WWE Extreme Rules: I Quit Match - Alberto Del Rio VS Jack Swagger


It was announced on Raw last night that Dolph Ziggler wouldn't be medically cleared to compete in the triple threat ladder match at Extreme Rules this Sunday. After suffering what various sources, according to articles in several sites, are calling a serious concussion, Ziggler is said to have lost several days worth of memories from the past week and has suffered from major headaches.

As a result, Teddy Long announced on Raw last night that Del Rio will meet Swagger in an I Quit match to determine the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. Personally, I would have preferred they'd stuck with the ladder match for Swagger & Del Rio, but I can't really complain as the two seem to have hit their stride during their feud, judging by their last two matches on SmackDown! several weeks back.

I see little chance for Del Rio to lose here. Babyfaces damn near never lose I Quit matches and Del Rio has already made Swagger tap out to the Cross Armbreaker a couple of times. However, I suppose it is possible that Swagger could somehow come out with a win. If Del Rio was rendered "unconscious" somehow and simply unable to continue the match, Swagger could be given the win by default. Kind of a lame ending to the match but if WWE has the intention of giving Ziggler some degree of retribution against the man who beat him in his first match since becoming champ and giving him a concussion, then it might be the only way to do it if WWE is intent on protecting Del Rio.
It's true what you say about Del Rio winning this match, Babyfaces don't lose I Quit matches, we've seen it time and time again. I'm confused as to why it's still not a Ladder Match, with a contract hanging above the ring. But oh well, I Quit matches are just as interesting, because there is (usually) always, some kind of cool ending like with Cena/JBL.

I was actually hoping that Teddy Long was going to announce Del Rio vs Swagger vs Langston at Extreme Rules, with Langston having to defend the title on Ziggler's behalf. It almost looked that way on Raw last night, but alas, it didn't happen unfortunately.

I say that Del Rio will win this match, not because of the "Babyfaces win I Quits", but because of the amount of other heel victories I think we'll see during the night (Mark Henry, Shield, Ambrose).

Del Rio to win.
I see little chance for Del Rio to lose here. Babyfaces damn near never lose I Quit matches and Del Rio has already made Swagger tap out to the Cross Armbreaker a couple of times.

Yeah, really. I see a Del Rio victory, too. Any intrigue involves what the company's plans for Jack Swagger might be. I thought the big push they had given since his return from Never-Never Land ended at WM29. I figured they saw him as the same old Jack, and any freshness in his act came from Zeb Coulter, not himself. For that reason, it seemed he might be relegated back to the mid-card for whatever remained of his WWE career. (After all....twice burned)

Instead, he battled Dolph Ziggler and ADR on even terms. In retrospect, this might reflect the lack of intrigue in Dolph dealing strictly with ADR; they wanted to add something to the mix to make things interesting, and Swagger had the good fortune of being around at the right time.

Of course, Dolph's injury came at a most inopportune time for the company's plans. Because of it, Swagger now has a feature match at a PPV.....but I can't see his emerging the winner of this singles match any more than he would come out on top of a 3-way.

On the other hand, maybe WWE has something completely different in mind here. They've surprised us before; it's why we watch, no?

ADR wins.......and what they do with him afterward is anybody's guess.
It's true what you say about Del Rio winning this match, Babyfaces don't lose I Quit matches, we've seen it time and time again. I'm confused as to why it's still not a Ladder Match, with a contract hanging above the ring. But oh well, I Quit matches are just as interesting, because there is (usually) always, some kind of cool ending like with Cena/JBL.

I was actually hoping that Teddy Long was going to announce Del Rio vs Swagger vs Langston at Extreme Rules, with Langston having to defend the title on Ziggler's behalf. It almost looked that way on Raw last night, but alas, it didn't happen unfortunately.

I say that Del Rio will win this match, not because of the "Babyfaces win I Quits", but because of the amount of other heel victories I think we'll see during the night (Mark Henry, Shield, Ambrose).

Del Rio to win.

No, it should be a submission match, not a ladder match. And having Langston defend Ziggler's championship for him is a lose/lose situation. If he wins, Ziggler looks like crap because he needed Langston to win for him. If he loses, it gives him an obvious in for a rematch, but he loses the belt after a few weeks. Unless he gets it back by some stupid "technicality" which would look just as bad as his first "reign" as champion. Both minutes of it.

Anyways, this is such a shame because this is one match they've built really well until Ziggler got hurt. That's just the way it is sometimes.

ADR wins here, especially with it being an I Quit match. He'll win and then likely lose in a 1v1 to Ziggler at Payback, unless they decide to make the title match on Raw or Smackdown to appease not having one at the PPV.

