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WWE Creative and the biggest mistake this year......John Cena and his new role


Pre-Show Stalwart
Like many of us, John Cena being "fired" was a breath of fresh air. I figured he would show up on RAW for a farewell address, and I was cool with that. I was even fine with his run in at the end of RAW. But the fact that creative has blown an opportunity to make a good storyline belivable.....again. This is what I would have done.

Give Cena his spotlight last week, and have him disappear for a very long time. Not even bother with this lame Juan Cena angle. Let RTruth run with the ball as the main guy against NEXUS. Keep little Cena undertones out there, subtle ones though. Nothing to obvious. While all this is going on, a different member of NEXUS will be jumped every week.

At Royal Rumble, Truth wins the Rumble. Barret would be the final man out. The next night Barret would be out complaining about how he got cheated, and should get another shot. Trush makes the suggestion of if you beat me tonight, then they can share the main event at Mania. But if Truth beats him, not only is he shit out of luck but he has to hire back Cena.

Barret would win the match, thus Truth vs Barret vs (for sake of argument) Miz at Mania. The night before Mania something "happens" to Truth, and he cannot compete. Barret thinking he has a better chance finds out that it will still be a triple threat match, against an unknown who, if wins, not only becomes WWE Champ, but has a job too. Guess what....the masked man wins, pinning Barret. A new Champ is crowned, and then he takes his mask off to reveal....John Cena. Throws the mask at Barret and celebrates the win.

I know some of this idea is kind of stupid/predictible. But I am also thinking of a better way to make this current angle better. Give your thoughts on this concept please. If you would like to give an idea for the storyline, something different, go ahead. You dont have to, but feel free.
Yeah I don't think Rtruth should ever win the Rumble and besides that why would you have him get hurt right before Wrestlemania and have Cena be the replacement? I mean come on when you win the Rumble you should always get your shot at the world title at wrestlemania. What is the point of him even winning the Rumble?
It's not stupid and your not "looking to far into this" because there is a chance that anything anybody says could happen. Even if it's 1%.

I like this idea. I think they could have gone with many possibilities for John Cena. One of my favourites was just to have him disappear for a LONG time, then come back and destroy Barret or something. Let other youngsters elevate themselves while Cena takes some [a lot of] time off.

You could also continue having "Juan Cena" do the house shows. The only problem I had was that you should at least make it more believable. Cena shouldn't be in the same in-ring gear and t-shirt and wristbands. COME ON WWE CREATIVES!

I agree with you, 2010 has been a pretty decent year and this Nexus storyline is amazing. WWE made a mistake to let Cena come back the week after he makes an amazing speech. They don't make storylines BELIEVABLE. What's the point of the fucking stipulation if it's not even true? It doesn't matter? There was not stipulation that Cena could come back and take out members of the Nexus. Yeah, yeah he's a "man of his word". But really? I read an article that Vince wants it back to "expect the unexpected". Basically saying that he wants to get rid of careless mistakes and stuff. This is a VERY careless mistake. The "majority" of the audience is not 5 years old. Hell, even 5 year olds would know, if your done, your done. Asta Lavista, you're not coming back. Of course, we do know Cena will come back, just not now, in a bit. WWE basically destroyed the hard work of the past few months. I haven't been upset with WWE in a very long time. But this bugged me. I like WWE. It's really good. But HUGE MISTAKE!

