WWE Commentators making up "facts"

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"Original Blade"
Ok, I don't know if it's Michael Cole and Matt Striker doing this or if it's Vince feeding them these little nuggets of did you know trivia, but it's driving me insane. 4 times during the TLC PPV, one of the commentators spouted some false crap that they tried to pass off as real.

Number 1)
Matt Striker said that the ECW title has never changed hands in Texas. Now, I don't know about the original ECW, but the WWECW did change hands in Texas. Last year, in fact. Mark Henry won it in Dallas at Night of Champions. And almost exactly a year before that at the 2007 NoC, John Morrison won the ECW title in Houston.
Strike one.

Number 2)
Matt Striker then said that Christian was the longest running singles champion in WWE. Wrong again, Michelle McCool is. Michael Cole, doing something right for once, corrected Striker.
So I'll let them off with a strike here...

Number 3)
Matt Striker (he pops up an awful lot.) then said that it had been 20 years since the Intercontinental title changed hands in Texas. Bullshit, yet again. In fact, didn't the Intercontinental title change hands at Wrestlemania this year? And where was that, Striker? Oh, and it changed hands at the aforementioned 2008 Night of Champions.
Strike 2.

Number 4)
The above ones have been bad, but this is the worst offender by a long shot. Michael Cole said that the last WWE champion born outside the USA was Yokozuna. This made me die inside a little. Let's see, Bret Hart, Edge and Kane. None of whom were born in the USA.
Strike 3.

Now, I don't mind the occasional blurring of truth. If they said that the Intercontinental title hadn't changed hands in Texas in 20 years when really it was 15 years, I wouldn't mind that. But if he says it hasn't changed hands in Texas in 20 years when really it changed hands in Texas 9 damn months ago, then you're just insulting our intelligence, WWE.

So did anyone else notice these verbal turds? And does it bother you when they say false things and pass it off as real, or am I just overreacting?
I like that they're wrong all the time, especially because Striker's gimmick is supposed to be an arrogant genius. Cole's gimmick is being pathetic. Both allow them to be wrong, Striker because it's hypocritical, Cole because it's expected. But WWE has always been doing this, so I'm not surprised if Vince is the one telling them to say these things. During the World Series, there was a Raw episode that said more people watched Raw in a week than the World Series and NFL combined. Even on a global scale, since the NFL and MLB aren't big international hits, that's an over shot. They always make things up
Color commentary and "stretching the truth" have always seemed to go hand-in-hand. Colors real job is to enhance what the viewer sees on-screen by matching words with the action. Notice I didn't type "facts" but merely words. There's a world of difference there.

Though in "real" sports the examples you cite would be grounds for someones dismissal, this is sports entertainment... or better yet, it's entertainment sports to correctly emphasize. The truth is already being stretched in that the promos are scripted, the outcomes are predetermined, and the matches themselves are choreographed to some degree. Is color playing fast and loose with the facts really a big surprise? Does it really drag down the product that much to anyone other than the "smarts" who have been fans for longer than a few years?

How many times during the Attitude era were storylines created and relationships between wrestlers started, only to be completely forgotten about and disavowed in short order? How many times during the 80's was Hogans "lateral probiscus" torn in such a way that he "might never wrestle again?" How many times has Terry Funk had a "career ending" match and how many times has color put it over as such, without so much as a passing mention that Funk had been "retired" a half a dozen times before?

I don't like the blatant disregard of facts anymore than the OP, but this is wrestling (nay, sports entertainment) we're talking about here... there simply isn't much room for facts :)
Great topic.

I would absolutely love to know if it is Vince feeding them the botched lines, and if it's really him that's Fucking up, as opposed to the commentators. Vince is known for having a bad memory anyway, so it would not in the least bit surprise me if he's the one that's the culprit ... and since it is so fast-paced, the commentators just go with it. If so, that is yet ANOTHER reason to get the man off headset.

But I think either way, it's disgraceful and actually embarrassing that fans know the facts better than the actual commentators (or Vince) do. I just don't understand why if they are going to use these lines, why they don't take the time to verify this stuff in their Pre-Broadcast prep beforehand. Of course, then again, Cole and Lawler admittedly don't really participate in this, and that was one of the things JR said on his blog. It shows sometimes.

