WWE/F's Biggest Mistakes/Bad Luck


What do you think have been the biggest mistakes/bad luck of WWE/F over the past 25 years? Maybe not even bad decisions at the time, but had they not happened or worked out differently, the WWE/F would have been / would be now a different place.

My pick would be the Montreal Screwjob. I know many people feel this solidified the "evil McMahon" character, but I think they could've accomplished that regardless. WCW misused Bret Hart so much, I believe he would've returned and imagine the feuds with Chris Jericho, The Rock, HHH, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, etc. Even if he had stopped wrestling, he could be in the ring today feuding as a manager with HBK again(!).

Other things that come to mind are:
- Not having a real Ric Flair/Hulk Hogan feud and Wrestlemania match when Flair came to the WWF in 1991. They may have been planning this, but it didn't work out.
- Also, releasing Kurt Angle without a no compete clause last year.
I agree with the Kurt Angle thing you mentioned. They lost an all-round good wrestler in Angle and I think when he left it really set the tone for how WWE superstars feel about McMahon and staying with the company.

I also agree with the Montreal Screwjob. I mean considering the circumstances leading up to it, I could understand why it happened, but I didn't think it was necissary. And you're right. Had that not happened Hart could be still with WWE being involved in some way or another.

I think the biggest mistake has to be not giving Kane a chance as champ when he beat Austin in 98 (I believe?). Kane was awesome back during that time. He was so unpredictable and us viewers, most of the time, didn't know what he was going to do next. I really think he could of had a good title run if they gave him a chance, but instead, they gave it back to Austin the next day -_-

There are many more, but those 3 really stick out in my mind.
You couldnt be closer to the truth. Those three are with out doubt in my mind the three bigest mistakes wwe have made among others etc. making john cena a three time wwe champion when theres guys like benoit who has been working his ass off for the most part of 20 years and took 16 years to win the heavyweight title, cena took 1 year and 6 months to win it 3 times.

Another one that comes to mind is the fall out with brock lesnar. Now im not saying the disagreement between brock and the wwe was the companys fault, but it was definetly a huge blow and a huge loss for the wwe.
Personally my list of the top three pieces of Bad Mistakes/Bad luck comes up as this, in No particular order.

-Owen Hart's death. If Owen hadn't died there would be a number of differences between what would be, Owen would have the nickname of the game for one and would most likely have held the Top strap at some point in time.

-The Invasion, they screwed it up, the storyline with the most potential in all of wrestling history, fell through due to a number of factors, Triple H being out with his first Quad injury and playing no point. Then there was also the inconveniant point that a number of the top names in WCW were signed directly to the company that bought out Ted Turner's stock in WCW, so You couldn't have some of the real dream matches occur.

-Letting Kurt Angle go. Letting Kurt go in any form was a bad business decision. Even if they tok him off of the Road ad got him to heal, it would have been better for WWE even if they let Kurt go with a no-compete clause, he would potentially gone into MMA and we would be saying the same things about Kurt as we say about EG. But it was thought to be in the best interest of Kurt for him to be released and go and heal.
The brand extension, it was a good idea at first, but these days they never stick to it, there's wrestlers from different brands popping up on different shows. It's like they just have two main titles (i refuse to count ECW's). If he brand extension must stay, I see no reason for it to however, then the titles should be merged, because having two devalues them.
I agree with a lot of these. I think The montreal screw job was a huge mistake. First of all I think letting Bret Hart go was a huge mistake. Think of a feud with Bret Hart and Rock, Triple H, Mick Foley, Shamrock, Kurt Angle or Chris Jericho? Secondly, the WWF never had the match between Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan, and they never built up and had a dream match of Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan. The way they handled the demise of WCW was stupid too. The brand extension is a joke because now you have more titles which means less prestige, and it eliminates a lot of good matches.
They have messed up on so much. Letting angle go was one yeah, letting bret go i agree. Getting rid of the european title i mean we need chris masters to hold something dont we lol. And i think to save ecws face now id put ecw back onto raw and s.down it aitn getting any better. Cm punk lashley and rvd on raw all the rest on s.down then we would have a good raw vs smackdown ratings. And get jillian on raw she can out wrestle maria and candice easily.
This is a good idea for a post, however there are way too many mistakes to list. I'll list some of the ones that stick out severely in my mind.