Hopefully, they will make us "expect the unexpected" and will do something that will pay off for this mistake that they made.
This is why Fans/IWC Fans should leave it to WWE to Write the Shows. Nothing against R-Truth but him winning the Royal Rumble? Really? The John Cena "Fired" Storyline has been handled fine with him running around causing mayhem on Nexus because he has nothing to lose. I think at TLC Wade Barrett will have a Match with Cena and if John wins he can get his Job back.
Having Cena disappear for any length of time - even one episode - would be asinine. The only reason you would even consider taking him off air is if he's hurt. Voluntarily taking your biggest draw off TV for an extended period of time is the single dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. Raw ratings would drop, merchandise sales would drop, and your hottest storyline going today would completely go to waste. People are watching Raw to see what happens with this storyline - to see what happens with Cena. You have to give them a reason to keep watching every week. To basically say "Hey, you can go ahead and do something else next Monday, Cena won't be here" would be idiotic. Again, the only reason to do that is if you NEED to.
This is why Fans/IWC Fans should leave it to WWE to Write the Shows. Nothing against R-Truth but him winning the Royal Rumble? Really? The John Cena "Fired" Storyline has been handled fine with him running around causing mayhem on Nexus because he has nothing to lose. I think at TLC Wade Barrett will have a Match with Cena and if John wins he can get his Job back.

I agree Truth shouldn't necessarily win the Rumble, but he has become less than a second-in-command to Cena, & he deserves better.

The Cena firing was a surprise, & his continuing to show up at events, beat on Nexus, is cool,... As long as it doesn't get old, which won't take long.

If you really see that match happening at Mania, find Wade's mic work from last night, watch/read it, & think again.
WWE is already taking a HUGE gamble by not having Cena wrestle. He hasn't wrestled on WWE TV for more then a month now, which in and of itself could be seen as a mistake. He's the top draw, and only having him make cameo appearances on Raw to beat up Nexus members is a risk. It fits the storyline, and makes the NEXT Cena match seem special, but its also a risk in and of itself.

As for R-Truth, he simply isnt relevant or popular enough to carry this angle on his own. Did you hear the boos reigning down on him last night when he cut his promo that set up the Cena attack? Imagine that magnified by a thousand if he were to win the Rumble, as was your proposal.

As for the Juan Cena angle, what are you talking about? Did you watch Raw last night? i didnt see any signs of a "Juan Cena." That was only put in place in order to allow Cena to wrestle at house shows, nothing more.

To take your top star off tv for ANY reason other then injury would be foolish, and shooting yourself in the foot. It would be like benching your starting Quarterback with your season on the line. Cena is the draw, and the torchbearer of the company. How would taking him off TV for a long time be good business? It wouldnt. Theres no way in heck this angle would work, plain and simple. What they're doing right now is working, as Cena is still on the outside looking in. It has you wondering, "What will Cena have to do to get his job back?" And that's good booking, frankly.
No, no...I think the fact that John Cena never left does more for the company than as if he did leave. Sure, it would have been nice to see John Cena make some kind of epic return sometime later in the future, but you guys forget; WWE is all about the money. Think of how much of a wound not having Cena on camera that would make to the WWE's bank account. John Cena is quite frankly the top draw in the company; having him off TV does no good to WWE, business wise. WWE wouldn't make such a rash decision like that. It's idiotic.

I much prefer that John Cena still shows up on RAw taking down the NEXUS. Besides, it's looking interesting thus far. I wouldn't doubt it if Cena keeps jumping the NEXUS until he gets *re-signed* to the company and faces Wade Barret to try and end the Nexus.
WWE is already taking a HUGE gamble by not having Cena wrestle. He hasn't wrestled on WWE TV for more then a month now, which in and of itself could be seen as a mistake. He's the top draw, and only having him make cameo appearances on Raw to beat up Nexus members is a risk. It fits the storyline, and makes the NEXT Cena match seem special, but its also a risk in and of itself.

To take your top star off tv for ANY reason other then injury would be foolish, and shooting yourself in the foot. It would be like benching your starting Quarterback with your season on the line. Cena is the draw, and the torchbearer of the company. How would taking him off TV for a long time be good business? It wouldnt. Theres no way in heck this angle would work, plain and simple.

