WWE High On Antonio Cesaro


On the main page and other wrestling sites, there's an article stating that WWE officials are said to be very high on Antonio Cesaro. Some have even gone so far as to say that part of the reason for WWE hiring Sara Del Rey, Cesaro's real life girlfriend, was to help keep Cesaro happy. I dunno about that as Del Rey is said to be arguably the best female wrestler in the world right now and Triple H is someone that has a great eye for talent.

At any rate, the report states that the WWE intends to keep moving Cesaro up the card as they believe he's someone that can make a good deal of money for the company in the long run.

Personally, I'm glad that WWE is able to see Cesaro's potential and that they're also taking their time with him. Moving things slowly with wrestlers has paid off big time for wrestlers like Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler & Daniel Bryan over the past couple of years. I don't believe WWE will take quite as much time with Cesaro, but they're not pushing him into anything that he's not ready for or able to handle at this time.

If Cesaro is someone that's able to deliver on the mic, which I think he has at least the potential to do, then I could see him as a star along the same lines as Sheamus: just a big, physical brawler that can go toe to toe with just about anyone.
I've been commenting on entirely way too many Antonio Cesaro threads lately, but I cannot stress the importance enough that Antonio is a prototypical International Superstar.

So since I've been commenting entirely too much, I'm going to draw out some scenarios on why this is important.

He's more than just an "Indy Darling" or an "Internet Sensation" as many fans envision wrestlers coming from the Indies as being. If anything, he's a freak in this regard. How often do you see a 6'5" 230 lbs, ripped, wrestler that looks like an action movie star come from the indies? And add to the fact that he is a great in-ring technician that can go hold for hold with Daniel Bryan. Even besides that, he can lift a 400 lbs man and springboard off of the ropes in the same match! You just do not see that often.

That's not even the most important part about him.

He can serve as an International ambassador for WWE. He can speak Spanish, French, German, Swiss-German, Italian, and for the amount of times he's been in Japan I wouldn't be surprised if he also was fluent in speaking Japanese. Hell, he may even know even more languages than that. Imagine how big he'll be internationally after a face turn! He represents himself well, and that can only mean good news for WWE.

This isn't just your run of the mill International wrestler, here. Drew McIntyre, Wade Barrett, and even Sheamus aren't as experienced as Antonio, and I don't mean just in a wrestling standpoint. I mean, sure, you can hire a suit in different countries to represent WWE, but it of course doesn't have the impact of an actual WWE Superstar. Wade Barrett and Sheamus (for now) can draw a bigger crowd than Antonio, but they're nowhere near as resourceful.

As far as mic skills, come on guys, this is WWE. If Vince McMahon wants Antonio Cesaro to be great on the mic, then Antonio can become a great promo. Fortunately for Antonio, he's been in front of multiple cultures of crowds for over a decade. He knows how to work all kinds of crowds, and he knows what they like to see. This is something Sheamus is just now getting the hang of. I know that Sheamus has been wrestling for a while as well in Europe before getting into WWE, but he's just now coming into his own.

If I can get anything out of this forum, just know that there is no way that I can guarantee Antonio will be a star, but I just want everyone to realize that Antonio has skills that go way beyond being on TV every Monday night. Out of the ring, Antonio can be one of the most resourceful guys that WWE has ever had. What you do every Monday night is the most important, but just realize that this isn't just a rookie that WWE is taking a chance on.
Antonio Cesaro has impressed me so far. His match with Zack Ryder at Night of Champions is overlooked by many, but that was pretty good display from Antonio Cesaro. The mid-air uppercut looked vicious and could pass off as a possible finisher. Antonio Cesaro's amazing feat of strength this Monday Night RAW when he picked up Brodus Clay for the, "Neutralizer" was impressive as well.

I'm personally glad that WWE are willing to go ahead and push Antonio Cesaro. I remember before SummerSlam I read a report that, "It was Now or Never" with Cesaro and I am glad they chose, "Now" because I believe Antonio Cesaro can offer a lot to WWE. Not only has he shown that he is a great in-ring competitor, but the fact he speak fluent in five different languages will make him a fantastic international ambassador for the WWE.

I am pretty sure that most people will feel the same when I say this, but I am having a hard time investing time into Antonio Cesaro especially since we have not heard him say anything on the microphone other than one word or phrase in five different languages. He needs to talk to more. He needs to start showing more character. Other than that I believe Antonio Cesaro will have a BIG impact on WWE.
Cesaro has no potential lol. All he has is false pride. Antonio, like every mid carder (except miz and ziggy piggy), has made a jackass of himself not only vocally, but also physically (in matches). Just cause he picked up brodus clay doesn't mean you act like he's ur marijuana. WWE should focus on important people such as Lesnar and Taker and Punk instead of building these buffoons. (I wanna see Taker, Lesnar, Punk, Orton, Cena while we have them. After they are gone, WWE is pretty much done). I'll be surprised if anyone agrees with me :p
This is great news. Antonio is a man who loves the business, puts forth the work to continue to improve, and is damn good. He is one of the most unique in ring competitors right now. His moveset is distinct and makes him stand out. He has a good look, physique and I see lots of potential to become a very charismatic figure, not to say that's he's not right now.

Cesaro is good for the business and I am excited to hear that they want to keep him as a part of it.

