap they did, so I switched to WCW around '97 and stopped watching WWF completely after HBK left. I was so mad when WCW went under, I stopped watching wrestling altogether until last August when my brother ordered SummerSlam. I watch raw and SD every week now. To me, the gold logo represents the time when I think wrestling hit its peak. It's nowhere near as good as it used to be. It would be nostalgic to me and probably a lot of others if they went to a classic style logo. They probably won't.

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