It would be bad to take him off of TV regardless, but he could be on TV without wrestling. (Look @ Punk.) The problem is more/also they don't have a lot of their top stars able to wrestle on TV right now. (Again, look at Punk.) Worse still/yet, b/c Vince had his eye on the State of CT, not the State of WWE for while, we get stuck with quick-push loser Champs like Miz. (Noticed Riley holding MITB last night.)
Having Cena disappear for any length of time - even one episode - would be asinine. The only reason you would even consider taking him off air is if he's hurt. Voluntarily taking your biggest draw off TV for an extended period of time is the single dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. Raw ratings would drop, merchandise sales would drop, and your hottest storyline going today would completely go to waste. People are watching Raw to see what happens with this storyline - to see what happens with Cena. You have to give them a reason to keep watching every week. To basically say "Hey, you can go ahead and do something else next Monday, Cena won't be here" would be idiotic. Again, the only reason to do that is if you NEED to.

Actually I disagree with you. I believe all the little Cena fans would want to go to Raw to see how it plays out and the litttle kids would buy more Cena since they would be more "valuable" due to him being "Fired".

Now to the subject, this is a good choice IMO it gives Cena some time to see his family, friends and possible work on his movie.
Like many of us, John Cena being "fired" was a breath of fresh air. I figured he would show up on RAW for a farewell address, and I was cool with that. I was even fine with his run in at the end of RAW. But the fact that creative has blown an opportunity to make a good storyline belivable.....again. This is what I would have done.

Give Cena his spotlight last week, and have him disappear for a very long time. Not even bother with this lame Juan Cena angle. Let RTruth run with the ball as the main guy against NEXUS. Keep little Cena undertones out there, subtle ones though. Nothing to obvious. While all this is going on, a different member of NEXUS will be jumped every week.

At Royal Rumble, Truth wins the Rumble. Barret would be the final man out. The next night Barret would be out complaining about how he got cheated, and should get another shot. Trush makes the suggestion of if you beat me tonight, then they can share the main event at Mania. But if Truth beats him, not only is he shit out of luck but he has to hire back Cena.

Barret would win the match, thus Truth vs Barret vs (for sake of argument) Miz at Mania. The night before Mania something "happens" to Truth, and he cannot compete. Barret thinking he has a better chance finds out that it will still be a triple threat match, against an unknown who, if wins, not only becomes WWE Champ, but has a job too. Guess what....the masked man wins, pinning Barret. A new Champ is crowned, and then he takes his mask off to reveal....John Cena. Throws the mask at Barret and celebrates the win.

I know some of this idea is kind of stupid/predictible. But I am also thinking of a better way to make this current angle better. Give your thoughts on this concept please. If you would like to give an idea for the storyline, something different, go ahead. You dont have to, but feel free.

This is really really bad. R-Truth? I hope for all of our sake we never see him win the Rumble! I think Cena's current role is awesome. It keeps him from being the goody-goody everyone hates him for being.

No matter what you think, people buy their tickets a few months in advance just to see Cena. Sure they want to see the whole show, but it's not worth nearly as much without him and i'm sure a lot of people would agree with me. I know that it says "card subject to change" but be real, we aren't paying just to see The Miz. the only people on Raw who can draw money as a headliner Are John Cena and Randy Orton (and HHH). You take the 3 of them away (which we would have had on monday without cena) then what do you have? Wade Barrett and the Miz.