-The Invasion: It was a good idea at one point, considering the previous ECW vs. WWF storyline back in the mid 90s, but they screwed it up big time by bringing in only a few top stars and a whole lot of mid carders. Where was Nash, Hall, Hogan, Flair, Goldberg, Jeff Jarrett, Sabu, The Sandman, Scott Steiner, Bret Hart, Sting? Without the top guys from the two companies the idea seems pointless.

-Kurt Angle: They never should have let him go, or even mad him unhappy because Angle may very well be the greatest wrestler of his generation.

-The NwO: When they introduced the NWO in 2002, it seemed like an awesome idea, they could have easily put NwO over big time and than imagine if they reformed D Generation X at that point? NwO vs. DX would probably be the greatest matchup in years, who the hell WOULDN'T have loved to see that? No, instead they throw em in as outsiders, fire Hall(which I can understand) and have them mire in the midcard for the rest of the year before fizzling out and virtually disappearing. There was so much potential there.

-Ken Shamrock: I'm not 100% sure whether Shamrock left the WWF or his contract ran out, but either way they should have fought hard to keep him in the ring. He's such a unique performer who delivers 100% every time he steps into the ring. His feuds with Owen Hart, The Rock and Steve Blackman were classic. Which is saying a whole lot considering I just mentioned the words Steve Blackman and classic in the same sentence.

-ECW: They started out doing awesome when they brought back ECW, the One Night Stand PPV's were fantastic(who the hell will ever forget Edge and Mick Foley vs. Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer?)and even had a good couple months of great matchs on Sci Fi, like Big Show vs. Ric Flair when thumbtacks were used, the ladder match over the summer between RVD and Sabu, great stuff. Now though for the last like 5 months its been nothing but crap. ECW is supposed to be extreme, if you don't have hardcore matchs, than what the hell is the point of even bringing it back? Nobody wants to see an ECW brand with 5 minute matchs between Mike Knox and Kevin Thorn, NOBODY. The "New Blood" of performers are absolutely terrible, all of them. If the WWE knew what they were doing they'd let Heyman run the company again(albeit with someone else to watch over funds, Heyman is terrible with those)and have classic death matches with Sabu, RVD, Sandman, Dreamer, etc.

-The Brand Extension: This I saw as one of the lowest points in the history of wrestling. It just was so unnessecary and did nothing but confuse viewers and take away from each brands storylines, also eliminating tons of classic matches that could've taken place. Imagine Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker? What a huge buyrate that would get. Also, introducing all these new titles was just stupid and did nothing but devalue the original WWF World Heavyweight Championship.

-Donald Trump: Although this is still in progress, I've seen far enough and hope they squash the entire idea, because I don't think theres anyone out there who wants to see A: Trump vs. McMahon, or B: Anything involving Donald Trump ever, ever again. Trump does not belong in wrestling, he's an absolute douchebag moron who if the world was just would be sleeping in an alley.

and finally, one of the absolute worst...

-The Title reigns of John Cena, Rey Mysterio, and JBL: Jesus, enough said right? Cena doesn't even deserve to hold the IC title, let alone the world. He just doesn't deserve it. Rey Mysterio? One of the best of his generation easily, but NOT a heavyweight, so having him hold the World "Heavyweight" championship is pointless. And finally, just the entire character of JBL pisses me off beyond belief, his Bradshaw character was classic and he did not need to change. Him holding the title for as long as he did? Comical.
i actually didnt mind bradshaw turning into a big heel.... i mean none of the fans liked him but thats what a heel character is suppose to be( not liked), also he was in wwe for awhile, i guess he sort of earned that title reign.

chris benoit should have atleast gotten another reign as champ, it just seems that they gave him the title once so he would be happy and thats it. but honestly he is one of the best wrestlers without quest
1. One of the biggest if not THE biggest mistake in my eyes was that WCW was completely swept under the rug after the invasion thing. I personally believe they could have done SO much with the WCW name. If I was Vince I would have ****ed that mother fucker out for all it was worth! I mean come on they could have done so much with that name and those wrestlers...its sad!
Vince could have easily made money hand over fist selling WCW dvds telling of its history, made have some classic WCW ppvs, a Best of Nitro dvd, the list is endless! I thought The Monday Night Wars DVD would have been a lot better...sure it was good and I knew it would be a little one sided..but they left out a lot.