But there was a You Tube clip I was listening to a few weeks back, and at the VERY TAIL end of the clip, when they must have thought they went to commercial, you could hear Lawler say, "Vince, I'm sorry, I kept trying to get that line in but I just couldn't slip it in at any point".
Matt Striker said that the ECW title has never changed hands in Texas. Now, I don't know about the original ECW, but the WWECW did change hands in Texas. Last year, in fact. Mark Henry won it in Dallas at Night of Champions. And almost exactly a year before that at the 2007 NoC, John Morrison won the ECW title in Houston.

Yeah, I noticed that mistake too but let it slide since it wasn't as bad as the others you mentioned later in your post. I didn't realize this mistake would be the first of many in the same show but I let it slide.

Matt Striker then said that Christian was the longest running singles champion in WWE. Wrong again, Michelle McCool is. Michael Cole, doing something right for once, corrected Striker.
So I'll let them off with a strike here...

I let that one slide too because, as you said, Cole (of all people) corrected Striker.

Matt Striker (he pops up an awful lot.) then said that it had been 20 years since the Intercontinental title changed hands in Texas. Bullshit, yet again. In fact, didn't the Intercontinental title change hands at Wrestlemania this year? And where was that, Striker? Oh, and it changed hands at the aforementioned 2008 Night of Champions.

Yeah, that one was the most confusing mistake. I was there, I actually saw it change hands in person. Apparently it's already been 20 years since then? lol that was the fastest 20 years ever if so (sarcasm) I could NOT let that one slide.

The above ones have been bad, but this is the worst offender by a long shot. Michael Cole said that the last WWE champion born outside the USA was Yokozuna. This made me die inside a little. Let's see, Bret Hart, Edge and Kane. None of whom were born in the USA.

That's pretty bad too. Edge is one of the top stars and Hart is a legend, why not mention them? This was a really bad mistake and I couldn't let that slide either.

So did anyone else notice these verbal turds? And does it bother you when they say false things and pass it off as real, or am I just overreacting?

I don't mind if the announcers make a couple of mistakes every now and then, no one's perfect.... but this many mistakes on the same show, and as BAD as some of these were? You're not overreacting AT ALL, Blade. These mistakes were REALLY bad.

I don't mind the announcer team making up a few things to say about the wrestlers to help them get over, that's different.... but they should not mess up on actual facts. They should know about history that they were actually THERE for such as Edge and Hart being WWE champions born outside the USA or that the IC title HAS in fact changed in TX in the past 20 years. They should not make up things where actual facts are concerned because it comes off sounding strange and wrong.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but during the PPV when Christian botched with the ladder and cut himself, didn't Striker make excuses for the trainer at ringside that tried to clean up Christian's cut? If I remember correctly, Striker claimed that Texas laws state that if a man is bleeding during a sports event, then the event must stop and only resume when the wound has been patched up. Is there ANY truth behind that statement? I highly doubt it, but if someone proves me wrong then I stabnd corrected.
pro wrestling is known to make up 'facts' and pass them off as truth.. over exaggerating is an integral part of the business, and has been for many, many years.

just look at how they bill the wrestlers.. in particular, their height. was Andre really 7'4"? of course not.. but at the time, there weren't a lot of guy that were anywhere close to him in height, so it seemed believable. the same holds true today, with guys like Kane, Taker, etc. they always seem to add a few inches to what they really are. Big Show and Khali are exceptions, as they really are their advertised height.

another example of over exaggerating, and the most recent one, would be ladder matches. how many times have you seen a guy pull out and climb a ladder that is anywhere from 9'-12' and the announcers claim it's 20' long? even at the TLC PPV they did it.. Christain had a ladder that was barely twice his height, and I think they said it was 20' long.

or when someone takes a 20 foot fall, yet the announcers say "oh my God.. he must've fallen 50 feet!!"?

and then, while watching Smackdown either last week or the week before, someone came off the second rope (think it was during a John Morrison match), and Striker said something like he was "5 feet off the apron".. WTF? there is NO way the middle rope is anywhere near that high up, unless these guys are all 12' tall, which is clearly BS.

even the wrestlers themselves over exaggerate their reactions to most moves, as they have to sell their 'pain' to the people way up in the nosebleeds.. just just performance art. rather cheesy at times, yes.. but it's necessary a lot of the time.

pro wrestling is all about making a spectacle that is 'larger than life'. remember, these aren't just 'rasslers' we're talking about.. they're 'Superstars'.. LOL. all the overselling, in every aspect of the game, is intended to help connect with the crowd, to help get the point across.. mainly to the live crowd in attendance. it is then mainly the broadcasters' jobs to do the same, albeit verbally, to the people watching at home. if they simply told the truth, wrestling would be pretty boring. but I do agree that it does get pretty embarrassing and annoying at times, when hearing them mention blatant untruths like that. it certainly makes you wonder where they're getting their info.