I say the biggest mistake Creative has made is dropping the ball on Swagger/Ted Dibiase
Am I the only one who is drawing significant similarities right now to the whole Matt Hardy angle when he was not employed by WWE, but was attacking Edge like he was some kind of rebel. We all knew he had his job back at that time too. Look, I want to make the point that I love the storyline. I was in Philly last night for Raw and the crowd ate every minute of the Cena attacks against Nexus up. Especially when he ran through the crowd to attack Slater. That being said, they need to keep this angle fresh. Having him show up week after week, when everyone knows he will eventually "get his job back" is going to get stale real quick. Something big and unexpected needs to happen.
This is just a thought but why not have John Cena just keep doing run ins and hit and run attacks. Have him get arrested or hauled off by security guards. Just have him buy like front row tickets and disstract Nexus during some of there matches. Then like three weeks before the rumble have Cena destory like one of Nexus's cars and have them just run out of there like when Stone Cold destoryed the DX EXpress. Nexux puts on a restraining order against him and John tries to show up at the arena and is turned away every time. Then during the Rumble you have like Michael M., Husky, David, Justin, and Slater. The final four numbers are comming out and Nexus is waiting 26 hoping its Barret but out comes Randy Orton. Nexus doesn't elimate him right away, they start to beat him down. 27 out comes Triple H, him and Orton and kinda putting up a good fight against Nexus. 28 is R-truth and they start to put a good fight and are able to elimate Slater. out comes number 29 and its John Cena who just comes in and beats them all down. Michael, Husky are elimated by John. Triple H elimates both of R-truth and justin. 30 comes out and its Wade, but before he can come down to the ring David is elimate by John Cena and Randy Orton. The final four are Orton, Triple H, Wade, and John Cena. John elimates both himself and Wade and they continue to fight on the outside and its trying to get broken up by the refs but it takes all of the refs at ringside and some from the back to get them apart. While thats happening Randy Orton elimates Triple H and while the refs backs are turn Triple H slides back under the ropes and elimates Orton, which sets up for Trips heel turn. At EC or No Way Out, whatever the ppv is called Wade and John have an Extreme Rules Match and if John wins he gets his job back, but if Wade wins John would never be aloud to show his face on WWE tv ever again. Of course John Cena wins the match and the next night on RAW he is going to pick up where he left off before he became a member of Nexus
This is just a thought but why not have John Cena just keep doing run ins and hit and run attacks. Have him get arrested or hauled off by security guards. Just have him buy like front row tickets and disstract Nexus during some of there matches. Then like three weeks before the rumble have Cena destory like one of Nexus's cars and have them just run out of there like when Stone Cold destoryed the DX EXpress. Nexux puts on a restraining order against him and John tries to show up at the arena and is turned away every time. Then during the Rumble you have like Michael M., Husky, David, Justin, and Slater. The final four numbers are comming out and Nexus is waiting 26 hoping its Barret but out comes Randy Orton. Nexus doesn't elimate him right away, they start to beat him down. 27 out comes Triple H, him and Orton and kinda putting up a good fight against Nexus. 28 is R-truth and they start to put a good fight and are able to elimate Slater. out comes number 29 and its John Cena who just comes in and beats them all down. Michael, Husky are elimated by John. Triple H elimates both of R-truth and justin. 30 comes out and its Wade, but before he can come down to the ring David is elimate by John Cena and Randy Orton. The final four are Orton, Triple H, Wade, and John Cena. John elimates both himself and Wade and they continue to fight on the outside and its trying to get broken up by the refs but it takes all of the refs at ringside and some from the back to get them apart. While thats happening Randy Orton elimates Triple H and while the refs backs are turn Triple H slides back under the ropes and elimates Orton, which sets up for Trips heel turn. At EC or No Way Out, whatever the ppv is called Wade and John have an Extreme Rules Match and if John wins he gets his job back, but if Wade wins John would never be aloud to show his face on WWE tv ever again. Of course John Cena wins the match and the next night on RAW he is going to pick up where he left off before he became a member of Nexus

I actually like this one. lol Nice. As for Cena leaving, I agree w/the guys that said you really couldn't have him be "totally" gone yet. The youth movement is extremely refreshing, but you can't just let the main guy totally disappear. Gotta keep those merch sales up w/ppv revenue dropping. lol Oh, and btw, I WOULD actually buy a ticket just to see the Miz. But that's just me. And no, this is not Michael Cole...