Better question is where does Swagger go from here? Well, besides court ;)
It's a shame the triple threat got binned. I was really looking forward to a triple threat ladder match, indeed any "extreme rules ppv" should have a ladder match but I'll cope.

I quit matches are historically very good and very brutal. These two have put on good matches thus far and I think they will continue the trend at Extreme Rules. Faces generally don't loose I quit matches which leads me to picking Del Rio.
This is how they're going to punish Swagger. He'll have to scream "I Quit" in front of a packed arena.

I'm tired of Del Rio, so I'd actually like Swagger to get the belt but I don't see it happening. He'll probably lose this match and then be relegated to a midcard feud.
I wasn't entirely sure why Swagger was involved in the triple threat considering he'd exhausted his title shot at Mania. Now this match has even less of a reason to exist. If WWE have big plans for Langston then why not give him a vote of confidence by having him represent Ziggler? It's a mid-card title anyway.
Del Rio wins, because I can't picture a logical scenario for building a heel VS heel WHC match. Del Rio will get his revenge for Swagger costing him the WHC with the post match attack after Wrestlemania. I don't expect him to win, but Del Rio will have another shot at redemption against the man, who stole the WHC from him with the cash-in.

Del Rio and Swagger work well together, and I expect some outside shenanigans from Coulter. Swagger will squeal "I Quit!" before it's too late, and I don't expect this match to get a lot of time, because it's on the same card as Lesnar VS Triple H III and Cena VS Ryback. It's a shame, because I'm sure Swagger and Del Rio could pull off a show stealing quality match.
Del Rio wins, because I can't picture a logical scenario for building a heel VS heel WHC match. Del Rio will get his revenge for Swagger costing him the WHC with the post match attack after Wrestlemania. I don't expect him to win, but Del Rio will have another shot at redemption against the man, who stole the WHC from him with the cash-in.

Del Rio and Swagger work well together, and I expect some outside shenanigans from Coulter. Swagger will squeal "I Quit!" before it's too late, and I don't expect this match to get a lot of time, because it's on the same card as Lesnar VS Triple H III and Cena VS Ryback. It's a shame, because I'm sure Swagger and Del Rio could pull off a show stealing quality match.

Exactly my thoughts. Its too bad this match is on the same card as Cena V Ryback and Trips vs Brock 3! This match has the potential to be the show stealer of the spring IMO never mind the night. But a face saying I quit rarely ever happens and honestly i cant remember the last time a face squealing I Quit.. Im still not buying ADR as a face i liked him much much better as a heel. I would love very much Swagger to win this one but IMO Vinnie Mac is still going to punish Swagger by making him say I Quit. I hope this match gets a lot of time i do both of these guys can go and hopefully this match should be a very good technical battle..
I'm not really disappointed about Ziggler being out of the match, honestly. Ever since I read the rumor about Swagger and Del Rio in a Submission match for Extreme Rules, I've wanted to see that match more than what they originally had planned and for Ziggler to have cashed-in on the weak, vulnerable winner here at the PPV instead. I doubt Ziggler would have a concussion now if it did go that way. Even though it's not a Submission match, an I Quit match is just as cool, and I expect a pretty good match here just as they have had on recent episodes on RAW and Smackdown. I think this would be a fine choice to open the show with aswell.
It's a little disappointing that the ladder match had to be scrapped but I think this is a good and logical replacement. There is still bad blood between these two despite the clean finish at mania. Both have a reasonable claim as number one contender. Both have submission moves as finishers. Neither of these guys seem to be very popular on the forum but I think they can work well together and put on a very good match if given the right amount of time. I hope it's more of a wrestling match where they try to make each other submit to a submission hold rather than a brawl where they try to beat each other into submission. If they stick to wrestling this could be the dark horse match of the night.
I am definitely into seeing a Del Rio/Swagger submission match. I agree with The Brain that if they stick to wrestling this could be the match of the night. I was also into seeing the ladder match with all three, but this match is definitely a good replacement. Once Swagger and Del Rio are out of the World title picture I can't imagine what they will do with either of them, but I see Del Rio winning this and going onto the title shot.
This would have worked better as a submission match as they have shown a knack for counter holds in their matches so far.

As most have said a face usually wins an "I Quit!" match but one way Swagger could win is if he gets Del Rio handcuffed to the ropes and puts Ricardo in the ankle lock, forcing Del Rio to quit to save his friend.
This would have worked better as a submission match as they have shown a knack for counter holds in their matches so far.

