WWE Battleground Kickoff Show: Naomi VS Cameron


It was announced on last night's episode of SmackDown! that Cameron will go one on one with Naomi on the kickoff show. Earlier this week, Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins was announced for the kickoff show but, apparently, it's been bumped up to the main card. I thought it felt really off that Ambrose & Rollins would be on the preshow as it's one of the top feuds going right now, so I'm glad it's been corrected.

All in all, it should be a pretty decent little match. Naomi is insanely athletic and agile, she's come a long way with getting her timing down as well, which was a problem earlier on. Cameron's improved in the ring and while she's not on Naomi's level, she at least has some degree of personality with her persona whereas Naomi's essentially a standard babyface. The match doesn't really matter, but I'd prefer good filler over bad filler anytime.
Cameron is awful. Let's just put that out there right now.

This will be Naomi's time to officially part from the Funkadactyls, and establish herself as a singles competitor. If she doesn't win this match, I don't know WTF WWE is thinking here. Naomi is a future Divas' Champ, and this will be a moment to shine and show that she's the future.

Cameron has a long way to go, but I like her pairing with Alicia Fox. They both need something to do. Maybe they could benefit each other and help each other win.

On a side note, I'm glad Rollins vs Ambrose was moved to the main show. Fodder like Cameron vs Naomi doesn't belong on PPV.
Naomi picks up the win. She has the brighter upside, but Cameron still has a long way to go. Although, I don't know what's next for Naomi after Battleground. Maybe they stretch The Funkadactyls split past Summerslam, because AJ VS Paige is the obvious long term plan for the Divas Championship now.

Yeah, seriously.... This is so awful and boring that it almost makes me wish they were having another Hornswoggle VS Torito match. Almost being the key word there. I dislike both of them. They both suck in the ring, neither can provide a good promo, and thus I do not care either way who wins this match. I will not be watching the kickoff show this week. This will be when I take the brief drive to pick up my stuffed crust peperoni lovers with jalapenos pizza. By the time I come back one boring useless diva will have defeated the other and the real show will start. Thank goodness THIS is the pre-show though and not one of the matches that truly matters. If I had to pick one to lose, I guess Cameron. She is, after all, the same girl who infamously told Stone Cold on Tough Enough that the best match of all time was Melina VS Alicia Fox. She is employed by the federation now HOW....? Yeah, I'll throw my support behind Naomi but I truly do not care AT ALL. Naomi wins and everyone moves on with their lives.

Naomi will defeat Cameron.
For the life of me I can't think of anything positive to say about Cameron. I seriously sat here typing out a stream of lies but I just can't do that to myself. Can't put a spin on it like El Torito and Horny.

And it's unfortunate that Cameron's unwrestling ability will be clashing against Naomi's ass, literally. I like Naomi. She can show something resembling a match. But this power of twerk is just horrible. It wasn't much fun when Rikishi was doing it, and it's not as fun now.

I'd like for Naomi to win this, but logic points to the other direction. Cameron will pick up the win with convulsions and this dinosaur swinger theme bullshit will go on until we decide hara-kiri is the solution to our problems. Expect this feud to continue until Naomi blows out an asscheek.
Cameron has been a fucking joke ever since the Melina vs. Alicia Fox scene on Tough Enough and when she got arrested and tried to bribe a cop. There's no one on the roster that I detest more than her. The only thing she's good for is just pressing her ass up against Naomi's. I hope she gets beaten senseless in this match by Naomi and then gets fired sometime next week.
Naomi doesn't have talent?? She only twerks in the ring??

Glad to see we have some "smart" people on here.

It's not gonna be an AMAZING match. But it's the preshow. Wtf do you expect!! Naomi is ready for a push and she was supposed to win the Diva's title until Akzana dropped her knee on Naomi's eye. So yeah she DOESNT suck. Cameron brings WWE money for Total Diva's because of her attitude she portrays. That right there might make her win.

