WWE Juniors Division??

Long Island Iced D

Dedicated Zack Ryder Nut-hugger
In case anybody didn't remember, the WWE juniors division featured midget or "little people" wrestling. It ran from about October 2005 to March 2006 I believe and although I guess it featured some talented "little people" it was turned into a joke by the WWE.

Reflecting on it, what do you think was the point of this division?
Would a midget division ever work in the WWE if executed differently?
Would Hornswoggle win the division title?
Last question was a joke
I remember the juniors division. Thought it was a pretty good idea actually, not for comedic reasons, but because I had seen some little people who were pretty good wrestlers. I just hadn't seen it enough. I don't think WWE would bring back the juniors division, though. Seems like they used to use it as filler and they are using long promos and divas matches for that at the moment so, unless they are serious about the division, there just isn't enough room in the show. As for Hornswoggle winning the division title, what is there to joke about? You know he'd keep that thing for years!:laugh:
My guess is that this was an experiment gone awry. Midget wrestling has its place and it's own sect of fans but they are not WWE fans or at least not the ones on this forum.

Today a midget division might be good for Vince's wallet given that the product is geared towards children. That being said there is no room on any of the shows except maybe Superstars on which, well I won't lie, it wold be hilarious to watch little people beat the crap out of each other especially opposed to all the same matches week in and out (seriously how many times can Masters beat Tyler Reks). So in the end would it be funny, Hell yes. Would it be worth it to give them a division (with things as they are) Hell no. As for Hornswoggle get ready for every poster on this site to shit on your life for even suggesting he should have a job let alone be the staple of a division of any kind (although I personally like the little guy in small doses).
Every 10 years Vince brings em back. In the 80's, 90's and 2000 he had it. I don't want to see it. Too many people make fun of it or complain. Waste of space and time for the "it" fans.
The point I would guess is to make money. That's the point of anything Vince does. I guess he was hoping it would become an attraction.

I doubt it. The audience wouldn't take them seriously, it would be a comedy segment more or less.

As bad as they use Hornswoggle, I could see this getting old fast.
No matter how talented, and serious the competitors end up being, the creative team will turn the division into joke segments, that will turn stale quick, for both fans, and performers.
In Triple A the Mini Divison is anyone under 5'6 which means Rey Jr. should of been in the WWE's verison but since obviously that would of been a bad idea it ended up being much smaller wrestlers.

But Mini's had been in the WWF before the name Max Mini comes to mind and the picture of him sitting on The Kings lap. I believe that was back in 97?

Im not sure if it was meant completely as a comedic relief or if WWE was honestly trying to bring the Mini's from Mexico to the WWE as a lot of them were well known Mini Wrestlers.
I do not see a Junior division return any time soon because i think most people in the WWE see think of red necks wrestling in a puddle of beer when they hear the words midget and wrestling in the same sentences. it would never be taken seriously, and based on hornswoggle, the matches would be funnt but not very long or good.
"Aye...I remembah..."- Johnathan "Fruity Pebbles" Cena

I thought it was dumb. Didn't Finlay massacre one of them last time they were seen? Who green lit that? At first, I thought it'd be fun, but this is the big leagues(no pun intended). midget wrestling belongs on it's own.
I remember the Juniors Division... it was Smackdown exclusive. I only remember seeing one or two matches before the entire roster got future endeavored a short time after its introduction. From what I could gather, the whole point of the division was a joke... a laughing stock meant for cheap giggles and little else. If I remember correctly, the crowds absolutely hated it. Even the "magic" of WWE TV couldn't miracle away the chorus of boos and deragatory chants.

Which brings us to so-called "midget" wrestling in the first place. If pro-wrestling is seen by the general public and critics as a decidedly low-brow form of entertainment, then midget wrestling knocks that bar about a foot or two lower. In theory, the concept of an "under so-and-so height" division screams both inclusion and the concept of a level playing field. In practice though it's presenting two little people beating each other up to the delight of no one... at least not the general population that Vinces newly christened "media company" would be catering (or outright pandering) to.

That said, I don't think we're going to see a bonafide Juniors Division return anytime soon. Vince does bring back the little people in limited roles every 5 to 10 years or so, but he now has a mainstay (ie; Hornswoggle) to fill that requirement. My guess? We won't see anything resembling active competition between smaller guys anytime soon. I mean in all fairness, small-ish guys like Evan Bourne can't even catch a break ;-)

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