Ok, I don't know if it's Michael Cole and Matt Striker doing this or if it's Vince feeding them these little nuggets of did you know trivia, but it's driving me insane. 4 times during the TLC PPV, one of the commentators spouted some false crap that they tried to pass off as real.

Matt Striker does this constantly. 90% of what he says is pure crap. I almost vomited when i saw the thread comparing him to Heenan.

Number 1)
Matt Striker said that the ECW title has never changed hands in Texas. Now, I don't know about the original ECW, but the WWECW did change hands in Texas. Last year, in fact. Mark Henry won it in Dallas at Night of Champions. And almost exactly a year before that at the 2007 NoC, John Morrison won the ECW title in Houston.
Strike one.

Since Matt was actually on ECW at the time (not announcing, mind you), you'd think he'd pay attention to who the Champ is.

Number 2)
Matt Striker then said that Christian was the longest running singles champion in WWE. Wrong again, Michelle McCool is. Michael Cole, doing something right for once, corrected Striker.
So I'll let them off with a strike here...

He was technically right, he just wasn't being specific, or knew that next to no-one cares about the Women's division.

Number 3)
Matt Striker (he pops up an awful lot.) then said that it had been 20 years since the Intercontinental title changed hands in Texas. Bullshit, yet again. In fact, didn't the Intercontinental title change hands at Wrestlemania this year? And where was that, Striker? Oh, and it changed hands at the aforementioned 2008 Night of Champions.
Strike 2.

My brain didn't actually click regarding that statement. It should have, because i too was in attendance at WM25, but i didn't think anything of it. I was struggling to stay awake though after a heavy night of drinking. I'll make an excuse for them forgetting that match in particular. Eh hem........ that match was a total insult to the people who had waited soooooooooooo very long to see the IC title defended on PPV again, that it doesn't deserve to be mentioned ever again, but there is no excuse for forgetting Mark Henry's title win. It's the only belt he's ever won, PLUS Striker was the announcer throughout the majority of his title reign wasn't he?

Number 4)
The above ones have been bad, but this is the worst offender by a long shot. Michael Cole said that the last WWE champion born outside the USA was Yokozuna. This made me die inside a little. Let's see, Bret Hart, Edge and Kane. None of whom were born in the USA.
Strike 3.

Kane's hometown is 'parts unknown' so you can forgive them for not mentioning that, but i bet Michael Cole gets bitch-slapped by Bret when Bret re-appears on Raw, and then gets speared through a table when Edge comes back from injury. How can he forget Edge's title wins when's been announcing through the majority of them himself, and called most of the matches where he won the title?

Now, I don't mind the occasional blurring of truth. If they said that the Intercontinental title hadn't changed hands in Texas in 20 years when really it was 15 years, I wouldn't mind that. But if he says it hasn't changed hands in Texas in 20 years when really it changed hands in Texas 9 damn months ago, then you're just insulting our intelligence, WWE.

I'm betting it's a combination of Vince and the announcers. Vince is feeding them bullshit information, and they just don't have the balls to NOT say that particular line. They should take a lesson from Mick Foley in testicular fortitude and just tell Vince, 'I'm not saying that.' Sure, we'll have new announcers just about every other week, but maybe Vince will learn to shut the fuck up, because he's doing more to ruin his own product now than his competitors are.

So did anyone else notice these verbal turds? And does it bother you when they say false things and pass it off as real, or am I just overreacting?

No Blade, you're totally justified in your shock and disbelief at the total lack of professionalism and accuracy from anyone who wears a headset in WWE, whose name isn't Jim Ross
Great topic

But I think either way, it's disgraceful and actually embarrassing that fans know the facts better than the actual commentators (or Vince) do. I just don't understand why if they are going to use these lines, why they don't take the time to verify this stuff in their Pre-Broadcast prep beforehand. Of course, then again, Cole and Lawler admittedly don't really participate in this, and that was one of the things JR said on his blog. It shows sometimes.

But there was a You Tube clip I was listening to a few weeks back, and at the VERY TAIL end of the clip, when they must have thought they went to commercial, you could hear Lawler say, "Vince, I'm sorry, I kept trying to get that line in but I just couldn't slip it in at any point".