Pretty much what you'd come to expect. Face facts; John Cena is not going away. Period. Whether you like it or not, the WWE can't afford to let him stay off television for too long. His furthering of the merchandise is something that can't be denied. He just sells tickets, and without John Cena there, what face do you have to drive the ticket sales? Orton? Because he's proven to be such a fantastic draw already. Even then, sure, you have Orton to carry on with. What else? What big face can you see selling tickets? Triple H seems in no hurry to get back in the ring, and Raw really doesn't have another face to draw up the ticket sales. Not Morrison, not Truth, not anyone. Cena and Orton are the only two faces on the Raw brand that you pay tickets to see. And believe, plenty of people will pay more for Cena than Orton.

How about we let this angle take shape? No use saying an angle is pointless, especially when that same angle has yet to even come to fruition on television
I think it would be better if cena satyed away from raw and come back in the royal rumble and be the 28 entry and hhh is 29 and y2j face is 30 and nexus cause cena to lose and he gets hired by vince after elimnation chamber and revals who the gm is and cena and baret can have a grudge match at mania and they could have a i quit match
R Truth....winning the Royal Rumble?....NO...wait...HELL NO!....i like Cena missing sometime..Not much cause people do have short memories...maybe a month or two then just start taking out the Nexus like he is doing now...id keep the same storyline just would of kept Cena out a month or two
This is just a thought but why not have John Cena just keep doing run ins and hit and run attacks. Have him get arrested or hauled off by security guards. Just have him buy like front row tickets and disstract Nexus during some of there matches. Then like three weeks before the rumble have Cena destory like one of Nexus's cars and have them just run out of there like when Stone Cold destoryed the DX EXpress.

This whole Cena's fired angle reminds me of Austin being fired. You can't take Cena of the air the same way you couldn't take Austin off he sells merch, plus you have the What's Cena going to do next? viewers. You also posted hit and run attacks and Cena being hauled off by security hmmmm where have we seen that before, it wouldn't surprise me if nexus has the entire arena surrounded by guards but Cena buys a ticket and still gets involved gets cuffed goes to jail and while he's cuffed gets attacked.

It's all sitting right there for WWE creative rehash something old with new characters and they have the perfect heels in Nexus and the Perfect face in Cena, just like Austin vs the Corporation.
Can't help but disagree that WWE is making a mistake with the way they're using John Cena. I LOVE THIS!! It's a refreshing change to the norm and I am digging this vigilante version of Cena who has nothing to lose and said he's going to be true to this word and take down every Nexus member. He's halfway home. I want to offer, however, an all-too-familiar prediction and that is that one night Barrett will once again say he's the only person who can hire back Cena and then out comes...surprise, surprise...Mr. McMahon. He tells Barrett that if he thinks he's the only one around here who can hire and fire people, think again. McMahon says since he owns the company, he can do what he wants and proceeds to show Barrett how it's really done. He hires Cena back and then goes to fire Barrett only to have Cena stop him. This will lead to Cena-Barrett more than likely at the Rumble or at the very least WrestleMania unless Undertaker is healthy then it will be Taker-Barrett. BTW, I believe that WWE has thrown out the idea of turning Cena heel, don't you?
I agree with the people that say it's a bad idea to keep Cena off TV completely. They would lose a ton of money on merchandise and it would probably hurt ratings too. The only thing I don't like about the angle is him single handling taking out Nexus. In my opinion it really makes what is suppose to be a dominate faction look weak. I don't see many of the Nexus members getting over on their own after it ends. If the all get taken out by one guy.

