WWE Fans Have So Much Power, It's Not Even Funny.

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Dark Match Jobber
We truly do, what’s disappointing is that we don't recognize it. Even if most of us do, we won’t do much about it except criticize it on these forums. Sure WWE is listening more to the IWC then they used to, but we aren’t totally satisfied and we shouldn’t be. We have a right to complain about certain shows and nitpick what’s wrong with it. But over the years it have become more then just nitpicking, it's been solid hatred that has been stored up for the pass 3-5 years.

Think about it, over the last 3-5 years, what is it that we wanted, and I mean REALLY wanted? We wanted a better tag and divas division. We wanted the mid card in general to mean something. We want to cheer for who we like and not what we are supposed to like, example being Cena. We wanted to give new guys a chance to shine other then have the same 5-6 guys on top. What has been accomplished, in the most part nothing or at least nothing impressive. The divas show little to no sign of changing. There are at least 3 pre made tag teams now. Our boos to Cena basically get shrugged off by Cena saying "if you don’t like me that’s cool, but I put your butts in these seats so you at least will respect me". And sure over the last few years we have Punk and Shamus as world champs, but there first runs were really nothing. The only one that has kind of changed was the mid card. I use "kind of" loosely. I’m sure there is more but that’s all I can think of.

So to the point of this thread. What can we do to get results? Well I have one answer that is doubly going to ever be used. Aren’t we at live shows on Monday? They can’t really edit chants during the show. So what I suggest might be a little harsh, but what if we boo the hell out of the divas and tag teams. Use creative chants. for tags we might chant "What’s the point". And even turn our backs to Cena when he comes out. It’s what I like to call "The ECW fans effect." We have power over Vince that we aren’t using. It may seem harsh to do I know, but if we truly wanted immediate change, it could be useful.

What do you think, is this an idea you could get behind or is it simply too harsh and stupid to attempt. And if so, what other ways could you influence change to WWE other then online petitions and rants on forums. Thank you, I truly hope you like this idea and one day put it to use. It would be nice to be the guy to change the business for the better ha-ha.
I would love to see something like that. One of the things I really enjoy about watching Impact every week is the chants from the fans (Although the "Who Needs Bret?" one pissed me off). I know its alot easier to have a clear audible chant in the Impact zone than it is in a regular arena though. But it does seem like alot of people who end up in the front TV floor section are hardcore fans probably from the "IWC". So maybe they could get more vocal about things and bring more signs. I love when someone prints out like 15 of the same signs like "Jericho Sucks" and then passes em out to everyone in their row to hold up at the same time.
I agree with you because i dont hate cena but I dislike him a lot because he's always in the title picture. Now I dont have any room to say this because I watch every show every week nut I don't like the wwe's product. We should chant things we dislike in WWE. WWE needs a better product point blank.
The problem with your logic is that you think you - or the IWC - represent WWE fans. Unfortunately, you and the rest of the IWC don't.

Why is John Cena pushed heavily as a face? Because kids buy his merchandise. Even if kids weren't the target demographic for WWE, the fact that they have much more purchasing power than the average 14-26 year old gives WWE much more incentive to keep Cena marketable for a kid aged 7-12 years old.

Your idea to turn your back to Cena wouldn't work either. You're basically saying "Let's sell out the arena and give VKM our money." Oh yea. That will show him.

The ONLY way to get VKM to listen to you is to stop watching. Flip the dial. And watch TNA.

Unfortunately for some - me included - TNA is a far worse option than WWE right now.
I thought about this also. But more like let's pick some jobber and just always mark the f out. If everyone gets behind him see if Vince will give him a push. What made me think of this was 4chan did it in a model contest and voted for the worst looking person and that person won. But then I remembered that the iwc is really small compared to the other wrestling fans. So trying anything like that wouldn't work. Same with starting chants during tag team matches. Would little jimmy 10 year old really chat what's the point during a tag team match?
The IWC is small compared to the entire fanbase. Not watching RAW, ordering PPVs, buying merch isn't going to lead to better product, because we can't effect it on a larger scale.