Lastly, I would have brought back WWE biggest competition EVER before I brought back ECW...sure it was a good concept at first but they tricked a LOT of fans. Sure the smarks knew it would be watered down but people who have only heard about ECW or watched any of the old ECW stuff as well as the One Night Stand ppvs surely thought it was gonna be ECF'nW!
I mean King BOOOOOKAH was the World Champ so therefore he could have brought back what would become WWE/WCW Smackdown stable that took over the show. Look at who he had as his buddies...Finlay and Regal two of the most over looked WCW guys ever! On the other hand you had guys like Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero, Super Crazy, Psychosis, Juventud, Gregory Helms who could have revamped the WCW cruiserweight division the BEST f'n cruiserweight division ever! I'm sorry but Vince has no appreciation for these guys and what they are capable of PERIOD! There are so many other WCW guys like Benoit, Dean Malenko, Ric Flair and others that could have spearheaded this thing. It seems like such a waste!

2. Letting the tag scene go to hell! Long gone are the glory days of the Dudleys, Hardys, Edge and Christian, Mark Henry and D-Lo Brown, Head Cheese with Al Snow and Steve Blackman, Owen Hart and British Bulldog, New Age Outlaws, etc. And thats just the past 10 years or so! Thats not even counting the WCW tag teams they could have thrown into the scene like The Outsiders if Hall wasn't fired, The Steiner Brothers, DDP and Kanyon, and The Faces Of Fear to name a select few. Yet another thing that should never have been let go by the way side.

3. Never taking advantage of the Cruiser aka Light Heavyweight division: They gave it a good try at first when Taka came in and they had a great tournament to crown him the LHW champ. The division later became the Cruiserweight division and over time they had and let some of the best cruisers ever come in and fall through the cracks or out right just made a mockery of them and the division as a whole. It seems Vince just doesn't get the concept of it or the appeal of it but to me at least he REALLY missed the boat on this one. Man I swear to god if I worked for him in a higher up type position I would have surely tried to sway him to give them a chance.
Guys like Helms, Yang, and Mysterio look ridiculous out there fighting big guys. They just don't have a place anymore I mean the belt is pretty much meaningless!
If you remember correctly the WWE did have DDP and Kanyon tag together, remember their feud with Kane and Undertaker? But overall I agree with everything you said, especially about the Cruiserweight division, thats what I used to love about the WWF was that they had guys like Taka Michinoku doing these crazy things. It makes me wish WWE would push Sabu, but they never would, they don't seem to recognize talent.
I dont think Montreal was a mistake. Bret was going to WCW and Vince did what he thought was best. He was in the wrong but I dont believe he thought he had a choice.

I'd have to pick the Invasion. The Alliance was made to look so inferior it was unreal. Booker T and R.V.D. ttok 5 year's to reach main event status after it ended. Gregory Helms has only just got rid of the gimmick he was given during the invasion. And half the people they employed have now left. WWE completley buried WCW when it was in Vince's benefit to make them look strong. Imagine what WWE would be like now if ego had'nt got in the way.
Hands down, the Invasion, as too many major players were out. NWO hadn't been signed yet, Flair wasn't a part of it, Goldberg was sitting on his ass, Sting could've changed the whole thing. Rock was acting, HHH was injured, HBK wasn't back yet. This thing could've blown the whole wrestling world wide open, and gave us REAL dream matches-DX vs NWO, Rock vs Booker, Austin vs Goldberg, Taker vs Sting, Angle vs Flair, Jeff Hardy vs Rey. This is when they all had their own mystique. Wouldve been awesome!
While I do think the Invasion as a whole was a big missed opportunity, with all the dream matches possible, it would've been really hard to top. On the one hand, you get NWo vs DX, Stone Cold vs Goldberg, but then what?

I guess they could've done it slower and not given every dream match at one time.
Where to begin?

-The Montreal Screwjob
-Removing Kane's Mask
-Turning Austin heel
-The Invasion(It had huge potential, but they screwed it up)
-John Cena(I hate this guy.)
-The New ECW(Speaks for itself)
-The Brand extension(One of the biggest mistakes WWE ever made)
How about anything older? Something that changed the WWE/F for years. I don't know if JBL or Rey as champion or the Donald Trump angle has dramatically affected the company. I'm not a WWE basher, but putting on this many shows, with this many wrestlers, for this many years, trying to please this many fans, they have experienced a lot of misses over the years.

Outside of the ring, the steriod trial was a huge big black eye for the company.

