WWE December PPVs-A Turning Point in a Man's Career


Dark Match Winner
So the title of this thread kinda goes straight forward to what I'm about to bring up. Over the last few years, we have seen guys to have emerged greatful in the December PPVs to later headline as main events. Check this out:

2007 Armageddon-Jeff Hardy
Hardy and Trips had a #1 Contender's Match for the WWE Title. Hardy won and though it took him a long time during the year of 2008 to become an official champion, he came out to become a major player in the main event spotlight

2008 Armageddon-CM Punk
Punk and Mysterio had #1 Contender's Match for IC Title. Though not WWE, he later exploded in the spotlight with the second MITB win in 2009, an official long running WWE champion (though he has one it previously last year), has a full blown heel turn, and developed SES, a major faction that was pushed in WWE. Showed us all how great he did as a main eventer and put his true talents to the limit.

2009 TLC-Sheamus
Nothing more needed to say about this guy. Within a 3 month well known debut from Raw (when officially drafted from ECW), he left an impact as being a WWE champion as rookie with not one but 2 good title runs as again a rookie. Became a dominant force, whether in a WWE championship run or not, and became the King of the Ring (now King Sheamus) doin pretty well

2010 TLC-JoMo?
With the upcoming stipulation match of Sheamus vs JoMO in a ladder match, with all the upsets that though he has been doin great in his career but not being a world champ yet, will it finally turn tables in WWE to officially kick off JoMo with a year of championshipness and main event status in 2011 via this Sunday's win and the upcoming Royal Rumble?

I really wanna hear your respones guys. Make this thread AWESOME!!! Thanx!!!:)
Hmm... I've been sort of thinking about that... mixed in with how it plays into the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber PPVs

The December PPV in recent years have had a great focus on shining a spotlight on a up and coming superstar, whether they're new or they've been around but never had a ball to run with. But where does it lead to? It definitely is true, that the December PPV has been memorable establishing moments for the aforementioned Superstars but... its hard to shine a light on a superstar before 3 heavily spotlighted PPVs where things are guaranteed to happen and change.

The Royal Rumble...

Everyone who is someone, who is not a world champion or a number 1 contender gun for the coveted Royal Rumble spot. This takes the focus off the Superstar in the line of the push.

Another risk is that like we saw with Jeff Hardy... if you lose at Royal Rumble... your push kind of dies out flat. That superstar is seemingly just a place holder for the Rumble winner.

This leads to Elimination Chamber. Seemingly, the title will ALWAYS change hands in the Chamber these days... but again, you have to compete with 5 other guys to get a shining light... on each show, and of course, there still is the Rumble winner.

Then there is MITB at Mania [if there is one this year] another chance to get the spotlight, but you need to compete with several other superstars...

so my point is, the December PPV does tend to boost someone, and ultimately the boost has worked out for them, but it has taken time and patience.
I would venture to guess that it has more to do with the Miz-Morrisson feud that they are (probably) trying to spark up. Who really is the Marty Jennaty?

It would be great to see these two feud, and it seems logical for the RR main event, and then to continue into the Elimination and maybe, if Miz loses his title at the EC, to continue it as a feud for 'Mania...
i could see this particular event as a bit of a turning point for JoMo. quite honestly, he's been having a turning point in his career for quite awhile, maybe starting with his match against Sheamus on Raw some months ago. since then, he's been doing pretty well for himself.

i could see him winning his ladder match against Sheamus for the #1 Contender spot. Sheamus doesn't really need the win and quite possibly the ladder match format favors JoMo anyway.

if JoMo did win the ladder match, i could see the resulting win and and feuds going this way:

Sheamus does not have a shot at the WHC and this match possibly ends his feud with JoMo, allowing Sheamus to feud with a returning Triple H, perhaps during Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber. i can't see these two having another rematch at Mania, but maybe in the pay per views leading up to it. maybe.

and then JoMo could feud with Miz for the title at Rumble and maybe even at Elimination Chamber also. this would allow the WWE to see how these guys draw and get fan reaction without putting too much pressure on them for an event like Mania. then i could see Miz and JoMo both going into Mania without the title and feuding for the #1 Contender spot at the biggest stage of 'em all and this would allow the WWE to put the WHC and a bigger and more secure draw in time for Mania.

something like that anyways. but yes, i agree with the OP that this will be the turning point for Morrison and will allow us to see what his full potential is within the next year...
The December PPV has always been one of the more important PPV's that always flew under the radar so to speak.
1995 It give us the long awaited rematch between Bret Hart & British Bulldog in a forgotten classic, 1997 was about making DX look unstoppable, Shawn Michaels/Ken Shamrock & HHH and Sgt Slaughter. 1999 was about making HHH the biggest heel in WWF.
2000 making Angle a credable WWF Champion. 2001 crowning the first Undisputed Champion and 2002 was centred around HHH/HBK and 2003 was centred around Evolution winning all the RAW Championships. etc etc

I think WWE have done a good job centring the PPV around someone without actually splashing out the PPV is about this wrestler or that.
I think you're on to something, actually. I was at the Armageddon 2007 PPV, and HHH really enabled to Hardy to become a star that night. I dont think it was a coincidence that one year later, at the PPV of the same name, Hardy won his first WWE Championship. If anything, its not a PPV to be overlooked. Even in a losing effort, the 2006 Armageddon PPV was the debut of The Miz, who is now not only a PPV staple, but the current WWE Champion.

In 2008, I agree, I think the match with Mysterio and Punk was very much a "turning point" in CM Punk's career. It was his best PPV match in WWE to date, and really launched him into the upper mid-card scene, including those two back to back MITB wins, and his phenomenal heel turn.

2009 was great for stars other then Sheamus, including Drew McIntyre, who won the IC title that night. It hasnt been the springboard for his career as of yet, but it gave him a nice run as "The Chosen One", and nice angles with Teddy Long and Kofi Kingston. It was also the single's PPV debut of Kofi Kingston, against Randy Orton, albeit in a losing effort.

2010 is another big year for up nand coming Superstars. Alberto Del Rio could win the WHC in his first TLC match. Natalya and Beth Phoenix will compete in the first women's tables match vs LayCool. And obviously, that leads me to John Morrison.

This is easily the biggest match of Morrison's career, bigger then any of his mid-card championship wins. This match could lead him to becoming a staple in the upper main event, or push him back down into obscurity. I tend to think the former, and that JoMo will win this match, allowing him to have his first PPV Championship at the Royal Rumble. I really see this as a make or break match for Morrison, and that it will make a star out of him. Good thread.

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