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Dark Match Winner
As I was scrolling through WWE.com as I always do when I'm home/bored on the night of a long weekend, I came across a very interesting photograph. The new "graphic" on WWE.com shows photos of past Hell in a Cell match history. To be found at the following link (http://www.wwe.com/shows/hellinacell/2011/hell-in-a-cell-photo-history), you will see that pictures 10, 18, 22, and 24 all feature matches that show blood. The interesting as for the past few years of the "PG Era," all blood pictures on WWE.com have been changed to black and white. Even though there are some in this particular slideshow that are black and white, I think this could mean something, maybe a little more tolerance with blood or something of that nature.
Do you think this means anything? Why? Why not?
Do you see the WWE featuring a match in which one of the combatants of "Satan's Structure" will be busted open this Sunday?
It shows they're relaxing about blood more since wrestlers are getting unintentionally busted open all the time on TV. HiaC is the one match that should have blood in it.
I understand not wanting a bloodbath every week on free television, but I think relaxing the rules a bit for PPV matches would be a good decision. Some matches just need to be bloody to get the point across.
How you can have a cage match with no blood is beyond me.

After years of being a wrestling fan and seeing every wrestler ever in a cage match bleed after gettin' rubbed into the fence or busted against the big blue bars, its hard to believe that wrestlers nowadays can make it through a cage match without bleeding.

I guess the guys have thicker skin now or are just that much better than all those old wrestlers who got bloodied so much more often...
As I was scrolling through WWE.com as I always do when I'm home/bored on the night of a long weekend, I came across a very interesting photograph. The new "graphic" on WWE.com shows photos of past Hell in a Cell match history. To be found at the following link (http://www.wwe.com/shows/hellinacell/2011/hell-in-a-cell-photo-history), you will see that pictures 10, 18, 22, and 24 all feature matches that show blood. The interesting as for the past few years of the "PG Era," all blood pictures on WWE.com have been changed to black and white. Even though there are some in this particular slideshow that are black and white, I think this could mean something, maybe a little more tolerance with blood or something of that nature.
Do you think this means anything? Why? Why not?
Do you see the WWE featuring a match in which one of the combatants of "Satan's Structure" will be busted open this Sunday?

If I remember correctly, WWE/WWE On Demand had a policy where if any bloodshed was shown the video would turn to black-and-white. And that said policy lasted (I think) two weeks because of all the backlash WWE received from it.

Call me demented, but if there's a cage match I WANT BLOOD!:banghead:
First of all the only reason why they probably showed those photos were maybe that particular match may have been filled w/blood to where there wasn't to many picture to choose from or it was a pic were the guy wasn't just covered in blood. I'm unable to see the slides on my blackberry. Second w/on demand if its a ppv or tv show w/blood its always given the tv-14 rating to let parents know what's involved. The WWE can't ignore all of their past experiences blood & just sweep it under the rug. Blood at one point was the norm for matches like HIAC. The ban on blood policy is going to stand & it should. Its dangerous health wise w/diseases like hepatitis & having to blade. I don't think some of the younger guys would even want to blade now. Cody Rhodes incident being busted open was an accident. If blood occurs at HIAC sunday it'll be an accident. Ppl pick up on every little thing & think what does this mean? Is it a sign from above? oh blood policy is over PG is over. Let it go. If you want to see blood & wrestling that bad build a ring, invite your friend over, & bust him in the head w/something as hard as hell & watch him bleed or watch TNA or some other promotion. Its getting to be ridiculous. Rewatch the past & embrace the future & quit getting happy when you see blood on WWE show or .com & thinking that the 90's are back. I'm sorry if I sound bitter but its not a week that goes by that a thread like this is created.
The value of blood in wrestling is always a contencious issue. Too little of it and people say it doesn;t sell the brutality of a match and too much of it and people slate the werstler for relying on it. Blood certainly did Flair no good once he went to TNA.
Personally, I think Alberto Del Rio showed on Raw that you don;t need blood to get the brutality of a situation over. Those chair shots he delivered to the backs of Punk and Cena were viscious and set up the danger of the 'Devil's Playground' perfectly.
Blood can add something to a match, but when it is relied upon, the wrestlers clearly aren't doing their jobs properly.
Everyone want blood,even these 6 years old Cena fans who are most of the reason why there is no blood in maches want blood...Don't know what is so disturbing there...Only red fluid...
Everyone want blood,even these 6 years old Cena fans who are most of the reason why there is no blood in maches want blood...Don't know what is so disturbing there...Only red fluid...

