WWE: Flashback to 2006


Dark Match Jobber
I'm going to be going back on time on this book this project to January 9, 2006. The night after New Years Revolution. There is a new WWE Champion in Edge, no World Heavyweight Champion due to an injury Batista suffered on a Smackdown live event and no United States Champion as Chris Benoit and Randy Orton (who is subbing for an injured Booker T) are currently in a Best of 7 series tied 3-3 for the championship. If you don't remember what happened to at the event here is the lowdown.

Sunday Night Heat

Chavo Guerrero defeated Gene Snitsky

New Years Revolution

Ric Flair defeated Edge by DQ to retain the Intercontinental Championship when Edge hit Flair twice in the head with the Money in the Bank briefcase.

Trish Stratus defeated Mickie James by pinfall to retain the Womens Championship with the Chick Kick.

Jerry Lawler defeated Gregory Helms.

Triple H defeated the Big Show by pinfall with the use of a broken sledgehammer and the Pedigree.

Shelton Benjamin defeated Viscera by pinfall.

Ashley Massaro won the Bra and Panties Gauntlet match.

John Cena won the Elimination Chamber match featuring Carlito, Chris Masters, Kane, Kurt Angle, and Shawn Michaels by out lasting the competitors involved and pinning Carlito with a rollup.

Edge cashed in his Money in the Bank immediately after and pinned John Cena after two spears to become the new WWE Champion!

I looked online and found the rosters from 2006 and cut out all the people that weren't there in January. The people who debuted later in the year. Hardy, Punk, Cryme Tyme will still be a part of the show just not until later as they weren't around yet. Here is a list of the revised Raw and Smackdown Rosters.

Raw Roster

Big Show (World Tag Team Champion)
John Cena
Triple H.
Shawn Michaels
Rob Van Dam
Ric Flair (Intercontinental Champion)
Kane (World Tag Team Champion)
Carlito Cool
Val Venis
Eugene Dinsmore
Gene Snitsky
Edge (WWE Champion)
Randy Orton
Chris Masters
Kenny Dykstra
Shelton Benjamin
Trevor Murdoch
Lance Cade
Rob Conway
Matt Striker
Rene Dupree
Armando Estrada
Trish Stratus (Womens Champion)
Mickie James
The Highlanders
Beth Phoenix
Maria Kanellis
Torrie Wilson
Lilian Garcia
Candice Michelle

Smackdown Roster

The Undertaker
Rey Mysterio
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Benoit
Bobby Lashley
The Boogeyman
Matt Hardy
Paul Burchill
Hardcore Holly
Paul London
Brian Kendrick
Super Crazy
Mike Mizanin
Sho Funaki
Scotty 2 Hotty
Jimmy Wang-Yang
John Layfield
Booker T
Fit Finlay
Mr. Kennedy
Montel V. Porter
William Regal
David Taylor
The Great Khali
Mark Henry
Joey Mercury (WWE Tag Team Champion)
Gregory Helms
Kid Kash
Jamie Noble
Big Vito
Idol Stevens
K.C. James
The Mexicools
Johnny Nitro (WWE Tag Team Champion)
Ashley Massaro
Kristal Marshall
Layla El
Sharmell Sullivan
Jillian Hall
Michelle McCool
Vickie Guerrero

The Spirit Squad except for Kenny Dykstra have all been released as well. This Book This is gonna take place in 2006 but the events that happened then will not be replicated from this point on. I'm going to try to make this as different as possible. Any feedback would be appreciated. I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I will writing it.
Raw kicks off with a video package highlighting last nights pay per view. John Cena is shown celebrating with the WWE title, blood pouring down his face. Then the music of Edge hits and the opportunist hits the Spear and basks in the glory as the capacity crowd shares this moment with the new WWE Champion.

The opening for Raw plays highlighting different superstars of Raw. The camera pans all over the audience and the announcers welcome us to Raw. The music of the new WWE Champion hits and everyone in attendance goes nuts and gets on their feet for the new WWE Champion, Edge. The Rated R Superstar comes out to the ramp with his shades and the WWE Championship belt slung over his shoulder. He is holding the hand of his girlfriend Lita the smoke fills the stage and Edge lets go of her hand to hold the title up as Edge's pyro goes off. The couple walk down to the ring together and Lita gets in the ring first. then Edge backs up tosses the title in the ring and slides in under the bottom rope thrusting the mat when he enters. He picks the belt back up and poses with it on each turnbuckle taking a particularly long time to celebrate last nights victory. When the music finally dies down. Edge takes his glasses off and tears are revealed to be in the new superstars eyes as he begins to speak.​

Edge: You know when I was in high school I was voted most likely to win the WWE Championship, and here I am holding it in front of all of you.

