WWE: India/Middle East


Tiger Ali Singh, The Great Khali, Daivari, and now Jinder Mahal.

I know WWE wants to have great popularity all over the world but why do they consistently drop the ball with guys of Indian/Middle Eastern descent?

Sure Khali won the world title but he could've been much more of a monster than they made him out to be at the time. They've done a lot more with other monsters who couldn't really wrestle.

Tiger Ali Singh never did anything but Million Dollar Man promo rip offs.

I didn't include Muhammad Hassan because WWE actually tried with him but was the victim of circumstance and bad decisions. WWE used Daivari after Hassan left somewhat in the cruiserweight division but he never got too far.

And now I just can't get into Jinder Mahal.

If WWE wants to gain more popularity in that area of the world they should do what TNA did and bring in Sonjay Dutt, at least he was fun to watch in the ring.
The Great Khali is still employed by the WWE but for the time being he is working as more of a PR representative in India and the surrounding areas. Honestly WWE has never dropped the ball with these guys IMO they just never get a guy who is a really good long term investment or has been the victim of circumstance.

Muhammad Hassan - was set to be a world champ in the very near future but the London bombing happened at exactly the wrong time and UPN got scared of having him on TV.

Daivari - very competent cruiserweight wrestler as was shown by his time in TNA but he just never clicked with the WWE audience. Hell the only time I can remember caring about him was during the Khali vs Kane feud where can kidnapped him and beat him with the hook and chain from see no evil.

The Great Khali - Still in WWE and is crazy popular in India but he is slow and clumsy in the ring and he once again just never clicked with the American audience which is at the end of the day what matters most. Although when he first turned face and donned the Punjabi Playboy gimmick I found it funny and did think he would get a legit second chance but it got really old really fast.

Jinder Mahal - Khali taking a sabbatical could not have come at a worse time for this guy. He had a good story line between him Khali and Runjin with the whole sister being in debt thing and being able to command the 7'3" Khali just made him look legit. When Khali left obviously Runjin won't stick around to continue the story because he isn't a wrestler and so Jinder is left with literally nothing. A month or so later and he's in lower card hell with Ted DiBiasie and getting his ass handed to him by Shemus.

So to reiterate I don't think it's WWE's fault that a Middle Eastern/Indian guy hasn't taken off recently. I also think a lot of the problem may be that when you say Middle East or anything from that area people think of the Iron Shiek or Sabu or even the orginal Shiek. The fact is that the guy who WWE has had recently just haven't clicked and it makes no sense for WWE to get behind a guy who will not bring in money or work well in the long term just to satisfy a surprisingly small demographic of wrestling fans.
I know WWE wants to have great popularity all over the world but why do they consistently drop the ball with guys of Indian/Middle Eastern descent?

It's not so much that WWE has dropped the ball with those guys, it's that they have pushed guys from Indian or Middle Eastern descent who just happen to suck.

Sure Khali won the world title but he could've been much more of a monster than they made him out to be at the time. They've done a lot more with other monsters who couldn't really wrestle.

They pushed Khali through the roof as a monster that only John Cena or Batista could defeat. He could not have been made into more of a monster than they made him. Khali was terrible in the ring and couldn't wrestle to save his life, but they made a believable monster out of him, until they destroyed his character with those stupid Khali Kiss Cam segments. Then you had Ranjin Singh managing him and all he ever did was yell "The Khali says (insert random thing no one cares about here)" and stand around being annoying.

I didn't include Muhammad Hassan because WWE actually tried with him but was the victim of circumstance and bad decisions. WWE used Daivari after Hassan left somewhat in the cruiserweight division but he never got too far.

Hassan could have made it further had it not been for the unfortunate incident that happened the same week he attacked the Undertaker in a controversial way. I definitely think they could have at least tried to use him in a different character. Daivari was mostly nothing to write home about although his TNA run showed his true skills as a heel. I legit hated him there, not "go away" heat but he generated real heel heat from me as Sheik Abdul Bashir.

And now I just can't get into Jinder Mahal.

Neither can I. The only reason I didn't hit fast forward in his last match was because it was against Sheamus who is one of my favorites.

If WWE wants to gain more popularity in that area of the world they should do what TNA did and bring in Sonjay Dutt, at least he was fun to watch in the ring.

Really....? Sonjay Dutt!? REALLY!? Sorry but I disagree 100% there. Sonjay Dutt was one of the worst guys I have ever seen, he was bad even for TNA! Boring in the ring, terribly annoying as a heel, and uninteresting promos.

What they would need to do instead in my opinion is find someone who can generate heel heat the way Bashir did in TNA but with the size of someone like Hassan or even Khali because someone like that would be rather impressive and difficult to drop the ball with. There's your great Indian or Middle Eastern heel right there. The question is who could pull it off? Obviously no one on the current roster.
Muhammad Hassan was the last Middle Eastern I think that couldve been a long term thing in WWE. I loved the character a lot back on RAW! The whole anti-America, undefeated streak thing was great. Got serious heat. Didn't know what happened to him up until now. Which is really unfortunate.

If WWE really needs a guy I think it's Hassan. I don't know if they could use him on TV, but if they can Hassan is my choice.

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