WWE Great Balls Of Fire: Ambulance Match - Roman Reigns VS Braun Strowman


As we saw on Raw last night, Braun Strowman made his return and ultimately challenged Roman Reigns to an Ambulance Match at GBOF. This was a match that was originally set to happen at Extreme Rules but Strowman took time off to undergo some minor surgery to clear up some elbow issues. While there was no mention of this being a #1 contender's match, something that could always be rectified in the next few weeks, that's the feeling I get coming out of last night due to Reigns' proclamation that he's got whoever is Universal Champion after GBOF.

This should be a fun brawl and unless Vince has changed his mind about waiting until WrestleMania to initiate his plans for Reigns, then Strowman picks up the victory here and challenges Lesnar at SummerSlam.
Kind of a rock and a hard place scenario for Vince here.

Braun SHOULD win and move on while Roman move down a peg or 2, but Vince will likely put Braun over, then expect us to believe Roman should be champion by WM time. Vince logic.

I have a feeling both guys will just pass out from the beating and call this feud a draw.
Ambrose & Wyatt had one on Raw in 2015 and I think it was good. It's really hard to remember, because that was kind of a bad year looking back at it. I like the idea in this feud overall. Especially with what Strowman had already done to Reigns in that ambulance. It's a good way to not take anything away from both, and have an entertaining and brutal pay off match. Since Braun is returning to PPV after missing extreme rules I'm sure they'll go a bit out. Especially considering Reigns is his opponent
I think there are three possible scenarios here. Firstly, Roman Reigns wins and so wins the feud I guess, and goes on to face Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. Secondly, Braun Strowman wins and presumably goes on to face Lesnar instead. Thirdly, somehow, some way, this match ends in some sort of draw and both ultimately face Lesnar at SummerSlam in a triple threat match that I personally would be very interested in. Suddenly, the dynamic of what to expect from a Lesnar match would change drastically, and Strowman deserves something good at SummerSlam considering his consistently entertaining presence on Raw. But that's for another thread another time.

As for Great Balls of Fire (terrible), I think this should be an all out war and I'm looking forward to it. It should be brutal and both Strowman and Reigns have proven they can really go and make something entertaining of a match between the two big men. An Ambulance Match always feels like a silly stipulation to me, but I'm sure I can get over that if the match is good. I remember John Cena vs. Kane from 2012 and it was really just a dud match with an ambulance in the background. But I can see this doing well given the appropriate time. Realistically, Reigns I guess should win if we are to really believe he is the supposed number one contender despite having lost the match to be such. But, he is very comfortable in his spot right now. Strowman needs these valuable wins to maintain his status at the top of Raw and move on. This would work and clearly, after his return last night, the fans are invested in him. WWE would be missing out on not pulling the trigger with him whenever they can.
WWE has confirmed Roman is getting the SummerSlam title shot right? The fact that they haven't announced the title shot being on the line in this match seems to suggest that they're moving Roman vs Brock to SummerSlam.

This is too bad, as Strowman has so much momentum and they've managed to build him into a star. Braun as Universal champion would at very least be fresh. Reigns hasn't won a ppv match since beating Undertaker at WrestleMania. If he's about to challenge for the Uni title, logic would dictate that he go in with momentum.

Or could Strowman be added anyway? The SummerSlam title match could very well be a triple threat. That scenario could allow Lesnar to lose the title and not be pinned. They could also have Braun declare himself the number one contender after beating Roman, but it seems unlikely.

Best case scenario we get a triple threat at SummerSlam. Braun has too much momentum to fall by the wayside at another big ppv. The ambulance match can end in controversy, then both men have a claim to the number one contender spot.

Strowman's signature vehicle has become the ambulance. Maybe he'll start arriving in them like JBL or Eddie.
Another possibility is they could have Reigns face Lesnar at SummerSlam, lose, become despondent & lose confidence, Lesnar continues to defeat everyone else placed in front of him, Reigns sees Lesnar continuing to rule the roost, vows to redeem himself, wins the Royal Rumble, takes on Lesnar at WrestleMania to win the title and achieve redemption.

Yeah, I could see Vince going down that road. If Reigns was an internet darling, many a net fan would be all for it as there's real potential for a good story.
Another possibility is they could have Reigns face Lesnar at SummerSlam, lose, become despondent & lose confidence, Lesnar continues to defeat everyone else placed in front of him, Reigns sees Lesnar continuing to rule the roost, vows to redeem himself, wins the Royal Rumble, takes on Lesnar at WrestleMania to win the title and achieve redemption.

Yeah, I could see Vince going down that road. If Reigns was an internet darling, many a net fan would be all for it as there's real potential for a good story.

I really, really hope what you suggest doesn't happen. That's why the fans have turned against Reigns as it is. The problem with Reigns is, it's always about him. Last couple of Royal Rumble's centred on Reigns. He main evented the last three Mania's. What you are suggesting is he main events Summerslam, has another Rumble basically dedicated to him and a fourth main event Wrestlemania match.

The rest of the roster should just not even bother showing up for work or go work somewhere else. They are like the extra's in a movie scene.
Maybe WWE decided to have Reigns be squashed by Lesnar at Summerslam, instead of Braun Strowman. Fans would then chant "you got squashed".

Yeah I guess Kurt won't just let Reigns get a title shot like that. This will probably end up becoming a #1 contender's match.

I say, have Reigns beat Brock at Summerslam. Keep the title at Survivor Series and there have Brock beat Reigns back. Reigns is at a point where losing to a top star won't hurt him. Then move Braun vs Brock to Wrestlemania.

Remember, Cena gave one back to Triple H, to HBK. Reigns can definately beat Lesnar now, and drop it back to him so that he can put over Strowman. It won't hurt Reigns at all. Plus it makes them look as equals, which in kayfabe, is true. They both defeated Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

Then book Reigns vs Goldberg and Strowman vs Lesnar for Wrestlemania.

I don't know. They can go to so many directions with this. Just anything other than Brock running through the entire roster.
Hoping this match to be another entertaining one. Braun Strowman isn't much green now and Roman Reigns is actually a good wrestler.

Also, hoping that Braun Strowman wins and then beats Brock Lesnar for the title. Roman Reigns will be made but Braun Strowman requires such big wins to go anywhere near the main event level. If he starts losing, then there won't be much time before he takes the place of Big Show. Braun Strowman can become a star only if this opportunity isn't missed on expense of Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar.
Braun Strowman has quickly become one of my favorite parts of Raw. Not like there is a lot of options to choose from, but his absence was definitely noticed from my point of view. I'm very entertained by the guy and his beatdown of Roman Reigns backstage is one of my favorite segments ever. Can't remember the last time I laughed so hard at something in wrestling.

Logic says this is Braun's to win so he can go on to face Lesnar at Summerslam. Me personally I would rather Reigns get the victory and face Lesnar earlier than WrestleMania. It would make between now and Mania season much more interesting because we all know it's going to be Reigns beating Lesnar at Mania next year. Why not mix it up a little bit? Strowman can even be the one to beat Lesnar down the line and get the rub. Reigns doesn't need another notch in his belt. In fact he may need some taken out.

Remember when Strowman vs Lesnar was first rumored and how everyone shit on it now we are all talking about seeing them face off? Granted Strowman wasn't who he is today and we just saw a generic big guy, but I just thought that was funny and how much can change in wrestling fast.

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