The crowd pops pretty wildly for this statement. Lits rubs Edge's shoulder as he is clearly emotional and he continues.​

Edge: I've worked my entire career for nights like last night, for nights like tonight. I finally won my first WWE Championship. Unfortunately its the only one I'm ever gonna win because I worked too hard to lose this. I won't get another chance to win a WWE Championship because I plan on holding this championship till the day I retire.

John Cena's music hits and Edge looks irritated. Then he breaks out into laughter.

Edge: Did you people really think John Cena would be here tonight after what I did to him. After what he went through last night. He was brutalized in the elimination chamber and then I squashed him like a bug to win this WWE Championship. Oh dear viewers John Cena won't be getting a rematch anytime soon, in fact I wouldn't expect to see John Cena here on Raw for a very long time.

Vince McMahon's music hits now and he comes out to a stage with a microphone.​

Vince: Edge I wouldn't get too comfortable with that idea. John Cena is not here tonight this is true but he will be here next week and medically cleared to compete and he has informed me that next week he will be invoking his rematch for the WWE Championship next week on Raw.

Edge looks initially shocked but quickly gets his composure back but says that that is fine and that next week he will beat Cena one on one fair and square and silence anyone who thinks he took a cheap out to get the WWE title and can't beat John Cena. Vince walks back into the back and Ric Flair's music hits. Flair is storming down the ramp taking off his suit on the way. Edge lays the belt down on the floor and Flair slides in the ring. Edge backs up and ducks under the bottom rope and runs through the crowd. Lita is left in the ring with Flair. She tries to run but Naitch grabs her by the hair and pulls her leg out from under her and locks her in the figure four. Edge is shown standing in the crowd looking up at the titantron pulling at his hair but not showing any indication he is going back to save his woman. Vince comes back out and says tonight in the main event it will be Edge vs Ric Flair No Disqualification.​

Commercial Break

We come back to the bell ringing and Lillian Garcia announcing that the next match is scheduled for one fall. The Masterpiece Chris Masters music hits first he doesn't do his typical entrance though. He looks very focused. He gets in the ring and asks Lillian for the microphone.​

Masters: Carlito get your ass out here! We were supposed to work together man till it was just you and me in the Elimination Chamber and you took a cheap shot at me and cost us both. Now neither one of us is the WWE Champion. Let's see how you do when I don't have my back turned to you you traitor.

Carlito's music hits next and he looks worried. When he gets down to ringside he doesn't get in the ring right away he instead grabs a microphone from one of the crew members and speaks.​

Carlito: Chris I know your upset, but look. It was every man for himself. Look man were a team what good does it do us to wrestle each other tonight. We should be focusing on becoming WWE Champion, and taking out whoever wins between Cena and Edge next week so that it will be you and me in the main event of Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship man. Come on what do you say. Are we good?

Carlito enters the ring and offers to shake Masters hand. Chris accepts it and the crowd starts to boo. Carlito starts to leave the ring but Masters grabs him from behind and locks him in the Masterlock. He doesn't let go till Carlito passes out. The crowd is going nuts and Masters grabs a mic and says were good before he leaves the ring. The EMT's come down to check on Carlito as we go to commercial again.​

Commercial Break

Vince McMahon is shown in his office with Kane.​

Vince: Kane, unfortunately your partner Big Show's broken hand isn't healing as fast as we thought and competing last night only made it worse. I'm afraid he is going to miss at least a month of action and your going to have to surrender the tag team titles. I hate to do it because its not your fault but I have no other choice.

Kane: This is all Triple H's fault. Vince I want him in the ring tonight. I'm going to make him suffer.

Vince: I can do that for you Kane. Tonight you will go one on one with Triple H. Now please hand me the World Tag Team Championship belt. I already got Big Show's from him earlier today.

Kane reluctantly hands Vince his championship belt then storms out of the office muttering to himself that he will make Triple H suffer tonight.​

Lillian is in the ring again announcing the next match​

Shawn Michaels music hits first and he comes out to a tremendous ovation. The announcers go over how this is one of three matches featuring a current/or former world champion facing off against another former world champion tonight. Shawn gets in the ring and grabs a microphone.​

Shawn: Chris Masters isn't the only one who wants a piece of Carlito. He eliminated me last night and I'm just a little bitter about it. Carlito if your concious I want you to watch what i do to Kurt Angle tonight, and what I'm willing to do to be WWE Champion. Are you willing to go to the lengths it will take to be the champion, or are you a flash in the pan.