Also, I recently watched the Monday Night Wars DVD and someone on there mentioned how Vince's biggest mistakes have come from taking someone's word. Alundra Blaze and Lex Luger walking out on the company, even Hall and Nash saying they'll stay, then abruptly giving notice and leaving. This makes Montreal more understandable, but makes the Kurt Angle situation more confusing. I guess he believed Angle and thought TNA couldn't make a big enough offer.
Hands down, the Invasion, as too many major players were out. NWO hadn't been signed yet, Flair wasn't a part of it, Goldberg was sitting on his ass, Sting could've changed the whole thing. Rock was acting, HHH was injured, HBK wasn't back yet. This thing could've blown the whole wrestling world wide open, and gave us REAL dream matches-DX vs NWO, Rock vs Booker, Austin vs Goldberg, Taker vs Sting, Angle vs Flair, Jeff Hardy vs Rey. This is when they all had their own mystique. Wouldve been awesome!

They did infact have The Rock vs Booker T right there at the beginning because I remember The Rock doing a promo on Booker T where he made fun of his hair and the WCW title. Then he started in on The Book End which prompted him to lose his shades so you know The Rock was pissed. Man that was a hilarious promo. There will never be a wrestler with The Rock's skill and sense of humor ever again.

This promo was right around the time Booker started his humorous heel character much like his King gimmick where he is dead serious but everyone gets one liners over on him while his eyes are as wide as baseballs as he looks around all sad as the crowd boos and laughs at him.
No wone point on the Angle situation. One of the major reaso's the WWE let him go is because they were very afraid that he was going to die or commit suicde. They had already pulled him off the air for a bit and he showed no sign of changing his ways. So they had three options A keep him suspended indefinetly and hoped he changed. B put him back on the roster and risk him exploding on them or C let him go. They chose C yes Angle has not died or exploded but WWE was trying to prvent what would have been both a public realtions disater and a morale destroyer. After losing Eddie under tragicaly similiar circumstanes they wanted to avoid it happening so soon again. Should they have let him go without a no compete clause that might be a mistake but that might have been they only way Kurt would go without a massive buyout of his salary. I think for once WWE was looking out for somoen and it may have bit him but if he had stayed where he clearly did not wnat to be (on ECW and not in the limelight with a mor eintense schedule then in TNA) he very well have had much differnet circumstanes and we might this day be asking what if WWE had done something to have saved Angle

Also, I recently watched the Monday Night Wars DVD and someone on there mentioned how Vince's biggest mistakes have come from taking someone's word. Alundra Blaze and Lex Luger walking out on the company, even Hall and Nash saying they'll stay, then abruptly giving notice and leaving. This makes Montreal more understandable, but makes the Kurt Angle situation more confusing. I guess he believed Angle and thought TNA couldn't make a big enough offer.
I will concentrate on the bad luck here, and some of the worst luck they have had is from superstars deaths or injuries.

The loss of Eddie Guerrero was a huge shock to the wrestling world and to lose are star like him is going to affect your company. No doubt about that. He was a guy that still had a lot left in him and it was very saddening about his passing and it really hurt the company. I don't mean to sound like the company was hit the hardest, because he had a wife, who is now a widow, and young children who are now without a father. But again, the WWE lost one of their greatest wrestlers when Eddie passed away.

Deaths of wrestlers in the company always affects it and the wrestlers, and Owen Hart's death was one of these occasions.

The second have been the injuries at crucial point in wrestlers careers. The WWE has been hit with so many injuries to top wrestlers that it is uncountable and at times, they can really hurt the business. The latest is HHH and I think Wrestlemania has changed for the worse with his absence, because he was without doubt, the WWE's biggest draw and it is going to hurt the company when he is out for 6 months.

The biggest mistake of late would be the canning of several top wrestlers, and definitely the bringing back and the dessecration of what was once a name held in high grace and that was ECW. They couldn't have done anything worse to the history of the business by bringing this watered down piece of crap back and claiming it to be anywhere near the calibre of the original one.

The list can go on forever but I just put a few of my thoughts in. Some great posts in here though so keep it up.
I would have to say a huge mistake they made was not pushing alot of great talent enough, I can name so many names that went through the WWE that I Feel were greatly unapreciated:

Owen Hart
Lance Storm
Chris Benoit
Matt Hardy and countless others.

I know this has been said a thousand times, but that eddie Storyline after his death was just in the worst taste ever.

Vince not pushing people like CM punk even though clearly they are over with the crowd, Vince, He will make you money clearly, take advantage of it !!!

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