WWE Extreme Rules 2012: CM Punk (c) VS Chris Jericho (Street Fight) [WWE Title]

Martin Gabriel

Pre-Show Stalwart

This may have been something as simple as a rivalry once, a dispute between two men to be settled the squared circle. But in the case of WWE Champion CM Punk and Chris Jericho, it has long since become something darker and more personal.

Jericho had made it known, since the moment of his return on Jan. 2nd, 2012, that he had come back to WWE to “reclaim what was his” - the WWE Title and the mantle of “Best in the World,” both of which had sat comfortably in the clutches of CM Punk for several months. Jericho wasted no time in targeting The Second City Saint and the gold around his waist, and though he came up short in the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber Matches, a Battle Royal victory on Raw secured his spot as Punk’s chief opposition for the supreme prize at WrestleMania XXVIII.

From then on, the rivalry took a decisively cerebral turn. Jericho, who has long made it his M.O. to destroy his opponents mentally before they ever set foot against him in the ring, attempted to burrow into Punk’s psyche by uncovering the champion’s long-buried family secrets. Jericho methodically exposed Punk’s father’s history with alcoholism (the reason for The Voice of the Voiceless’ lifelong commitment to a straight edge lifestyle), and by slandering the name of his sister and mother, Jericho hoped to unman his enemy and strip him of his title on The Grandest Stage of Them All.

His plan failed. CM Punk prevailed at The Show of Shows, forcing Jericho to tap to the Anaconda Vise. The jilted challenger’s response was ruthless. Jericho attacked Punk on Raw SuperShow after the champion was left battered and defenseless by Mark Henry, emptying a bottle of whiskey into The Straight Edge Superstar’s mouth and smashing a second bottle over his head, seemingly undoing the straight edge lifestyle Punk had lived his whole life.

And yet, Punk persisted, even as Jericho jeeringly named him “CM Drunk,” insisted he’d become an alcoholic himself, and continued to attack Punk’s principles by dousing him with a six-pack of beer the following week on Raw.

In fact, the first time CM Punk seemed happy during all of this was when Jericho announced that his endgame had succeeded: the two will face off again in a Chicago Street Fight at Extreme Rules. “Perhaps it’s poetic justice,” Punk sneered at his enemy, who hid safely behind a satellite feed and communicated over the TitanTron. The rivalry was once about such things, he explained, but now, Punk just wants to fight. And as he told Jericho, “In Chicago, when we fight, there are no disqualifications.”

Will CM Punk retain his title against Jericho for a second time? Or will the conniving challenger finally reclaim that which he says is his?

This and the other two matches have very strong potential to steal the show. I wanted this to be a "Last Man Standing" match but I'll take a street fight. This should be a great match, and I expect it to be very brutal. Punk will no doubt defeat Jericho again.

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It's unlikely that Jericho will win based on the feud set up and the fact that its in Chicago. Kinda sad though considering Jericho returned to take the belt but most likely never will and before we know it he will be gone again. As a Jericho fan it sucks.

I'm not sure how they are gonna work it after Extreme rules though if Punk wins. Maybe Christian will return and start a feud until Lesnar is ready to take the title off Punk or something. Hard to say at this point.
cant wait for this match i hope it turns into a old school street fight instead of just the typical wwe street fight i could see jericho using a beer bottle or something like that as a weapon i see punk winning here to end the fued and send jericho packing to the stage for his fozzy tour
I think jericho may win this one. Because Jericho did say he was leaving around summerslam for his fozzy tour so that would leave the door open for 1 more match for Jericho after this one. Plus, he would receive an enormous amount of heat for beating punk in his hometown.
I think jericho may win this one. Because Jericho did say he was leaving around summerslam for his fozzy tour so that would leave the door open for 1 more match for Jericho after this one. Plus, he would receive an enormous amount of heat for beating punk in his hometown.

That's true actually. I wanted Jericho to win at mania but of course we didn't get to see that. Punk won at Chicago last year so they could have him lose. Ultimately if Jericho leaves again without a title reign his return would be more pointless then Kevin Nash(although we did get a great mania match from Jericho this year).
I think this is booked poorly. They should have had Jericho win at Mania. Given that Jericho is leaving soon, I figure it's too late for him to win now... I believe Punk will win, ending the feud once and for all and while celebrating with a huge pop, out comes Lord Tensai. Too soon? Nah, not if JL is gunning for him like he basically said he was.
The more and more I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised to have Punk lose. The heat Jericho would get by beating Punk in his hometown would be amazing.
I'm torn when it comes to this match. On one hand, I like Punk as champion and see him retaining, but on the other hand, I can't help but think Jericho picks up the win here. I understand that this is in Chicago -- Punk's home territory and everything -- but he's gone over Jericho quite a few times, and I think they might lean the other way this time. Either way, we're looking at quite a good match between two great competitors, but the outcome is going to be the most interesting part, obviously. I'm excited to see what Punk and Jericho bring to the table, and I'm sure they won't disappoint.