There was a thread recently discussing the types of diseases you can catch when the "co-mingling" of blood happens in a wrestling match. You should attempt to find it.

If not, watch this documentary, it WILL change your mind.

In December 2005, a physical evaluation deemed Devon Nicholson to be a healthy, muscular, experienced professional wrestler on the cusp of achieving his dream of signing a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment. In 2009, Nicholson obtained that contract, only to have it rescinded on the grounds of him having Hepatitis C.

IMO I agree there should be blood, even after watching the video, this is sports entertainment. IMO if they dont like it then they are in the wrong business. Who ever saw the Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton match a week ago, there was blood, only a little but blood noe the less. With the history of the Cage and HIAC, there should be blood, hell there is even match where the point of the match is to bust them open.
The only time I mind not having blood is during hardcore matches. I honestly just don't really get the point of them if no one is going to bleed. They've found some fine ways to try and replace it, like beating each other over the back with the kendo sticks because they leave very noticeable welts and marks, which convinces the audience that they've been through a lot of abuse, but nothing in those matches can replace the blood. Hell in a Cell should indeed be a very bloody match. You want it to be the most hardcore match in existence? Then people need to bleed.

However, should people just simply bleed for the hell of it? Definitely, no. I, for one, am glad that those days of gratuitous bleeding are over. Blood in wrestling should serve the purpose of convincing the audience you are a bad man and you can take punishment. You can't stupidly abuse that. It's a very effective device when you use it right, like Cody accidentally did when Orton busted him open, but I'm about 90% happy that it's gone.
The only time I mind not having blood is during hardcore matches. I honestly just don't really get the point of them if no one is going to bleed. They've found some fine ways to try and replace it, like beating each other over the back with the kendo sticks because they leave very noticeable welts and marks, which convinces the audience that they've been through a lot of abuse, but nothing in those matches can replace the blood. Hell in a Cell should indeed be a very bloody match. You want it to be the most hardcore match in existence? Then people need to bleed.

However, should people just simply bleed for the hell of it? Definitely, no. I, for one, am glad that those days of gratuitous bleeding are over. Blood in wrestling should serve the purpose of convincing the audience you are a bad man and you can take punishment. You can't stupidly abuse that. It's a very effective device when you use it right, like Cody accidentally did when Orton busted him open, but I'm about 90% happy that it's gone.
How you can have a cage match with no blood is beyond me.

After years of being a wrestling fan and seeing every wrestler ever in a cage match bleed after gettin' rubbed into the fence or busted against the big blue bars, its hard to believe that wrestlers nowadays can make it through a cage match without bleeding.

I guess the guys have thicker skin now or are just that much better than all those old wrestlers who got bloodied so much more often...

Just gotta chip in here. I've been in so many bar fights over the years, I've been smashed in the head with bottles, glasses, pool cues, bar stools, in fact you name it and I've probably been hit in the head with it! I have very rarely bled, in fact, I have one small half inch scar on my cheek from a pint glass, and about half-a-dozen 1/8th inch scars under my hair. Now I'm sorry, but having glass smashed over your head is usually going to cause more blood than being rubbed up against chain-link fencing (which is actually quite smooth by the way). It is a tad more believable to see people getting busted as they do now, rather than every damn week. Sorry but it just doesn't happen that way. The way the wrestlers bleed has always been complete ***t, where is the bruise? If you get busted because you hit something rather hard with your head, there will be a bruise. If no bruise, then they bladed, it really is that simple. If people can't cope without blood, get your daddys razor and slice your forehead open, and then wait for the infection, and the pain.
The only time I mind not having blood is during hardcore matches. I honestly just don't really get the point of them if no one is going to bleed. They've found some fine ways to try and replace it, like beating each other over the back with the kendo sticks because they leave very noticeable welts and marks, which convinces the audience that they've been through a lot of abuse, but nothing in those matches can replace the blood. Hell in a Cell should indeed be a very bloody match. You want it to be the most hardcore match in existence? Then people need to bleed.

However, should people just simply bleed for the hell of it? Definitely, no. I, for one, am glad that those days of gratuitous bleeding are over. Blood in wrestling should serve the purpose of convincing the audience you are a bad man and you can take punishment. You can't stupidly abuse that. It's a very effective device when you use it right, like Cody accidentally did when Orton busted him open, but I'm about 90% happy that it's gone.