As most have said a face usually wins an "I Quit!" match but one way Swagger could win is if he gets Del Rio handcuffed to the ropes and puts Ricardo in the ankle lock, forcing Del Rio to quit to save his friend.

To be honest, it will be a glorified submission match. We will see them use the Armbar/Ankle lock 3/4 times each. Each time it gets more incredible that they do not quit. I can't see it being a spectacular match, just solid.

I love that as an ending, it is the perfect way to have Swagger win but it seems very unlikely.

I am SO incredibly disappointed that we will not get a World Heavyweight Championship match at Extreme Rules, and the least they could have done was to keep this match a ladder match. I do like a good I Quit match though, so this promises to be quite good despite Dolph not putting his title on the line. My main problem with it is that I'm NOT a fan of having #1 contendership matches on PPV whatsoever! Contendership needs to be decided on television while the actual title shot goes on PPV. I cannot fathom why WWE would ever do this, TNA does it far too often too but that is a topic for another day. I think this will go on toward the middle of the show.

The match itself could very well be the match of the night. Swagger and Del Rio are both very skilled. They did good at Wrestlemania and I think this match can be even better. As much as I want Swagger to win, I've got Alberto getting the victory here. WWE is likely still upset with him for his incident before Wrestlemania and I expect a delay in him picking up the world title, if at all, due to that. Plus.... why would Swagger get a title shot unless either he or Dolph are turning face? Alberto Del Rio VS Dolph is likely where things are going. Del Rio wins and moves on to face Dolph for the World Heavyweight Championship. Swagger might still get a title shot as well, although he might enter a filler feud first to regain momentum.

Alberto Del Rio will defeat Jack Swagger.
I was expecting to see Ziggler in action but oh well, shit happens...

At Mania I had big expectationts that did not delivered with these two, now I'll guess we are going to have a good match but nothing spectacular, like someone said it is going to be a glorified/extreme submission match.

It doesn't make any sense for Swagger to win unless him (wich isn't going to happen) turns face or Ziggler doesn't (he isn't as over to be turned), that being said and OK match with ADR winning.
Sucks to see Ziggler out of this, but it's the right thing to do. Del Rio wins with his Cross Armbreaker. Del Rio needs his rematch first in my opinion as he was the champion before Dolph. Also Jack should take a seat for just a little bit that was he sort of gets punished for his drug bust a few months back. These two have been good in the ring against eachother so far, and I don't see them letting anyone down tonight.
One for the faces tonight, even if Alberto Del Rio really doesn't act like one.

On the whole, the only male in WWE I can remember(legitimately) quitting is Rey Mysterio against Chavo Guerrero, and that was simply because Rey needed surgery. I think the only other time a face legitimately quit within WWE was an intergender match, with Stephanie quitting against Vince, which is hardly a fair comparison here.

Anyway, Swagger vs. Ziggler isn't exactly a marquee matchup, and it would essentially turn Ziggler babyface for the match, which I doubt WWE wants to do, regardless of his crowd reactions. With Del Rio vs Ziggler, you have a face vs a heel for the World Title, and a much more appealing match.

This is a step-down from the triple threat ladder match that was supposed to be, but stuff happens. Better WWE be cautious with Ziggler now then risk permanent damage. And with both of these men having submission finishers in their repotoire, and this should be a good match. There may not be incredible investment from the fans, but I'm looking forward to this one. I only hope it's not the 85/15 structure of the heel dominating, with the babyface showing great 'courage' to come back and win.

Del Rio wins this. He was the No. 1 Contender anyways before the ladder match was made, by virtue of his rematch, but I understand why they're doing this match. Something has to feel the void in the World Title picture, and since both were already fighting for the title as is, it makes sense in that context. And it should be a good contest as well, as both men, despite what they lack in personality, can really go in the ring.

Unless they're planning a heel turn for being 'screwed' out of his rematch, Del Rio wins this.
I give this one to Del Rio as it gives the heel/face dynamic back to the title picture with Ziggler. If Swagger wins, who's the face in their feud? Some may not think that's a big deal, but once it's on screen, you'll see how awkward it is for the fans and for the wrestlers, too.

And in an "I Quit" scenario, it's going to take some momentum away from whomever loses. Saying "I Quit" is supposed to be borderline embarrassing for the loser, and the only way this can work is to have Del Rio make Swagger say those magic words.

I take Del Rio in this match via armbar.
It was a good match with a stupid finish, WWE book at least 95% of heel victories as cheating finishes, now most heel's should never win another match after the precedent this match set.

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