The big thing I'm getting from this match is that neither guy will be champion for very long after Extreme Rules. I have a feeling Brock Lesnar will be getting the title very soon, and one of these men will be tasked with putting him over. Punk is the more logical choice, as he's the current champion and he's a face, but I wouldn't sleep on Jericho. The WWE can put Jericho over HUGE as a heel if they decide to put him over CM Punk in Chicago. It would probably catapult Lesnar to the top (as a heel or as a face), if he then took the belt off of Jericho. It all depends on Lesnar's actions afterward and the big picture with Cena. Either way, Jericho -- on the way out -- seems like an attractive option to have Lesnar go over, so he'd have to have the belt here.
I've really been enjoying this feud. They made it far more personal and it is about far more than just the belt. Jericho has played the heel role well in his actions and Punk has done a good job as well with staying true to his beliefs as well as not backing down. Their match from Wrestlemania will be hard to top, but this match has the potential to be great as well. It's tough to say who will win this one.... Punk needs the win to not only continue his great title reign, but there is also the fact that he needs to win to stand up for his lifestyle choices. Jericho could use the win too though, his return would have been basically for nothing if he loses every PPV match. Yes, he is putting Punk over. However, it would be more meaningful for Punk to win the feud if he doesn't win every match during the feud.

I'm gonna go with Jericho winning. Why? A win for Jericho could give a reason for the feud to keep going for at least one more PPV event. Punk wouldn't let Jericho get away with it, so a third match would then follow where he'd win the entire feud and get the title back. I also think it would be awesome if Jericho wins if he made the title have similar lighting effects that his jackets have had lately. Someone else pointed such an idea out in another thread a while back and I agree. That would look so cool! Anyways, Jericho wins so that this feud continues for at least one more match. Much like their Wrestlemania match, it has the potential to be the best of the night.

Chris Jericho will win the WWE Championship.
I reckon punk will successfully defend the wwe title against Chris Jericho and then we'll hear johnny ace's music- amazing heat interrupting punk's hometown celebration.

Johnny would say that Punks celebration has been cut short because he has to defend the title one more time against someone who wants revenge...Christian! Christian would then beat an exhausted cm punk to become new wwe champion.

Then at over the limit we could see a triple threat between punk, Christian and Jericho. However, punk vs Jericho in an "I quit" match would be kl and a good way to right Jericho of tv for a while. But i cant think of anyone to face Christian for wwe title in a 1 month filler so that Christian vs punk can continue at no way out.

My prediction:

CM Punk to win but not to walk out of Extreme Rules with the belt.
This is a hard one for me but I think I'll go with Punk for the simple fact that he's been very successful in his hometown unlike most superstars and that Jericho is leaving soon.But I can still see Jericho picking up the victory here.1 thing's for sure I'm really looking for to this match.

I go in more detail as well here on my prediction for this match
This one is quite a difficult one to predict. Before this week's segment, I was siding with Punk as Jericho was the guy who had been getting the upper hand on Punk for weeks and if you are booked as the guy who gets dominated on TV, that usually means that you win at the PPV. But Punk got the upper hand on Jericho this week, in a rather weak segment, in my opinion and I think that changes the equation considerably.

I think Jericho will win, possibly in a very sneaky manner. I would not be surprised if Punk's family or close friends of his also get involved in the match. Maybe Jericho will distract Punk with some video of his sister taking drugs or something which will allow Jericho to roll Punk up for the win. After this loss I expect Punk to be out of the title scene for a while and expect him to feud with the likes of Lord Tensai whom Lauraniatis will send after Punk. I think Jericho will have a three month reign and Punk will win the belt back from him at SummerSlam which is when Jericho is expected to leave.

Winner: Chris Jericho
as a massive punk fan id love to see him win in his home town but after the last BIG win he had there when he walked off with the title i think its unlikely. maybe his mum will get involved and give CJ a slap for all the nasty words lol ... now that i would like to see
Chris Jericho should have defeated Cm Punk at WrestleMania XXVIII because he is just better than Cm Punk is, now Jericho should have defeated Cm Punk at Extreme Rules in Cm Punks home town for two reasons...

1. Jericho would have major heat if he defeated the Champion in his Home Town

2. The feud would have been able to continue

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