WWE involved in another lawsuit


Championship Contender
A wrestling fan from Indiana is suing World Wrestling Entertainment and wrestlers Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Paul Levesque (Triple) H for an incident that happened at WWE Judgement Day 2000 from Louisville, Kentucky.

During the main event of Judgement Day between The Rock and Triple H, the two wrestlers brawled into the crowd and the fan alleges that he was injured during the scuffle.

The lawsuit accuses the WWE of failing to properly provide adequate security for its customers. Both Johnson and Levesque are accused of “reckless, willful and wanton conduct.” The fan is seeking a jury trial and compensatory and punitive damages.

Harris Berman, the fan's attorney, said that because the fan was only 7 years old (a minor) at the time of the incident, the lawsuit is not prohibited by the statute of limitations. According to Mr. Berman, the fan has been to various doctors over the years concerning his leg and recently had surgery, spurring him to file the lawsuit.

Credit: Lordsofpain.net

I live an hour away from Louisville and I thought this was just a rumor untill I saw it on the news last night. So how do you think this will play out in court?
It took eleven years because the boy was just a minor when it happened. He is now 18 years old and can sue. I guess when he was seven his parents didn't want to sue but now he can. I don't see WWE losing much from this. Maybe he's just a huge fan and wants to meet these guys in court. :lol:
Oh I see. Interesting. I still don't see his claim 11 years later though. Just looking for money it seemsl but that's how we settle things in the states: lawsuits.
I couldn't stop laughing when I read this, tbh he went to watch he should have at the very least expecting to be shoved *in those days atleast* and so he gets pushed by The Rock, oh THE HORROR...

Wait, he don't get shoved by The Rock, and The Rock shoves a lady onto him, sheesh he doesn't even have a claim to fame now... stupid fool...
What a fricken loser, I am pretty sure that when he got bumped into he had nothing but a smile on his face that he felt like he was involved in the match and was star struck. Now he wants to use it to get money. He should be embarresed of himself. Damn if thats the case then we should start sueing claiming those pyrotechnics made me miss that phone call last week. I hope this kid gets hit by a car so he actually has something to sue for.
That kid is stupid. Get over it. You got injured and I'm pretty sure the leg got fixed up. If anyone wants to watch the match and confirm it, then sue away. Otherwise, if you don't remember it, don't sue.
Good luck with that there is something called Statue of Limitations and in almost every case its 7 years. The only exceptions I know ever granted have been in the sex abuse due to the traumatic nature. I expect WWE legal will have this case dismissed before the ink is dry on the subpoenas
Im not from America and laws work a lot different here (for better or worse thats another argument) but I dont see the argument in his claim. Why is it WWE's responsibility to provide for his safety. Isn't that the job of his parents/caregivers? If he was only seven why were his parents not protecting him from danger, how did they allow him to get close enough to get hurt. Here in New Zealand there would be no suing, they'd just pull the parents aside and say you're idiots look after your own kid. The parents obviously werent concerned or they would have pursued this 11 years ago. This kid is just trying to make a quick buck. Besides which Im sure WWE has the best lawyers in the country, so unless you are mega rich before you sue them then good luck with that.
Hell! While we are at it I was watching RAW the other night and sat to close to the TV and strained my eyes so I think I should sue WWE as well. Surely its there fault.
When I read this I thought this was so petty and pathetic. Judgment Day 2000 was 11 years ago and now he wants to sue? Triple H is still there but The Rock is not so I dunno what real grounds this can happen on other than some alleged injury. I guess for all the Shows ive been too I can sue for the Pyro being too loud. People will do anything to get money and attention these days,its really sad.
Haha yeah I am from NZ as well and we dont sue. Best case senario for this kid here would be an ACC (Accident Compensation) claim, and MAYBE if he was insanely lucky he might get $2 a week for rest of live. Seriously what a tool. Unless the lady that fell on him was 500 pound harden up sook, and if it was a serious injury Mum and Dad would have sue 11 yrs back. Move to NZ poof and learn to harden up.

P.S if HHH fell on me it would be the best day EVER
Good luck with that there is something called Statue of Limitations and in almost every case its 7 years. The only exceptions I know ever granted have been in the sex abuse due to the traumatic nature. I expect WWE legal will have this case dismissed before the ink is dry on the subpoenas

The SoL is tolled when you're a minor because you're deemed incapable of initiating an action on your behalf. The kid just turned 18, so he can file suit. Of course, that doesn't exactly mean he has a chance. Assumption of the risk probably is the best defense, as the ticket to the event probably had some sort of waiver on it saying you assumed the risk of attending the event, just like most sports events. (longer discussion of sports and assuming the risk here: http://www.ispub.com/ostia/index.php?xmlFilePath=journals/ijlhe/vol4n2/sport.xml. Considering the Complaint is alleging "willful and wanton" conduct, the kid is trying to get around this defense, which is probably enough to 12(b)(6) the whole thing.

And even if the case somehow got to trial, the amount would probably be reduced because of comparative negligence (amount dependent on whether the case is filed in IN or KY).

