WWE fan vs the Wrestling fan


Pre-Show Stalwart
I have been watching wrestling for almost 20 years now and the one thing I can trully say is I have always liked it regardless of the brand if I flipped through channels and saw a ring and wrestlers I put my remote down and watched.

Whether WWF, WCW, ECW, Local wrestling, WWE, ROH or TNA

MY question is are there many wrestling fans left? Meaning fans of seeing wrestling in a ring not just WWE. Its amazing how today people back WWE like its the Yankees or the Miami Heat and you can only like that one and hate all the rest.

Do you think there are more WWE fans then actual wrestling fans?
I think you are interpriting(might be spelled wrong) these fans wrong. Most fans who are fans of wrestling aren't just fans of the wwe. They talk about the wwe the most because its the wrestling promotion that has the most hours on tv and is in the epicenter of wrestling.

And this hating on other promotions usually comes from people not liking tna.
But thats not just exclusive wwe fans. ROH fans do it, Chikara fans do it, AAA fans do it, and everybody in between. And that doesn't stem from anything other than tna doing dumb things.

Personally I LIKED TNA at one time. I didn't even like their main event that much(because i don't like jarret.) Then they started getting people the christian and angle. They put christian as the champion which I liked. Then once they left the nwa, they started to just do rehashed storys and their product suffered.

Well to get back on the subject.
When you describe wwe it seems like you are talking about tna fans almost because they do what you say wwe fans do.

And this is coming from a wrestling fan who has watched everthing from wwf to wcw to ecw to smockey mountain to roh to tna to czw to chikara to the cheap wwwa that goes to my local flee market for the last 17 years of my life.
Im not looking at it from a TNA p.o.v. I am looking at it from a secondary option point a view. Maybe with older (people in their 20's) who where around through ECW, and Monday night Wars do like and watch multiple organization because its what they grew up on, having options in wrestling shows, but alot of teenagers strictly watch WWE from what I have scene and heard from talking to them .

The younger fans under 18 are most likely majority WWE fans, and the casual fan is most likely only WWE.

My jab at WWE comparing to the Yankees is for individuals, who support WWE to the fullest and then spit at anything trying to compete with it
if you are talking about casual wrestling fans then of course wwe is what they would mostly watch is wwe. But thats because it has the most exposure. But I don't here them bash anyone. My sister is a casual fan and I took her to see roh and wwwa and she loved it. She didn't say one bad word about either.

The only people that really bash are hardcore wrestling fans. And this is usually either directed towards tna or coming from a tna fan.

Thats not opinion either, thats fact.
And it may seem like i'm bashing tna right now, but i'm not. I just see similarities in what u are saying about wwe loyalists to what i see with tna loyalists.
I watch wrestling no matter what organization. As lone as it is newer wrestling. I'm not to fond of old school wrestling. But I'm 18, I do chose WWE over anything else because I grew up on it. I'm a huge WWE fan, but I'm more of a bigger wrestling fan. I'll watch TNA, ROH, and independent shows on the internet because I'm a fan of the sport. I think people who are strictly WWE fans are foolish. The WWE has its highs and lows judt like any other promotion, and I'm going to criticize any organization that does something stupid. Most people perfer WWE over others because they grew up with it and claim themselves to be hardcore WWE fans when infact, they are wrestling fans first and WWE fans second. Everywhere you go you're going to have the company's Hardcore fans. Fans that won't watch anything but that promotion. They have those type of fans in ROH, TNA, WWE and even ECW back in the day. Its competiton basically. Its like liking McDonald's over Burger King... you like Burger King, but McDonald's has more exposure, been around longer and more people are drawn to it.
When it comes to wrestling, I've always been a fan. Some of the earliest memories I have are of watching wrestling. When I was a kid, I'd take up any opportunities to watch tapes of Georgia Championship Wrestling, Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling, Continental Wrestling Association, World Wrestling Federation, World Class Championship Wrestling, really just about anything I could find. While there aren't as many big companies out there today, there are still plenty that can fill the needs of whatever turns you on.

There are fans that are primarily interested in spotfests and there are companies that feature lots of spots in their matches. Some want tons of blood and hardcore wrestling, some want a little bit of a mix of everything, some prefer companies that have a more "traditional" approach. Basically, whatever you're looking for, it's out there somewhere. It might be a little hard to find at times, but it is out there.

As far as "wrestling fans" go, if you watch pro wrestling then you're a wrestling fan in my opinion. There are far too many wrestling elitists out there that consider people to be not as much of a wrestling fan if they like TNA or WWE rather than some other company. It's bullshit. That's like saying you're not a devoted fan of football if your preferred team is the Chicago Bears rather than the New England Patriots. As with any other sport, of course it's completely expected for different people to have their favorite promotions for whatever the reason might be. There are WWE fans that do harp on TNA even if they've never watched and there are TNA fans that harp on WWE simply because it's the WWE and some ROH fans that harp on both TNA and WWE and so on and so forth. I prefer WWE because I personally think it's an overall stronger company with a roster that I tend to like more with storylines I care more about. I haven't had the opportunity to see an ROH show and my opinion might change if I did. As I don't watch ROH, I hardly ever say anything about it because I don't wanna look like an idiot. At any rate, if you prefer one company over another, it doesn't make you any more or less a wrestling fan, it simply makes you a fan. If you do watch both WWE and TNA and you prefer one over the other, there's nothing wrong with that. If you watch them and think one or both of them is crap, it doesn't make you any less fan. It just means you've got different tastes as to what you're into.

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