Cesaro has no potential lol. All he has is false pride. Antonio, like every mid carder (except miz and ziggy piggy), has made a jackass of himself not only vocally, but also physically (in matches). Just cause he picked up brodus clay doesn't mean you act like he's ur marijuana. WWE should focus on important people such as Lesnar and Taker and Punk instead of building these buffoons. (I wanna see Taker, Lesnar, Punk, Orton, Cena while we have them. After they are gone, WWE is pretty much done). I'll be surprised if anyone agrees with me :p

Ridiculousness. That's like saying the Yankees should never draft and develop anymore shortstops or thirdbasemen because Jeter and Rodriguez are there. A wise company should always be building toward the future.

Your post probably would have been more appropriate in the Unpopular Opinion thread. :rolleyes:
Ridiculousness. That's like saying the Yankees should never draft and develop anymore shortstops or thirdbasemen because Jeter and Rodriguez are there. A wise company should always be building toward the future.

Your post probably would have been more appropriate in the Unpopular Opinion thread. :rolleyes:

LOL alright man, its ur opinion I respect it. have fun watching idiots like Cesaro and rhodes and sandow and oh man, how many other worthless time wasters are there? I'll be enjoying CM Punk, Heyman, Lesnar, HHH, Undertaker, etc. :)
But wasnt't it just "reported" on such credible sites such as Wrestlezone a mere couple weeks ago that they were unsure about Cesaro and things could go either way? Now, suddenly, they are high on him.
I like the dude and i'm glad the WWE didnt keep him and his old partner together because who gives a flying fuck about tag teams?
Cesaro is spectacular... in Italian, spettacolare... in German, spektakulär... In French, spectaculaire... In Polish, widowiskowy... In Croatian, spektakularan... In Korean, 장대한...

p.s. in unrelated news, what fuck stick included Kane & Bryan in the pool on the front page. ******.
Well, good thing WWE is high on Cesaro. I was very unsure of him at first but his in-ring ability has impressed me and he is now one of my favorites. I'd say let him remain United States Champion until Ziggler wins the World Heavyweight Championship and have him feud with Ziggler. Just my opinion.
Really seems like the dirt sheets are worthless sometimes. It was not that long ago that they said everyone was very disappointed with Cesaro and they were throwing the US Title at him as a now-or-never sort of test before they would release him. That wasn't more than a few weeks ago and I haven't seen him do much aside from teach a few more words in 5 different languages and do his stupid victory pose. Either one of these reports was BS, or he did something to change their opinion and I haven't noticed it. I still think he's pretty damn boring aside from his uppercut.
He seems to have good potential, but he really hasn't faced anyone that big in the wwe ranks the best wrestler he fought in my eyes was christian, and most of his matches are to short to really get into.

Plus I am not that fond of his finisher, it looks akward, and not that strong, like a weaker version of aj styles finisher. I would rather see that springboard uppercut as his finisher.

But anyway I think it's to soon to know whether or not he will be big. Look at Drew Mcintyre he was posed by VKM to be the next world champion, they even gave him an undefeated streak, and a title in his early run.

But if you look at him not he is barely more than a squash match waiting to happen. I have good hopes for him maybe he can be the next jericho, or randy orton in a few years, but it will all depend on 3 major things.

First. his mic skills. No matter how good a person's in ring skills are a great main eventer needs mic skills, and while I am sure there have been a few in the past who got past having not so great mic skills not everyone is an exception.

second. backstage politics. He has to be likeable by the higher ups, and the wrestlers because if the other wrestlers don't like you they may not give everything to you in the future matches, and depending on how they like him they could either help his future pushes or impede them. Just look at what randy orton did to Kofi Kingston.

third. Injuries his future pushes could be held back if he gets injured often which would make him lose on screen time, and storyline time. Or if he is 1 of the lucky few wrestlers who rarely get injured he could be moved up in main event storylines to replace another wrestler.
Cesaro has no potential lol. All he has is false pride. Antonio, like every mid carder (except miz and ziggy piggy), has made a jackass of himself not only vocally, but also physically (in matches). Just cause he picked up brodus clay doesn't mean you act like he's ur marijuana. WWE should focus on important people such as Lesnar and Taker and Punk instead of building these buffoons. (I wanna see Taker, Lesnar, Punk, Orton, Cena while we have them. After they are gone, WWE is pretty much done). I'll be surprised if anyone agrees with me :p

I'd be surprised if anyone agreed with you as well, since this is one of the most idiotic statements I've ever read, anywhere. Punk, Cena, Orton, and Taker are all important, no doubt about it. They all draw money and are good for business. But WWE needs to build towards its future, as others have mentioned. Focusing solely on the past and present would doom the company to failure.

And Brock Lesnar isn't important. They guy makes a handful of appearances a year and gets paid an absurd amount of money for it. I'll take an Antonio Cesaro match over another pointless Brock Lesnar match any day of the week.
I could of swore I read a month or two ago that WWE officials are down on Cesaro. You dont know what to believe with these dirt sheet. :lmao:

I do think he does have potential. I think they rushed giving him the US title though. He is not over and it makes the title look bad when you give it to someone that fans are not into.

I didn't get him dumping Aksana. Its not like she cost him the title. It seemed kind of random.

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