WWE Is A Massive Cunt


Lord And Master
Staff member
According to PWInsider.com, despite WWE's continued claims that TNA is not competition to them, it's being said that when TNA announced it would be taking Impact on the road, WWE began calling a number of mid-sized venues and placing them on hold so TNA cannot book them for events.
It's also being said that if TNA does in fact run shows every Thurday night that WWE is considering running events on the same nights in the same areas, possibly in an attempt to lure fans away from TNA.

Well according to them anyway. It seems WWE would scramble to put off Wrestlemania until October if TNA announced Bound For Glory to take place in New York.
Maybe Vince is upset at TNA for trying the same thing in 2010, who knows?

Either way its unnecessary to do so. If TNA is on Thursday then they aren't gonna take any fans away from your show. If this is indeed true Vince is obviously doing it to be a dick.
It's not that it's unfair, it's just how ridiculous it is to think WWE would scramble their house show schedule and book arenas without scheduling shows in said places for the sole purpose of sabotaging TNA's tapings.

Not to mention, TNA has only 1 announced taping location. How the hell did WWE formulate such a detailed strategy with so little info?
It's not that it's unfair, it's just how ridiculous it is to think WWE would scramble their house show schedule and book arenas without scheduling shows in said places for the sole purpose of sabotaging TNA's tapings.

Not to mention, TNA has only 1 announced taping location. How the hell did WWE formulate such a detailed strategy with so little info?

Maybe they are just holding them so that they don't lose them as opposed to holding them to just piss off TNA?
It's not that it's unfair, it's just how ridiculous it is to think WWE would scramble their house show schedule and book arenas without scheduling shows in said places for the sole purpose of sabotaging TNA's tapings.

Not to mention, TNA has only 1 announced taping location. How the hell did WWE formulate such a detailed strategy with so little info?

And since when do you believe every single thing you read on the various online wrestling sites, Killjoy? I seem to recall discussing this with you on here a year or so ago.
And since when do you believe every single thing you read on the various online wrestling sites, Killjoy? I seem to recall discussing this with you on here a year or so ago.
I obviously made the post to mock how fake the report is.

It's also being said that if TNA does in fact run shows every Thurday night that WWE is considering running events on the same nights in the same areas, possibly in an attempt to lure fans away from TNA.

Tell me what wins. A house show, or 2 episodes of a TV show? WWE putting house shows next to TNA's tapings would also help expose WWE fans to TNA. I would put it past TNA to have wrestlers show up and promote the TV show. They've done it already.
True or false, fair or unfair, it's undoubtedly smart. WWE should keep TNA under their thumb. Just because WWE doesn't currently consider TNA real competition doesn't mean that Vince and Co. should ignore them until they become real competition.
TNA will never be real competition.

At what point is a company considered competition? Not a dicky question, by the way, honest. Just wondering the small print of it all?

I know there are people who choose to watch TNA and not WWE (though that hardly means much). Thats not competition? And that more people in the UK and Ireland watch TNA than WWE. Surely that tickles vince a little.

But at what point are they competition, if not already? Minor competition, sure, like a rash on your leg maybe. Nothing major. Couple million more viewers and they could give smackdown a run for their money in the US.

I'd treat that rash, just like Vince is.

But I'm not sure he can kill them off. How much is he willing to spend to hold back another company? Its only a smart move for so long.
I think Dixie is the source here. She is proactively preparing an excuse for daddy in case of future failings on the road.

BS report. How many mid-size venues can WWE afford to hold? How much more expensive would it be to have house shows follow TNA to parts of the country they were never planning on being near at the time? Why isn't SD, Raw or Main Event on Thursday? Why isn't every Raw Rebound a clip of Hogan's sex tape or Angle's TMZ stories?

I don't doubt WWE brass know TNA exists and follows their business somewhat. WWE probably would do things that don't have TNA's best interest at heart (sign away talent, bring back Bret Hart) but these items are extremely hard to believe.

But most importantly remember, it's not that I have a small penis, it's that all the women I have ever been intimate with coincidentally all have massive *****.
One major company is ensuring another smaller company in the same market is not gonna be a threat to them by limiting them?
NO! REALLY? Spread this shit to as many corporations as possible, Apple will pay millions for this strategy!

Poor TNA, the victim of corporate greed. Also the same company that accused WWE of stealing talent just because Ric Flair and other talents that left considered joining the WWE.

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