I completely agree that is is embarrassing wwe fans know more about wwe than the announcers. This just reminds me of a report a few weeks ago that Lawler needed pictures of the people on Smack Down and ECW cause he didn't know who they were. That is just pathetic that a random wwe fan probably knows more about the superstars in all of wwe than an actual person in wwe like Lawler who has to commentate about those people occasionally.

And about the youtube video, do you by any chance have it or have any idea what to type in to find it? I'm very curious to actually see that.
Editor Comments (Lord Sidious)

I don't. It was from several years back, but if I find it, I will post it on here.
Well first off let me slide a few inconvenient truths in here.

First off who doesn't lie in this business anymore? RVD still says he is from Battle Creek Michigan but he lives in California now. Hogan may say he is from Venice Beach but lives in Tampa.

Hogan tried tellin people Andre was 800 pounds when he slammed him? I mean c'mon do we really need to despute what truths happen in WWE or TNA commentary? I mean when you bring in guys that are from places everyone knows doesn't exist.

Bret Hart was a canadian as was Edge could Striker have misquoted himself and meant the last Champion not born in North America? Absolutely! If you get fed credible pieces of information your going to get it wrong every now and again how many times do you see them say they have a move and someone has to correct them? All the time Hell Taz keeps calling brother ray Bubba, I was waiting for a Dudley Death Drop reference in TNA, the case is it happens.

The Intercontinental Championship not changing hands in Texas in twenty years was a really bad botch, but did he mean that and completely screw that up or was he trying to say something different like "This city in Texas hasn't seen an Intercontinental title change in 20 years".

Its actually amazing how you can make a simple mistake and when your live you can't correct yourself like you can taping your shows like ECW or Striker so yeah Striker can be getting ahead of himself. Honestly because I see Christian defending his title all the time I actually didn't know Michelle McCool was the longest running singles champ I thought she only won it a few months ago from Melina where Christian has been champ like 5 or so months.

Botched commentary yes, could there be a legitimate reason? Yes

So I wouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly...
Number 4)
The above ones have been bad, but this is the worst offender by a long shot. Michael Cole said that the last WWE champion born outside the USA was Yokozuna. This made me die inside a little. Let's see, Bret Hart, Edge and Kane. None of whom were born in the USA.
Strike 3.

I'm not really trying to defend Cole or anything, but I think what Cole meant to say was America. Seeing as how Canada is a part of America (and seeing how Parts Unknown could mean any place in the world), Bret Hart, Edge, and Kane would be included.

As for the stuff about the IC title changing hands and all that stuff. I don't believe the casual fan is gonna hear that and be like "Oh really?" and go online to disprove the fact.
Its unprofessional. I think Striker is probably working off the top of his head, and that is why he is making minor mistakes. To be honest, how many people would know immediately where all the titles changed hands. Forgetting WrestleMania is ******ed, but the rest of them aren't really that bad, and we probably wouldn't have noticed. Barring the exception of Kane, who is essentially an American for all intents and purposes, had Cole said "North America" he'd have been right.

I don't understand why they are adlibbing really. Ross always has a book of prepared facts, as does Grisham and they both make few big mistakes in this respect. You'd never hear a football commentator doing something like this, and it is wholly down to a lack of adequate preparation.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but during the PPV when Christian botched with the ladder and cut himself, didn't Striker make excuses for the trainer at ringside that tried to clean up Christian's cut? If I remember correctly, Striker claimed that Texas laws state that if a man is bleeding during a sports event, then the event must stop and only resume when the wound has been patched up. Is there ANY truth behind that statement? I highly doubt it, but if someone proves me wrong then I stabnd corrected.

I watched that bit and King corrects him there as well, he goes "It's a WWE ruling", so it does seem like whatever Striker ad-libs to the commentary, Cole and Lawler seem to correct him, which is interesting given Cole and Lawler do have some botchfests of their own with the facts.

With the IC Title change, I can slightly forgive that given that how long did that match last? 30 Seconds? I mean when I think of Wrestlemania 25, the IC Title change was just a blink in the eye if anything. Although given that Kofi Kingston won the belt in 2008 and Umaga in 2007 in Texas, that is an extra let down on top of that.

But I mean it is getting to point where the stuff coming out of their mouth is a catchphrase, a true fact or some random made up rubbish that isn't verified. But naturally given they have to perform constantly for 2-3 hours per week, they do the best they can. But hopefully the example set at TLC will drop down here *fingers crossed*
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