WWE Countdown- Masked Marvels


Dark Match Winner
So WWE.com posted a new countdown, about the best masked wrestlers that had worked in WWE. The list goes like this.

10. Sin Cara
9. Psicosis
8. Vader
7. Tiger Mask
6. Jushin Liger
5. Mankind
4. Ultimo Dragon
3. Kane
2. Mil Mascaras
1. Rey Mysterio

Well, it's an interesting list, but there are a few interesting things in here.

First of all, I think this give me hopes about Sin Cara returning to WWE when his suspension is over, I may be wrong, but at least there is hope.

Now, about the list, I think it's ordered the way they have impacted to WWE, but I think Jushin should had been a little higher, altough I don't think he had worked in a match for WWE,but he did worked for WCW. Mysterio being number 1, well, some will agree others will not, but I think he deserves it.

Now, what do you think about the list?
Is it fair?

Oh and here is the link to the video or check it in WWE.com:
This would make a great DVD complation wouldn't it? I agree with Rey being number one for the most part. My personal list I would proabably put Mil Mascaras as 1 or 2 and Liger as 1 or 2, I would also probably add The Great Saske and I would have Sin Cara a little higher based on his work as Mistico in Mexico. I think overall though Rey is deserving of the slot, he has had more success in America than probably any other masked wrestler and has a huge fan base worldwide. I think if Liger could have went to WWE in the early 90s and got the push Rey has got since entering WWE he would have been huge. I would have probably thrown Vader up a little higer too. Vader was a beast in early 90s WCW and is a legend in Japan. Ultimo Dragon is a little high for my liking too, no way he is better than Tiger Mask, Liger or Vader. Oh by the way where is Mr. America, Battle Kat and Lazer Tron?
I just wonder what their reasons for putting guys like Mankind and Vader as low on the list as they did. I would have put them higher, but I respect why they put guys like Rey and Mil Mascaras as high as they did for what they mean to the business.
I'm not happy about Mill Mascaras being so high, but I can accept it. I did like that Del Rio mentioned Mascaras being his uncle though, as i don't think WWE has ever brought that up before.

Over all, I like the list a lot. it's interesting that Liger is the only one there to have not wrestled for WWE. I guess they count him because of his WCW work. I'm also glad Vader was on the list.

The only glaring omission is El Santo, but he didn't wrestle in the states at all, so I can understand it.

I would love a masked wrestlers dvd set.
I was surprised to see Ultimo Dragon at number 4. Not because he doesn't deserve it(he does IMO) but because if wwe rate him so highly why did he spend most of his time with the company on Velocity? Also no el santos?
This list doesn't really make me feel strongly one way or another. There are about 3 or 4 guys on there you can make a case for at #1 just in scope of WWE, and about 3-4 guys you can put at #1 if you look at their importance to the business overall.
What about The Shockmaster? Lol, just a little humor. Naw, but seriously, I would have put Juvi SOMEWHERE on that list. Yes, his behavior was a little erratic and he didn't where the mask for long, but he was one of the BEST high flying cruiserweights in WCW/ WWE. Plus, Ultimo Dragon - nowhere to be found.

Honorable Mentions:
The Hurricane
La Parka
Lizmark Jr.
To be honest, i didn't remember who was Mil Mascaras, i had to google it.

Anywho, i have to agree with the list, for the most part.

Of course, they put Mysterio over because he's the one of only masked wrestlers that currently is in the WWE, and to be honest, he has to be the most successful ever in the company.

I think Sin Cara placed as 10 is a little bit soon, as he is with the company only for a couple of months, but due to his career in Mexico, i think can agree. Although, i don't see him in the company anymore after his "suspension".

After that, i find nothing wrong with list, except the fact, i would put instead Mankind as 4th, and Ultimo as 5th, but i maybe lonely with this decision here.

In my opinon, Top 3 (after knowing a little bit more about Mil Mascaras) couldn't get any better.
If I'm not wrong the dvd is about the wrestlers who have worked with the WWE, so I guess Mysterio deserves to be no. 1, I don't know why you people are complaining about wrestlers that didn't even worked with the company. Anyways, I believe Mankind should have been second on the list, I guess he put more asses in the seats than any of the guys in the list
i personly wouldve included the killer bees as they were masked when i first started watching wrestling . or perhaps del wilkes aka the patriot as his impact was brief but huge as he was the foil to bret hart during his anti-american phase. i wouldnt have put vader or mankind on there cause they really werent real masks. cause if thats the case u couldve included demoltion for their entrance masks or moolah during her spider lady match or hell why not jus put brian pillman on there when he was the yellow dog. the mask i thought was more to add to the mistic of a grappler, not jus be part of his costume. of course i wouldve included la parka and maybe even super crazy
This list isn't that great, sure they mention a few of the greats, Mil Mascaras and Tiger Mask (of which I am assuming that it is either I or II) being two of them. I however do not see some of the all time greats on there Blue Demon, El Santo plus one more. I am interested to understand why they do not have Dick "The Destroyer" Beyer on this list. Great Wrestler and well worth looking up for some old school stuff right there.

There are far too many Masked wrestlers out there to shrink this list down to what they have here. Kane has spent more time out of the mask than in it now. I think it is probably time to not think of him as a masked wrestler.

Now that I think about it there are two names that should be on this list. Mr Wrestling and Mr Wrestling II. Both of whom have storied careers. Mr Wrestling being the one that as Ric Flair said saved Wrestling. This was after the plane crash that broke Flairs back. These two are oft forgotten, and should be remembered in any list of top masked wrestlers.
Well personally I don't like Rey Mysterio, and I don't think he's the best masked wrestler in terms of talent, gimmick, look, or size, but he is the most successful masked wrestler ever there's no doubt about that, though I think Kane might be more successful as a masked wrestler if he didn't get rid of the mask back in 2003.

Mil Mascaras isn't that successful, they just put him in to suck up to his nephew Del Rio, kinda annoys me, he should have been in number 10 in my opinion, so if I had to make a list it would look like this :

10. Mil Mascaras
9. Sin Cara
8. Psicosis
7. Tiger Mask
6. Jushin Liger
5. Ultimo Dragon
4. Vader
3. Mankind
2. Kane
1. Rey Mysterio
Well personally I don't like Rey Mysterio, and I don't think he's the best masked wrestler in terms of talent, gimmick, look, or size, but he is the most successful masked wrestler ever there's no doubt about that, though I think Kane might be more successful as a masked wrestler if he didn't get rid of the mask back in 2003.

Mil Mascaras isn't that successful, they just put him in to suck up to his nephew Del Rio, kinda annoys me, he should have been in number 10 in my opinion, so if I had to make a list it would look like this :

10. Mil Mascaras
9. Sin Cara
8. Psicosis
7. Tiger Mask
6. Jushin Liger
5. Ultimo Dragon
4. Vader
3. Mankind
2. Kane
1. Rey Mysterio

Wait you called Mil Mascaras as not successful? What are you taking and where can I get some, Mil Mascaras is one of the most successful Lucha stars in the 100 year history of lucha libre. He is big all around the world. Sin Cara is ok in terms of all time, no where on the list. I see a pandering to the familiar on this list actually. Kane should never really be on the list for the fact that he has spent far more of his time as Kane unmasked.

I get the feeling you don't watch much wrestling outside of the US. Or else why would you have the list organised in such a way that highlights glaring inaccuracies in your knowledge of masked wrestlers.

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