WWE DVD Collections You Want to See.


...Only if you believe.
To go along with the luke warm thread I started about DVD's you think other fans should have, I'm going to start one about DVD collections you want to see released.

I'm really hoping for a new Triple H collection sometime soon. I know it's only been two or three years since the "King of Kings" collection was released, but for my money it's pretty lackluster as far as some The Game's better matches are concerned. If nothing else it's a great way to introduce Triple H to some fans who may not have watched the WWE in the mid to late 90s. Especially with him "stepping back" from the ring, I'd particularly like to see a more of a documentary themed set a la Bret Hart's "The Best There Is.." and HBK's "Heartbreak and Triumph." But for goodness sake let's put some good matches on there too.

Anyone else have a collection they want to see released sometime in the near future?
A WCW Cruiserweight 3-Disc set featuring the likes of Dean Malenko, Juventud, Rey Misterio Jr, Eddie Guerrero, La Parka, Blitzkrieg etc

British Bulldog 2 disc set

Owen Hart 2 disc set

A tribute to the Hardcore title, at least 2 discs, with bios on the top WWF Hradcore guys like Blackman, Crash, Raven, RVD etc
Sting. That's pretty much the only reason I want him in the E, so we can get the DVD set of his real career.
I'd go for a CM Punk set, when he retires. So I'll just take this lead pipe and, uh, "give him a DVD box set."
A more expansive RoadWarriors collection, Sting and a WWE Goldberg collection.

and re-issue some of the Rock collections.
Owen Hart 2 disc set

Yes, Owen Hart! Even though I would probably prefer a 3-disc set. One disc with documentary like Bret's "Best There Is..." The other two discs would have to be matches of course. Sadly I guess it'll never happen.

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