WWE going HD

I have HD at my place and I saw it in HD, I have comcast too with the HD DVR box. I played around with the format button in the front of it and I saw it in HD. But when I changed the channel the settings reverted back to normal, so i'd have to play with it again. But I saw it in HD, not at the full 1080 but it still looked better than non HD.
I don't have HD, but Raw to me seemed like they had tried to rush it straight to HD, and made a lot of mistakes, during the show, they kept cutting off people's heads, wrestlers where only on half the screen, and the thing that bothered me the most was the amount of make up the male wrestlers where wearing! Jeff Hardy's face looked like it was going to crack under the layers of orange foundation. It just seemed like a rushed job to me, they seem to have neglected us non-HD people :(

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