I really can't see this going anywhere. It's just publicity for the plaintiff's attorney.
Im not from America and laws work a lot different here (for better or worse thats another argument) but I dont see the argument in his claim. Why is it WWE's responsibility to provide for his safety. Isn't that the job of his parents/caregivers?

In America, today's ideology is to thrust personal responsibility as far away from yourself as possible; which means thrusting it onto someone else.

If this kid was legitimately hurt at the event, his parents would have contacted WWE, probably before the damn PPV was over. And, if there was an injury, the company's lawyers would have been all over it back then.

As it is, the kid doesn't want the trial to go before a jury; he's looking for a negotiated cash settlement. For that matter, WWE doesn't want it to go to a jury, either, since American juries drip with sympathy whenever a child has been hurt. Although it would probably look better to put a 7-year-old on the stand, rather than an 18-year-old.

Maybe they'll offer him a small settlement to make him go away.
How ironic would it be if WWE ends up turning around and GETTING money from the guy thats sueing them, instead of the other way around, man that would be estherical....

Anyway what asshole sues a company that they are/were for an accident that happened over a decade ago? Besides thats fucking chump change to the wwe that the guy is probably trying to get.Hope the dude loses and makes NO money at all, and loses even more in court, maybe if his parents sued 11 years ago when it happened than MAYBE, just Maybe they have a chance of winning, but now this case is a big joke. All well this is just a chance for a quick laugh, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, the IWC and WWE fans may unite, and actually hate the same person: An Asshole trying to be a huge dick and try to sue WWE for and acciendent that happened 11 years ago....

This does make me wonder if the person is a part of this site, and reading these very comments........ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........
In America, today's ideology is to thrust personal responsibility as far away from yourself as possible; which means thrusting it onto someone else.

This. Right here. THIS is what's going to be the undoing of America.

You need to be responsible for your own actions, and not worry about anyone else's.

Bravo, Sally, Bravo!
the WWE will not give the kid a dime. As others have mentioned, its the assumption of risk warning that is printed on the tickets. There is a very good reason those are there, it protects the venue, team, and league from accidental injuries like getting hit by a baseball or hockey puck, from a basketball player diving into the stands to get a ball, etc. There is a ton of legal precedent for the WWE to lean on. I don't buy the statute of limitations not applying because he was a minor logic either...nothing would have stopped his parents from suing on his behalf.
The Rock and Triple H? i would be privileged to be injured by them.. no im joking. He might have been marking the days down from when he was seven. lol

Well looks like it might be worth it to sue them because of his leg and get the money back for the operation.
How is it worth it? WHen it happened, he was probably so excited about it that he didn't care. I doubt it caused his leg injury when he played football and raced stock cars. You don't think all those crashes had something to do with it? The punk, just wants money that he isn't going to get.
I want to know if this guy has any real proof like was he on tape when Rock/HHH were fighting in the audience? Can we see him get bumped? But yeah this is pretty pathetic. Just another puss puss wanting the E's money.
This is just ignorant on this guy's part. I read in another article that he played football and raced stock cars. Yeah, that can have damaging effects on your knee as well. WWE is gonna pinpoint that. There's no proof that this knee surgery he's scheduled to have actually stemmed from the HHH/Rock incident, or that he was even injured. He's not going to get a dime from WWE and he should be hit with the gavel for wasting WWE's time and tying up our court systems with something this stupid.
This will certainly just be a dead end for the person who filed the lawsuit. The WWE will throw every possible manuver they can at this person, and will exhaust any funds he had to try, and win this suit. He will come out of this less money then he went into it with.
This is stupid. I watched the news video and these people have no case at all. If you listen to them talk the mom and kid says she fell onto him while he was standing on the chair. K let me think if 2 big ass men are fighting and it comes close to you i don't think standing on a chair is the brightest idea. If anything the mom fell into the kid so the kid should be sueing his mom because his mom was the one that knocked him down. Don't you think she should of told him to sit his ass down and be careful. It all stupid now he wants to play pitty of "they robbed me of my child hood" WTF ever you probly didn't have one to begin with if your parents are spending money on damn near front row seats to a WWE event
This lawsuit is stupid. The court should just throw the case out. It happened 11 years ago. I don't care if the person was a minor or not. If the parents didn't sue, then it must've not been that bad.
The kid probably just wants to find a way to pay for college or not have to work for the rest of his life.
Well look at that. A sneaky dance around the Statute of Limitations.

It's his right to sue. However, I don't see much happening. While any company is deemed responsible for maintaining the safety of their patrons....the whole waiting 11 years thing is kind of suspect.

If he gets a good jury though, he'll be set for millions. And in this economy?
Burden of proof though. By waiting this long, how on earth is he going to be able to prove that his injuries occurred because of this supposed incident after 11 years? In American courts, theoretically the WWE is innocent until the prosecution can prove them guilty. How can anyone conclusively prove that any injuries this boy sustained were the result of something that happened at a WWE event? Then, how are they going to get around the liability clause that is printed on every ticket that indicates that the holder of the ticket assumes all liability? I just don't see a provable case anywhere here.

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