Kurt Angle's music hits and he gets a mixed reaction. Mainly cuz the fans respect Kurt Angle's ability so much. His pyro goes off and he enters the ring and stares down HBK as the bell rings to get things going.​

Match 2 Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels

Things have been personal between these two since Wrestlemania 21 and it shows. Angle and Michaels start the match exchanging fists. Angle blocks one and delivers a kick to the midsection before tossing Michaels into the ropes. Shawn comes off the ropes and delivers a clothesline. Angle gets right back to his feet and eats another one. Michaels attempts to springboar off the middle rope but Angle catches him and delivers a shoulder breaker. Instead of going for a cover though Angle immediately picks Shawn up and tosses him shoulder first into the ring post, pulls him back by his tights and delivers a released german suplex. Shawn is holding his shoulder and screaming and Kurt runs over and pulls the arm back applying an immense amount of pressure to the shoulder. Michaels is aware of his ring position however and puts a foot on the bottom rope forcing the official to break the hold. Shawn is allowed to get back to his feet and Kurt immediately goes back on offense. He throws Shawn into the ropes again and hits a released belly to belly suplex. He goes for the cover but only gets two. Kurt pulls Shawn to his feet and Shawn gets a second wind firing away on Angle with right hands. They're exchanging shots when Shawn throws in a chop forcing Angle to turn his back to shield his chest. When he turns around Shawn nails him with Sweet Chin Music. He covers Angle who barely kicks out before three. Kurt is still dazed and Shawn leaves the ring and grabs a steel chair he then gets back in the ring and blasts Angle in the head with the chair. The referee calls for a disqualification but Shawn isn't done. He picks Angle up who is unconcious and traps his head in the chair then hits the cutter Carlito used to pin Michaels last night on Angle while his heads trapped in the chair. The crowd boos and Shawn just leaves pulling at his hair. We go to commercial.​

Winner by DQ Kurt Angle

Commercial Break

Trish Stratus music hits and her and Ashley walk out to the ring together as Lillian Announces that the next match is a tag team match. Trish has the Womens title on her shoulder and a black and pink jumpsuit on. Next Lita's music hits and she comes out with the woman Trish beat last night Mickie James. Mickie looks angry as she stares at Trish.​

Match 3 Trish and Ashley vs Lita and Mickie

Ashley and Lita start the match and Ashley is never even able to tag Stratus in. Lita and Mickie keep her in their corner the whole match and her in-experience shows. Mickie grabs Ashley into a headlock looks directly at Stratus and nails the Stratusfaction for the win. Trish comes in the ring to check on Ashley when Mickie and Lita beat her down. Both Trish and Ashley are laid out as Mickie and Lita head up the ramp.

Kane and Triple H are shown walking split screen as their match is next after the commercial break.​

Commercial Break

Kane's music hits first and he makes his way down to the ring. He looks very intense as he gets in the ring. Triple H comes down next looking equally intense.

Match 4 Kane vs Triple H

Kane dominates the early part of the match but Triple H sees an opening and clips the knee of Kane so he can work on that body part. Triple H puts Kane in the figure four but Kane is able to turn the pressure over. Both men get to their feet and exchange shots but Kane delivers a huge uppercut to The Game knocking him down. He then heads to the top to deliver his diving clothesline. But Triple H runs into the ropes causing Kane to fall on the top turnbuckle crotch first. Triple H then delivers a Superplex on Kane. He goes for the cover but gets two. He sets Kane up for the Pedigree but Kane counters with a back drop. Then when Triple H turns around Kane grabs him by the throat for the chokeslam but Triple H elbows out of it. He then clips Kane's knee again and when Kane falls down to one knee Trips hits him with the Pedigree for the three count.

Winner: Triple H by pinfall.

Triple H drags Kane out to the steel steps and places Kane's hand on the steps then he grabs his sledgehammer and wants to break Kane's hand like he did Big Show's but Kane grabs him by the throat and choke slams him on the steps. Triple H is shown writhing in agony as we go to our last commercial.

Commercial Break

Jr and King go over the history between Flair and Edge and talk about how Edge is the current WWE Champion and Flair is a 16 time champion. Edge comes out first without Lita wearing the WWE title on his waist this time and dressed in his ring gear. He does his usual entrance and gets in the ring. But instead of Flair's music playing he is shown on the titantron laying in the parking lot face down. A car is shown speeding off with what looks like a woman driving. Edge looks fake worried and asks Lillian for the microphone​

Edge: Boy it looks like Ric's not gonna be able to compete tonight. That's too bad cuz I was really looking forward to a warm up for next week. When I beat John Cena and retain the WWE Championship and prove you all wrong. Oh well referee count Flair out for me so I can get back to my hotel and celebrate my victory with the lovely Lita.

The referee starts counting when John Cena's music hits but this time it wasn't Edge playing a prank it really is Cena! Cena runs full speed down the ramp and Edge drops the title as he is starting to try to run out of the ring. So he goes to pick it up and Cena gets in the ring and unloads on Edge with right hands he then lifts him up and attempts the FU but Edge slides off his back and runs up the ramp. Cena picks the belt up off the ring and holds it up as Raw goes off the air.​

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