Individuals could have more of an effect at live events, but there's a flaw with that as well. If you boo a face who you can't stand, or alternatively cheer a heel, you're still giving them a reaction. As long as there is noise while Cena is performing, it doesn't matter what the specifics are. What's more effective is giving no reaction whatsoever, or going to the bathroom during segments you don't like. But again, IWC and the people who agree with our views are in the minority.

The third and most viable option for the IWC is supporting someone else. TNA is stupid, but at least there show still kind of looks like a professional wrestling show (As in most guys on TV have storylines and they do things for a reason, even if that reason makes zero sense). Or you could always try ROH. They've got a weekly TV show on HD net (uploaded onto an official youtube channel every wednesday), they release about 40 DVD's a year, and tickets to their live events are super cheap. If an IWC sized chunk of Vince's audience starts giving their time and money over to another company, he'll notice. And when the other companies start doing big numbers, he'll be forced to improve to compete.
If I could use my power to influence the WWE universe, I would create another singles title. Nothing major, just another TV title or European title from back in the day; you know, a low/mid carder title. It would span all 3 shows and be used to help propel th younger talent upwards. You know Triple H was a European Champion before a World champ, just like Edge, Eddy Guerrero, etc. Just a jobber title to make sure none of the younger, less used talent is forgotten.
I was thinking about the same thing a few days earlier, they can't do much on Raw, because we are live and they won't be able to edit anything out, I know, that I am probably never going to be able to go to a wwe event, so I won't be able to do anything, but i would have so much respect for the fans if they did come together and do something about it...
Actually, i think something like super cheering our favorite faces and super booing are favorite heels would work. A couple years ago there was a poll on WWE.com about who you would most like to see win the Royal Rumble. A forum i was a member of decided to push tons of votes into Val Venis. The next RAW Val wrestled D-Lo Brown and got the win.
while you're right on basically every level the IWC is nothing to the amount of kids who watch the shows and all the kids want to see is the new fake ass DX with fucking hornswaggle and Cena preaching about never giving up and rey mysterio because hes just as tall as they are. they dont care that the ecw name has been ruined, they dont care that guys like kofi and punk arnt getting the pushes they deserve.

we really have no power, the fucking little kids do....and it isnt even that much power

no the real power behind everything the wwe does is vince, stephanie, and money
ive got to beleive that simply watching tna instead would spark a change also if i could change anything in wwe id scrap the brand split.think of the variety of fueds they could have also only have one world title one tag title ect because titles mean more if theres only one of them and the champions would actually feel like champions.
the only way to get McMahon's attention is to stop watching, plain & simple. if you watch and complain, ur still giving him ratings and that's all he wants. that's why WWE doesn't do 7.0 anymore, all those fans are gone. they had enough of what McMahon would put on the screen. if we stop watching, he realizes we own him, not the other way around.
Haha I love the responses to this thread because they all are stuff I have thought before. But when you think about it in the end, all of us here trying to stop the shit show we watch every week will probably still watch RAW anyways. If one of us went to a show and started cheers such as "This Sucks" or "Fuck You Vince", all that would happen is that parents with their kids would look at us and tell us to stop. All the kids would get frightened and we would just look like assholes.
I don't understand this viewpoint at all. Vince McMahon doesn't give a shit if you watch and complain in this closed world we occupy. By all means express your opinion, that's what makes the IWC something good to be a part of, but to consistently complain and continue to watch isn't going to do anything except galvanise the belief in Vince's mind that he can put whatever he wants out. If the Chavo and Hornswoggle segment bashers had merely stopped watching, they'd have ended sooner. Vince gears his shows at kids because they are more fickle, they will stop watching if they don't like it. Saps like us keep tuning in week in week out no matter what. Vince doesn't care if you like the show or not, as long as you watch, buy the PPVs and the merchandise, nothing will change.
Well if we got everyone to rally behind the idea i think it would work!
Think about it...we have the forums (obviously) then get people to post it onto other forums...if loads of us upload videos on youtube saying to people to do a certain act....like taking a certain poster to the arena or chanting something while at the arena...or..not tuning into raw for one monday for example (its not like we would miss a lot lol)
Slowly the message will start to be spread and more and more people will do it and vkm would notice!
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