Just read this, sorry, I have to pull you up on this. HIAC is nowhere near the most hardcore match in existence. Try "King Of The Deathmatch" where there is standard weapons, plus barbed wire tables, chairs and bats. Plus a touch of C4 just for fun you understand. The there is a lovely thing called the "Taipei Death Match", cover your hands in tape, dip them in glue, then stick them into broken glass, then hit each other. THAT is what is hardcore, THAT is where I would fully expect blood.
How you can have a cage match with no blood is beyond me.

After years of being a wrestling fan and seeing every wrestler ever in a cage match bleed after gettin' rubbed into the fence or busted against the big blue bars, its hard to believe that wrestlers nowadays can make it through a cage match without bleeding.

I guess the guys have thicker skin now or are just that much better than all those old wrestlers who got bloodied so much more often...

I see your point, but please look at Bret Hart vs Owen Hart at Summerslam.

One of the greatest cage matches of all time period, and easily the best ever without blood.
Well im kinda pulled in both ways on this topic.First i rember growing up as a kid an watching as the fued got so bad that it had to be finished in a cage.T here was almost certin for someone to blood in the match and to me it added more to it.But then it got to where there was blood in almost every match and that kiled what the blood did to a food.But now there are so many diseases in there world anyone of them can have one an not know it.I dont think they should be out there bladding anymore but i do believe that if they happen to get busted open in the ring that it should be showed.so in the cage matchs if they get busted open it should b showed
In my opinion I dont need to see two guys spill their bodily fluids on eachother to be entertained. People talk about blood as if every SD or RAW in the old days was just an all out bloodbath. Truth is it was reserved for very special occasions to add a sense of danger and animosity between the superstars and the match. I think wrestling has reached the point where we dont need to see dangerous stunts on a regular basis to be entertained. Theres a huge health risk that also needs to be considered. I dont think there should never be blood but after the Cody/Orton match I realized its not that important. I spent more time worrying about the amount of blood Cody was losing than marking out because there was blood at all.
Is blood necessary? Not at all. WWE has shown time and time again that you can have a fantastic hardcore/no DQ/no holds barred style gimmick match without the use of blood. Remember Hell in a Cell between The Undertaker and Edge a few years back? What about several weeks back on SD! with Orton vs. Christian inside a steel cage? Can anyone that watched those matches claim with a straight face that they weren't great? There was nary a drop of blood in sight and those are merely two examples.

As far as WWE relaxing their stance on blood, things do seem to be lightening up. The thing about PG is that there's quite a bit of wiggle room in the rating. Just because something has a PG rating doesn't mean that it can't contain dark, controversial or even some edgy material. All you have to do is to have watched Raw over the course of this year to know that WWE has made some policy changes and aren't as strict on certain content. Wrestlers swear more in their promos, something that'd disappeared in recent years, but they don't try to go over the top with it and do it everytime they turn around. The depiction of blood is something that could be lightened up on in certain instances, but I don't expect to see it on a regular basis by any stretch.
People who think that the blood is necessary for more than a select few matches is simply spoiled by the high amount of blood seen in matches during the Attitude Era and Post-War Era. That, or they watched too much of the original ECW. Blood should be saved for the most intense feud-ending matches because the more it's seen, the less of a big deal it becomes if someone gets busted open. Now that it's rarer, it will be a huge deal if someone bleeds this sunday. I don't think that the photos mean anything. We are still in the PG-Era, therefore there will still be a significantly lower amount of blood. You don't have to be violent to be edgy.
I think WWE will be more tolerant on the usage of blood, which is good because to me if there's been a very heated feud and it all comes down to a match in a cage, blood can make that match and storyline mean a hell of a lot more. But I hope and don't see them using blood too much, it's not needed and they still want to keep it PG restricted.
God I love blood.

Nothing better than a 30 minute blood bath war with a dramatic ending to fill the appetite of an old school wrestling fan. I would love nothing more than for the WWE to let loose and have John Cena go ballistic on CM Punk with 20 chair shots to his head with blood gushing out. Talk about a heel turn, there you have it. This would be a great setup for WM 29.
also did anybody see that they put a lock on the cell at the "Hell in a cell". they're not even allowing wrestlers to go on top of the cell anymore.

They put the lock on the cell a long time ago. They still find a way out. But no, they don't take huge bumps off the cell anymore because for one, the raised the height significantly and 2, it's fucking ******ed. Foley did it and he still doesn't walk right, why the fuck would you wish that on anyone?

This whole WWE needs more blood debate has been run into the fucking ground. Sure, it can help add to the story of the match. But I'll gladly sacrifice an insignificant amount of storytelling if it means people will no longer be walking around with tissue paper foreheads like Ric Flair.

Human life & well being>Professional Wrestling.

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