WWE Hell In A Cell: WWE Universal Championship - Kevin Owens © VS Seth Rollins

Match Result :

  • Kevin Owens retains the title.

  • Seth Rollins regains the title.

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Gone. For. Good.

I don't know why but this seems illogical. Why would Stephanie grant Rollins a title match against Kevin Owens?

Still, leave logic for now.

I guess that there's no way of Rollins winning this match and therefore the title. Triple H interference could happen and it surely should happen. Turn Rollins fully face and have Rollins Vs Triple H at Survivor Series.

Stretching it to Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania 33 would be a wrong decision.

I don't know who gets Owens at Survivor Series. A split of JeriKo could be a possibility but I won't want any of these guys turning face anytime soon as they are doing great as heels.
Owens retains the title here because I see Triple H interfering again but this time Stephanie turns on Rollins too and Rollins' babyface turn is more or less cemented here with a loss and Owens retaining the title here

Setting up a Jericho/Owens program with Owens turning on Jericho and siding with Triple H & Stephanie which ends their friendship
Setting up a Jericho/Owens program with Owens turning on Jericho and siding with Triple H & Stephanie which ends their friendship

BUT the problem is either case of split of JeriKo would require anyone of them to turn face.

And both are doing great as heels and therefore should remain for atleast 2016. Jericho is doing great work with stupid idiot and list while Owens has his own ways to have heel heat.
Unless they have a heel vs heel program with each other which I am sure won't happen so one of them will have to turn face and that will most likely be Jericho if that were to happen but Owens as far as Survivor Series goes I would put him against Reigns in a Champion vs Champion Match Winner Take All with both titles on the line
Unless they have a heel vs heel program with each other which I am sure won't happen so one of them will have to turn face and that will most likely be Jericho if that were to happen but Owens as far as Survivor Series goes I would put him against Reigns in a Champion vs Champion Match Winner Take All with both titles on the line
The latter situation is unacceptable for me.

Reigns should be far away from the main event scene for atleast 2016. Keep him in midcard/Upper midcard for a good time. Bring him in main event if you have any intention to tudn him heel. Heel Roman Reigns surely deserves a main event run.
ShinChan™;5589121 said:

I don't know why but this seems illogical. Why would Stephanie grant Rollins a title match against Kevin Owens?

Still, leave logic for now.

I guess that there's no way of Rollins winning this match and therefore the title. Triple H interference could happen and it surely should happen. Turn Rollins fully face and have Rollins Vs Triple H at Survivor Series.

Stretching it to Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania 33 would be a wrong decision.

I don't know who gets Owens at Survivor Series. A split of JeriKo could be a possibility but I won't want any of these guys turning face anytime soon as they are doing great as heels.

Owens is definitely winning. I'm so used to HIAC matches marking the end of the feud but I feel like Rollins/Owens could do more together. I guess Jericho helps Owens win but Owens turns on Jericho to give himself even more heat, leading to a Owens vs. Jericho match in Toronto. It should go over well to see two Canadians co-main event Survivor Series. Meanwhile, Rollins could be the captain of Team RAW in the Team RAW vs. Team SDL match at Survivor Series.
Something has to happen here because if it wasn't for Jericho and his List, this whole thing would be almost unwatchable. It's pretty sad to say that the best thing about this whole feud is Jericho and the List.

Owens and Rollins are two of the best wrestlers on the roster. Both can go like mofo's in the ring and on the mic. The overwhelming feeling I'm getting though is that we're waiting for the hammer to drop. The hammer being HHH (no pun intended or implied). I mean how long has it been since HHH handed the title to Owens and we've seen nothing of him, not even his shadow. All we get is Stephanie and Rollins arguing about it almost weekly.

I've never been one for cliffhangers and this is one of the longest I've seen in professional wrestling today. Hopefully HHH and or Jericho interferes somehow to keep the belt on Owens, let him go on and feud with maybe Rusev, and let Rollins and HHH fight it out away from the title scene. That's the only way they can save this fiasco they've created for themselves.

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