WWE - "I would pay to see..."

Hard Hit Prince

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I would like to know what feuds/storylines you would like to see WWE book, with their current main roster guys. You can base your ideas on clash of characters, or status in the company, etc... Try to state which wrestler is the heel and the babyface, or if they are both heel/face.

Try to get something fresh and never seen before, example, Jack Swagger (heel) vs. The Miz (babyface) for instance. If you think it's fit, move that thread to the non-spam section, if not, spam the shit out of it with your random ideas.
Rock vs Cena was a dream match we all had for years. Glad it happened. And I paid to see that. Apart from that though I can't really think of any current matchup on WWE's roster that I'd actually pay to see. The closest I can think of is probably revisiting Rock vs Brock.

There are a few in TNA though that I would pay to see. Aries vs AJ Styles. Aries vs Angle. Ideally I'd want both guys in both cases to be faces, but Aries as the heel would be fine also.

Styles vs Bully for the world title (that one could well happen within the year) with Bully as the heel of course. Their Slammiversary matchup was awesome and really was the first match where I saw Bully as main event potential.

Problem is a lot of the main event or upper-carders have already worked together at one point or another...

Randy Orton (heel) versus Sheamus (babyface) - It's been a while since these two tangled, and the Big Show throwaway feud could easily turn into this.

Antonio Cesaro & Wade Barrett (heel) versus Kane & Daniel Bryan (babyface) - I'd hoped that the tag titles would drop to Ziggler & Langston at Wrestlemania (even moreso after they teased a continuation of the Shield feud), but what happened happened. Still, I think these two could do a great job as a duo, with Barrett carrying the promos and Cesaro the matches. Of course, Barrett is a mid-card champ...

Kofi Kingston (babyface) versus Bray Wyatt (heel) - I really think this could be a good feud for both men. Wyatt's character and promo could hopefully bring out a stronger edge to Kingston's character and attitude, one we've only seen glimpses of in previous years. I don't rate Wyatt as a future main eventers, but he's defintely going to be a top feature in the mid-card if treated right.

Wade Barrett (heel) versus Christian (babyface) - I don't think these men have ever really worked against each other, and I'd love to see Christian put over Barrett in a good feud (someone has to, considering how much they love stopping his pushes). I'd hoped for a feud with Jericho ending at Mania since he was his NXT mentor, but this would suffice.

The Miz & Zack Ryder (babyface) versus Rhodes Scholars (heel) - Shockingly enough, I think this could be a nice mid-card feud to keep all four busy doing something of import for a couple of months. Intellectualism versus the personifications of pop-culture writes itself, no?

Tensai/Brodus (babyfaces) versus Primetime Playas (heel) - Just another mid-card feud I think could work quite well if they give some promo time to both sides and let them have fun with it. It could start over something completely ridiculous (Playas hitting on one of the cheerleaders?) and just explode into a in-ring feud.

Jack Swagger (heel) versus Kofi Kingston (babyface) - If the Wyatt thing is a no-no, then how about this, for the US Championship? Sell it as Swagger refocusing now that the World Championship is being held by a proper American, and Kofi is African, so...

AJ (heel) versus Kaitlyn (babyface) - They've had these two interact long enough to make a feud out of it for the diva's championship. The matches won't be that pretty, but I'd watch if only for the story behind it.
Mark Henry vs. Triple H. Hunter's career continues, why not have it pass through the Hall of Pain? Mark would be honored to induct an executive into the Hall, because that's what he do!

I'd also like to see Zeb Colter take Antonio Cesaro as his charge, as he is a legal immigrant, speaks perfect English, has a job, and is the United States Champion. Jack Swagger may have to spend a couple of weeks on vacation, but that shouldn't mean Zeb has to go away.
Jack Swagger (heel) vs Brock Lesnar (heel) Angle lite vs Lesnar
Ryback (heel) vs Orton (babyface) Meathook vs Punt in the head.
Cena (babyface) vs Taker (babyface) Streak match obviously.
Orton vs. Lesnar

Cena vs. Orton - I don't care how many times this has happened, both are better now than ever before. Orton as a heel, babyface, I don't care. The matches, today, would be phenomenal.
Big Show Vs AJ.

Brad Maddox Vs The Shield.

Dolph Ziggler Vs JBL.

Undertaker Vs Sting.

Kevin Nash Vs X-Pac.

Donald Trump Vs Lord Sugar.
HBK vs The Rock

Cena vs undertaker

Warrior vs. Hogan

I don't care who they face but id really want to see bret hart, jimmy snuka, and Ricky steamboat
Ryback vs. Lesnar, Kassius Ohno vs. Antonio Cesaro, The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar II, The Undertaker vs. John Cena, Dean Ambrose vs. CM Punk, Seth Rollins vs. CM Punk, Triple H vs. The Rock (one last time), The Undertaker vs. The Rock, Randy Orton vs. The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. CM Punk; I could go on.

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