Really any one could win and that's why I am drawn to this match.
Naomi is ready for a push


Maybe if this was 2010. With girls like Paige, AJ, Emma (if she regains her push), Summer Rae, and Natalya all on the same roster as her.... You have GOT to be joking.

she was supposed to win the Diva's title until Akzana dropped her knee on Naomi's eye.

Yep, that's exactly what happened.... :rolleyes:

Naomi is terrible. She is untalended and a waste of a roster spot. So is Cameron. Very few people will care whatsoever about this match. It's pointless to even have.

So yeah she DOESNT suck.

Yes, she does. Do you even watch the divas matches? She doesn't even have a fraction of the talent that Summer Rae does, let alone Paige or AJ.

Cameron brings WWE money for Total Diva's because of her attitude she portrays. That right there might make her win.

So what? That show is horrendous. I tried to give it a chance for 10 minutes and regret losing 10 minutes of my life that I will never get back. They can have her on that show and on the main roster without having her get pushed. Same goes for the Bellas, but that is a whole other topic. Both Cameron and Naomi are useless. Very few people are going to care about this match. Hornswoggle VS Torito was a better idea than this, and that is saying a lot. Cameron is slightly more useless than Naomi, she shouldn't even be employed by the WWE. Need I bring up the fact again that her favorite match of all time was an equally useless match between Alicia Fox and Melina from 4 years ago? This match is guaranteed to suck and the winner does not matter, they both suck. I only picked Naomi to win for the reasons I have already stated.
Yeah, can't say that I like where this is going. I too think that Naomi is being burdened by Cameron, and while I would be intrigued by the prospect of her going solo, I have a feeling that this will be the same situation as with that happened to Titus when he broke up the Prime Time Players. Whoever wins the feud goes on to the low card (and I'm saying low card on the divas division. Like where Emma hangs out), and the other one is completely forgotten. These breakups of teams rarely work when they aren't a team people are invested in. Its not like the funkadactyls were tag team champs or anything, they were just the entourage for other less impressive male wrestlers. While Cameron has been working to get heat, Naomi hasn't exactly done much to get the people on her side. We're just supposed to cheer for her because Cameron's mean? Yeah, that doesn't work for me.

To WWE's credit, it is a kickoff show match with a feud behind it. Remember when we used to just get Ziggler facing off against a low-card heel nobody cares about? I'll take an unimpressive feud any day over a useless match.
Well finally there is a non-title divas match with meaning & story & a big rivalry between 2 divas.
I really hoped that this was on the main card but there is just no other announced match that can be relegated to the kickoff.
But these 2 divas will do a great job setting the tone up before the show starts,

My Prediction {hopefully}: Naomi wins via a pinfall but the feud continues.

Maybe if this was 2010. With girls like Paige, AJ, Emma (if she regains her push), Summer Rae, and Natalya all on the same roster as her.... You have GOT to be joking.

Yep, that's exactly what happened.... :rolleyes:

Naomi is terrible. She is untalended and a waste of a roster spot. So is Cameron. Very few people will care whatsoever about this match. It's pointless to even have.

Yes, she does. Do you even watch the divas matches? She doesn't even have a fraction of the talent that Summer Rae does, let alone Paige or AJ.

So what? That show is horrendous. I tried to give it a chance for 10 minutes and regret losing 10 minutes of my life that I will never get back. They can have her on that show and on the main roster without having her get pushed. Same goes for the Bellas, but that is a whole other topic. Both Cameron and Naomi are useless. Very few people are going to care about this match. Hornswoggle VS Torito was a better idea than this, and that is saying a lot. Cameron is slightly more useless than Naomi, she shouldn't even be employed by the WWE. Need I bring up the fact again that her favorite match of all time was an equally useless match between Alicia Fox and Melina from 4 years ago? This match is guaranteed to suck and the winner does not matter, they both suck. I only picked Naomi to win for the reasons I have already stated.