I don't see R Truth be involved too much in this storyline after the way the crowd responded to him on Raw this week. I definitely don't see him winning the Royal Rumble.
Yeah I just made this point in a different thread earlier this evening. It's bad enough during the Nexus angle that they didn't even make him use the Nexus theme or wear their gear for 1 week (no, the Raw where Barrett finally got him to wear the shirt for 3 minutes doesn't count). Now onto the firing, and they do the same thing. They couldn't even give us 1 week of actually selling the firing angle. God forbid they sell a few less purple T-shirts. The pop for Cena's return would have been tenfold if he was actually gone for any noticeable amount of time. Nope, apparently they have no faith in the rest of the Raw roster being able to carry on without Cena so as to actually make the firing appear real. I'm not saying he needed to be gone for months on end, but jeez, a week or two to actually make it appear like something was actually on the line at the PPV match. Who cares if you can get fired and still be in 5 segments of Raw every week.
I disagree that not having Cena on TV for a couple of weeks would deal WWE some kind of massive financial blow. If anything, I could see a lot of people tuning in for the anticipation of hopefully seeing him. I'm not saying by any means keep him away for an extended length of time, but I'm not buying that WWE couldn't cope without him for a couple of weeks. It pretty much renders his speech last week (which was really well done I thought) null and void if he continues to show up on RAW every week. I hope that the creative team has something...well, creative lined up for the rest of this angle, as it seems to be heading down a pretty predictable road right now, and Nexus are being made to look very week. I'm intrigued to hear what Otunga's "solution" is going to be.
It would of made more sense just to have him sit in the crowd, in normal street clothes. Or, have someone in the Nexus get beat up, off camera. And just leave a purple arm band as his calling card. Then again, should we let the angle play out?

Why not, it is actually something different. No Cena involved with the title, other guys getting some nice TV time. I think it is nice for the business.
I rather see the lame Juan Cena gimmick than see R-Truth win the Royal Rumble. I would rather see anything than R-Truth win the royal rumble. Why not have Cena return as a heel and side with Nexus? Have Barrett hire Cena back only to have him re-join Nexus, than have Triple H as the leader, having him heel too. They need HHH and Cena as heels, and turn another top star face (Personally want to see how Sheamus does as a face...
Like many of us, John Cena being "fired" was a breath of fresh air. I figured he would show up on RAW for a farewell address, and I was cool with that. I was even fine with his run in at the end of RAW. But the fact that creative has blown an opportunity to make a good storyline belivable.....again. This is what I would have done.

Give Cena his spotlight last week, and have him disappear for a very long time. Not even bother with this lame Juan Cena angle. Let RTruth run with the ball as the main guy against NEXUS. Keep little Cena undertones out there, subtle ones though. Nothing to obvious. While all this is going on, a different member of NEXUS will be jumped every week.

At Royal Rumble, Truth wins the Rumble. Barret would be the final man out. The next night Barret would be out complaining about how he got cheated, and should get another shot. Trush makes the suggestion of if you beat me tonight, then they can share the main event at Mania. But if Truth beats him, not only is he shit out of luck but he has to hire back Cena.

Barret would win the match, thus Truth vs Barret vs (for sake of argument) Miz at Mania. The night before Mania something "happens" to Truth, and he cannot compete. Barret thinking he has a better chance finds out that it will still be a triple threat match, against an unknown who, if wins, not only becomes WWE Champ, but has a job too. Guess what....the masked man wins, pinning Barret. A new Champ is crowned, and then he takes his mask off to reveal....John Cena. Throws the mask at Barret and celebrates the win.

I know some of this idea is kind of stupid/predictible. But I am also thinking of a better way to make this current angle better. Give your thoughts on this concept please. If you would like to give an idea for the storyline, something different, go ahead. You dont have to, but feel free.

:wtf::lol:Dude, this is garbage. I agree keep Cena off of tv for a little bit, but in WWE's eyes, they need to keep him showing up. Cena puts asses in the seats and makes them alot of money. They want Cena to become heel, but who knows how that it going to work out. I mean, you can have Cena pissing Barrett off to the point, he begs to have Cena rehired, so he can settle the score. Now, somewhere have Cena involved in a match and have him make a heel turn that just blows the peoples minds. The next night, Cena comes out and says, the reason why he did this is due to the fact his friends couldn't help him get his job back, but Barrett did. Cena is now part of Nexus. To me this makes a little more sense

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