WWE Commentary


Dark Match Winner
What is going on with Vince McMahon and the WWE announce teams these days?

All i ever seem to read about is how Vince is always screaming down the headsets to the likes of J.R, Michael Cole, Joey Styles.. etc... Why does he care so much about the commentary when at the moment that is the least of his problems?

Dont get me wrong i do belive that good commentary adds to a match.. but if a wrestling match sucks its because of the wrestlers and not because of the guys calling it!!

Vince wants the announce team to " Storytell " rather than call moves.. but if we are watching an amazing match do we even take notice?

Let the wrestlers in the ring tell the story through their work.. All i want from an announcer is to add to the PASSION of the match!!

Add to the passion of a near fall!!

Add to the passion of a finisher... " STUNNER! STUNNER! STUNNER! "

Add to the passion of the crowning of a new champion!!!

What do you guys think???

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