See. All of this ^^^ is someone who hates women. I actually do watch the Diva's match because I watch all of Monday Night Raw. I've been a fan of Naomi since she was on Nxt Season 3. If you're going to hate on 2 women (one of them doesn't deserve the hate) then you're an idiot and you're obviously not basing your opinion on their actual talent. Or you just don't know what talent is. I don't waste my time with people who act like they know everything but actually know nothing at all except their own opinion.
See. All of this ^^^ is someone who hates women. I actually do watch the Diva's match because I watch all of Monday Night Raw. I've been a fan of Naomi since she was on Nxt Season 3. If you're going to hate on 2 women (one of them doesn't deserve the hate) then you're an idiot and you're obviously not basing your opinion on their actual talent. Or you just don't know what talent is. I don't waste my time with people who act like they know everything but actually know nothing at all except their own opinion.

I do not hate women. I have many friends who are female and there is a very large number of women who I respect. If you read my entire post you would see how I have put my support behind very talented female wrestlers. AJ, Paige, Emma, Summer Rae, and Natalya are wrestlers I am a fan of, who just happen to be women. I do not hate any of them. I watch all of Raw too including divas matches unless something very idiotic goes on. Same goes for Smackdown and NXT. I enjoy womens WRESTLING. Beth Phoenix, Michelle McCool, Lita, Kaitlyn, Mickie James, Kharma, Trish Stratus, and more. Heck, I'm one of the biggest Trish Stratus marks on this forum. I like several women wrestlers from the past and present. So, nice try. Thanks for playing. Do your damn research next time and read someone's full post before jumping to idiotic conclusions. This match is a waste of time because the wrestlers involved suck. Their gender has NOTHING to do with it. NOTHING! If I call a wrestler useless it is due to a lack of talent.
Naomi is very athletic but that doesn't always translate to good wrestling.
Cameron has nothing going for her except some people find her attractive. She's an abysmal "talent".
Once this feud is over I wouldn't be shocked if she was sent back down to NXT for more training and repackaging.

The only upside to this match is that it could mark the end of their "feud". There's quite a bit of Diva time on Raw as it is.




Leyla/Summer Although I think this one is over after what happened on Raw.

So bumping Naomi and Cameron off after the pay per view wouldn't hurt the Divas division in any way and it could open up room for a new program. There's no downside.
Again, little harsh on Naomi I think. Not even close to terrible. Night and day between her and someone like Eva Marie. Not saying she's the best thing since sliced bread, but I wish they would make her a much more credible title threat rather than accentuating the whole "booty" thing which massively takes away from the actual ability she has. I'm sure they'll drag this feud on for Total Divas, but I can at least hope this is a one and done feud and that Naomi beats the hell out of Minaj, I mean Cameron. Now if you want to talk about no talent, Cameron is exhibit A.
Cant stand either, could not be made to care about either if they showed up at my front door naked with a backpack full of 100$ bills and milkshakes for me.

Naomi is decently skilled, but inexperienced. Cameron is awful. Waste of time.
Just look at those two in the poster! It makes you want to turn the TV or computer off and do something more productive with your life instead. Maybe that's the hidden meaning behind this match, who knows?

Checked out the results on Wikipedia, and Cameron won. Can you believe it? Can you fucking believe it? WTF is this sorcery? Are they gonna stretch this piece of shit feud till SummerSlam? Cameron's acting is horrendous, her wrestling isn't good either, and she has a bad track record off-screen as well. She is the most un-talented diva in the roster right now, and she goes over the one that you are trying to push as #3 in the division! Seeing Naomi's good nature (not sure if really that good a person or only kayfabe, but anyway) helps a lot, and so does watching her training with Jimmy Uso and trying to learn more. Plus her wrestling with one eye closed many times is also praiseworthy. But Cameron- ugh!
Naomi should have won this and advanced to the AJ-Paige feud, somewhat like Roman Reigns is in the WWE-WHC picture. Something like "I don't care about the frenemy or whatever you two have going on, I'm just here to kick your asses and win that title."

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